- Can anyone but a fool now believe John Kerry was not
planning to throw this election from the start? Any doubts should have
been ditched Wednesday morning after he stabbed his running mate in the
back, the latter whom boldly promised no concession would be quickly forthcoming
mere hours before.
Millions of Democrats - Kerry supporters - feel intense betrayal from "their"
candidate's inability to keep a simple but essential promise: to assure
that every person's vote would count, to not give up until all votes were
A huge percentage of the electorate is today disillusioned, not just because
a wholly criminal element is assured more years to work its evil, but that
their hundreds of millions of dollars, tens of thousands of hours of labors,
creativity, honesty, hope, was flushed down the hole by a short, entirely
premature, possibly never necessary phone call by John Kerry.
George W. Bush & John Kerry, fraternal members of a most-secret brotherhood,
Skull & Bones, with bizarre rituals and sinister oaths we have only
glimpses of. Would such brothers really oppose each other?
Kerry has single-handedly shattered the hopes of tens of millions. Is this
accidental? Is this an unavoidable consequence of trying to "heal
the divide" amongst Americans?
Those of us who have studied American government and understand how things
truly work believe it is neither accidental nor unavoidable. The Democratic
Party was the last major institutional bulwark to the Neo-Con Artist Money-Making
Murder Machine. Kerry has deliberately given himself, and by consequential
implication, the Democratic Party a blinding sheen of treachery, of broken
promises, indeed of even providing Bush's accusations of "Flip-Flopping"
overwhelming weight.
The thinking and caring American will come to realize that the System cannot
and will not allow effective, meaningful opposition. Kerry, a long-time
fixture of its elite, has utterly smashed a potential mechanism to oppose
the un-American, anti-human crusade of the current and future "administration."
- The future of America is now in the hands of Fate, but
also individual Americans. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice,
shame on me." I believe Providence will judge America's future by
the actions of the thinking and caring who can and perhaps will organize
themselves around smaller nuclei, especially those independent leaders,
presidential candidates, who were arrested for daring to be included in
the so-called presidential "debates."
- God Bless America. May, God Help Us.