- Here's the real deal for the American worker: No pension,
no Social Security, jobs exported to India and China, welfare long gone
(thank Clinton), a future of endless war and an old age of dumpster diving.
- If we are to believe the folks who rail against the NWO
crowd, our rulers want to get rid of us, or a whole lot of us through forever
war, bioengineered disease, and orchestrated starvation. Hell, the way
things are going, Soylent Green looks like a distinct possibility. In Harry
Harrison's novel (and the lame Hollywood movie), people started eating
each around the year 2022. Mmmmm. Baby Boomer Fricassee with (GE modified)
mushrooms. I'll take seconds.
- But seriously. If you read the news you will discover
all manner of depressing facts and figures. For instance, US Airways told
their employees they will not pay their pensions. But that's not the startling
thing. Now it surely is a bummer for US Airways employees, but there was
something even more disturbing in the article -- the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corp., a government agency that supposedly guarantees traditional defined-benefit
pension plans, is severely in the red -- to the tune of around 11 billion
- In other words, if Joe Free Trade -- the guy who wants
to send your job to a Chinese labor gulag -- defaults on your pension there's
no money to make sure you don't starve to death when you retire, or are
"let go" because you're too old and sick to flip burgers or stock
shelves at Wal-Mart.
- Most of us should realize by now there will be no retirement.
Or Social Security. It will be work until you drop. Just like those sweatshop
workers in Indonesia or Vietnam. Just like it was in the good old days
of the Industrial Revolution in merry old England and right here in the
US of A. Look on the bright side: At least your kids don't have to work
12 hour a day, 6 days a week in a garment factory. Not yet, anyway.
- Remember, John Kerry voted for NAFTA, and Bill Clinton
said it would be a great deal for the American worker. Never mind that
all those factory jobs that went from Indiana and Pennsylvania to the Mexican
maquiladoras are now going to China. Maybe you'll want to think about that
in couple weeks when you go to cast your vote at the local school the Ministry
of Homeland Security tells us al-Qaeda wants to attack with dirty bombs.
- Best hope you have family to take care of you in your
dotage -- that is if they can afford to take care of you -- otherwise it
will be homelessness. I don't know about where you live, but around here
the police don't take kindly to homeless people, even grizzled homeless
people with Alzheimer's. Looks bad to the real estate investors. Besides,
it scares the crap out of the middle class folks driving around in their
SUVs because it reminds them what could happen if they lose their jobs
(sent to Shanghai) and bank accounts and homes. Nobody wants to be reminded
they are a paycheck or two away from homelessness, especially when they
are supposed to be casting a fly rod on Golden Pond.
- Consider what William Poole, president of the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, suggested the other day. He wants to edge up
the eligible retirement age for Social Security. Of course, as the president
of the Federal Reserve Bank, Poole doesn't have to worry about dumpster
diving in his old age as he waits to hit 100 or whatever the eligible retirement
age will be by the time this Baby Boomer is too old and enfeebled to work.
- Of course, it doesn't matter. Because there will be no
Social Security by the time I hit 70, let alone 100 or whatever the rich
people who rule us decide it will be. According to the so-called experts,
around 2018 or so existing payroll taxes just won't cover all the benefits
going out. Note: 2018 is precariously close to 2022, when Harry Harrison
has us dining on each other.
- Good old Alan Greenspan, that former Ayn Rand Libertarian
who sold his soul to become a central banker. Greenspan provided us with
a glimmer of our collective future (or those of us not members of the Fortune
500 millionaire and billionaire club) when he said a few weeks ago: "If
we have promised more than our economy has the ability to deliver to retirees
without unduly diminishing real income gains of workers, as I fear we may
have, we must recalibrate our public programs so that pending retirees
have time to adjust through other channels. If we delay, the adjustments
could be abrupt and painful."
- Translation: Bush and the neolibs have decided the rich
do not have to pay taxes and have no obligation to be socially responsible
in any way or form to those they have worked to the bone all these years.
- In the meantime, we (the non-rich) will have to pay even
more to foot the bill for those now lucky enough to retire. And when our
time arrives the "adjustment" could be "painful" --
in other words, if we are lucky, we'll be allowed to queue up in a faith-based
soup line. If we're not lucky -- and luck is rarely on the side of the
working class -- our rulers will simply let us starve or bioengineer another
"La Grippe" influenza pandemic like the one that killed between
20 and 40 million people in 1918-1919. Or maybe our rulers will start handing
out Jack Kevorkian pills by the truckload.
- Remember, it was the Nazis, who loved their kids and
who were civilized and sensitive enough to listen to Richard Wagner and
Johann Sebastian Bach, who condemned millions of "useless eaters"
to starvation, and not just Jews. Dubya's grandfather helped them do it.
- Please excuse my cynicism. But we have to be realists
here. Bush wants to "privatize" Social Security -- that is to
say turn it into a sort of casino where we all take our chances on the
stock market. How many people lost their pants a few years ago when the
stock market "bubble" burst? I don't mean the Big Boys on Wall
Street -- those guys rarely lose anything -- but average and gullible people
who foolishly believed all the bullshit pedaled about fortunes to be made.
- Remember what our fearless and Supreme Court appointed
leader said: "There's an old sayin' in Tennessee -- I know it's in
Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, 'Fool me once, shame on, shame
on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again.'"
- Unfortunately, due to incessant brainwashing -- instilled
by families, schools, and television -- far too many Americans are fooled
over and over again. Is it possible they will be fooled into surrendering
their Social Security check to some sleazeball investment banker? Count
on it.
- If you think otherwise, consider the government bailed
out looted Savings and Loan banks in the '80s.
- That scam will ultimately cost us around $1.4 trillion
dollars. With the money lost from the S&L scandals, the government
could have provided prenatal care for every American child for the next
2,300 years. Dubya's brother, Neil, ran one of those S&L banks into
the ground. Guess what? He never severed a minute of jail time. Do you
think anybody will serve time after these same criminals squander your
Social Security money? Or is it more likely the brother of one of those
criminals will be appointed CEO of America, Inc., by a senile Supreme Court?
- Enough questions. I have to stop now. I have to get back
on Monster and CareerBuilder, to look for a job that is not there. Earlier
today I went to a web development corporation's web site. I was searching
for the "Human Resources" contact number. Guess where that was?
India! Maybe in my next life I will come back as an Indian -- or Chinese
or Indonesian.
- It may be better to come back as a cockroach because,
as the scientists who understand these sorts of things tell us, the cockroach
is tough and resilient and will outlast us all.
- Cheers!
- © 2004, by the author.
- http://www.unknownnews.org/041011a-kn.html