- The circular disease extends even beyond politics into
every aspect of everyday life, as we shall see.
- Many of us recall when we were younger how political
views worked. Today liberals are as reactionary as their conservative counterparts,
more accurately called "neocons" because of their cheap imitation
of conservatism. The dictator that runs America today, is the epitome of
neo-conservatism. His massive debt took skill, cunning and daring. But
he is no different than those that do base jumping...sooner or later,
the parachute doesn't open.
- There have been attempts to define circular political
structure, such as a book called The Circular Structure of Power: Politics,
Identity, Community. A link to a scathing review of this book has been
written on this book. [1] Also, a film was made called "The Last Supper"
(not related to the real Last Supper 2,000 years ago) that also attempted
to illustrate it. There is an unkind review of this yawner. [2]
- And it doesn't stop there - A planning lesson for teachers
from Bonn, Germany in 1994 taught that circular politics was preferred
over a linear one. [3] One must ask, "what are they teaching the teachers
now ?" Do we dare ask ? More globalist thinking ?
- I have first hand evidence globalist brainwashing is
taking place in elementary schools now. It has already been done to my
grandchildren. Not long ago, my daughter would smile when I was on the
globalist subject and its subversion in schools. I pointed out the GLOBES
the children colored displayed in open house. ALL 35 OF THEM WERE COLORED
TO MATCH THE US WORLD NORTHCOM MAP. After her "discussion" with
the principal listening to him uttering UN-trash-talk about how good globalism
is, how our grandson must be a "global student" (direct quote)
her entire opinion has changed. Independent thinking is outright discouraged.
- Thinking in groups IS now the order of the day. This
is what "no child left behind" is - the children can't fail because
now they are actually taught exactly like this: "There is no such
thing as a wrong answer. Some answers are more correct than others."
Something like a hive mentality is being fostered. I can see a record number
of failed space missions on the horizon, too. Spacecraft trajectory calculations
won't be "wrong" - just not as correct as they should be. What's
a few billion dollars and a few lives ? Again, wrong becomes right.
- In the past century, America generally consisted of:
- 1. "Right-wingers" - people who were often
viewed as hard core Constitutionalists, patriots and defended liberty.
These people were sometimes associated with the administration.
- 2. "Average American" - a typical law abiding,
God-fearing American. These are people who never missed the nightly network
- news, and solemnly and religiously believed that "if
it's on TV, then it must be true or they can't air it."
- 3. "Left-wingers" - those who often were considered
communists, socialists or those who were sometimes branded with this label
simply because they disagreed with mainstream thinking. Hippies and others
like them, which refused to subscribe to the "system" were automatically
classified in this category.
- If one envisions the classic number line from math,
the left wingers are at the extreme left end. Average Americans hovered
around the center (or zero) mark back then. Right wingers were at the extreme
right end of the line. But this has radically changed. We are now told
(to directly quote the dictator) that "war is peace." It's quite
difficult to imagine how such thinking can make any sense. That is, until
we examine what the average mentality of Americans has both voluntarily
and involuntarily morphed into since 2001. The stage for line bending was
set long before that year.
- If the history of America were a project chart, 2001
would certainly be considered a milestone year. The end game has always
been a police state, and may always be such. This will be far more advanced
than the dark, dingy mundane existence as described by Orwell. If you watch
television (note the keyword here - "watch") then you have already
been manipulated toward the circular paradigm, and you didn't even know
it. Like Oceana in the book/movie 1984, conformity is mandatory to control
the masses.
- Today so-called "style" and "fashion"
are in reality, another form of mind control, but few will agree with that.
Fashion is only a higher-power, more sophisticated version of "fitting
in and acceptance" which we all went through in grade school. 'Reality'
shows like "Cops" and other so-called 'law enforcement' programs,
are aired to get you to accept uniformed door kickers and learn that being
slammed on the ground for a simple traffic infraction is a good thing.
Few people noticed the change from 'peace officers' to 'law enforcement',
with emphasis on the word 'enforcement.'
- Law takes a back seat when the clubs, mace, green lasers,
sticky foam, stun guns, pry bars, night sticks and battering rams and other
toys come out. The 'law enforcement' officers get a sudden case of amnesia.
Yet we never hear about the dashboard cameras that suddenly for some unexpected
reason, malfunction at just the right time.
- To create a new police state the popular, perceived
and established paradigm of life must be changed. All must be made to believe
that the government is here to protect us from an artificial threat that
they created (for our own good of course.) This is a good example of social
engineering. Changes to society are done incrementally by the social engineers
to protect them from public exposure, and the subsequent wrath which would
follow. Problem - reaction - solution, an effective conditioning method
for the masses has been used for decades. It certainly did not begin in
Sept. 2001.
- With regard to that year, there is no mistaking the
artificial terror threat (read "problem.") It was on that terrible
date three years ago that social engineering took a jump forward. Just
one small part of the economic "fallout" from that year, are
people being laid off at an alarming rate. No longer like days long past
where one could think "when the economy comes back I'll get my job
back." Today, when people are laid off they KNOW their job is gone
forever. Jobs have always been a keystone to economic recovery. Without
jobs, how will goods be purchased - even if they are all made in China
? One facet of the game is to return America to an agrarian society.
- For the NWO to move forward, people must also have
their mindset changed to joyfully accept the government-controls-all philosophy.
Remember the "Leave It To Beaver" series ? Mom worked at home
and was a homemaker. Tell someone today your wife is a homemaker, and they
look at you strange and some even laugh. But these same people will boast
about how many times they have been married with pride, and wear it like
a badge of honor. Damaged lives from divorces ? For some, that is always
someone else's problem - not theirs.
- Social engineering has permeated every facet of our
society. Today people emulate Satan, drink blood like fictional vampires,
and dress the part of evil. Forty years ago this behavior in public was
unheard of, and doing so would land you in a straight jacket in a padded
room or perhaps get high pressure water hose "therapy." Now this
type of human behavior is considered normal. People believe evil is good,
witchcraft movies are fashionable and good for children, to believe in
God is foolish, marriages should not be expected to last, children should
not be told to go outside and play, and video games are a healthy part
of growing up. This shows what just a few decades of well crafted social
engineering can do.
- We know that society has now been twisted into wrong
ideals, immorality and often sick beliefs and attitudes. These are now
considered as "correct and modern thinking". To those that think
I'm wrong they should consider this: if society always thought this way,
then the computer you are reading this on would not exist. It took millions
of hours, inspiration, creativity, and many different disciplines to create
the technology that built your computer. And also all of the incremental
advances in human history, even the vacuum tube. If immorality, foolish
behavior and lack of self discipline were practiced by everyone - then
who would care enough to design and manufacture the computer your are reading
this on ? So we see circular thinking has taken place in society's moral
values, where wrong beliefs are now considered as correct.
- This leads us back in a circle (pun intended) to the
topic at hand - "circular politics." Today's politics are not
an unplanned consequence of the NWO social engineering effort, but are
instead a required step toward creating a one-world government. We have
seen leaders in the highest levels of government speak frequently in say-nothing
press conferences, to convince Americans (and the remainder of the world)
to believe that which is wrong is right, and that which is right is wrong.
- We have had Rumsfeld ramble on with his double-talk speech,
that begins with "there knowns, and there are unknowns, and there
are known unknowns..." Circular politics are work.
- Numerous speeches were a lame and unconvincing attempt
to make the world believe in WMDs that don't even exist, just to send more
than 1,000 of our finest young men and women to their deaths. This is an
act of kindness and love toward American citizens ? The sound of Geiger
Counters clicking and reading off the scale in Iraq, can be heard around
the world in hospitals where former soldiers are dying from different forms
of cancer.
- Already we have seen the large number of freedoms and
liberties are already stolen right out from under us, which never would
have been considered acceptable prior to 2001. Even though only a small
fraction of Americans are speaking out and educating others, we can now
clearly see how the perceived "right" has now completely curved
180 degrees around to meet the "left."
- The classic political number line has now been replaced
by a circle, and both are extreme in their attitudes. When the administration
speaks of left wing radicals and extremists - the pot is calling the kettle
black. Absolute power does indeed corrupt absolutely, as we have seen.
This does not mean the patriot movement is in agreement with the administration.
In fact, the REAL patriot movement is diametrically opposed to almost all
of the administration's policies due to conflicts with procedural laws,
the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. There are fake movements out there,
that claim to want freedom but instead, subscribe to tyranny. The NRA is
a classic example of an organization that sold out long ago to gun control.
Money buys moral values..
- Unlike the old political number line on a piece of
paper which has starting and ending points, the new circle has no beginning
and has no end. Just enter the ring anywhere - you might get confused but
you won't get lost. Democrats and Republicans have no real differences
with each another anymore. The proof is in comparing their track record
against. their so-called "platforms" where bold and big promises
are made to the masses, and rarely kept. Few people that vote ever do this,
and they better start. To believe differences exist between the two parties,
is to subscribe to the grand illusion.
- Again, few Americans have noticed that everything which
we always considered "wrong" is now boldly proclaimed by the
dictator as "right." As a whole, the American people should be
ashamed of what has happened to our once great and highly respected country
- but they are not. Football, baseball, beer, a pickup truck, remodeling
their kitchen, getting a new car and keeping up with the Jones and the
like, seem to be all they care about. I've often wondered if there is a
stamping machine somewhere, cranking out these people at the rate of about
100 per second. Around the circular ring they go, oblivious to everything.
And if you try to talk to them ? They don't want to hear it at all.
- But you can bet that unemployed neighbor of yours is
wide awake, and he will listen. Money buys deafness, too.
- There are scientists that study the human anatomy and
how it works. When cornered and asked in absolute privacy, some of these
will admit they have a belief in a "higher being." I know, because
I've done this and personally heard such an admission. They have admitted
this when they see the fantastic, highly detailed organization of the human
body. They can no longer believe in the Darwinian slime pool theory. Perhaps
it is true that this really is a war against evil - a terrible penetrating
evil that has invaded every aspect of society. The circular administration
better remember who is up there and who is really in charge. And, the day
will come for them to answer for their killings and evil deeds against
all people of the world. Scull and bones won't be able to do one thing
at all to save themselves from this.
- More people are waking up to the truth of social engineering
and police state control every day. It doesn't always require being laid
off to open one's eyes.
- But is it too late ? No, because it's better to have
tried and failed, than to never have tried at all. There is nothing whatsoever
to lose, and everything to gain.
- Ted Twietmeyer
- [1] Torben Bech Dyrberg, The Circular Structure of Power:
Politics, Identity, Community. New York:
- Review at
- http://www.philosophy.ru/library/pdf/240392.pdf
- [2] The Last Supper, A Film Review by James Berardinelli
- Review at
- http://movie-reviews.colossus.net/movies/l/last_supper.html
- [3] A planning lesson for teachers in 1994 taught that
circular politics was preferred over a linear one
- http://www.dadalos.org/politik_int/grundkurs_1/planungsfragen.htm