- Below shows the connection between non-academic state
standards, School-to-Work (aka School-to-Careers), the U.S. Department
of Labor's SCANS, and United Nations' lifelong learning objectives -- paid
for with U.S. tax dollars.
- Included are examples from states nationwide to show
that School-to-Work is thriving. FYI -- I've finally come to the conclusion
that STW (aka workforce training, human resource development, etc) is merely
the slick marketing of the decades old U.N. social engineering objectives
-- it may be called lifelong learning by the U.N., but in reality its more
like lifelong socialist/communist indoctrination.
- I started this in response to John's comments in the
7/19/04 post "Ed Feds spend billions" but it took on a life as
it's own--so I've made this a separate post. (I meant to finish and send
this out weeks ago, but I had to shift gears -- my school district is putting
three questions on the November ballot that collectively would increase
secondary property taxes to around $190 per $110,000 assessed property
value. And, if the bond and two overrides pass, they will help further
embed STW reforms in the schools here.)
- But to John, I would add: Virginia's Standards of Learning
are not unlike what other states have. If Virginia's SOL seem to be improving
education, I suspect Virginia's assessments are being aligned more closely
with standards. This alignment is integral to "outcome-based education/mastery
learning." This is how the public will be misled to think [federal]
education reforms are working. But at the heart of the matter we would
be wise to look at the non-academic elements put into state standards.
Read on and find out what they are...
- Debbie
- [Please note the urls below worked at the time I collected
them over the past year -- haven't check them recently, so if you find
one that doesn't work, please let me know. --Debbie]
- Non-academic curriculum standards -- focusing on the
"affective domain" -- are central to federal/international education
reform and are listed under different titles in each state (or school district).
- Examples: Virginia's "Standards of Learning"
are similar to what was called "Profile of Learning" in Minnesota.
In Maine the label is Learning Results. In my school district in Arizona,
Profile of the 21st Century Graduate is the label used.
- You will find non-academic standards under titles like
life skills, workplace skills, soft skills, student profile, personal qualities,
and citizenship/character education, etc.,,. I've also found them in Career
Technical Education and Guidance and Counseling programs.
- Regardless of the label, the non-academic outcomes come
from the U.S. Department of Labor's SCANS as cited below (all red highlights
throughout have been added by me):
- Blueprint for Action: Building Community Coalitions
- Secretary1s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills
- U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C.,
- http://wdr.doleta.gov/SCANS/blueprint/blueprint.pdf
- Excerpt pg 5 of pdf:
- The know-how identified by SCANS is made up of five competencies
and a three-part foundation of skills and personal qualities needed for
solid job performance. These include:
- Effective workers can productively use:
- - Resources: allocating time, money, materials, space,
- - Interpersonal Skills: working on teams, teaching others,
serving customers, leading, negotiating, and working well with people from
culturally diverse backgrounds;
- - Information: acquiring and evaluating data, organizing
and maintaining files, interpreting and communicating, and using computers
to process information;
- - Systems: understanding social, organizational, and
technological systems, monitoring and correcting performance, and designing
or improving systems;
- - Technology: selecting equipment and tools, applying
technology to specific tasks, and maintaining and troubleshooting technologies.
- Competence requires:
- - Basic Skills: reading, writing, arithmetic and mathematics,
speaking and listening;
- - Thinking Skills: thinking creatively, making decisions,
solving problems, seeing things in the mind's eye, knowing how to learn,
and reasoning;
- - Personal Qualities: individual responsibility, self-esteem,
sociability, self-management and integrity.
- NORTH DAKOTA | Fargo Public Schools
- http://www.fargo.k12.nd.us/schooltowork/info.htm
- What Is School To Work?
- Excerpt: "In schools across America, students involved
in school-to-work, in addition to their core and advanced academic studies,
are taught teamwork, communications, problem solving, critical thinking,
and other skills. .... " [Emphasis added]
- KENTUCKY | Kentucky Department of Education
- Skill Standards Documents | Last updated on 2/26/04
- http://www.education.ky.gov/KDE/Instructional
- +Resources/Career+and+Technical+
- /Skill+Standards+Documents.htm
- Excerpt: "The skill standards document describes
skill standards to be assessed in the certification process. Current curriculum
offered in schools should align to these standards. A crosswalk is provided
to show the relationship between skill standards, Kentucky academic expectations,
and the Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS)."
[Emphasis added]
- Virginia's Standards of Learning incorporate non-academic
U.S. Department of Labor's SCANS skills mentioned in the preceding section:
- Virginia Department of Education
- Standards of Quality --2003 General Assembly Session
- Attachment B to Info Memo No. 117
- http://www.pen.k12.va.us/VDOE/VA_Board/Standards/soq.pdf
- Excerpt p3 of pdf: The Board of Education shall establish
educational objectives to implement the development of the skills that
are necessary for success in school and for preparation for life in the
years beyond. The current educational objectives, known as the Standards
of Learning, shall not be construed to be regulations as defined in §
2.2-4001; however, the Board of Education may, from time to time, revise
these educational objectives to maintain academic rigor. ...
- The Board shall seek to ensure that any revised educational
objectives are consistent with the world's highest educational standards.
These objectives shall include, but not be limited to, basic skills of
communication, computation and critical reasoning including problem solving,
decision making, and proficiency in the use of computers and related technology
and the skills to manage personal finances and to make sound financial
decisions, and the development of personal qualities such as self-esteem,
sociability, self-management, integrity, and honesty.
- With such funds as are made available for this purpose,
the Board shall regularly review and revise the competencies for career
and technical education programs to require the full integration of English,
mathematics, science and social studies Standards of Learning. Career and
technical education programs shall be aligned with industry and professional
standard certifications, where they exist.
- The Standards of Learning in all subject areas shall
be subject to regular review and revision to maintain rigor and to reflect
a balance between content knowledge and the application of knowledge in
preparation for eventual employment and lifelong learning. ... [Emphasis
- Examples of non-academic SCANS skills in other states:
- MINNESOTA | Minnesota Graduation Standards
- http://www.winona.edu/education/gs
- /Components/History/GS%20History.htm
- Excerpt: 1992 "...After reviewing of recommended
standards from professional organizations, process and content statements
are separated. Large processes to be used with content chosen by the teacher.
Exit outcomes are
- -constructive thinker
- -self-directed learner
- -effective communicator
- -collaborative producer
- -community contributor." [Emphasis added]
- FLORIDA | Pinellas County Schools | August 18, 1998
- http://www.pinellas.k12.fl.us/planning/CHAPTERS/CHPTR_5.pdf
- Excerpt p5-3: "(a) Curriculum defines what students
should know and be able to do. Pinellas County Schools curriculum reflects
community/workplace expectations, the Florida Sunshine State Standards
(SSS) and the Pinellas County Schools Student Expectations (PCSSE). The
overriding goal of the curriculum is to provide a balance between a firm
foundation in basic skills and lifelong learning skills. The goal of Pinellas
County Schools' graduates is that they will be a(n):
- 1. knowledgeable, lifelong learner
- 2. responsible individual
- 3. effective communicator
- 4. problem solver
- 5. collaborative team worker
- 6. self-directed learner " [Emphasis added]
- IOWA | Denver
- http://www.denver.k12.ia.us/about_school.htm
- Excerpt:
- Student Performance Goals:
- Works collaboratively
- Knowledgeable Person
- Problem Solver
- Self Directed Learner
- Quality Producer
- Effective Communicator [Emphasis added]
- ILLINOIS | Lake Park High School
- http://www.lphs.dupage.k12.il.us/Sch_docs/rept_crd/repcrd97.htm
- Excerpt:
- The Characteristics of the Ideal Lake Park Graduate
- As a result of learning experiences at Lake Park High
School, a student will acquire the knowledge and skills to become...
- A Complex Thinker
- An Effective Communicator
- A Responsible Citizen
- An Ethical Person
- A Self-Directed Individual
- A Quality Worker [Emphasis added]
- http://www.midcoastreview.com/Issues/JanFeb2002/janfeb02a2.html
- Excerpt: "Today in Maine we have the Learning Results
which 'are based on six guiding principles describing what an educated
Maine citizen in the 21st century should know and be able to do.' Each
graduating student will theoretically be,
- 1. A Clear & Effective Communicator;
- 2. A Self-directed & Lifelong Learner;
- 3. A Creative & Practical Problem-solver;
- 4. A Responsible & Involved Citizen;
- 5. A Collaborative & Quality Worker; and finally,
- 6. An Integrative & Informed Thinker. " [Emphasis
- MICHIGAN | Holly Area Schools Student Profile
- http://www.hollyareaschools.com/cur/profile.html
- The Student Profile was established through an extensive
participation process involving staff, students, parents, and community.
The Education Council engaged in extensive reading of research regarding
future national needs. The Student Profile is a composite picture of the
broad student standards to which the school district is dedicated. The
Profile provides a focus for the development of instructional practices
that deliver the curriculum. The Student Profile ultimately supports the
District Mission. [Emphasis added]
- Critical Thinker
- Accesses information and applies knowledge using a variety
of resources. Analyzes information and arrives at informed conclusions.
Explores and integrates new ideas, using a wide variety of thinking strategies.
Identifies and defines problems; acts on decisions; and evaluates and reflects
on results. Defends opinions using facts.
- Effective Communicator
- Communicates effectively through reading, writing, speaking,
listening, viewing, movement, and the arts.Recognizes the importance of
own ideas and worth of communicating them.
- Respectful Responsible Citizen
- Evaluates and takes responsibility for own actions.Shows
respect for others regardless of differences.Is self-directed.Accepts challenges.Sets
goals and understands steps needed to meet goals.Strives to be a life-long
- Quality Worker
- Organizes time and resources effectively and efficiently.Takes
pride in quality workDemonstrates honesty, dependability and integrity.Strives
to achieve personal best
- Collaborative Worker
- Demonstrates ability to work cooperatively with others.Practices
effective negotiation skills.Appreciates, encourages and embraces individual
- Community Contributor
- Views self as integral part of community.Demonstrates
willingness to be an active member of the community through volunteer service.Commits
to improving quality of life for self, home, school, and community.Functions
as an informed citizen by exercising civic duties and responsibilities.
- NEW HAMPSHIRE | Allenstown School Board
- http://www.sau53.org/sau53/minutes/al/020221.html
- Excerpt: "The Allenstown School District is committed
to graduating all its students prepared for success as effective communicators;
problem solvers; community contributors; and life-long, self-directed learners.
- District Mission Statement Adopted August, 2001"
- NEW JERSEY | Little Silver Public Schools
- District Technology Plan, July 1, 2001- June 30, 2004
- http://www.monmouth.com/~lsboe/newtechplan.htm
- Excerpt: Our vision sees the inclusion of technology
in the day-to-day operation, management of classrooms and schools, and
most importantly in the instruction of each child in the school district.
Technology should be viewed as an appropriate instructional strategy in
the delivery of all curricula.
- The federal government and current research is stating
that society wants students to be:
- Knowledgeable individuals who read with comprehension,
write will skill; communicate effectively and responsibly; and demonstrate
academic proficieny in the arts geography, mathematics, civics and history,
health and fitness, social sciences and physical and life sciences.
- Quality producers who successfully apply academic, intellectual,
artistic, and practical learning to create quality products and performances.
- Effective communicators who apply their communication
skills and processes effectively in a variety of ways and settings.
- Effective collaborators who can work successfully with
diverse individuals and groups.
- Responsible citizens who are informed and apply knowledge
to improve the quality of their lives and communities.
- Life Long learners who are self-directed and apply learning
confidently and successfully to new and different situations and tasks
in preparation for a changing world and workplace.
- PENNSYLVANIA | Ridley School District | Folsom, Pennsylvania
- http://www.ridleysd.k12.pa.us/Science/mission
- Excerpt: It is the mission of the Ridley School District
to create a caring environment that gives all students the opportunity
to achieve their fullest personal and academic potential in order to become
productive and responsible citizens.
- Effective Communicator
- Self-directed Learner
- Responsible Citizen
- Problem Solver
- Collaborative Performer [Emphasis added]
- TEXAS | Alice Independent School District
- http://www.aliceisd.esc2.net/
- Excerpt: "The mission of the Alice Independent School
District, as a total community educational system committed to excellence,
with primary emphasis on the pre-k to 12 program, is to graduate students
who, through participation in a quality instructional program, in innovative
and challenging educational experiences, and in creative partnerships with
the community, will develop self-esteem, moral values, problem-solving
abilities, and communication skills which will prepare them to become responsible,
productive citizens of the 21st century." [Emphasis added]
- TEXAS | Houston Independent School District
- The Vision and Guiding Principles For the 21st Century
High School Learning Community
- http://www.houstonaplus.org/HISD_Guiding_Principles.pdf
- Excerpt: "The Houston Independent School District
(HISD) pledges to support its high schools in the redesign and development
of new structures and processes that will optimize the performance of all
students, assuring them a seamless transition into higher education and
the 21 st Century workforce.