- Dear Editor:
- Tragically, over 325,000 American vets are now suffering
serious disabilities from Gulf war I and II. Many soldiers returning from
Iraq today have multiple malignant growths.
- Every year 43,000 more vets apply for disability services.
To get a true scientific picture of the physics of DU exposure on the human
body check out :
- http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=53939
- Young American men fighting in Iraq today are doomed
to failing health and shortened lives.
- Fortunately American generals in Iraq will succumb to
the same fate but sadly there are only a handful of them.
- Since Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Bush were there too just
maybe they too got a dose of DU dust into their lungs.
- That would be real justice. Notice any changes in Bush
- In October last year, at a summit of Muslim nations attended
by President Putin, The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr Mahathir Mohamed,
stated "The Europeans killed six million Jews out of twelve million,
but today the Jews rule the world by proxy. They get other to fight and
die for them."
- The other day, American General Franks stated that the
war on Iraq was to protect Israel. That means close to 1000 young Americans
have already died and many thousands more have been wounded for the sake
of Israel.
- It gets worse though, tens of thousands of American soldiers
are now exposed to DU dust and they too will succumb to a most horrible
fate all for the sake of Israel. Americans and Iraqis are now the victims
of a silent genocide all for the sake of Israel.
- Of course the evil war mongering power elite may succeed
in killing two birds with one stone by also stealing the oil and water
resources of Iraq.
- Once the US economy collapses, hopefully Americans will
be angry enough to rise up in revolt to take back their government from
the evil men who lorded over them, who bankrupted America all for the sake
of Israel.
- Andy D.
- http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001
- I will always be on the side of those who have nothing
and are not even allowed to enjoy the nothing they have in peace.
- ~ Frederico Garcia Lorca ~
- Comment
- From Michael Shore
- m3636s@yahoo.com
- 8-16-4
- Hi Andy D
- Have you ever heard of the Illuminati???
- Put Illuminati in www.google.com search engine and find
out who they are. Then you and many others will maybe stop blaming Israel
and the Jews for everything and put the blame where it belongs, blame the
Illuminati and all their connected web of secret organizations, who believe
they "rule" the world.
- The Illuminati members and their key associates like
The Queen of England and the "royal" House of Windsor are NOT
Jewish. Neither is the board of directors of the Vatican. These two groups
alone control unfathomable wealth one cannot even begin to imagine. Add
to them the Rockefellers, Melons, Duponts, Bush's etc., who are also NOT
Jewish.The Rothschilds could be Jewish, but they changed their name from
the Bauers, so even their being Jewish is questionable.This group controls
and manipulates major world events, including the war in Iraq and every
other war going on the planet for their benefit. Part of their manipulation
is to get people to blame the Jews and Israel for all the crimes and horrendous
things the Illuminati is really perpetrating behind the scenes for their
own SICK agenda.
- Israel is obviously a key element for the Illuminati
to USE to maintain their power.Through fear and constant never ending wars
orchestrated by the Illuminati through their web of connected organizations
like the Bildebergers, Council of Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of
International Affairs etc. , Israelis have been brainwashed to "donate"
every one of their own children to the Israeli Defense Forces to fight
never ending wars along with the brainwashed Americans for the BENEFIT
- The sooner we ALL can see this "brilliant"
Illuminati manipulation, the sooner the "slaves" can stop killing
each other in un-necessary wars. If we the people investigate and recognize
this possible truth, then we can get rid of the Illuminati and all their
associates and have a real chance to live in Peace with each other..
- So please take the time to check out the Illuminati etc.
and put your energy in telling the people about the real Illuminati "terrorists"
behind the scenes causing so much death and destruction in OUR world!!!
- Go to <http://www.davidicke.com/>www.davidicke.com
where David gives you many historical details and other amazing facts
about the Illuminati and this manipulation.
- Michael Shore