- Cloak and Dagger Internet Radio says you can add "murderers,
traitors and liars" to this list as well. www.cloakanddagger.ca
- Each week host Nelson Thall ("Lenny Bloom")
and regular guests, Tom Henighan and Sherman Skolnick "uncover the
cover-ups." http://www.skolnicksreport.com/
- A typical show last week revealed that President George
W. Bush ("Bush-fraud") was involved in a satanic mass murder
in 1984 in Brownsville TX in which 17 cult members were slain and /skinned.
/ During the 2000 election campaign, reporters confronted Dubya and he
/didn't deny it./ Apparently Dubya's teeth marks were found on one of the
victims but Daddy Bush, a practicing satanist himself, got it covered up.
- Gradually people are recognizing that mankind has been
swindled on a cosmic scale by a satanic cult headquartered in the City
of London.
Is it really so unbelievable that mankind's moral development
would /not/ be in the interests of the financial elite and that they would
take elaborate steps to control, stunt and even destroy us? Is it so unbelievable
that they would adopt a perverse ideology to rationalize their Rule of
- This is a war of consciousness and satanists control
the big guns: the weapons of mass communications. The resistance, who believes
man's duty, is to express his Divine not lower nature, has one weapon,
the Internet.
- Many leaders are guilty of depravities that would discredit
and render them ineffective if widely exposed. This is their Achilles'
- Recently, Tom Henighan reported that shocking information
is contained in Kerry's divorce records, and is used to blackmail and control
- John Kerry ("Cash and Carry") has been filmed
in a snuff porn video with underage girls in England.
- Henighan, a friend and advisor of Al Gore with Intelligence
agency sources, says Kerry is an agent of British Intelligence (MI-6).
- Not only are both Presidential candidates members of
a secret satanic society, the /Skull and Bones/, they are related as well!
Kerry is a third cousin of George W. Bush on his mother's side.
- A word of caution: sometimes the Cloak and Dagger hosts
seem a little over the top. Take it all with a grain of salt and see if
subsequent events prove them correct.
- For instance, /Cloak and Dagger/ reported for months
that Canada Steamship Lines owned by Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin's
family was smuggling cocaine.
- On July 1, authorities found $13 million worth attached
to the hull of one of his ships.
- http://www.mytelus.com/news/article.do?pageID=canada_home&articleID=1652376
- The media stated that smugglers had secreted their stash
without the company's knowledge. Would this explanation work if it were
found on your car?
- Henighan says John Edwards made his reputation as an
injury lawyer by bribing his juries. Edward's agenda is to expose Kerry's
improprieties and bump him from the ticket. Jay Rockefeller will become
- Henighan is passionate in denouncing the political elite
as "filth." He says the US media is "the enemy of the American
people" and he has the dirt on most of the news celebrities. His indignation,
so natural yet so rare, is refreshing and inspiring to hear.
- He calls Al Gore the "elected and uninaugaurated
President of the United States." The last election was "stolen."
- Apparently thousands of black voters (Gore supporters)
were prevented from voting by the Florida governor, Dubya's brother Jeb,
They were pronounced "felons" and removed from the voter's lists.
- Much of this skulduggery is supported by top-secret documents
posted on the cloak and dagger site. http://www.themedianews.com/DAGGER/Tom_of_Venice/01_2
- Henighan maintains that there is a war raging within
the US government between the Bush-Clinton-Kerry "fascist-criminal-cabal"
and those who want to bring them to justice. The French CIA is assisting
the latter.
- Henighan says Sandy Berger was caught removing National
Archives documents that would implicate him and accomplices in the millions
of dollars made from put options purchased on airline and insurance stocks
before the 9/11 attacks.
- The /Cloak and Dagger/ show is on Sunday through Tuesday
at 9 p.m. E.S.T. You can subscribe to their revealing archives for $20
for six month.
- I also recommend the veteran Resistance Voices: the Jeff
Rense program and Alex Jones' show.
- Jones recently had an interview with John DeCamp who
exposed the pedophile ring in the Reagan Bush White House.
- http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2004/210704johndecamp.htm
- Rense's archive contains invaluable interviews with experts
like Webster Tarpley, Tim Rifat and Joan Veon. His show is always inspiring.
- http://www.talkone.com/rensearchives.htm
- Crime and depravity is the elite's soft underbelly. Let's
support these courageous shows and spread the word.
- The elite depends on our credulity and docility. If we
can expose them, they cannot govern. If we insist on the law, we can put
them in jail where they all belong.
- _____
- Henry Makow Ph.D is the inventor of the board game Scruples
and author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing
feminism and the new world order are found at his web site www.savethemales.ca
He welcomes feedback but recommends you use an anonymous email address.