- In a June 15, 2004 ruling, the US Supreme Court decided
to overturn the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that the reference
to 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance was unconstitutional since it
violated the separation of church and state http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A41802-2004Jun14.html
- The Pledge of Allegiance is recited daily by over 60
million American school children and is the foremost symbol of American
patriotism. The Pledge was given official support in 1892 by school superintendents
around the country who agreed to school children reciting the following:
"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
- The Pledge was first revised in 1924 to replace the words
ìmy flagî with the words ìthe flag of the United States
of Americaî. Another revision was made by Congress in 1954 and took
effect on June 14 to include the phrase ëunder Godí ostensibly
due to a need to differentiate US society from the ëgodless communismí.
This revision occurred during the height of the McCarthy era so it might
have been indeed predicted that those fearful of communist expansion would
have aligned themselves with President Eisenhower and the US Congress who
supported the change in revising the Pledge in this way. Indeed, fear of
communism may have led to most US citizens supporting almost any initiative
to distinguish American society from Soviet society and the ëcommunist
threatí. There is, however, an alternative explanation for what
initiated the revision of the Pledge of Allegiance.
- On February 20-21, 1954, President Eisenhower and his
top national security officials reportedly met with a delegation of extraterrestrial
visitors who were concerned about the development and testing of the Hydrogen
bomb (see http://www.exopolitics.org/Study-Paper-8.htm ) President Eisenhower
did not agree with the extraterrestrials request and this resulted in the
largest Hydrogen bomb test by the US on March 1, 1954. The meeting was
the first in a series of meetings with different extraterrestrial races
but the initial meeting reportedly had the effect of deeply unnerving President
Eisenhower and his top advisors. What was it that could have unnerved President
Eisenhowerís national security team? There may be a number of different
explanations, the existence of advanced extraterrestrial life forms, their
advanced extraterrestrial technologies, or the knowledge the extraterrestrials
possessed about the genesis of humanity.
- It can be hypothesized that what the extraterrestrials
said about the origins of the human species challenged the traditional
religious belief in humans being created by an all powerful transcendent
religious being or ëGodí. This knowledge about the truth of
the human origins so unnerved Eisenhower and his team, that they reacted
in an entirely predictable way. They initiated a Congressional process
to revise the Pledge of Allegiance to buttress their world view which was
based in a traditional religious belief that humanityís origins
were clearly associated with the divine intervention of a ëtranscendent
beingí or ëGodí. Introducing the revision of ëunder
Godí into the Pledge would be a way of maintaining a religious perspective
which had now become a matter of US national security given the knowledge
the extraterrestrials claimed to possess about humanityís true origins.
- The alternative explanation for what motivated President
Eisenhower in supporting a revision to the Pledge of Allegiance clearly
challenges the conventional thinking that it was ëgodless communismí
that spurred the 1954 revision. The truth about what motivated Eisenhower
in supporting the revision will be better known once the facts are revealed
about reports of his administrationís various meetings with extraterrestrial
races. The alleged February 20-21, 1954 meeting is the most significant
due to the ëcoincidenceí of its occurrence in early 1954, and
the Congressional process that resulted in the Pledge being officially
revised less than four months later on June 14.
- One way to help lift the veil of secrecy surrounding
Eisenhowerís meetings with extraterrestrials and the significance
of this is to launch a US Congressional inquiry into allegations of such
meetings. Such an inquiry would be a catalyst for those individuals with
knowledge about the Eisenhower administrationís meetings with extraterrestrials,
and the meetingsí significance on public policy to come forward
and give their testimony under Congressional immunity. A petition has been
created to initiate an inquiry by the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee
into the purported February 20-21, 1954 Eisenhower-Extraterrestrial meeting
and can be viewed and signed at: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/584805497
- The current Pledge of Allegiance with the inclusion of
ëunder Godí may be little more than an historic overreaction
by American Society to the threat posed by Soviet Communism. Alternatively,
the inclusion may be evidence that a visiting extraterrestrial race so
unnerved an American administration that the latter reacted in a very reflexive
way to promote a religious perspective that the extraterrestrials demonstrated
had little validity in explaining humanityís genesis. The truth
of why President Eisenhower supported a revision of the Pledge, awaits
further investigation.
- June 15, 2004
- Michael E. Salla, PhD
- <http://www.exopolitics.org/>www.exopolitics.org
- <mailto:drmichaelsalla@exopolitics.org>drmichaelsalla@exopolitics.org
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