- Another Israeli Spy, as reported by CBS is suspected
in the Pentagon, though some news sources state this is the first time
since Pollard during the 1980's one has been caught.
- This is categorically untrue. September 11, 2001 five
Mossad assets were arrested celebrating the attack in New Jersey as the
Twin Towers disintegrated. In January 2002, FOX News exposed a nationwide
Israeli Spy ring utilizing art students and mall kiosk workers in the hundreds
nationwide, in addition to the use of moving companies as Mossad fronts
in the United States. Between September 11, 2001 and January 2002 we deported
nearly 800 Israeli nationals suspected of spying on the US. This moving
company manifestation continues both in organized crime and earlier this
year more Israeli agents under the cover of moving company workers were
caught in Tennessee attempting to smuggle out classified submarine fuel.
We have the wire and phone tapping scandals by Israeli companies likewise
exposed in this time frame. Then we have Golan Cipel, a confirmed Israeli
- It's long been suspected that members of JINSA, (Jewish
Institute of National Security Affairs) the authors of our current war
in Iraq, the PNAC (Project for the new American Century) and organizations
including AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) which lobbies
congress and is considered the most powerful lobby in America and the ADL
(Anti-Defamation League), which acts as the Intelligence Arm in the United
States under the guise of fighting racism while it promotes, funds and
protects it in Israel have been involved in securing American support,
funds and munitions on behalf of Israeli interests.
- To speak of such automatically brands the reporter or
politician anti-Semitic. There is nothing anti-Semitic about protesting
or pointing to our security breaches and undue influence on US policy,
politicians, budgets and the Constitution (Several pro-Israel but unconstitutional
resolutions have been winding through congress stripping Americans of our
1st, 4th, 5th and 10th Amendment rights while protecting Israel from scrutiny
including HR4230, HR3077 and S-625). Rather it is anti-American not to
object. It is our country after all. To date these organizations hide behind
the Jewish faith, curbing any discussion in the mainstream press through
accusations of anti-Semitism.
- This new spy scandal in Washington DC must be huge for
CBS to risk condemnation by AIPAC and the Christian Zionists. Otherwise
it would be covered up like the aforementioned incidents of the past three
years. AIPAC will swing into action and attempt to minimize this, denying
of course everything. Israeli loyalists in the media will attempt to spin
this as not damaging because Israel is our "friend"; don't be
surprised by this. Ariel Sharon has bragged on at least one public occasion
that Israel controls the US Media. But what Americans need to realize,
only Israel continually gets caught spying on us, selling our military
secrets to communist countries and compromising our security. Britain doesn't
do this. France doesn't do this. Canada doesn't do this, nor does Mexico
and there would be hell to pay if they did. This discovery is the tip of
the iceberg.
- The biggest problems facing American democracy, our constitution
and freedom, all trace back to the same little country, the one we keep
catching spying and selling our security, the same country both Bush and
Kerry proudly and publicly swear their solidarity to, our "friend"
- The Agenda
- This isn't about religion, nor is it about "fighting
terrorism"; the issues would be the same if Israel were Catholic,
Muslim or Buddhist. Religion continues to be used as a weapon to obscure
and prevent discussion. As far as terrorism, it wouldn't exist in the Middle
East if Israel ceased exterminating its neighbors, or if it had adhered
to the agreement establishing the State of Israel in 1948.
- (Israel possesses the 4th largest military in the world
with over 600 WMD's. Israel is not a helpless nor an oppressed nation by
any means. It defeated several nations in just six days and it has always,
from day one outnumber the totality of all Arab country militaries by at
least 3:1)
- Terrorism wouldn't exist for Israel if America its enabler
wasn't continually supplying the injunctions, money and weapons of oppression.
Its problems with terrorism originate because of its policies: apartheid,
genocide, racism, elitism and ethnic cleansing, nothing more.
- If Americans truly want to end the threat of terrorism,
the solution begins in Palestine and it is called justice, not apartheid.
Continuing to shield Israel isn't helping Israelis. It's killing them,
morally, spiritually and physically. If Americans really care about the
Israelis and really want to save the Jewish people the biggest favor we
can do for them is cut off all support until they learn to get along with
their neighbors. This they will do quickly; they've gotten along in relative
peace from nearly 1900 years. Terrorism will end without the financial
and political support of America. It's called tough love and it works whether
we're speaking of teenagers, alcoholics or rogue nations drunk on elitism
and racism.
- America please tell me, how many spies are required for
this nation to wake up? Why we are supporting presidential candidates who
place the welfare and importance of a foreign theocracy, primary and before
the Constitution and the welfare of the United States? Does it not seem
odd for the President of the United States and three quarters of congress
to proudly swear their solidarity to a foreign country? Think about that.
Think about what that really means. As Americans we need to decide whether
we continue to cower in fear of being labeled anti-Semitic for simply standing
up for our country, or whether Americans are willing to pay the true price
of freedom by fielding these accusations and exposing them for the BS they
are. What is more important: The Constitution, Freedom and the United States,
or apartheid, terrorism and Israel.
- I vote for America. What amazes me is how few of my countrymen
agree. If the choice is between supporting Israeli apartheid and the United
States our constitution and freedom, Israeli apartheid and racism win every
time. I don't get it. What are we afraid of, a little name calling, being
called racists for objecting to racism? Anyone who thinks will see this
for the oxymoron it is. Honestly, there is nothing anti-Semitic about putting
American interests first. We are American; we're supposed to. It's called
self-preservation. After thirty-seven years and nearly two-trillion in
aid and munitions to Israel, it is time we put the United States first.
This is easy. All we need to do is follow the Constitution and apply the
same standards we adhere to in the United States with our actions and support
abroad. Apartheid, racism, oppression, ethnic cleansing are not American
values. So, why do we fund, defend and support Israel? If this isn't hypocrisy,
what is? Time to put America first.
- http://www.couplescompany.com/Features/Politics/2004/Cipel1.htm#First