Denial Of Reality Attack

Renegade Patriot
Each week I realize how much deeper we are, how much like pre-WWII Germany we've become, and we're actually talking about the exact same things the more aware German citizens (especially the Jews) talked about then. They saw the growing darkness mostly as it was, not fooled by the distractions, because they were intellectually connected to the ongoing events as they happened, seeing them for what they really were. They fought to get the blinded people to understand what was right in front of their eyes.
Although they didn't have the advantage of a huge, fairly recent historical example that matched it almost edict for edict. We do. And that scares me even more deeply, that it was our very own grandparents who fought against what we (and I mean the average Joe Sixpacks) are now supporting.
All They needed was two out of the three groups of people...
1. The un- and under-educated (non-critical thinkers)
2. The "educated" but unaware (more non-critical thinkers)
3. The educated and self-educated, and very much aware (The whole Rense posse and others just like us)
They got the first two groups to believe their Bushit, which is a slight majority if you pad the electronic votes in just the right counties.
We're staring Nazi Amerika in the face and not only are half the people oblivious, but even among those of us in the third group, many of us including readers and writers of these events, are afraid to do more than pussyfoot around the deepest danger of it all, afraid to call it what it really is... Religious NeoFascism.
Democratic ideals have been hijacked, even Republican conservative ideals have been hijacked, just like the Communism concept was hijacked by totalitarians, just like the fundamentalists have hijacked their respective religions, Christian AND Muslim AND Islamic.
Why can't even WE, those who UNDERSTAND what we're looking at, come to terms with speaking of this reality in plain language? Because until we do, we will continue to lose. Just like the theatrical example of the Democratic party, we'll continue to be whipped like a dog, scampering away from defeat as the new jackboots (our own children!) march across the face of the Earth, destroying all, in OUR names.
Face it, people, or forget it.
-- Renegade Patriot
The Revolution Has Barely Begun...



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