Skeleton In Brazilian Museum
Might Be Of An Alien

From Brazilian UFO Magazine
Very odd skeleton in Brazilian museum might be of an alien being...?
The 350,000 inhabitants of the Brazilian city of Uberaba, State of Minas Gerais, are very uneasy with a supposed alien skeleton displayed in a local museum. The exhibition is at the Museum of Natural History Wilson Estevanovic, a private institution which also hosts the Astronomic Society of Uberaba and shows animals, mummies, and several kinds of stones. Both institutions have the common objective of taking culture and science to the city s schools. The museum belongs to the Estevanovic family, whose ancestors crossed the world with a circus in the end of the XIX century. In every place the family has been, they have acquired pieces, such as mummies, animal skeletons, fossils etc.
The Estevanovics went to Uberaba in 1956, and in 1997 they founded the museum which today counts on more than 20,000 pieces. In the end of August, two directors of the institution the attorney Wellington Estevanovic and the professor Carlos Magno Estevanovic came to me and to the researcher José Eduardo C. Maia reporting a very unusual piece in their collection asking us to take a look. It was a strange embalmed skeleton which has been with the family for 96 years. The directors informed that the carcass called the attention of the local community and that was the reason why they decided to show the piece to the Brazilian UFO Magazine [<>] thinking it might be of an extraterrestrial being. We went to the place and thoroughly examined the skeleton together with Wilson Estevanovic Neto, another member of the Estevanovic family. Estevanovic Neto is a researcher of the subject, restorer, gemologist, and also an expert in the processes of mummification.
Some doctors contacted by us have talked little about the subject saying only that the bones do not seem to belong to a human being due to anomalies like a huge head and a small body. What was also surprising to the president of the Museum of Natural History is the diameter of the head, which is of 97 cm. In addition, the semi-mummified carcass seems to have belonged to a hermaphrodite with six-fingered feet. We estimate that it might be of a 10 to 12-year old pre-adolescent, as we could verify through orthodontic studies. When alive, this being had multiple anomalies. The most evident ones are the presence of hydrocephaly and palate-labial fissure, that is, a primary congenital malformation, he said to the Brazilian UFO Magazine.
Extraterrestrial creature?
According to him, students and other people who have already seen the skeleton at the museum have no doubt it is of an extraterrestrial creature. Some people felt sick at seeing the carcass exposed while others got scared, but most of the children felt excited. Despite the intense curiosity there is no further information about the piece. The Estevanovic family does not know where the piece comes from or how it was embalmed, but they believe it occurred more than 200 years ago. The box in which the skeleton was kept was opened in 1997 after the death of Wilson Estevanovic, who revealed to his son, Wellington, the secret it contained. Before that, it was only a sealed box, said the director of the institution.
The ufologist Maia estimates that the material is very valuable and deserves profound studies. I haven t seen anything like this before, except in movies or pictures. Now we have a skeleton very different from a human one which we are going to study carefully, he commented. According to information from other researchers, Brazil has not the necessary conditions to perform examinations in the carcass to verify if it is human or not, since it is already mummified. Brazilian UFO Magazine [<>] has put up a team to further examine the skeleton in detail, in order to determine its real nature. If this is an alien structure, what could be concluded with serious scientific research, and then the world must know, said the magazine s editor A. J. Gevaerd, founder on the Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research (CBPDV).
The Estevanovic family has been very helpful opening all doors of the museum to researchers, once they also want to see the mystery solved. The biological sciences student of the University of Bahia, Veruska Estevanovic, granddaughter of the institution s founder concluded after studies on the origin of the piece that the skeleton probably belongs to an extraterrestrial being. Among other examinations, the carcass underwent a morph anatomic evaluation. In her report, Veruska talks about the development of the skeleton in a more detailed description: it has a palate-labial fissured skull with a reduced palate and a slender and protuberant central structure projected through the nasal cavity and two canine teeth on its distal ends.
Eye orbits
The morph anatomic analysis of the skeleton has indicated that the distance between this structure and the upper maxilla is of 5 cm. The nasal cavity presents a crack at its base which is interrupted by the projection of the palate-buccal structure, said Veruska to the Brazilian UFO Magazine [<>]. The upper maxilla is incomplete, with a central fissure directly linked to the nasal cavity with only nine teeth. The lower maxilla is smaller than normal anatomic patterns too long and narrow on its horizontal axis holding only nine teeth. The eye orbits are shallow, relatively far from one another, presenting an ossified central structure, which is circular with a central orifice and one ossified optical nerve.
Such body structure does not match the human anatomy. The skeleton does not have the auditory pit, as well as the auditory canal. The cranium presents typical cranial cracks and the front region has two relevant protuberances. The carcass is divided in head, trunk, and limbs without any known proportion. The cranium s dimensions are 1 time the chest. Veruska continues: The creature presented a bone characteristic which allows us to define at least two severe congenital abnormalities: hydrocephaly and palate-labial fissure, that is, two syndromes very known in the medical literature.
The skeleton certainly belonged to an individual with congenital malformation or anomalies, which consist of developmental failures in the occasion of the birth. In the universe of congenital malformation, no classification of an isolate nomenclature is universally accepted, that is, all of them are limited. Each one is directed to a specific purpose in the study of teratology branch of science that studies abnormal pre-birth developments with principal emphasis with respect to already known pathogenesis.
If human, the causes of congenital malformation in the skeleton might be chromosome abnormalities, mutant genes, environmental factors, multifatorial inheritance, or even a combination of genetic and environmental factors combined with other unknown causes, has declared Veruska Estevanovic to the Brazilian UFO Magazine.
Photos at
Report and photos by Paulo de Carvalho Nogueira Exclusive for the Brazilian UFO Magazine [<>] Translated by Eduardo Rado
Dr. Ted Robinson
Cranial Plastic Surgeon
Vancouver, BC
I am highly confident that this specimen constitutes a human infant/child of indeterminate age exbibiting multiple congenital deformities including: 1) hydrocephalus; 2) bilateral cleft palate and possibly complete agensis of the central maxilla; and 3) supernumerary digits on the feet. Children like this frequently have associated abnormalities of vital organs such as heart and/or kidneys and may die either from a) homicide b) the hydrocephalus or c) organ failure. I find this specimen to be of no interest whatsoever.
Dr. Ted Robinson (craniofacial plastic surgeon)
Vancouver, B.C.



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