Settler Shoots To Death Unarmed
Palestinian In West Bank
By Amos Harel, Jonathan Lis and Arnon
Regular Haaretz Correspondents and Haaretz Service
A Palestinian youth was shot dead Tuesday afternoon by a settler at an outpost near the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar.
At first, the settler who shot 18-year-old Salman Yussuf Safadi from the nearby village of Orif, claimed that the Palestinian had tried to enter his house in outpost 725 and so he shot him. He later said that Safadi was not in his house when he shot him.
The Palestinian was apparently seriously wounded, but tried to flee. His body was found some 50 meters from the house. Military sources say the settler shot off a "number of bullets."
Settlers initially claimed that the man was actually caught in the house.
The military believes that there are two possible reasons the settler tried to enter the house: either he was collecting intelligence information on the outpost for use in a future attack, or he was trying to steal from the house.
There were reports that he was picking olives nearby and had wandered into the outpost. The village's olive groves, however, are not in proximity to the outpost.
Palestinians from the victim's village said that he was herding his sheep near the outpost and went to look for some sheep that ran away. They said Safadi was unarmed and was not a member of any terror group.
Security forces questioned the settler.
Police officers were initially dispatched to the area to investigate the incident, but ordered to leave by the military, who wished to investigate the incident instead.
IDF withdraws from Khan Yunis; 17 killed in raid
IDF troops withdrew from the southern Gaza town of Khan Yunis on Tuesday morning, following a 30-hour that left 17 Palestinians dead.
Most of the fatalities were armed members of terror organizations or the Palestinian Authority's security services, but at least five were unarmed civilians, including an 11-year-old boy.
Two IDF soldiers, an officer and a soldier, both members of a tank unit, were seriously injured in the operation.
Palestinians said that among the dead was a Hamas militant who was killed in an Israel Air Force missile strike on Khan Yunis refugee camp early Tuesday, Israel Radio reported.
Seven other people were said to have been wounded in the strike, the radio reported.
On Tuesday morning, Palestinians fired three Qassam rockets from the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanun, which landed near the Gaza-Israel border. No injuries were reported.
Meanwhile, IDF forces opened fire on two Palestinians they said were laying an explosive device near the Gaza Strip settlement of Ganei Tal early on Tuesday, Israel Radio said.
According to the report the soldiers hit the two men, and the bomb they were planting exploded.
Throughout the West Bank, IDF forces arrested six wanted Palestinians overnight Monday.
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