Citadels Of Chaos

From Eli Cohen
New Jersey
Dear Mr. Rense,
As someone who remembers WW2 very well, may I humbly indicate to your educated and highly informed readers that the current lies by the White House regarding Iraq, were a precise copy of WW2 events.
I am enclosing a relevant article.
Thanks, Eli Cohen New Jersey
From Sweet
First, we're excerpting from Cornelius Veith's book, Citadels of Chaos, wherein he excerpts a speech from Senator Books of Illinois, regarding the lies that FDR told to the U.S. Congress and the American people surrounding the unlawful and unConstitutional activities involving America in WWII before there was ever a declaration of war by the Congress.
We're then going to follow this short excerpt with a more detailed excerpt of the speech Adolf Hitler made to the Reichstag on December 11, 1941, declaring war on the United States. You'll hear Adolf Hitler confirm Senator Books' allegations, in his relating the course of actions taken against Germany by the U.S.
It occurred to me as this was being prepared in tandem to the Pearl Harbor report, that we would have no reason to believe the majority of the U.S. Congressmen had any more factual information than did the American people. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free". Jesus, the Christ CITADELS OF CHAOS
By Cornelius Carl Veith Page 298
The steps (short of war) were, as he knew, steps to war.
These steps as listed by Senator Books of Illinois were as follows:
1) We passed a law called the Neutrality Law. That was to prevent our getting into their next war. And in the short span of a few minutes, all the promises that we would stay out of war and the pretext of building our own national defense, we quickened our step. . .
2) We changed our Neutrality Law to sell goods to those people fighting for liberty. But, to obtain that change in the law, both the Executive Branch and Members of Congress pledged that all sales would be for cash and carry, and that it would keep war away from our shore.
3) Then came the original Conscription Bill. They said it was only for our own defense. The Administration and Members of congress pledged that these men would be taken only for one year, and that they would not be taken beyond the limits of the Western Hemisphere. Who could be so unpatriotic as not to be willing to serve one year to prepare himself to protect our home and our shore? It was a pledge and it was a promise. It was another step.
4) Then we were told that Britain needed our airplanes and our tanks, and that we must sell them to them even though we didn't have enough to train the men that we were calling into service. But that was done.
5) The law forbid our selling these war implements, but we got around the law by calling them obsolete even though they were of our latest design and the best we had. Still they found a way to sell them. They said it was to keep war away from our shores.
6) Then Britain said she needed our destroyers. The law forbid it. But we called them obsolete, too. And we were told that we were trading them for bases. Britain got our ships. We got the right to negotiate for and to purchase bases and to pay for them with cash.
7) Then came the Lend-Lease Bill. They said it was needed to prevent our becoming involved in the war. Some of us who opposed it said that if one man, namely the President, was given all the power to distribute our military and naval equipment throughout the world, that it was bound to involve us because he would naturally ask them what they needed it for, and to set in and advise them in the conduct of war, which naturally would involve us. We were assured that this would not happen. [For details on how Lend-Lease was used to prop up the Soviet Union, read From Major Jordan's Diaries. It's a small book, that will have you gasping with disbelief, and to our knowledge, today it's out of print.]
8) Then came the problem of production, and a priority system was established. Certain strategic materials were curtailed, and our factories throughout the country began even then to feel that they would soon be faced with shortages that might result in losses or even closing down of their plants completely. But they were told it was to keep us out of war.
9) Then the Chief Executive ordered ships of the countries of the world, who were fighting those we chose to aide, seized in our harbor. Then Congress was again asked to pass a law to give authority for that which had already been done. Another step. But of course, they said, to keep us out of war.
10) The United States Army moved in on men who were striking for a living wage in a factory that produced airplanes, 90% of which were being sent across the ocean. There was no authority to move the army with fixed bayonets into an industrial plant, but after the deed was done, Congress was asked to pass a seizure-bill, and in the Senate it was intimated that we were not backing up our President when we wrote an amendment which merely required that the management and labor be given ample time to conduct negotiations before the army was used to seize the plant. But it was to keep us out of war.
11) Then we find suddenly that our troops are in Iceland ? outside of the Western Hemisphere. Although we were told we were to take over Iceland and protect its people, we find that our soldiers were participating with the British troops there ? outside the Western Hemisphere. They say again it is for national defense and to keep us out of war.
Then we find that boys who were drafted from their homes, from their work, under the promise in the law for only one-year service have been sent, some of them, to the bases where those in authority knew at the time that they were sending them that they could not keep faith with those boys and return them within the year.
12) Then they came to Congress again and asked for authority for things that they had already done. What authority did they ask for? To remove the restrictions of the laws so that men could be sent anywhere the Commander-in-Chief wished to send them beyond the Western Hemisphere, and, more ? they asked to have every restriction removed as to the number that could be drafted, and they asked to have the restrictions also removed as to the limit as to the time of their service.
Then came an ultimatum first to Germany and afterwards to Japan. After the ultimatums came the shoot-on-sight order, followed by the news that the shooting has started. That was the end Roosevelt had in view. All the while he was guaranteeing his leadership as a course calculated to keep us out of war. [end excerpt]



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