Bad Astronomy, Indeed
By Michael Goodspeed
A truly bad Hollywood movie has the power to arouse many emotions in its viewers - anger, disappointment, frustration, depression, and most often, boredom. These are not emotions that most filmmakers seek to trigger. Great films of all genres appeal to intense human emotions - amusement and joy (comedy), melancholia occasionally leading to spiritual uplift (drama), excitement (sci-fi, fantasy, action), and perhaps the most difficult emotion of all to arouse - FEAR (horror, sci-fi).
I am almost never frightened by a bad movie (except for the moment when I realize that I shelled out 8 dollars of my hard-earned money to sit in a corporate-owned theater and watch it.) Last night, July 7th, was an exception. I sat in the comfort of my own living room, and watched what is regarded by some as the worst science fiction film ever made - Michael Bay's Armageddon. This ugly, obnoxious, Jerry Bruckheimer production features Bruce Willis and Cro-Magnon-prototype Ben Affleck attempting to save humanity from an earth-killing asteroid. I first saw this movie in 1998, and at the time, any potential chills its inherently scary plot might have delivered were snuffed by its cacophonous noise, lamer-than-lame script, and frenzied choreography. The passage of 6 years has not made Armageddon a better movie, but new developments in our real-life Cosmos has made the film a good deal scarier.
Less than two hours after the movie was over, I got online and performed a search on Google News for the word "meteor." In the past month, this has become a ritual for me, as I've written many articles on recent meteoric activity. After everything I've witnessed over the last several weeks, what I found should not have had the power to startle or frighten me...but it did. Last night, July 7th, a "large meteor shower" was seen blazing over 5 southern states - Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Tennessee. (Source:
For most Americans, this news will not be a source of alarm. That is because most Americans have absolutely no idea what is happening in our solar system. The mainstream "news" media in this country is focusing 50% of its attention on tabloid crime (the trials of Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, and Scott Peterson), and the other 50% on Iraq, the "war on terror," and the upcoming election. Modern-day journalists have neither the ability nor the inclination to play Columbo and piece together the seemingly disconnected pieces of even the most simple child's puzzle. Recent meteoric-activity may well provide several critical pieces to a puzzle that could be solving itself of its own volition.
It is again worth our while to take a moment and, as briefly as possible, examine the meteoric impacts and/or sightings that have made news headlines in the last month.
Puget Sound, WA, June 3rd: A meteor "about size of a computer monitor" blazed across the Washington sky at 2:40 AM on June 3rd. Also at PRECISELY 2:40 AM, a 1.6 earthquake occurred in the same area. (Story:
Los Angeles, CA, June 5th: KFI 640 AM airs a traffic report stating that numerous eyewitness in LA reported seeing "burning fireballs" and a "possible downed airplane" near LAX. I wrote to KFI News Director Chris Little, and he confirmed that the report did air on his station, and that California Highway Patrol concluded that the "fireballs" were a likely meteor.
New Zealand, June 10th: This meteor, reportedly between the size of a "baseball" and a "canned ham," crashed through a New Zealand home and nearly killed a child sitting on a couch. (Link:
Australia, June 17th: This one is highly controversial, as Australian authorities are saying that the alleged "house-sized meteorite" left no physical trace. (Source: )
Missouri, June 19th: There are contradictory reports about this alleged meteor, which reportedly created an enormous boom and caused area homes to shake . Eyewitness Paul Kesteron said of the alleged meteor: "There was a smoke trail in the sky, but it wasn't straight," ... "It kind of came down at an angle, like a jet contrail that the wind had distorted."
According to one NASA scientist, this meteor... "would have been much larger than fist-sized to make that loud of a noise and generate that much energy. I couldn't speculate how big, though."
The website initially reported on June 20th: " supersonic aircraft were in the skies above Webster County, according to Springfield airport and Fort Leonard Wood officials." However, days later, the Boeing McDonell Douglas plant in St. Louis. claimed the audible "explosion" was a "sonic boom," created by "a new F/A- 18 Hornet."
Seattle, WA, June 20th: Rumor Mill News author Cliff Mickelson reported that he and several friends witnessed an enormous "pyrotechnic" display of meteors and strange, streaking lights.
(Link: )
New Zealand, June 26th: Residents of South Island report a "meteor strike" in Mackenzie County. (,,3882-3469666,00.html)
SE Texas, June 27th: A "large meteor" is witnessed by at least three Texas men. The meteor is described as "very large " and "colorful...streaking across the sky west to east at a high altitude....It was leaving streamers of blue, red, yellow and green behind resembling the tail of a comet. He described it as larger than an airliner at low altitude but was very high and appeared to skip off the atmosphere and dissappear."
July 7th: A "large meteor shower" is seen blazing over 5 southern states - Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Tennessee. (Source:
It is ironic that this latest meteoric event occurred less than 48 hours after a noted astronomer and skeptic, Phil Plait, appeared on a national late-night radio show, assuring millions of people that recent internet "hysteria" over impending asteroid and meteoric impacts is just that - hysteria. Plait recited the party line so often invoked by NASA and mainstream astronomy: we would never lie about anything, there are certainly no conspiracies, we are the smartest people in the world, and the only people who challenge us are "pseudoscientists." A "pseudoscientist" is anyone I disagree with, and by the way, I would NEVER lower myself to debate a "pseudoscientist" publicly, even though my brain is a gazillion times more powerful than his.
I took Plait's interview as at least an indirect shot at me, as I have been one of the most vocal internet commentators on the topics Phil discussed. I listened to the show for less than an hour, but I did catch Phil lamenting the "need" for him to go public every time there is "hysteria," so he can assure everyone that the scientific community knows exactly what is going on, and would never hide anything.
I think Phil is right about one thing: there is probably not a deliberate effort on the part of NASA and others to deceive the public and cover-up impending threats to our planet. Recent cosmic events do not frighten me because I worry over "conspiracies." I am disturbed by these meteoric impacts, as well as the September 29th approach of Toutatis, because I don't think Plait or his compadres at Bad have nearly as strong a handle on this subject as they think. I think they are so fundamentally wrong in their assumptions about space that they can't make heads or tails of recent developments.
The Bad Astronomy crowd is an interesting bunch. On their website, they do not offer ANY delineation between alleged "fringe" topics like UFOs and the face on Mars, and the serious research of highly accredited scientists. According to them, it is all equally preposterous, because it is not accepted by the "mainstream."
I cannot take Bad Astronomy's assertions about meteoric and asteroid threats very seriously, because they do not understand the NATURE of asteroids, meteors, and comets. In my recent article, Doomsday: The Electrical Connection, Part 2, I outlined some of the recent revelations which refute mainstream astronomy's long-held cometary "dirty snowball" theory. Some of these discoveries are:
1) Well-focused jets exploding from the nucleus of comets. Halley's and Borrelly both featured jets far more energetic than can be explained by sublimation of ice. Just days ago, comet Wild 2 revealed more than two dozen jets that "remained intact" - they did not disperse in the fashion of a gas in a vacuum. Some of the jets emanated from the dark, unheated side of the comet - an anomaly no one had expected. Chunks of the comet, some as big as bullets, blasted the spacecraft as it crossed three jets.
2) Comet Borrelly's nucleus was not at the center of its coma. According to electric universe theorist Wallace Thornhill, "Under the electrically neutral gas dynamics used by astronomers, that's a bit like finding the shock-wave from a supersonic jet a mile to the side of the aircraft!"
3) Comets emit X-rays - something never expected of a "dirty snowball." In 1996, comet Hyakutake was found to emit X-rays, and in 2000, the Chandra X-ray observatory found comet Linear generating X-rays at the interface between the negatively charged cometary plasma, and the positively charged particles of the solar wind. Following this energetic activity of Linear, the comet "inexplicably" broke into MOUNTAIN-SIZED pieces. A "dirty snowball" may melt faster under increased heat from the sun, but that energy of heating would not penetrate into a MILE WIDE chunk of ice. An explosion is exactly what can happen to an object subjected to electrical stress.
4) The absence of ice on comets. The foundational principal of the popular comet theory is the presence of ICE. Without ice, the theory will not allow for a cometary tail. In the electric model, this is not an issue at all. A large rock, an asteroid for example, falling rapidly towards the sun would experience increasing electrical stresses, and begin discharging. Ice is not excluded, but neither is it required. Discovery of a dry rock acting as the nucleus of a comet would singularly refute the conventional theory. Keep that in mind as you ponder the significance of the 2001 rendezvous with Borrelly. The probe found its surface to be hot and dry with nothing like the quantity of water that would be expected of a "dirty snowball."
5) The probe of comet Borrelly found its surface to be hot (2 million degrees Kelvin) and with nothing like the quanity of water that would be expected of a dirty snowball.
6) It is now known that comet nuclei gather incredible volumes of charged particles from the solar wind, producing envelopes up to a million miles or more across. This volume may represent a total mass greater than the nucleus itself. A comet-sized neutral rock does not have the power to hold ANY "atmosphere." But as stated by electric universe theorists Thornhill and David Talbott, "A gravitationally insignificant rock on a highly elliptical orbit can be an electrically powerful object."
Purported representatives of the scientific "mainstream," including the Bad Astronomy bunch, have no legitimate explanations for the anomalies listed above. They simply ignore or dismiss out of hand the large body of evidence which proves the superiority of the electric force over the gravitational force in space. But please keep in mind that the influence of the electric force is a THOUSAND BILLION BILLION BILLION BILLION times more powerful than that of gravity.
I have stated in all of my articles on this subject that I am NOT a scientist. I am simply an open-minded inquirer, and I occasionally operate on the belief that anecdotal evidence, while sometimes subjective and unreliable, can often be the BEST evidence one can hope for. In the judicial process, people are regularly executed on the basis of entirely anecdotal testimony. A skilled attorney can have a field day with "expert" scientific testimony, simply muddying the waters by introducing other "experts" who offer contradictory OPINIONS. And believe it or not, even the key underpinnings of many of the hard sciences are nothing more than opinion and hypothesis. Oh, that reminds me, the Theory of Relativity may have just been blown to hell. It was recently discovered that the speed of light "may have been lower as recently as two billion years ago." A varying speed of light, of course, contradicts Einstein's theory. Source:
We must always remember the historical failings and ethical black-eyes of the scientific establishment. Galileo and Kepler were persecuted as "pseudoscientists" in their respective eras. Unfortunately, the behavior of the Establishment has changed very little over time. One need look no further for this than the academia-led censorship of Immanuel Velikovsky in the 1950's. Velikovsky's book Worlds in Collision, which posited the "outrageous" idea that the planet Venus was once a comet, was forced out of publication while it ranked NUMBER ONE on the NY Time's Bestseller list. Numerous college universities threatened to boycott Macmillan's textbooks if they did not remove Worlds in Collision from publication. Even those who have continued Velikovsky's research concede he was wrong on many points, but he was STILL closer to the truth than his persecutors, past and present.
I dare say that one need not be a scientist to know what is true from what is not. Because of the Establishment's thinly-veiled contempt for the general public, open-minded laymen are intimidated out of inquiring into issues that profoundly affect all of us. Please keep in mind that this world, and the Universe it resides in, belongs to all of us, and the TRUTH is not a monopoly that can be claimed by anyone.


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