- From John Whitbeck -
- Buried in an article in today's International Herald
Tribune, without any particular emphasis, was a significant item of information:
-- The United States has scheduled naval exercises off the coast of North
Korea at the end of October.
- I can imagine only one explanation for a decision to
schedule such naval exercises (by definition, optional) at precisely that
time. Bush-Cheney-Rove wants to have the option, if Bush's election does
not appear assured in the week prior to election day, to either (1) seek
to provoke a genuine North Korean attack on an American ship -- and retaliate
or (2) in good Gulf of Tonkin style, claim a non-existent North Korean
attack -- and retaliate or (3) launch a frankly "preventive"
or "pre-emptive" attack against North Korea.
- Where such courses of action would lead the region and
the world cannot be determined in advance but, presumably, would be of
limited concern to Bush-Cheney-Rove. Any of such alternative approaches
to war would almost certainly assure the election of the Commander-in Chief
on November 2.