More On The Dropa Stones
From Ven. Lhundrub Jinpa
The Khön family lineage, to which His Holiness Sakya Trizin belongs, has a long history extending back to pre-Buddhist Tibet, when they were instrumental in the dissemination of Bön. This great lineage traces its descent back to the earliest times when three "Gods of the Realm of Clear Light" (brothers) descended from the heavens to the land which was later to be known as Tibet. The five generations from Yuring, the second of these brothers, to Yapang Kye are referred to as The Divine Line of Clear Light. After engaging in a war with the Rakshas, Yapang Kye married a Raksha princess Yadruk Silima who bore him a son named Khon Bar Kye, meaning "he who is born amid strife". For reason of this ancestral history their descendants came variously to be known as "Lharig", meaning "The Celestial Race".
Lharig - the Celestial Race, and the Dropa Stone-discs:
"The story of the Dropa Stones, or more accurately the Dropa Discs begins in the summer of 1938, when a Chinese archaeological expedition begins mapping a series of interlocking caves in a part of the Himilayan Mountains called the Baian Kara Ula Mountains, between the border that divides China and Tibet. The expedition was being led by a Dr. Chi Pu Tei, when they stumbled across a remarkable find. In some of the caves, there were neat lines of graves, and buried in these graves were the remains of a strange people. Averaging about 4 feet in height, they had long spindly limbs and round, large oversized heads. In other caves, there were discovered cave drawings, pictograms of the heavens. The drawings have been carbon dated as being between 10 and 12 thousand years old. 716 discs were recovered, ranging in size from several inches to several feet. The discs were also found to have a "groove" spiraling outward from the center, tightly wound like a Fred Flintstone phonograph album. However, upon further inspection, the groove was found to be no groove at all, but rather a continuous line of written characters or hieroglyphics, unlike any ever seen before. The writing was almost microscopic. Dr. Nui transcribed the characters to paper, and after much research, claimed to have decoded the messages. He said the story on the disc describe an alien spaceship crash landing in the mountains of Tibet, and the occupants initially being met with fear by the Tibetan tribe known as the Hams. He goes on to say that eventually the aliens made peace with the Hams. "
L.J. recalls:
Somebody told me a story about a holiday in Kathmandu. The traveler went to visit a famous local Lama, so-called "Buddha from Boudha" near Boudhnath stupa. It just happens that the "Buddha from Boudha" is officially a direct descendant of Lharig - the Celestial Race. The traveler remarked that the head of the "Buddha from Boudha" looked oddly similar to a grey alien... The traveler asked the "Buddha from Boudha" about grey aliens showing an image of one, and the answer was that the "Buddha from Boudha" recognizes them to be, as he puts it, "from another world". The "Buddha from Boudha" marveled at the image for quite a long time, and discussing it with his secretary. He also asked questions of the traveler about grey aliens!
I happen to know well both of those stories: the Dropa Stone-discs, and about Lharig - the Celestial Race. I came to learn about them NOT from the internet, but from credible written sources, and this time I found them on the net in a quality format, so I decided to present it to our group. I do believe in UFOs and other intelligent life in Universe. I strongly believe that these two accounts esentially describe the same story.
What do you think?
From Tom Gordon
Your astonishing article asks for our commentary. I had never heard of these treasured stones, but I can not imagine them it to be any less important than the bible! I must phrase it that way to be completely open to the precepts of anthropology, putting all the geopolitical issues aside, but only for the moment.
These inscriptions must be hugely important all by themselves. Do the characters resemble the Greek, Roman, Egyptian or Arabic alphabets? I believe that it is especially important for the world community to see them in detail. In a comparative analysis, will see a direct evolution in the way these characters have influenced those of man? Perhaps they were common at one time. Legible or not, perhaps we devised our characters as a means to establish a common language with an alien race? Either way, Darwinian theory has certainly been shot down many times recently here at!
The greatest threat to Darwin of course, is not the book of Genesis, as touted by the preacher, but the discovery of written language itself. People didn't just up and say; "Oh look! There's a heavenly six-pointed 'orb' in the sky, I think I'll write a book about it." And, so far, I refuse to find any truth in the book of Revelations that can explain the Great Pyramids, the Sphynx, burning bushes, the seas parting, Machu Pechu, etc...
We simply have to see this script!
From Ven.Lhundrub Jinpa
My e-mail is regarding: "More On The Dropa Stones"
I am a Canadian citizen, (born in Poland) and I am a Buddhist monk www.Lhundrub.Jinpa.prv.PL The story about the traveler in Kathmandu meeting a local Tibetan Lama, is a real story about me and my friend Joe Haniff of NYC meeting in 2003 the "Buddha from Boudha", who is an extremly renowned Master: His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche
My dear friend Joe Haniff, please reply to all of us with the confirmation of our story!
I also personally met His Holiness Sakya Trizin, who is next only to the Dalai Lama of Tibet.
Yes, my heart-felt conviction is that these two accounts: esentially describe the same story! Of course, many important details were ommitted.
Two discs were tested at a Science Academy in Russia, the findings were published in a scientific paper, and the discs are still in Russia... somewhere!
The rest of the stone-discs were dispersed among regional museums in China, and were recently seen by a German travel-tour operator, who wrote about it in his book, among other "oddities" from his Asian travels.
Please, let's continue!
Yours in the Buddha-Dharma,
Ven. Lhundrub Jinpa http://www.Lhundrub.Jinpa.prv.p



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