- Just published "THE FAMILY - The Real Story of the
Bush Dynstasty", by veteran highly controversial author, Kitty Kelley.
According to book industry sources, the publisher intends to issue and
market one million copies of this book that is the lowdown of the Bushies.
- The book details a number of stories long-since posted
and archived, and publicly discussed by us
- on www.skolnicksreport.com and www.cloakanddagger.ca
including stories co-authored by Sherman H. Skolnick and Lenny Bloom, as
Middle-Finger News.
- Also posted and archived through
- www.rense.com/Datapages/skolnickdatapage.html
- Also widely discussed on radio talk shows by Skolnick
and also jointly with co-host Lenny Bloom on internet radio worldwide www.cloakanddagger.ca
as well as by Skolnick on numerous other radio talk shows U.S., Canada,
Australia, nnd Europe, over the last five years and more.
- Mentioned in Kitty Kelley's book following the already
publicized independent investigations of Skolnick and his colleagues:
- === That George W. Bush cohabited at his Texas ranch
and elsewhere with the Mayor of a major city in Tennessee, says Kitty Kelley.
- Skolnick began the discussion severel years ago as a
story about "The Pedophile/Homosexual Underground".
- www.skolnicksreport.com "Overthrow of the American
Republic", Part 24.
- It relates to George W. Bush's homosexual relationsip,
since about puberty, with Victor Ashe, long-time Mayor of Knoxvillle. When
some in Congress began inquiries in the fall of 2003, Ashe in December,
2003, gave up being Knoxville Mayor and was appointed by George W. Bush,
the occupant and resident of the White House, as the U.S. Ambassador to
Poland. That is, getting Ashe out of the U.S. jurisdiction, not available
to nosey Congressmen.
- Bush and Ashe are both members of the satanic cult, "Skull
& Bones", headquartered in a windowless building,called "The
Tomb" on the campus of Yale University. Part of the initiation procedure
is for the new proposed member to divulge his entire sexual history, to
several other Bonesmen, so that when he is shoved up into high office,
government, finance, etc., he can be blackmailed into silence.The new member
has to cavort, au naturel, sometimes more than once, with another Bonesman
in a double-size coffin filled with mud.
- An older Bonesman member has to also participate in such
proceedings. This was done by John F. Kerry slightly older than George
W. Bush.
- As mentioned in our stories and talk shows, the secret
pictures of this, reportedly ended up in the possession of the picture
editor of a group of magazines run by American Media, Inc., AMI, headquartered
in Boca Raton, Florida. That editor was Bob Stevens. Being of near-sighted
vision, he took off his glasses and he opened up an envelope addressed
to him, holding it close up to his face, breathing thus in spores of anthrax,
from which he soon thereafter died.
- In his public statements, Skolnick carefully discussed
that he usually does not discuss sordid relations EXCEPT if they involved
National Security. In the Ashe/Bush matter, the Red Chinese Secret Police
have used their knowledge of the matter to blackmail out of the Bush White
House, U.S. MILITARY, financial, and industrial secrets, clearly warranting
us publicizing the Ashe/Bush matter. Further, Skolnick contended that Ashe
and Bush met for sex at a Tennessee location owned by the purported top
financier of Osama bin Laden. That U.S. resident moneybags has been granted
unlawful protection and immunity from exposure by the Bush White House.
- The more than 500 that worked at AMI were evacuated,
the building was closed up by America's secret political police, about
October 2001, shortly after the 9-11 incidents. The FBI did not permit
any of the picture or text files to be removed. Stevens' widow, in a little-known
lawsuit against the FBI, claimed the Bureau obstructed her from finding
out what happened to her husband.
- Rudolph Guiliani, once U.S. District Attorney in New
York, later Mayor of New York City, founded and owns BioOne, specializing
in cleaning up places made toxic by anthrax. He bought the closed AMI building
for a "song" and now has possession of the pictures that could
scandalize his pal George W. Bush, and Bush's male sex-mate, U.S. Senator
John F. Kerry, "laying down and playing dead" while supposedly
running for president against 3rd cousin and fellow Bonesman George W.
- In her book, Kitty Kelley claims that, from her sources,
Bush, facing embarrassment by the possible revelations of the pictures,
arranged for secret U.S. agents to murder Bob Stevens.
- ===Skolnick in his posted and archived statements and
on various radio talk shows, discussed how George H.W. Bush, that is Daddy
Bush, has been in business with the co-founder of the Medelin, Colombia
dope cartel, Carlos Lehder. And that the link was covered up when the Bushies
arranged to secretly remove from a U.S. Jail, Lehder, who has disappeared.
- Numerous details are in the series, "The Chandra
Levy Affair", www.skolnicksreport.com
- Kitty Kelley raises the issue of Bush, Sr., being in
dope trafficking through South America and elsewhere.
- === Because of George W. Bush's homosexual relationships,
and because his wife of convenience, Laura, was a reputed known and open
lesbian since high school, and may be a dyke; that George W. Bush may not
be the actual father of the twin daughters. Skolnick has raised these issues.
- Now, in her book, Kitty Kelley raises the issue of the
little-known relationship between Laura and General Tommy franks.
- More coming.
- Stay tuned...
- ====================================
- Mr. Skolnick's Reports are posted and archived at www.skolnicksreport.com
Together with his co-authored The Middle-Finger News, they are posted
and archived through
- www.rense.com/Datapages/skolnickdatapage.html
- also posted and archived through
- www.cloakanddagger.ca
- Skolnick is co-host with Lenny Bloom on a growing, popular
maximum power Internet radio program, FM-quality worldwide, ON-LINE LIVE
and ARCHIVED at www.cloakanddagger.ca CHECK SCHEDULE for time it is on.
- Recently published, the book, "Ahead of the Parade"
by Sherman H. Skolnick, A Who's Who of Treason & High Crimes---Exclusive
Details of Fraud & Corruption of the Monopoly Press, the Banks, the
Bench and the Bar, & the Secret Political Police.
- Can be ordered U.S./Canada 1-800-861-7899.
- Can also supposedly be ordered through amazon.com HOWEVER
recently they blockaded their own marketing and sales of this controversial
book by demanding twice the listed price.
- About once a year is published a heavy packet of printed
stories by Skolnick. To get a copy, send $5.00 (U.S. FUNDS ONLY) plus a
stamped, self-addressed BUSINESS size envelope [ # 10 envelope, 4-1/8 x
9-1/2 ] WITH THREE U.S. FIRST CLASS STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's Committee
To Clean Up The Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 So. Oglesby
Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870.
- Want to get on Skolnick's e-mail list to get, soon as
issued, Skolnick'S Reports, and The Middle-Finger News, or to stay on the
e-mail list if you are already there? To find out how, contact skolnick@ameritech.net
BE SURE TO PUT IN SUBJECT LINE OF E-MAIL, "I want to get on e-mail