Wake Up, Michael Moore

From Guy Williams
Mr. Moore,
Though I appreciate your humor in general, this time it reminds me of Charlie Chaplin starring in the movie, The Great Dictator (1940), which he did to ridicule Hitler. Mr. Chaplin later lamented doing this movie because he did not take Hitler's threat to world peace seriously.
The 2004 election was stolen through vote fraud.
You seemed to miss this vote fraud issue in your humor. Why? There were negative vote counts. There was a county in Ohio where 638 people voted yet Bush received over 4200 votes. There were over 2,000,000 people disenfranchised in Florida. There was a machine in Florida that counted up to around 67,000 and then started counting backwards. In predominantly Black/Democratic areas, there were too few machines to use and some people stood in line for up to NINE hours to vote. Every single state which used electronic voting machines experienced problems, some major.
The stories of vote fraud in this election are so numerous, that one cannot keep count anymore. The documentary ( has been hacked offline. Is there something Americans should not know?
Maybe you are not aware that there is a relationship between voting machine companies and defense contractors. As pointed out in the article Democracy Fails: Corporations Win by Peter Phillips (, "The real winners November 2 are the military industrial complex, who will continue to feed at the 500 billion-dollar military trough and the corporate media, whose coffers were filled with billions of dollars for campaign ads."
Interesting, huh? He further writes, " And can we be sure we actually had a fair election among those who did vote? Election Systems & Software (ES&S), Diebold, and Sequoia are the companies primarily involved in implementing the new voting stations throughout the country. All three have strong ties to the Bush Administration. The largest investors in ES&S, Sequoia, and Diebold are government defense contractors Northrup-Grumman, Lockheed-Martin, Electronic Data Systems (EDS) and Accenture. Diebold hired Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC) of San Diego to develop the software security in their voting machines."
(And Accenture, if I recall, used to be Andersen Consulting which was involved in the Enron debacle. So they changed their name and moved offshore.)
I'm sure you're aware that defense contractors generate revenue by developing weapons. And that we need wars to use weapons in thereby generating the need for more weapons.. The article, Neo-Con Agenda: Iran, China, Russia, Latin America... by Jim Lobe ( outlines the wars to be fought over the next few years in the name of "freedom". Frank Gaffney, the founder and president of the Center for Security Policy developed the list of items the administration should follow. 'These items do not represent some sort of neo-con 'imperialist' game plan'', Gaffney stressed. ''Rather, they constitute a checklist of the work the world will demand of this president and his subordinates in a second term.''
A "checklist". Hmmmm.... "[W]ork the world will demand [sic] of this president..." Oh, really?
The first item on Gaffney's list is the destruction of Fallujah. Fallujah reminds me of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising in World War II. I need not remind you how that ended. Gaffney also calls for ''regime change -- one way or another -- in Iran and North Korea, the only hope for preventing these remaining 'Axis of Evil' states from fully realizing their terrorist and nuclear ambitions.'' This is his second item. He also mentions Russia, China, and Latin America.
Remember Bush stating emphatically during the town hall debate that there would be no draft? We do not have the troops in the armed forces to realize Gaffney's deluded dreams. Do you think there will be another phony terrorist attack on US soil to stir up the masses to blindly strike out and kill anyone the administration wants killed while we wrap ourselves in the American flag?
The destruction of Fallujah is occurring as I write this comfortably ensconced in my California abode. This is item number one on Gaffney's list. As reported by the Guardian, US ready for Falluja assault (,2763,1345049,00.html), Scotland Today, American Marines attack Fallujah (, the BBC, US strikes raze Falluja hospital (, and TruthOut, 10,000 GIs Ring Fallujah in Preparation for Massive Battle (, the US is being quite successful in liberating more Iraqis.
My main concern as a result of this "second selection" of Bush is for the children of this and other countries, specifically, my nieces. I wonder what will happen with the draft. What kind of country consumes their youngest and finest for pure profit? What kind of parents cannibilize their children to save themselves? What kind of nation spreads freedom and democracy by bombing and killing others? How many of Americas children, young and old, will die in these delusional wars for "freedom"? What kind of nation endorses torture?
Although you write about the need for surprise in 2008 to take the country back, you're assuming that our Republic and this democracy is still functioning. It is not. It is in intensive care and the prognosis is not good.
Mr. Moore, I feel that the savior for our nations ills, and that of the world, lay in the spiritual. It does not come by preaching moral values but by living and exemplifying them. We cannot spread peace through bombs and suffering. We must live peacefully ourselves. We cannot condemn those who are different than us. We can accept our differences and grow and mature. We cannot strike out because we think someone looked at us in a funny way or speaks with an accent or in another language.. We cannot strike out at other countries because we think, maybe, they might, sometime in the future, do something we do not like. Pre-emptive attacks do not a democracy make.
You, as a film maker have tremendous power you can wield.
You can show that the Osama bin Laden tapes were faked. You can show by frame analysis and capture that these are different people speaking. You can show the obituary and funeral service information that appeared in the Egyptian media several years ago regarding bin Laden's death and that al-Zarqwari is dead, too. You can point out the relationship between dead, nonexistent terrorists and Emmanuel Goldstein in George Orwell's prescient book,1984. Thomas Jefferson defined terrorism as "a mode of government by terror or intimidation."
You can show the glaring discrepancies in the Nick Berg decapitation video and that Nick Berg worked at Abu Ghraib prison. You can publicize the Project for a New American Century ( and the report they published, Rebuilding America's Defenses (, which on page 51 calls for a new Pearl Harbor.
You can document the three lawsuits against the entire Bush administration, the ones by William "Willie" Rodriguez and Ellen Mariani ( and Stanley Hilton's lawsuit ( Hilton represents over 400 9/11 families and, having deposed numerous military personnel, has evidence Bush signed the order for 9/11.
You have the ability to show that American corporate media is under no compulsion to report the truth. ( They are only beholden to their advertisers and must keep people viewing and not thinking. You can show that they prey upon people's "victimhood".
You have the ability to document and publicize these underreported stories. If Americans knew more of what was happening around them, things might change overnight. As Thomas Jefferson stated, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Even Patrick Henry stated, "For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it." This is part of his Give me Liberty or Give me Death speech. (
Recently, I listened Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "Beyond Vietnam" address he gave at Riverside Church in April 1967. (
How utterly timely this speech is for today. Dr. King closed by saying, "If we but make the right choice, we will be able to speed up the day, all over America and all over the world, when justice will roll down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."
Charlie Chaplin was not happy with the choice he made. Are you?
Guy Williams



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