This Month In UFO History
Some of the more interesting
sightings this month on the UFO Timeline
Compiled by James Neff for


June-July 1947
A Banner Year For UFOs, Saucer Crashes & Aerial Sightings
(Some of the material below is carried over from June)

Chronological Database Of "Saucer" Crashes July 1947 - More than 40 Incidents
June 21, 1947 - Pre-Arnold/Pre-Roswell UFO Fleet Encounter
It was approximately 2pm when Harold A. Dahl, the captain of a coastguard patrol based on Tacoma, Washington, had his amazing UFO sighting.
Dahl and his crew of U.S. coastguards were patrolling the southern end of Puget Sound, Washington - a place abundant with islands and fjords - when they put the launch into an eastern bay off Maury Island, a small, thinly populated island some three miles from the mainland.
At the time there were two members of Dahl's crew, his son and a dog on board. As they entered the bay, Dahl looked up from the wheel and was startled to see "six very large doughnut-shaped machines" in the air. He judged them to be approximately 2000 feet up, virtually overhead, stationary and silent.
Intelligent Balloons?
Initially he thought they were balloons until one decided to descend, followed by the other five. This lone machine seemed to be in trouble. Dahl though - although the others closely followed it at a range of approximately 200 feet above.
It continued on a downwards movement until it was directly overhead, about 500 feet above the water. They remained totally silent and Dahl couldn't see any visible means of propulsion - they didn't appear to have any engines.
Metallic Craft
Dahl reckoned they were each about 100 feet in diameter and each had a hole in its center, about 25 feet in diameter. The clouds were low and thundery, but when the sunlight broke through, Dahl noted that it reflected from the metallic surfaces of the strange craft. However, there was not one brilliance, but many.
In addition, the craft appeared to have what appeared to be 'portholes' equally spaced around the outside of their hulls. Dahl also reported what looked like dark and circular windows on the inside and bottoms of them.
Dahl later said, "Fearing that the central and lowermost machine was going to crash in the bay, we pulled our boat over to the beach and got out our harbor patrol camera. I took four photos of these balloons, as I still thought they were. All the time, the five were circling around the one which was stationery. Five minutes passed, and then one of the circling machines detached itself from the formation and came right down to the stationery one. It seemed to touch it, and stayed motionless for about four minutes.Then we heard a dull thud, and the central craft spewed out what looked like thousands of newspapers from the inside of its center. But these falling fragments turned out to be a white type of very light metal that fluttered to earth, and also fell into the bay. The machine then seemed to hail on us in the bay, and over the beach, black and darker type metals, which hit the beach and the bay. All these latter fragments seemed molten. Steam rose when they hit the water. We ran for shelter under a cliff and got behind logs. My son's arm was hit by a falling fragment of metal, and our dog was killed. Then the rain of metal stopped. The strange craft silently lifted and went westward towards the Pacific. All the time, the center one remained in the formation. We found the fallen metal too hot to touch, for some time. But when it cooled, we loaded a large number of pieces into our launch."
Electrical Malfunctions
When he climbed back towards the launch, Dahl found that his radio refused to work.
"When I started out on patrol, my radio had been in perfect order. But now, the static was so great, I could not make contact with our shore station! Yet the weather could not have caused all that interference. Our wheel-house had been hit by the rain of metal, and damaged. I started up the engines and returned to Tacoma, where my boy had to be attended in hospital. I reported the adventure to my superior officer, Mr Fred L. Chrisman; but I could see he did not believe me! I gave him the camera and the films and also the metal fragments we had collected in the island. Later, Chrisman went out to the island to look for the 20 tones of metal which I judged had been spewed from the strange machine. When my films were developed, they showed the strange aircraft, but the negatives were covered with white spots, as though they had been exposed to some radiation."
Apparently specimens of the strange metal were taken to Chicago University for analysis, who described them as "metal that had fallen from a great height in the sky and landed in sand."
Strange Geology!
Some skeptics have said that Maury Island is rich in this type of metal as geological and natural deposits. Further analysis reported that the metal was an alloy of calcium, iron, zinc, and titanium. Also present were aluminum, manganese, copper, magnesium, silicon, nickel, lead, strontium and chromium together with traces of silver, tin and cadmium. This seems a very remarkable alloy to be found in a natural state all over Maury Island.
One odd note added, was that the content of calcium was unusually high and that it had not been oxidized, as it does when heated - in terrestrial conditions.
Cosmic Protection
One theory which was put forward at the time was that the calcium had been cast into the hull of the strange machines to absorb the lethal cosmic rays out in space beyond our earth's orbit.
Enter the Men in Black
Not only is this story extremely fascinating, if only by pre-dating similar events - the metal seems similar to that allegedly recovered the following month at the Roswell crash site. However, the following day Dahl was interrogated by what could be one of the first incidents involving MIB (Men in Black):
According to Dahl, the following morning a strange man drove to his house and got out of a black Buick car of sedan type. He was dressed in a dark suit, was around 40 years old and in Dahl's words, looked like "an insurance agent".
Dahl got out his own car and drove downtown - with the stranger following him. Why he didn't use the stranger's car for a lift is not recorded.
Threatening Warnings
Over breakfast in a hotel, Dahl was asked some curious 'personal' questions;
Stranger: "Are you happy at your job, and in your family?"
Dahl: "What the blazes are you getting at?"
At this point, the stranger merely gave a peculiar smile and proceeded to tell Dahl of the previous events on Maury Island. This conversation puzzled Dahl as, so far, he had not told anyone about his experience and there had been no one on the island apart from his crew - and he did not think they had been talking.
"Mr Dahl," said the stranger, still smiling, "you had better forget what you have seen, and stop talking. Silence is the best thing for you and your family. You have seen what you ought not to have seen!" The stranger then abruptly got up and left the hotel.
Further Verifications
Kenneth Arnold later arrived on the scene after being asked to investigate the strange story. Arnold later interviewed Dahl's superior officer, Chrisman, who told his own fantastic story:-
Two days after Dahl had reported to me about these strange machines over Maury Island, I went out in the patrol launch. It was on the morning of June 23rd. I looked at some of the tons of metal on the beach. As I did so, one of the strange aircraft suddenly appeared from nowhere! It circled the bay, banked at an angle of 10 degrees, and shot up into the center of a cumulus cloud, high in the sky. I have never seen any aircraft before go into the center of such a cloud. It is very rough in there. The strange thing looked like a large inner tube to me. It was not squashed as Dahl had said. It had large portholes round the whole hull, and its brassy, golden surface seemed burled. I noticed, too, an observation window in it. When the sun shone on it, it was unusually brilliant. I picked up a load of the fragments of fallen metal and went back with them in the launch to Tacoma."
Military Investigations
Arnold then spoke to Lieutenant Frank Brown of the U.S. military intelligence, who had also seen the fragments of metal when he flew over the location in a B.29 bomber.
He sketched, for Arnold, photos that had come to intelligence. One of the sketches showed a photograph taken some three weeks previously by Wm. A. Rhodes over Phoenix, Arizona. It showed a strange vessel, looking like the heel of a shoe, ie. parabolic in shape, with a hole near one of the curves.
Rhodes had said that there were two tails of vapor trailing from the edges of the 'heel'. One even more remarkable picture shown to Arnold looked exactly like Arnold's own (famous) sighting of nine strange machines flying in formation on June 24th 1947.
The startling thing was that this picture was taken by a Captain F.W. Banner of the British barque, 'Lady of the Lake', in mid-ocean off the coast of Liberia on March 22nd, 1870 - 77 years BEFORE Arnold's sighting.
It looked like a half moon with a tail in it, or like a half-peak in the center of the disc. The object was flying against the wind and was visible for half an hour.
This account seems to have all the hallmarks of a classic sighting; strange metallic craft, fragments of strange metal recovered and even being followed by a MIB encounter.
(Source: )
June 24, 1947 - Kenneth Arnold's Famous UFO Sighting
PENDELTON, Ore., June 25 (AP) -- Nine bright saucer-like objects flying at "incredible speed" at 10,000 feet altitude were reported here today by Kenneth Arnold, a Boise, Idaho, pilot who said he could not hazard a guess as to what they were.
Arnold, a United States Forest Service employee engaged in searching for a missing plane, said he sighted the mysterious objects yesterday at 3 P.M. They were flying between Mount Rainier and Mount Adams, in Washington state, he said, and appeared to weave in and out of formation. Arnold said he clocked and estimated their speed at 1,200 miles an hour. [end]
Note: Arnold estimated the speed of the UFOs at around 1,200 mph, or, at 10,000 feet above sea level, Mach 1.63. The fastest aircraft in the military at that time topped out at 700 mph. It was not until 1962 that the Lockheed A-12 Blackbird took flight achieving Mach 3.2, at altitudes of 40,000 ft. or more.
Kenneth Arnold has been credited widely for having coined the term "Flying Saucer," but in reality, Arnold didn't see saucers. He described a one-piece, winged "heel" sort of craft, or a crescent with a domed top, and commented that their movement in the sky was like saucers "skipping" across water which reporters then drafted into the lexicon of contemporary lingo.
Nonetheless, what Arnold saw and described was certainly not conventional aircraft known to any civilians at that time, though we do know that Nazi Germany was working frantically on craft of similar design and shape just before the end of the war and may have perfected it, the knowledge then falling into the hands of the Allies. It is certainly possible that the US Government/Military had such advanced aircraft as part of blackops projects in '47, but we simply don't know. One then has to contend with the myriad of reports of alien pilots found at the Roswell (and other) crash sites, seen by many eye-witnesses, and the total similarity in the description of the crashed craft. It would be unlikely that the skies were being shared by men and extraterrestrials alike in the same kind of ships.

The Arnold-Roswell-Rhodes Craft Connection
These images, often called "the Roswell craft" photos, (as it is widely reported that the Roswell craft was not a saucer, but a "delta" winged craft) appeared in several Southwestern newspapers around the time of Arnold's sighting and match his basic description of a heel shaped, domed flyer; These images were photographed the same day as the Roswell crash which took place in the evening of July 7, 1947, just one state away, in New Mexico.

William Rhodes Photos, Phoenix, AZ, July 7, 1947
July 2-8, 1947 - Roswell
There has been so much written about the Roswell crash and so many sites dedicated to info on Roswell that here we will simply give a general time-line, a simple chronology of events. It is more than evident that something did indeed crash of great interest to the US Military and Government, worthy of a remarkable cover-up, and this included the retrieval of alien corpses. To accept even a fraction of the official Air Force explanation of events, one must believe both trained servicemen, military intelligence officers and civillians alike were so retarded and addled in 1947 that mere tin foil on a paper backing and kite sticks with a floral pattern printed on it could produce one of the most profoundly curious UFO cases of all time, puzzling even the living eyewitnesses to this very day.
On July 2, 1947, during the evening, a flying saucer crashed on the Foster Ranch near Corona, New Mexico. The crash occurred during a severe thunderstorm. (The military base nearest the crash site is in Roswell, New Mexico; hence, Roswell is more closely associated with this event than Corona, even though Corona is closer to the crash site.)
On July 3, 1947, William "Mac" Brazel (rhymes with "frazzle") and his 7-year-old neighbor Dee Proctor found the remains of the crashed flying saucer. Brazel was foreman of the Foster Ranch. The pieces were spread out over a large area, perhaps more than half a mile long. When Brazel drove Dee back home, he showed a piece of the wreckage to Dee's parents, Floyd and Loretta Proctor. They all agreed the piece was unlike anything they had ever seen.
On July 6, 1947, Brazel showed pieces of the wreckage to Chaves County Sheriff George Wilcox. Wilcox called Roswell Army Air Field (AAF) and talked to Major Jesse Marcel, the intelligence officer. Marcel drove to the sheriff's office and inspected the wreckage. Marcel reported to his commanding officer, Colonel William "Butch" Blanchard. Blanchard ordered Marcel to get someone from the Counter Intelligence Corps, and to proceed to the ranch with Brazel, and to collect as much of the wreckage as they could load into their two vehicles.
Soon after this, military police arrived at the sheriff's office, collected the wreckage Brazel had left there, and delivered the wreckage to Blanchard's office. The wreckage was then flown to Eighth Air Force headquarters in Fort Worth, and from there to Washington.
Meanwhile, Marcel and Sheridan Cavitt of the Counter Intelligence Corps drove to the ranch with Mac Brazel. They arrived late in the evening. They spent the night in sleeping bags in a small out-building on the ranch, and in the morning proceeded to the crash site.
On July 7, 1947, Marcel and Cavitt collected wreckage from the crash site. After filling Cavitt's vehicle with wreckage, Marcel told Cavitt to go on ahead, that Marcel would collect more wreckage, and they would meet later back at Roswell AAF. Marcel filled his vehicle with wreckage. On the way back to the air field, Marcel stopped at home to show his wife and son the strange material he had found.
On July 7, 1947, around 4:00 pm, Lydia Sleppy at Roswell radio station KSWS began transmitting a story on the teletype machine regarding a crashed flying saucer out on the Foster Ranch. Transmission was interrupted, seemingly by the FBI.
On July 8, 1947, in the morning, Marcel and Cavitt arrived back at Roswell AAF with two carloads of wreckage. Marcel accompanied this wreckage, or most it, on a flight to Fort Worth AAF.
On July 8, 1947, around noon, Colonel Blanchard at Roswell AAF ordered Second Lieutenant Walter Haut to issue a press release telling the country that the Army had found the remains of a crashed a flying saucer. Haut was the public information officer for the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell AAF. Haut delivered the press release to Frank Joyce at radio station KGFL. Joyce waited long enough for Haut to return to the base, then called Haut there to confirm the story. Joyce then sent the story on the Western Union wire to the United Press bureau.
On July 8, 1947, in the afternoon, General Clemence McMullen in Washington spoke by telephone with Colonel (later Brigadier General) Thomas DuBose in Fort Worth, chief of staff to Eighth Air Force Commander General Roger Ramey. McMullen ordered DuBose to tell Ramey to quash the flying saucer story by creating a cover story, and to send some of the crash material immediately to Washington.
On July 8, 1947, in the afternoon, General Roger Ramey held a press conference at Eighth Air Force headquarters in Fort Worth in which he announced that what had crashed at Corona was a weather balloon, not a flying saucer. To make this story convincing, he showed the press the remains of a damaged weather balloon that he claimed was the actual wreckage from the crash site. (Apparently, the obliging press did not ask why the Army hurriedly transported weather balloon wreckage to Fort Worth, Texas, site of the press conference, from the crash site in a remote area of New Mexico.)
The only newspapers that carried the initial flying saucer version of the story were evening papers from the Midwest to the West, including the Chicago Daily News, the Los Angeles Herald Express, the San Francisco Examiner, and the Roswell Daily Record. The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Chicago Tribune were morning papers and so carried only the cover-up story the next morning.
At some point, a large group of soldiers were sent to the debris field on the Foster Ranch, including a lot of MPs whose job was to limit access to the field. A wide search was launched well beyond the limits of the debris field. Within a day or two, a few miles from the debris field, the main body of the flying saucer was found, and a mile or two from that several bodies of small humanoids were found.
The military took Mac Brazel into custody for about a week, during which time he was seen on the streets of Roswell with a military escort. His behavior aroused the curiosity of friends when he passed them without any sign of recognition. Following this period of detention, Brazel repudiated his initial story.
[Major Jesse Marcel was one of the the first two military people to visit the Corona crash site. The other was Sheridan Cavitt, who to this day has refused to even acknowledge that he was there on the ranch with Marcel. Jesse Marcel died in 1982. He was interviewed in 1979.]
When we arrived at the crash site, it was amazing to see the vast amount of area it covered. It was nothing that hit the ground or exploded [on] the ground. It's something that must have exploded above ground, traveling perhaps at a high rate of speed, we don't know. But it scattered over an area of about three quarters of a mile long, I would say, and fairly wide, several hundred feet wide. So we proceeded to pick up all the fragments we could find and load up our Jeep Carry-All. It was quite obvious to me, familiar with air activities, that it was not a weather balloon, nor was it an airplane or a missile. What it was, we didn't know. We just picked up the fragments. It was something I had never seen before, and I was pretty familiar with all air activities. We loaded up the Carry-All but I wasn't satisfied. I told Cavitt, "You drive this vehicle back to the base and I'll go back out there and pick up as much as I can put in the car,", which I did. But we picked up only a very small portion of the material that was there.
One thing that impressed me about the debris that we were referring to is the fact that a lot of it looked like parchment. A lot of it had a lot of little members [I-beams] with symbols that we had to call them hieroglyphics because I could not interpret them, they could not be read, they were just symbols, something that meant something and they were not all the same. The members that this was painted on -- by the way, those symbols were pink and purple, lavender was actually what it was. And so these little members could not be broken, could not be burned. I even tried to burn that. It would not burn. The same with the parchment we had.
But something that is more astounding is that the piece of metal that we brought back was so thin, just like the tinfoil in a pack of cigarette paper. I didn't pay too much attention to that at first, until one of the GIs came to me and said, "You know the metal that was in there? I tried to bend that stuff and it won't bend. I even tried it with a sledge hammer. You can't make a dent on it."
I didn't go back to look at it myself again, because we were busy in the office and I had quite a bit of work to do. I am quite sure that this young fellow would not have lied to me about that, because he was a very truthful, very honest guy, so I accepted his word for that. So, beyond that, I didn't actually see him hit the matter with a sledge hammer, but he said, "It's definite that it cannot be bent and it's so light that it doesn't weigh anything." And that was true of all the material that was brought up. It was so light that it weighed practically nothing.
This particular piece of metal was, I would say, about two feet long and perhaps a foot wide. See, that stuff weighs nothing, it's so thin, it isn't any thicker than the tinfoil in a pack of cigarettes. So I tried to bend the stuff, it wouldn't bend. We even tried making a dent in it with a 16-pound sledge hammer, and there was still no dent in it. I didn't have the time to go out there and find out more about it, because I had so much other work to do that I just let it go. It's still a mystery to me as to what the whole thing was. Like I said before, I knew quite a bit about the material used in the air, but it was nothing I had seen before. And as of now, I still don't know what it was. So that's how it stands.
[Here is what Jesse Marcel said on the American television program "Unsolved Mysteries".]
There were just fragments strewn all over the area, an area about three quarters of a mile long and several hundred feet wide. So we proceeded to pick up the parts.
I tried to bend the stuff, it would not bend. I even tried to burn it, it would not burn. That stuff weighs nothing. It's not any thicker than tin foil in a pack of cigarettes. We even tried making a dent in it with a 16-pound sledge hammer, still no dent in it.
One thing I was certain of, being familiar with all our activities, that it was not a weather balloon, nor an aircraft, nor a missile. It was something else, which we didn't know what it was.
[Dr. Jesse Marcel Jr is Major Jesse Marcel's son. When Major Marcel returned from the Foster Ranch with a carload of wreckage from the crashed flying saucer, he stopped off at home to show his wife and his eleven-year old son what he had found. Jesse Jr is now a medical doctor, an Army reserve helicopter pilot who served in Vietnam, and a qualified aircraft accident investigator.]
The crash and remnants of the device that I happened to see have left an imprint on my memory that can never be forgotten. The craft was not conventional in any sense of the word, in that the remains were most likely what was then known as a flying saucer that had apparently been stressed beyond its designed capabilities.
I'm basing this on the fact that many of the remnants, including I-beam pieces that were present, had strange hieroglyphic typewriting symbols across the inner surfaces, pink and purple, except that I don't think there were any animal figures present as there are in true Egyptian hieroglyphics.
The remainder of the debris was just described as nondescript metallic debris, or just shredded fragments, but there was a fair amount of the intact I-beam members present. I only saw a small portion of the debris that was actually present at the crash site.
[Here is what Jesse Marcel Jr said on the American television program "Unsolved Mysteries".]
When [Dad] came back to the house he had a bunch of wreckage with him at the time, and he brought the wreckage into the house. Actually wakened my mother and myself out so we could view this, because it was so unusual. This was about two o'clock in the morning as I recall, and he spread it out so we could get some basic idea what it looked like, what it was....
We were all amazed by this debris that was there, primarily because we didn't know what it was, you know, it was just the unknown....
This writing [on a short piece of I-beam] could be described as like hieroglyphics, Egyptian-type hieroglyphics, but not really. The symbols that were on the I-beams were more of a geometric-type configuration in various designs. It had a violet-purple type color and was actually an embossed part of the metal itself.
Years after this incident happened, we would talk privately among ourselves about what the possibilities of this, what this thing was. And I feel that we, well I know that we came to the conclusion it was not of earthly origin.
If I had not actually held pieces of it in my hand, I would not think that it would be possible. But because I happened to see this, that's the only reason I believe it....
My dad said obviously it [the weather balloon story] was a cover-up story, it was not a weather balloon. He was a little disturbed about that, but he had his own security classification to protect. He could not really go public with, 'hey this is not the real thing', I mean this is not a weather balloon. So he had to keep that to himself.
(Source: - Most of the testimony in this document is from the 1992 book "Crash at Corona" by Stanton Friedman and Don Berliner, published in the United States by Paragon House.)
July 13-29, 1952 - Washington D.C. Scene Of Full-Force Alien Invasion!
National Airlines plane en route to National Airport, about 60 mi. SW of the city observed a blue- white ball of light hovering to the west. Object then "came up to 11,000 ft. and then maintained a parallel course, on the same level, at the same speed, until the aircraft pilot turned on all lights. Object then departed from the vicinity at an estimated 1000 mph. Weather was excellent for observation." The crew said the object "took off up and away." No other air traffic was reported in the area at the time.
July 14. Newport News, Virginia: Southbound Pan American Airways plane at 8,000 ft. nearing the Norfolk, Virginia., area observed six glowing red, circular objects approaching below the airliner; objects flipped up on edge in unison and then sped from behind and under the airliner and joined the in-line formation, which "climbed in a graceful arc above the altitude of the airliner." "Then the lights blinked out one by one, though not in sequence." Next day the crew was thoroughly interrogated and advised that they already had seven other reports of red discs moving at high speed and making sharp turns.
July 16. Hampton Roads, Virginia: A Government aeronautical research engineer observed two amber-colored lights approaching from the south at about 500 m.p.h. These slowed and made a U-turn, revolved around each other at a high rate of speed, then joined by two other objects from different directions, the four sped off to the south at about 500 m.p.h. "They moved jerkily when moving slowly. Their ability to make tight circling turns was amazing."
July 18. Washington, D. C. Radio station chief engineer observed 6-7 bright orange discs moving in single file. Each in turn veered sharply upward and disappeared.
July 19. National Airport began picking up unidentified targets on radar.
July 20. Herndon, Va. Capital Airlines flight from National Airport called by control tower to check on unidentified radar targets saw three objects, and three more between there and Martinsburg, W. Va. "like falling stars without tails [which] moved rapidly up, down, and horizontally. Also hovered." Chief CAA air traffic controller Harry Barnes later said in a newspaper interview: "His [the pilot's] subsequent description of the movement of the objects coincided with the position of our pips [radar targets] at all times while in our range.
Diagram of July 20, 1952 UFOs Over DC
Diagram of the UFOs tracked by Washington's National Airport radar scope on July 20, 1952. At A, 7 objects approach the Nation's capital from the south. At B, some are seen over the White House and Capitol. At C, they appear over Andrews Air Force Base. At D, one UFO tracks an airliner. At E, one is seen to make a sharp right-angular turn. Source: UFOs - A Pictorial History From Antiquity to the Present, by David C. Knight. (McGraw Hill Book Co., 1979.) Source: Chez
July 20. Andrews AFB, Maryland, (Nr. Washington, D.C.). Five witnesses visually observed three reddish-orange objects moving erratically.
July 20. Capital Airlines flight incoming to National Airport reported that an unidentified light followed his airliner from the vicinity of Herndon, Virginia, to within about 4 miles west of the airport, confirmed on radar.
July 20. Additional unidentified targets appear on radar at National Airport.
July 20. Air Force radar operators at Andrews AFB weather tower tracked 10 UFOs for 15-20 minutes. Objects approached runway, scattered, made sharp turns and reversals of direction.
July 26. Sharp UFO targets on radar at National Airport. Civilian pilots saw glowing white objects on four occasions, including a United Airlines pilot near Herndon, Va., and two CAA pilots over Maryland. National Airlines pilot near Andrews AFB at 1700 ft. saw a UFO "flying directly over the airliner."
July 26. Radar at National airport tracked a UFO on radar ("big target"), confirmed by Andrews AFB radar.
July 26. Radar at National Airport tracked "solid returns" of "four targets in rough line abreast," and eight others scattered over the radarscope.
July 26. Andrews AFB, Md., surveillance radar tracked 10-12 UFOs in Washington, D.C. area.
July 26. National Airport, 10-12 objects on radar.
July 26. "Good sharp targets" of 4-8 UFOs on ARTC radar at National Airport.
July 26. Air Force Command Post notified of unidentified radar targets. Two F-94 jet interceptors scrambled from New Castle AFB, Delaware, to investigate.
July 27. Major Fournet, (Project Blue Book Officer in Pentagon), and Lt. Holcomb, (Navy electronics expert), arrived at National Airport Center. Observed "7 good, solid targets." Holcomb checked on temperature inversions, but they were minor and could not explain what was going on. He so advised AF Command Post, requesting interception mission. By the time the F-94 jets arrived from Delaware, no strong unidentified targets remained and no visual contacts were made.
July 27. F-94 jet interceptors scrambled from New Castle AFB, Del., to investigate Washington, D.C., radar- UFOs. One F-94 pilot made visual contact and appeared to be gaining on target; both F-94 and UFO were observed on radar and "appeared to be traveling at the same approximate speed." When the F-94 pilot tried to overtake the UFO, it disappeared visually and on radar. The pilot remarked about the "incredible speed of the object."
July 27. Air Force Lieutenant at Andrews AFB saw a dark disc moving slowly northeast with "oscillating rolling motion." Clouds were moving southeast. UFO entered base of clouds.
July 27. Air Force personnel and others at National Airport saw a large round object reflecting sunlight, apparently hovering over the Capital Building. After about a minute, the object "wavered then shot straight up disappearing from sight."
July 28. Daily papers headlined a United Press story from Washington, D.C., that the Air Defence Command had ordered its jet pilots to pursue, and if necessary "shoot down, " UFOs sighted anywhere in the country.
July 29. Many unidentified targets tracked by CAA radar, 8-12 on the radarscope at a time, moving southeast in a belt 15 miles wide near Washington, D.C.
July 29. Eastern Airlines pilot asked to check on radar targets, reported seeing nothing. CAA official said the targets disappeared from the radar screen when the plane was in their area, "then came back in behind him."
July 29. Air Force pilot sighted three round white UFOs 10 miles southeast of Andrews AFB. Other UFOs tracked by radar during the afternoon.
July 29. Air Force press conference at which the sightings were attributed to temperature inversions causing "radar mirages," typically ground lights reflected in the sky under freak atmospheric conditions. Also announced new scientific program to evaluate sightings.
(Source: )
July 19, 1952 - Peruvian Cigar Shaped UFO Streaks Across Heavens
Puerto Maldonado, Peru: 4:30pm on July 19, the attention of Customs Inspector Sr. Domingo Troncoso, then with the Peruvian Customs Office at Puerto Maldonado on the jungle frontier with Bolivia, was called to a very strange cigar-shaped flying object over the river area. The big dirigible-shaped craft was flying horizontally and fairly low in the sky, passing from right to left from the observers position.
It was leaving a dense trail of thick smoke, vapor, or substance on its wake. This object was a real, structured, physical machine. The object was estimated to be over a hundred feet long.
July 1998 - Daylight Disc Photogaphed In Brazil
Sumare' - SP Brazil - July 1998 - 5:30 PM
Photographer - J. Franco Correa
Case Studied by SIFETE Sao Paulo, Brazil
July 2002
Strange Happenings: Similar UFO sightings occur exactly 50 years apart
By Barb Campagnola
Athens NEWS Contributor
It was Sunday morning, July 28, 2002. The news came on the radio as I was chatting with a friend: a big ball of blue light had been spotted in the sky, but we didn't catch where. It was picked up on radar; fighter jets had been scrambled to the scene. The chase was witnessed by people on the ground. The light traveled at a phenomenal rate of speed and then Blip! - it vanished from the radar and from the skies.
My eyes grew big as saucers. "Did you just hear that?" I asked. I was amazed, having never heard such a thing reported on the news.
Though I have been a skeptic, I do know people who not only believe in UFOs, they say they have seen them. They also think that the government is keeping the truth from us. I couldn't imagine anyone trying to cover up such an important scientific discovery. And why would a ship travel this far just to "blip away"?
When I unfolded the story for myself, my thinking began to take a turn.
I watched and listened all day for the exciting updates. Nothing. I looked in the papers. Nothing. How could a big blue ball of blazing light traveling at phenomenal rates of speed be nothing?
Monday morning, I called my friend J.D. Hutchison, the unofficial UFOologist of Athens. He said he thought it was over Oregon somewhere on July 26 and would check into it. Meanwhile, I searched the Internet: blue light/UFO/July 26.
Apparently on July 26, UFO activity was observed over Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, D.C. Witnessed by credible, reliable Air Force pilots and engineers and recorded on radar, a fleet of seven solid-targets were seen hovering, cruising, surrounding and accelerating at phenomenal rates of speed. Then Blip! - they vanished from the radar and from the sky.
Interesting indeed, but I soon discovered that I was reading about the appearance of UFOs on July 26 -- of 1952!
It seems that to date, one of the largest waves of UFO sightings was recorded in July 1952, with an exceptional sighting on the 26th. The government, though it asserted nonchalance, took action. Project Blue Book was instituted in early August immediately after these sightings. It was intended to sort fact from science fiction about UFOs.
Project Blue Book was headquartered at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton. Apparently, there had been so much activity to investigate before and after July 26 that the tiny office was overwhelmed, inundated by the stacks of reports. Many of the original documents were moved to the National Archives in Washington when it closed in 1969.
Yes. Yes. This was all very interesting, I thought, as I scrolled down the page. But I wanted to find out about this big blue ball of light in 2002.
J.D. called me back.
"Babs," he said. "It was July 26, but not in Oregon. It was over Andrews Air Force Base."
My jaw dropped.
Andrews Air Force Base? THE Andrews Air Force Base? Exactly 50 years to the day later?
This blue light was beginning to sound very intelligent indeed. An anniversary appearance? How very attention-getting.
I made a few comparisons.
In a press conference on July 29, 1952, Maj. Gen. John Samford of the U.S. Air Force stated that the sightings were caused by temperature inversions. The public was easily convinced, and for many, that was that.
On July 27, 2002, in a telephone conference with UFO researcher Kenny Young, Major Snyder, command spokesperson for both NORAD and the U.S. Space Command, said, "NORAD is absolutely not concerned about this situation. We posture our forces according to the threat and at no time did this incident involve any threat to our country. It was an innocuous happening."
And that was that.
But is history repeating itself?
Released under the Freedom of Information Act, the once-classified transcripts from the tower that night tell a very different story. That night, no one thought it was temperature inversion, including the lieutenant in charge. The report read, "He (Lt. Holcomb) felt that the scope targets at that time were not the result of this inversion and so advised the command post with the suggestion that a second intercept flight be requested."
Statements taken from commercial national airline pilots in the same area on July 13, 1952 are also extraordinary. They say that they observed a blue-white ball of light hovering to the west.
According to the pilot, the object came up to 11,000 ft. and then maintained a parallel course on the same level, at the same speed, until he turned on all lights. The object then departed from the vicinity at an estimated 1,000 mph. The weather was excellent for observation. The crew said that the object "took off, up and away."
On July 14, 1952 Pan Am pilots in the same area reported six glowing lights or discs cruising beneath them. They remained until the pilots turned on the lights. The discs then flipped on their edge, rose up over their plane in formation and then disappeared one by one. Blip. Blip.
About 60 reports were made in July 1952 from credible witnesses. But how many went unreported? How many go unreported today for fear of scoffing? And while this documentation from commercial pilots is fascinating, volumes upon volumes more exist. To do the subject justice one would have to make it a lifelong pursuit. Many have.
Project Blue Book recorded some 12,618 sightings before closing operations in 1969. Of those, 718 remain unexplained. But according to the Air Force and their conclusions from Project Blue Book, UFOs have been proven to be neither a security threat nor extraterrestrial, so we do not need to investigate them any further. Case Closed. And this has become our official position to date. See nothing and say nothing.
So it's probably fair to say that given the penalties, like prison, for divulging classified information, we may never know the truth about July 26, 2002.
Was it a bird? Was it a plane? Or was it... a temperature inversion.
July 22, 2003 - UK Mystery Lights
People in the county of Worcestershire have probably started wondering if extraterrestrials have been visiting them recently.
BBC cameraman Tom Hines noticed three mysterious bright lights hovering in the sky near Hanbury on Tuesday, 22 July 2003 and filmed them with a video camera. Skeptics assert that the lights may have been flares, but Hines remains convinced it was a UFO and described the objects as disappearing and reappearing lights:
"I kind of saw two bright lights and thought they were stars at first," Hines states. "I pointed out where they were and started filming. They started disappearing and reappearing and at one point there was three bright lights. They kept appearing very randomly in different areas of the sky."
Local Hanbury resident John Dawson also noticed the lights.
"We went through all kinds of evaluations, like could they be fireworks, could they be flares and to be honest with you we couldn't come to any decision as to what they were," Dawson said.
Science correspondent David Gregory of BBC Midlands Today examined the tape and has spoke to local UFO experts about it. Gregory explains, "It could have been the Hanbury Orbs, which are a series of lights which are known to hover above the landscape in this area. But nobody knows for sure."


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