From A Fellow
Earthling - Part 3

By Paul J. Burgess
©2004 All Rights Reserved
Another crying session? More pain in my throat and my chest? Shortness of breath: Again? NO! Not this time. This time, I'm too mad to cry. I've been putting myself through hell lately. Not by choice but by personal need. I find the guilt of trying to put things out of my mind, truly unbearable. I have no right to do that. I am a human being the same as any other human being on this planet. We differ only in personalities, cultures and beliefs.
I do not have to see Caucasian casualties of this sick, illegal war to feel empathy. I do not have to see western houses with roofs and chimney's and neat little gardens getting bombed to understand how horrific and dehumanising it must be to lose your HOME and everything inside it. How would I feel?
How would I feel if I was sitting in my home, afraid of the noise and commotion outside, cowering in a corner? If there were suddenly a blinding flash and I felt pain all over my body, but I couldn't see around me? If I became aware of someone screaming, and then realized it was me? If I could hear my loved ones, my cats screaming in agony somewhere close by but I couldn't move to help them? If I suddenly knew I was going to die in a few moments, alone and in unbearable pain? In the name of HUMANITY!! What are we doing? Why are we allowing this? What on earth can we do about it?
Well, first, it all has to be clear in your head, how wrong and unjustified this war is. Let's take the dictionary definition of the word, 'Terrorism':
Terrorism = the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
Source =
In the so called fight against Terrorism, America is becoming the biggest perpetrator of it!
Even George W. Bush HIMSELF in September 2000 said:
"I just don't think it's the role of the United States to walk into a country and say, we do it this way, so should you"
(Source: part 3, 'The Power of Nightmares', by Adam Curtis)
So, what the hell is he doing keeping this nightmare alive? It would seem that many if not most of the Iraqi people do not want this forced democracy. Why is this being allowed? Who are the actual terrorists when you apply the correct definition to the word?
The setting up of laws and rules that prevent us from having the freedom to even discuss things is too easy for the ones in power. Ariel Sharon, Dubya and his gang of neococks, all happily revelling on their blissfully self perpetuating power trip. This small group of bully boys who needed a position of political power to become the bullies they had always dreamed of being. We huddle in groups and talk about their wrongs, but this isn't school anymore. There is no headmaster; there are no teachers to tell. The only people with authority are the bullies themselves.
They number in their dozens. We, the people of the world, number in our millions. Why should we even tolerate one more month of this? Why even a week? Why a day?
This is an illegal war in which too many Iraqi citizens, US soldiers, UK soldiers and countless other FELLOW EARTHLINGS have already been slaughtered. All because the 'BURNING BUSH' is actually the most fearsome Terrorist around.
By Official Definition!
"Many neoconservatives like Wolfowitz, (Cheney and Rumsfeld) are disciples of a philosopher who believed that the elite should use deception, religious fervour and perpetual war to control the ignorant masses." The Political Science Philosophies of Leo Strauss can be read in part, here:
Their plan seems to be working perfectly. Only we masses are not quite so ignorant anymore. We have woken up to what is being done to us and our world. We are no longer happy with the way things are being done and we have the power to stop it. What we say matters. WE MATTER!
It doesn't make sense for so many millions of us to tolerate the obvious wrongs of these relatively microscopic men in suits anymore. That's all they are. Men in suits with too much power. Too many ulterior motives for their actions. Too much say in the way we all live our lives and treat our planet. They are BULLIES, dressed in suits!
They do not have our best interests at heart. Only their own gain. Be it oil, more land, fewer rivals, financial reward or simply more power. It is all about THEM not US! Why do things so obvious take so long for enough of us to see? OBESITY of the conscience!! People forget that the brain is a muscle which requires regular exercise the same as any other muscle.
If you do a set of bodily exercises every day, but the routine never changes and you only ever do the same number, they will soon become ineffective. All you will have is the fact that you KNOW the routine really well. You can do it now without timing. It becomes an Autopilot attribute!
It's the same with the mind. It needs nourishment, change, exercises. New challenges regularly. Adapted routines. Uncomfortable compromises even. Maybe that's why some are still so blinkered? Maybe they expect truth and honesty to be instantly acceptable and comfortable? Why are some people simply not prepared to put the effort required into opening their minds?
Maybe because the BIG PICTURE is too scary? When we are small children, we stick close to our homes even when we are allowed free time outdoors. Why? Because it is what we know. Do you remember a time when relatively short distances seemed so vast? Take a route you took regularly as a child and see how short a distance it now seems. A shortcut, feared as a child is taken with ease as an adult. There was no monster there after all!! Fear is a great oppressor.
If we don't band together soon as the fellow earthlings we truly are, then corruption, bigotry, lies, corporate dominance, war, military control and a band of BULLIES in suits will gain complete control. We will no longer have a say. We need to work fast and we need to tackle EVERYTHING. Head On!!
I'm being very real and very honest with myself here now and I suggest you do the same. If I had been a Jewish 'fellow earthling' who survived the second world war, If I had the chance to claim reparations for lost family members and there was no proof needed of the family members I had lost, would I have added fictional family members to my claim in order to get more money?
YES!! Of course I would. Sorry, but I'm only human. I would have had no idea of where this would all lead. I wouldn't know that the number of Jews killed would be a subject still bitterly debated 50 years on.
The fact is that most of us, or at least many of us would have taken the opportunity to have a much better life. It is completely understandable that this would have happened. It is just no longer acceptable for the lies to perpetuate. The truth must out, but no malice should be shown to those who took advantage of a situation because they could. We have to define that the lies are understandable, but no longer acceptable, and they must stop.
This is only one of the dozens of recent claims from only one organization here in the UK (there are thousands of these worldwide):
"Austrian Jewish victims of Nazi persecution now have until 30 June 2004 to apply for a $7,000 (approx. £4,500) payment from the Austrian National Fund in respect of loss of rental apartments, business leases, household furniture and personal belongings. Eligible to receive an award are Austrian Nazi victims who were living in Austria at the time of the Anschluss (12 March 1938). Heirs of persecutees can apply only if the victim died on or after 24 October 2000."
Also see:
We have to define that the lies are understandable, but no longer acceptable, and they must stop.
HEMP, that most sturdy and resourceful of crops. With its seemingly endless uses and it's incredible durability. A real economic life saver that could help the world so much and in so many ways. Yet the political, racist ranting of Harry J. Anslinger, a leading advocate of Marijuana Prohibition, still hold prohibition firmly in place.
In 1937 Anslinger testified before Congress in favour of Marijuana Prohibition by saying:
"Marijuana is the most violence causing drug in the history of mankind." "Most marijuana smokers are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes."
Marijuana Prohibition is founded on lies and rooted in racism, prejudice, and ignorance. We have to define that the lies are no longer acceptable, and they must stop.
"If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction, were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the greenhouse effect and stop deforestation; then there is only one known annually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world's paper and textiles; meet all of the world's transportation, industrial and home energy needs, while simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time... and that substance is the same one that has done it before . . . CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA!"
We have to define that the lies are no longer acceptable, and they must stop
If we landed on the moon as much of the world still believes, then why is there footage, (dated three days into the flight), that shows the Apollo 11 crew using simple trick photography? Why would this footage show the earth being filmed through a round window from inside Apollo 11, (the ship clearly in low earth orbit), with a camera set at a distance from the window and all other light sources switched off or blacked out? Why would they then place crescent shaped blocks into the window frame to add an 'earthrise'? Why would ground control be telling them how to do this?
Why would one of the astronauts during a televised communication explain that this earth shot is being obtained by setting the camera up with its lens to the glass of the window, when the unedited footage clearly shows the positions of the window and camera to be at opposite sides of the ship? Why is part of this footage dated on the day they were supposed to have landed on the moon? Why on this dated footage are the astronauts STILL in low earth orbit, clearly shown when the lights are returned?
"An investigative journalist uncovers a 31-year-old mislabelled, unedited reel of footage (dated three days into the flight) that shows the Apollo 11 crew falsifying part of their photography! This exclusive footage is only available in "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon." When Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin (the one believed to have shot the bogus footage) was recently shown the tape he said, "Well you're talking to the wrong guy! Why don't you talk to the administrator at NASA? We're passengers!" He then threatened to sue us if we showed it publicly."
"The goal was to fool the Soviet Union about US strategic capability during the height of the cold war. Deceit, Greed and Injustice... A sad thing happened on the way to the moon. The truth will astound you!"
Speaking of NASA, isn't it just possible that if something major was discovered on a distant planet, they wouldn't be rushing to the nearest news station to let us all know? Mars Odyssey 2001 may have revealed a lot more than they had bargained for. The infrared images and the consequent analysis by Richard C. Hoagland are really worth looking at. These THEMIS images of Cydonia and the amazing City under the Ice could be our warning. Is that really a city like many earth cities now, buried under the dust and ice of Mars and only viewable through infrared, (ground penetrating), imagery? If it is, what happened? Is that our future? Is it the consequence of Global Warming? We need to know and we need to know now!
We have to define that the lies and/or withholding of information are no longer acceptable, and they must stop.
I highly recommend that as many people as possible see the film, NETWORK (1976). A brilliant film made as a spoof in its day, but more of an accurate expose of the world of media today. A frightening quote from the film is a speech by the TV executive, (played by Ned Beatty), he says:
"There are no nations. There are no ideologies. There are only IBM, ITT, and AT&T ... We re living in a world of businesses! The WORLD is a business!"
My favourite part of the film is a speech executed with fine powerhouse acting by Howard Beal, (Peter Finch), "the apocalyptic prophet of the airways". He arrives at the studio after walking through the rain in his pj's and a raincoat. Soaked to the skin he sits down in front of the camera and is almost immediately cued. He states:
"I don't have to tell you that things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth. Banks are going bust. Shopkeeper's keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the streets and there's nobody anywhere seems to know what to do and there's no end to it!
We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. We sit watching our TV's while some local newscaster tells us that today we had 15 homicides and 63 violent crimes. AS IF THAT'S THE WAY IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE!
We know things are bad. Worse than bad, they're crazy! It's like everything everywhere is going crazy so we don't go out anymore. We sit in the house and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller and all we can say is please leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV's and my steel belted radios and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone!
Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to GET MAD! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first: You've got to GET MAD!
You've got to say: "I'M A HUMAN BEING GODDAMIT. MY LIFE HAS VALUE!! I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now, go to the window, open it and stick your head out and yell:
It's worth having as a personal mantra even if you could never shout it out of your window. Which I highly recommend by the way.
This is to be my final article in the 'From A Fellow Earthling' series. Which is now and shall ever remain an online trilogy. The title, 'From A Fellow Earthling', will likely be the title of the book which I am currently working on and should have completed by early 2005.
I will continue to write articles and, Jeff kindly permitting will always post them here as well as on my own forum. Visits more than welcome:
Paul J. Burgess
UK writer, actor and entertainer
Hi Paul,
After reading From A Fellow Earthling including your political views I found it fascinating and read every word. You have a gift to put down on paper so that anyone of all levels of education can grasp what you are saying including myself with a 8th grade level.
This article moved me so much I had to write you. The word (Autopilot) was very fitting. I am curios to know if anymore writings or book will be coming out in the near future?
Dear Paul,
I just completed reading your article "From A fellow Earthling..." on and was truly moved by it. You have taken everything I think and feel about America and its citizens, and concisely reflected it as though I had written it myself.
Hi Paul,
Thank you for taking the time to write your very powerful article on
Your letter demonstrates that the process of waking up the population is
here and now. It is happening. Things are getting better because in our
world hearing negative truths IS a progressive step towards a more
harmonious existence.
Your gift of heartfelt writing is just that; a gift for you and for your
readers. Keep up the good fight.
Mr. Burgess,
I just read your message from a fellow earthling which has been
posted on the Jeff Rense web site. I found it to be very eloquently
said and an honest oipinion and assessment of the current situation.
Hello Paul,
I read your piece From A Fellow Earthling... , and I think it's a brilliant piece of writing!
It's all brief and clear and to the point.
Dear Paul,
I want to congratulate you on writing such a good article. I must say, you
article is one of the most moving and truthful things I have read in a long
time. I cannot begin to tell you how I feel about it.
Paul, "Autopilot" is an awesome roundup of how it is. Thank you.
Best wishes,
John Kaminski
Hi Paul
Read your article on and feel I had to drop you an email.
You are one of those rare people in the U.K who have actually opened there eyes to what is going on around them. Well done for a great piece of writing.
Your article... letter.... plea.... HONESTY: is refreshing and welcomed. Thank you for inhabiting the same planet. Let's work hard to make sure that there IS a planet EARTH to continue to inhabit, pass on to future generations and enjoy.....
Hi - I loved your article. As a fellow earthling, I thank you for your candid sincerity.
Dear Paul,
I really have to commend you for the post you made about the current state of the USA and your feelings. No one has come as close to being right as you have. Bravo for taking the time to type all that out, and thank you for being one of the few who actually sees what is happening in the world. Honestly I cannot stress enough how grateful I am that you would take the time to type all this out, I have subsequently printed out quite a few copies and will be distributing them to a number of people around my campus. Once again, and before it becomes boringly repetitive, Congratulations and thank you.
Mr. Burgess,
I would just like to write you and say that I saw your article on Now that I have just read your second article, I am even more impressed. I would simply like to tell you that you are a very intelligent, interesting, and respectable person. I admire your view on the world, and your view on the "autopilot" that major countries such as America and the UK are coming to. I respect you and your opinions a great deal, and your articles have meant a lot to me, (the younger, more open-minded generation of America).



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