Gasoline Not Yet $3.50+
A Gallon? Why?

By Ted Twietmeyer
It's amazing no one has asked this question about gasoline (fuel oil, diesel and propane will also follow what's to come.) Squeezing the American people, is like slowly stepping on one of those plastic-packaged catsup packs you get at McDonalds. Inevitably something will rupture and burst out. Its just a matter of time. Oil and war are two sides of the same coin.
Just watch the price of gasoline climb to $4.00 a gallon immediately after the election. And it won't matter WHO wins the election. We've all heard how gasoline and oil isn't controlled by the government, and how it was "de-regulated" back in the 70's. More lies. Past history proves that the tiniest increase in oil, is reflected at the pump almost immediately. But this hasn't happened in the past month.
The only real answer, is that the oil companies are being controlled by the lord bush. This does tend to confirm the fact that since his national emergency order signed a few days after 911, we have been under martial law. Otherwise, we would have already seen gas at over $3.00 a gallon. But perhaps The shrub fears pushing people too far.
We could actually see it reach gasoline reach a mind-numbing and wallet squeezing $4.00 a gallon or more. Remember there hasn't really been a good reason given to date, WHY this has happened. But if you read the globalist documents, you learn that they want people to live in compact cities drive very little, if at all. Unemployment, jobs that don't are not created and sky-high gasoline costs all help to make this happen.
No one in the media or anywhere else has asked WHY hasn't gasoline spiked much higher than it is.
The answer is simple - lord bush's re-election. Such prices wouldn't be forgiven by the masses. Especially if someone is on their way to a polling place to vote at a machine (that may not be rigged yet if mechanical) and they have to fill their car or truck !
When die-hard republicrats pull their wallet out to pay $50.00 to fill the gas tank on a compact car, or more than $100.00 to fill a tank on an SUV - they should keep these things in mind. Can anyone imagine spending $600.00 a month on gasoline ? IT CAN HAPPEN IN AMERICAN THIS YEAR. If you don't think so, think back to the 70's to when gasoline was 65 cents a gallon. In 1990 when is was about $1.50 still you would have laughed at anyone suggesting that gas could rise to over $2.00 a gallon AND STAY THERE. But you're not laughing now.
Remember republicrats supported the war to "go get those Arabs that attacked us." Now, was it the Taliban or the Al-Queada ? Confusing isn't it ? The line was blurred on both who the terrorists really are and who owns oil in Iraq. Remember how we were told a long time ago how "America will control the Iraq oil fields ? " The illusion of lower oil prices. Apparently the administration forgot to tell the American people they promised the oil to the UN, as Cheney finally announced some months ago. Today our roads have more SUVs, vans and pickup trucks than ever before. Next time you're sitting at a traffic light or driving on the open highway, look around you.
Here's my prediction as many have for November 2004: Bush will stay in the white house (big deal.) But the rabbit hole goes much deeper than that.
People will be trading, selling or giving away their gas hogs. Many are feeding them using plastic now. Compact cars will again become the conveyance of choice. A new war will break out shortly (most likely Iran) and perhaps before Nov. 1st. Everyone will be spoon-fed more BS why our fine young men and women must be sent overseas to a radioactive wasteland. To get DU poisoning, stop a bullet, try to grab a flying RPG with their bare hands before it hits their Hum-V, catch a mysterious unnamed biological illness or absorb chemical weapon fallout. Or be one of the unfortunate to be caught alone and unarmed, kidnapped and thrust before a camera t plead for your life by hooded cowards who threaten your beheading. When this happens, be sure not to thank Allah but thank the American dictator for the privilege.
Now, don't you just want to sign up for the army? Getting beheaded on a floor in a dusty, dirty, boiling hot god-forsaken land brings new meaning to the word "serve." Could any of this be the reason why recruiters have only made 45% of their quota recently ? Of course not. Everyone is supposed to BLINDLY sign up to enter the USA meat grinder, and be promised BS for the high-tech non-existent "job" they will be trained for. These "job" promises are rarely kept - just ask those in Iraq. And the 50% VA cuts are coming in November, according to another "executive order" signed by the shrub. If you have pre-1995 war-related problems, the VA will NOT take care of you anymore. War is now the ultimate form of legal, fast population control...
Will it not take the draft to feed the bush oil/war machine ? Supposedly no politician wants this, yet more than 10 bills circulated on capitol hill to re-instate it. Because the Bush laundry list WHICH HE WILL PROCEED WITH after staying the white house, includes Iran, Syria and N. Korea. If Armageddon doesn't happen first in the mid-east. Syria may be a cakewalk, but it will be N. Korea that will result in full-scale nuclear war. They have a 2 million man army, long recognized around the world as extremely fierce and ruthless. And that's every other country in the world has left them alone. Except someone stupid enough to go swat at the hornet's nest. And now we have someone that stupid to do it. But it will be the American people that will do the swatting and do the paying for the dictator. Doesn't that make you want to run out and buy a flag ?
With America's borders having the water holding ability of a spaghetti strainer, it would be a simple thing for the N. Koreans to enter the US. Of course, we won't have the draft in America. The 16,000 local draft board positions in all 50 states were filled because some bureaucrat had nothing else to do. No draft of course.
And let's not forget those roadside bombs. More than likely being built with the missing 380 tons of high explosives that were *never* in that storage building. Even though these were described in detail by the pentagon more than a year ago when first found during the war. After all, the army always put a wire seal on the doors of an empty building.
Vietnam vets thought that agent orange was about the worst things anyone had to worry about if they didn't step on a land mine, standing beside a hand grenade that just fell on the ground without a pin in it, or stop a bullet. Perhaps future administration-approved history books will describe "Turn of the millennium wars of the mid-east" with other more concise terms - "101 ways to die to feed your president's megalomania."
Or, "The glories of globalism - required suffering for forced worship of the dictator."
Let us now bow our heads. Let us remember the republicrat now in the white house (and who will still be there even if Kerry "wins") for the misery, unemployment, lost jobs never to return and inflation we are told is imaginary at the grocery store, the lies, the killing and so much more. We owe him our debt of gratitude for making LIFE SO DAMN MISERABLE for 280,000,000 Americans that never deserved it. Far worse than it needs to be. But then, perhaps the idea is to keep slowly squashing people like that catsup pack until something provide excuse to institute martial law and start filling those 200+ American POW camps with millions more innocent people. These camps exist in all 50 states now.
A life-long friend wrote me recently about why the people put up with all this. He is a graduate of American University in political science. I explained it took almost all of the last century using carefully planned dumbing-down and mind control to get people to become this unmotivated, uncaring AND stupid all at the same time.
So what's my point to all this ? What we see is social engineering taking place. Not just in America, but on a global level. The message according to Dr. Barnett, political scientist and pentagon adviser, is to fit in or be conquered. That entire dissertation of his about conquering globally is on It was trecorded from CPAN's "American Perspectives." The "American Empire" is the term the administration has used to describe it in the past. And it will encompass every facet of society, from the cost of oil to where people are forced to live, to population control. Don't you just love globalism ? After all, THEY know what's best for us.
But perhaps, they need to re-learn the lessons of ancient Rome. This take-all attitude just doesn't work in reality. Neither did the first, second or third Reichs.
So, it's off to the gas station for my eye test. I always try so hard to watch those blurred numbers and stop the pump at just the right time, but just can't seem to do that anymore.
Ted Twietmeyer



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