Why We Need Martial Law
Criminal Government Is Destroying America - Military
Must Step In To Restore The Constitution

By John Kaminski
Our government is out of control. The elections are rigged. The Congress is completely bought off. The White House administration is a gang of criminals who are stealing the nation blind. There is no proper accountability from any department of government. And the United States is conducting two major wars, irresponsibly squandering the lives of our young people, for reasons that everyone in the world knows are lies.
Be clear about this: no government official, nor any major media outlet, is objecting to two wars the United States is conducting that everyone knows the reasons for are lies. Tens of thousands of people have been killed for lies, and no one in a position of public responsibility is condemning it.
America has become a nation of monstrously perverted mass murderers. And if you're an American and are not condemning it, then you are complicit in it. You're supporting needless mass murder, you pig!
People are being jailed for no reason, illegally tortured while in custody and deprived of due process. Innocent families around the world are being humiliated and killed for no legitimate reason. Our law enforcement apparatus - corrupt courts and cops - are failing to stop obvious crimes committed by the very rich, and assaulting ordinary citizens trying in a lawful manner to protest these injustices.
I repeat, rich corporations are allowed to commit crimes, and ordinary people are being put in jail for committing no crime.
Legitimate law enforcement in the United States has completely broken down. The biggest criminal in the country right now is John Ashcroft, the top man in America's law enforcement hierarchy, who is guilty of thousands of counts of obstruction of justice by failing to investigate and prosecute a titanic list of crimes committed by those who gave him his job.
The Supreme Court, the highest law panel in the land, assisted in a coup d'etat in 2000 by failing to investigate thousands of people who were illegally prevented from voting that changed the outcome of the election.
The upcoming election promises no relief from the murderous tyranny that now grips Washington. Both candidates are privileged children of the rich who are members of a satanic fraternity at Yale University and won't talk about their perverted rituals. No matter who is elected, America's future is more wars, more deaths, more destruction.
An irrational president and his demonic accomplices keep talking about a new terror attack they are expecting any day. Legitimate researchers have pointed out the worldwide terror threat known as al-Qaeda is actually a deceptive construction of the U.S. CIA and Israel's Mossad.
The terror attacks that threaten us are actually coordinated by Washington and Tel Aviv. There exists legitimate evidence that the bombings in New York, Madrid, Bali, Istanbul, Yemen and elsewhere were actually the work of CIA/Mossad operatives, as are the murders of thousands of innocent people in Iraq. The anthrax murder investigation was stopped when the trail led back to the White House.
In 2001, terror attacks by this same organization created by White House speechwriters and CIA recruiters killed more than 3,000 Americans in New York and Washington. The government had steadfastly impeded an investigation of the events of 9/11, and the commission it has empaneled to conduct a probe has consistently failed to address the major questions asked by thousands of researchers around the world.
Specifically, billions of dollars were made in profits from insider trading in the days before 9/11. The FBI has investigated and said there was nothing suspicious about these profits. How the American people can accept this blatant lie is a preposterous example of the soporific stupor that has engulfed the U.S. populace. The identity of the perpetrators of the treasonous attacks of 9/11 is known by those investors, yet the government refuses to pursue those criminals.
Plentiful photographic evidence and eyewitness testimony exists that the World Trade Center was brought down by explosions. The evidence was carted off and disposed of without an adequate investigation. The Air Force failed to defend the nation against the air attacks on 9/11. The people in charge of our air defenses were promoted, because they were complicit in the crime of the century.
The mainstream media has for years failed to report on crimes by the federal government. It has failed to report that the ingredients of major soft drinks puts holes in your brain with extended use. Mainstream media conducted a powwow after the last election to review the voting process, concluded the election had been stolen, but then decided to cover up the crime.
Most people agree that Senator Paul Wellstone was murdered after an argument with Vice President Dick Cheney. There was no real investigation. A woman in Texas who filed a lawsuit against the president for rape and torture was found shot to death. It was ruled a suicide. No one is investigating. Bush reportedly dated the woman in high school and speculation is that he was using the woman as his sex slave because he is above the law.
Virtually all members of the Congress, shortly after 9/11, voted to pass legislation that nullified most of the basic protections in the Constitution for the American people. Few Americans protested. Additional legislation has further eroded the rights of Americans.
The right to privacy in America has all but disappeared. The government operation to deprive Americans of their privacy, once guaranteed by the Constitution, was headed by a known felon, who lied to Congress and was convicted for it during the reign of Ronald Reagan.
American citizens are being infected with unknown diseases by strange practices called chemtrails that appears in our skies. Doctors in league with evil pharmaceutical companies are forcing mind-numbing drugs on both children and adults, and after paying off politicians are granted legal immunity from mistakes they may make, from outright poisons they choose to prescribe.
The American government is criminal enterprise, and American law enforcement is complicit in the crime. The only way to stop the continuing crime spree is by a military takeover and a declaration of martial law. Hundreds of cops, attorneys and judges need to be in jail.
We need a new government, one that sees to the needs of people, not to the needs of bankers and corporations.
Ordinary citizens might be worried about such a move, but they shouldn't be. The purpose of this martial law situation would not be to curtail American liberty, but to restore it.
The thrust of a military takeover should be directed at the people committing the crimes, primarily government officials, executives of the petroleum and pharmaceutical industries, and bankers and stock traders. All officials of the Federal Reserve Board, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission should be immediately jailed for future interrogations concerning their crimes against humanity.
And investigation needs to be conducted into the FBI and CIA for their creation of the terror apparatus known as al-Qaeda, which has been blamed for innumerable instances of terror around the world. A good place to start would be the Philippines, where American agents have fomented revolution against that government and exported terrorist double agents around the world as part of a devious plan to increase profits for American defense contractors.
The entire Congress needs to be indicted for treason, simply for their vote on the Patriot Act, but for plenty of other corrupt actions as well.
The entire Bush administration, and many officials from previous presidential adminstrations, need to be arrested for corruption for taking bribes from corporations and then promptly passing laws advantageous to those corporations.
Thousands of investment bankers, securities dealers, and stock traders need to be arrested for theft. Kenneth Lay, George Bush's top contributor, needs to be in jail immediately for his theft of a billion dollars from the people of California.
In addition, the military needs to take an immediate hard look at Israel, whose agents have penetrated virtually all aspects of the operation of the American government and American society as well. Next to the United States, Israel is the greatest threat to peace in the world, as it has already admitted it has missiles aimed at all the capitals of Europe, and it continues to conduct its heartless genocide against the hapless Palestinian people.
Ordinary people should not be affected at all by martial law. The military should leave them and their families alone. Ordinary Americans have not broken the law, but have been the victims of governmental leaders who have.
First of all, the military needs to bring as many troops home as possible, immediately. Arrangements can be made with other grateful countries to stem the needless bleeding America has caused in so many places around the world. Our continuing commitment to Iraq should not be to fatten the coffers of corporations, but to apologize to the Iraqi people that Americans have committed in the name of so-called democracy.
The military needs to investigate virtually every law enforcement operation in America. Every town, city, county and state in America is afflicted by criminal behavior in its law enforcement and court apparatus.
And first and foremost, as a new government of the United States is reconstituted in a democratic way guided by the principles of the Constitution, America needs to regain control of its money supply from the international bankers who control the world. Most of those international bankers need to be in jail, too, in orange jumpsuits at Guantanamo alongside the whole Bush family, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Myers, Rice, Perle, Wolfowitz, Libby, Scalia, Rehnquist, Clarence Thomas, Tenet, Freeh, and all those other corrupt law enforcement officials and judges, corporate presidents, and corrupt Congressmen.
I know, the prospect of a military takeover is scary. But consider the choice: do you want men in control who are sworn to defend the Constitution, as is the military, or those who are sworn to make money for the super-rich, as are both Bush and Kerry and practically anybody else who runs for office.
Consider what will happen is this DOESN'T happen. It's really no exaggeration to say we likely are looking at the end of the world as we know it. At the very least, we are headed toward a slave society in which many Americans will starve to death if Bush and Kerry are allowed to continue on their merry way.
In addition, there is another important reason for a military takeover, and that is to redeploy our forces to defend our country, rather than to misuse and abuse them by plundering innocent nations for the criminal corporations who control so many of our politicians.
I really trust our people in uniform, because I really am an American. And as an American, I am terribly ashamed of my country for the horrific things it has done, both to people around the world and its own citizens. It's the criminals in Washington who have no allegiance to any country who have ordered our military to do all those bad things. The Bush family and their criminal sidekicks are not really Americans, they're murderous crooks who lie about everything and whose only allegiance is to their own wallets, their own sexual perversions, their own sick visions of the world which decent people want no part of.
Martial law now. Military tribunals for Bush, Cheney and the rest of those sick sociopaths.
It's the only way we're ever going to find peace again. And the only way we're really ever going to be able to defend our country.
Otherwise, it's curtains for everyone.
John Kaminski is the author of "America's Autopsy Report," a collection of his Internet essays published on hundreds of websites around the world. In addition, he has more recently written "The Day America Died: Why You Shouldn't Believe the Official Story of What Happened on September 11, 2001," a 48-booklet written for those who still believe the government's version of that say day. A second collection of his essays, titled "The Perfect Enemy," will be published later this summer. For more information, or to make a badly needed contribution to his work, please visit
From Ted Twietmeyer
1. I have never disagreed with any of John's articles, until now. Here are the reasons I give, some of which have already appeared in a some of my past essays:
1. History shows that when the military takes control of any country, they don't let go. After all, why would they ? Martial law instantly creates thousands of jobs, too.
2. How can we be sure that the military would hold them accountable ? The flaw in the reasoning John ignores, tends to ignore the fact that Haliburton/KBR and the military are tightly connected. And Cheney is connected to Haliburton as well as the former presidents. It's like a cabal of its own.
3. Who would do the judging of Bush and company ? We can't ignore the fact that historically the executive branch has been tightly connected to the CIA and their "security division" inside that agency, which takes care of problem people. Whomever it is on capital hill that promotes such an idea, would have a bad "accident." Look at what happened to Kennedy when he crossed the wrong people.
Now that Tenet is gone, we have really no clear idea of who will take his place. There is a power group within the agency that also could take matters into their own hands, too.
Few people accept the line that Tenet wants to "get closer to his 18 year old son" line. After all, just how many parents that ignore their child for 18 years, can get close to them at the 11th hour of their life ?
No, Tenet had to go. If memory serves me correctly, in one of my past articles I commended Tenet for standing up at the 911 commission hearings and telling the truth, and also stated it would cost him his job. In fact, I actually sent an email to the CIA to the director's attention commending him for standing up and being truthful. And sending a positive email to the agency, is something I never, ever thought I'd have reason to do. Many people must have expected Tenet to leave, too.
4. The stock market plunge would CRASH the economy, and it most likely would never come back.
In summary, martial law will turn our lives into a LIVING HELL as EVERYTHING we do is monitored and watched. Would anyone like a ration book just for going to the store for time and eternity ? And who could believe that the government would see to our care and feeding ? There is movie with Bruce Willis where he plays an army general that takes martial law control of NY city. It portrays life quite well under it, and what would happen, including torture and execution in a public toilet.
Sir Francis Bacon had it right- Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
From Jean Gordon
I fully agree and applaud you for this wonderfully explicit work of journalism. It's hard to resist the need to put things in black and white, especially when it becomes clear that THEY thrive on "incrontrovertable confusion!"
Here, in middle America, the masses still believe in the power of their vote and in the Democratic party. There's absolutely no chance in persuading these "vegetables" that ALL of this is actually taking place. That Orem Hatch is trying to ammend the Constitution, so that Arnie can be our next Dictator.
I guess they decided our fate at the last Bohemian Grove! That's pretty much the time-frame when Kerry turned into a true zombie. Least we forget, Americans should also demand some reasonable explination how the Gov. 'lost' a Trillion dollars over the past 10 years. The process of apprehending information from meetings, such as the G8, which we pay for, should be a front-end portion of the strategy to convince people this is quite literally a necessity.
"Pray for President Bush" -They said, as 100,000 soldiers were shipped off to the Queen's poppy fields: "Sublimate the Masses and Restore the flow of Heroine!" should somehow be included in our revised National Anthem.
Tom Gordon
By Muehlbauer
I always enjoy reading what John has to say. In this review, I think he exposes a lot of the illegality that is a big part of America's government and courts today. Just as illegality has been a big part of the American government and courts for a long time, it has become most obvious though since the advent of the Federal Reserve, World War One, after that the Second World War.
I agree with every word John writes in this report, except, I should not be intimidated as to call the problems we have here in America as being problems assisted by or mandated by Israel. Rather, I would put the mark more squarely on the House of Rothschild, assisted by other English Royalty, the Queen of England, and, the International Bankers.
It is the family members of the House of Rothschild who are controlling things, yesterday and today. World policy, as it is determined by the West to be, is orchestrated - rubber stamped - from the seats of the British Parliament, from the houses of Congress and the Whitehouse, and made fashionable for all the world, by the Courts and Media here in America. Such mandatedy policy is
then enforced by the US military.
Just as the House of Rothschild sponsored and paid for the construction of the Supreme Court building in Israel, a lavish construction, the House of Rothschild also sponsors and pays for the undertakings of The IMF and The Federal Reserve.
It is really only a small step backward in time, back to the Dark Ages, back to a time when Western humanity truly was indentured by and to the wealthy landowner, and, set upon by diseases, religious idiocy, and murder. Murder, in the form of wars, was always sponsored by the wealthy aristocrats; murder in the form of church and court-ordered executions, murder, the likes of which the world had never seen before. Most of that continues in earnest today.
It is as impossible for one to not connect the dots between the Supreme Court building in Israel, the designing of it and paying for it accomplished by the House of Rothschild, from that to total control of the Israeli government. That control moves north and seats directly in England, in the English houses of Royalty and into the International Bankers guild. It then steps over Atlantic ocean, landing in Manhattan, and going but a short distance south to Washington, D.C.. All along the way, it is corrupting the politicians, the courts, the professions and the media all along the way. The instruments of corruption being blackmail and an endless supply of printed m-o-n-e-y.
Going back to Mayer Amschel Bauer - aka the House of Rothschild - Waterloo, the treaty of Versailles, the illegal establishing of the Federal Reserve Banks here in America, World Wars One and Two and most major events in history...the dots lead straight to the front door of the House of Rothschild.
Any person unable to see this is likewise and of choice unable to see the connection between FDR and Pearl Harbor, LBJ and the assassination of President Kennedy, the second Bush presidency and 911, the aggressions in Afghanistan and Iraq for what they are, wars, instigated, but only to gain total control over the production, distribution and sale of drugs and oil.
Déjà vu, all over again.
"Give me control of the money and I don't care who makes the laws." A statement, attributed to Mayer Amschel Bauer, who was the first father of the House of Rothschild, the inventor of the modern day God, the terror of all mankind, then and now. Most certainly there has never been born of a woman a child more important to the affairs of the world, a person more cunning and in tune with the times, a creature in the world but not of the world, and more intelligent, above all the rest. None, more than Mayer Amschel Bauer.
From him, we have all come under the dominion of the House of Rothschild, monitored and commanded by his modern day army of Zionists. Fed or starved by his policies, we struggle to survive daily but only because it was he, Mayer Amschel Bauer, it was he who first discovered 'God.' God, is money, and, no man knew God before nor like, Mayer Amschel Bauer knew God.


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