US Population Forecast To
Boom 43% By 2050
Melbourne Herald Sun
(AFP) -- Taking super-sizing to new levels, the US is heading for a growth spurt that will see its population boom 43 per cent by 2050.
Most rich countries are ominously down-sizing, spelling major changes in world economics and lifestyles.
But the US is bucking the trend. Its population of 293.6 million is expected to blossom to 419.9 million in the next 45 years.
Australia will be following in moderation, rising from just over 20 million to a robust 26.3 million in the same time span.
In contrast, Europe's rapidly ageing population will drop by 8 per cent, a US research institute said yesterday.
Europe has 728 million people and will pull back to 668 million, according to the Population Reference Bureau.
Possibly the biggest shock will be felt in Japan. The world's second-richest country will shrink by a dramatic 21 per cent, from 127.6 million people to 100.6 million.
A real boom will happen in some of the poorest and most unstable nations.
India will leapfrog China to become the world's most populous country.
At least an additional 1000 million people will live in the world's poorest African countries by 2050. Violence-struck Nigeria is expected to more than double its numbers to exceed 300 million people.
And two war-ravaged nations will experience a huge population boom.
Afghanistan's population will nearly triple, from 28.5 million to 81.9 million, while Iraq's will more than double, from 25.9 million people today to 57.9 million in 2050.
"Nearly 99 per cent of all population increase takes place in poor countries, while population size is static or declining in the rich nations," the Washington-based research institute said.
"Among the major industrialised nations, only the United States now has significant population growth," it said.
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