Rev Moon's Mysterious
Empire...And Influence

World Affairs Brief
By Joel Skousen
© 2004 Joel Skousen
Rev. Moon of the Korean-based Unification Church, who has at various times claimed to be the earth's Messiah, has long been considered a pariah in American politics. Yet, strangely, his influence keeps growing among establishment types that normally eschew all non-mainstream influences. The lure tends to be the copious amounts of money the Rev. Moon has to offer, not directly, but through nice-sounding foundations and Moon-connected organizations seeking "world peace" and other do-gooder causes with which establishment types are prone to affiliate.
As Jonathan Kaplan of The Hill said, "Groups such as the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP) the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP), the World Culture and Sports Festival and the Middle East Peace Initiative (MEPI) -- all groups that have been founded by or are directly affiliated with Moon -- have lured lawmakers, congressional staffers and various countries, U.N. ambassadors to their symposiums."
The strangest and most controversial meeting with Moon took place in the Dirkson Senate office building, arranged by Sen. Warner (R VA). Here's a revealing description by journalist BILL BERKOWITZ of what took place: "On the evening of March 23, a group of the Rev. Moon's associates gathered at the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington. There, the Rev. presided over a ceremony presenting "Crown of Peace" awards to a number of honored guests. Several U.S. Congressmen -- Democrats Sen. Mark Dayton of Minnesota, Rep. Danny K. Davis of Illinois, Rep. Sanford D. Bishop Jr. of Georgia; Republicans Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett of Maryland, Rep. Christopher B. Cannon of Utah, and Rep. Curt Weldon of Pennsylvania -- received "Ambassadors for Peace" awards. [_Congressmen are always suckers for awards_.]
"Decked-out in a campy floor-length cape, the Rev. Moon was presented with an ornate gold crown and a lifetime achievement award. Introduced by a shofar-blowing rabbi, the Rev. told the star-studded audience -- made up of congressional members and a number of religious leaders -- that a "new era" had come: "Open your hearts and receive the secrets that Heaven is disclosing in this age through me." The Rev. Moon may have turned a few heads by pointing out that while he is as human as the next guy, "in the context of Heaven's providence, I am God's ambassador, sent to earth with His full authority. I am sent to accomplish His command to save the world's six billion people, restoring them to Heaven with the original goodness in which they were created." [End of Berkowitz quote.] Needless to say, all of the Congressmen present and those who received awards are now very embarrassed for having attended.
Moon has always had much more money and influence that would be possible for a radical Korean religious crackpot trying to make headway in the affluent USA. There are hundreds of similar religious preachers who go nowhere with their religion or attempts to influence. Why is Moon different? I think it is the hidden sources of money he has, which seem to be growing at a rate consistent only with dark side government funding.
At first Moon claimed that his income came from selling religious trinkets in Japan. Part of the story is true, but it certain doesn't account for the multi-millions he threw into his purchase of the Washington Times, awash in red ink. Moon has lavished money on various conservative groups in an attempt to gain access to and credibility with his target audience. It is my feeling that Moon really is fronting for our the dark side of government, in its efforts to control the right wing opposition. It is noteworthy that while the various Moon publications (Washington Times, Insight Magazine) did a good job growing their conservative base by criticizing Clinton, they have become virtual shills for the globalist Bush administration which has continued almost all of the Clinton policies.
Now, despite outlays of millions each month to keep his empire of think tanks and foundations afloat, we find that Moon's financial empire has grown exponentially with the acquisition of automobile factories, import export businesses, industrial salvage firms and hundreds of other international interests. These would not be of concern in and of themselves were it not for Moon's recent use of his shell corporations to give millions of dollars in aid to communist North Korea, as well as his purchase of a dozen salvaged Russian missile submarines which also got into North Korea's arsenal. Here are some details by investigative reporter Robert Parry, from his new book called, "Rev. Moon, North Korea and the Bushes":
"The Rev. Sun Myung Moon's business empire, which includes the conservative Washington Times, paid millions of dollars to North Korea's communist leaders in the early 1990s when the hard-line government needed foreign currency to finance its weapons programs, according to U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency documents.
"The payments included a $3 million "birthday present" to current communist leader Kim Jong Il and offshore payments amounting to several tens of million dollars to the previous communist dictator, Kim Il Sung, the partially declassified documents said.
"Moon apparently was seeking a business foothold in North Korea. But the transactions also raise legal questions for Moon and could cast a shadow on George W. Bush's presidential campaign, given the Bush family's longstanding financial and political ties to Moon and his organization.
"Besides making alleged payments to North Korea's communist leaders, the 80-year-old founder of the South Korean-based Unification Church has funneled large sums of money, possibly millions of dollars as well, to former President George H.W. Bush.
"One well-placed former leader of Moon's Unification Church told me that the total earmarked for former President Bush was $10 million. The father of the Republican nominee has declined to say how much Moon's organization actually paid him for speeches and other services in Asia, the United States and South America.
"The DIA said Moon's organization also delivered money to Kim Il Sung's son and successor, Kim Jong Il. "In 1993, the Unification Church sold a piece of property located in Pennsylvania," the DIA reported on Sept. 9, 1994. "The profit on the sale, approximately $3 million was sent through a bank in China to the Hong Kong branch of the KS [South Korean] company 'Samsung Group.' The money was later presented to Kim Jung Il [Kim Jong Il] as a birthday present."
"After Kim Il Sung's death in 1994 and his succession by his son, Kim Jong Il, Moon dispatched his longtime aide, Bo Hi Pak, to ensure that the business deals were still on track with Kim Jong Il and his coterie", the DIA reported.
"If necessary, Moon authorized Pak to deposit a second payment for Kim Jong Il," the DIA wrote. The DIA declined to elaborate on the documents that it released to me under a Freedom of Information Act request. "As for the documents you have, you have to draw your own conclusions," said DIA spokesman, U.S. Navy Capt. Michael Stainbrook." [End of Parry quote.]
Even more disturbing is the fact that DIA documents indicate that one of Moon's salvage companies bought 12 decommissioned Russian missile submarines and then transferred them to North Korea. The Washington Times on May 24, 1994 downplayed the issue in this manner: "A South Korean foreign ministry official states that the Russian submarines purchased by North Korea have had their weapon systems removed and are so obsolete that they are unusable for offensive purposes. The official indicates that the submarines were purchased for scrap and that of the 12 submarines contracted for, only one has been delivered." All this may be technically true, but North Korea, as an ally of Russia, certainly would have access to the means of refurbishing these boats. The North Koreans certainly didn't buy them as scrap.
Before jumping to the conclusion that Moon is a secret Communist agent, one must consider the evidence that the US government itself has long played a role in propping up Communist regimes, even while attacking them verbally. This fits into globalist purposes, whereby they need a future antagonist to justify a Third World War. Given Moon's mysterious and seemingly unlimited funding sources, my analysis leads me to believe that Moon may be an agent working for and funded by globalist interests, which also control our own government. Certainly, his actions are in line with the long-term _modus operandi_ of the globalists to control both sides of the political spectrum, and to covertly support Communist plans for war.


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