- "The harder the conflict, the more glorious the
triumph... I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength
from distress and grow brave by reflection."
- -Thomas Paine
- I admit to murdering the bastard. I plunged a knife deep
into the belly of the beast. Get the handcuffs and leg restraints. I am
a dangerous criminal. Lead me off to jail.
- Monsanto will neither press charges nor credit me with
the kill. Why give their least favorite person credit where credit is due?
- FDA will not admit it either. After all, they still work
for Monsanto. So too, for that matter does the George Bush administration.
- http://www.notmilk.com/pelican.html
- You will soon be reading a remarkable headline. The genetically
engineered bovine growth hormone is dead. Posilac, aka rbGH, rbST, cow-fuel,
milk-poison, will soon cease to exist.
- What did this cost me? Ten years of my life, and it was
worth it. The ten potentially highest earning years of one man's life,
from ages 42-52, all sacrificed for a principle. Like a pit bull, I grabbed
onto Monsanto's leg and would not leg go.
- A tough decision awaits executives at the upper echelons
of Monsanto. A decision is being debated in corporate corridors. They cannot
afford to take Posilac off of the market, for that would be the end of
their genetic engineering technology. On the other hand, they cannot afford
to keep Posilac on the market, for the entire dairy industry has woken
up to this fact of economic reality: the genetically engineered bovine
growth hormone was bad for business.
- Surplus milk resulting from this hormone kept milk prices
- Adverse publicity from the bovine growth hormone caused
people to question all milk consumption.
- Adverse publicity from the bovine growth horomone caused
people to explore milk alternatives, like soymilk.
- Adverse publicity from the bovine growth hormone created
the "Notmilkman," the dairy industry's worst nightmare.
- Before his death, my webmaster, Dave Rietz, often used
a favorite expression. "Every avalanche begins with a snowflake."
At first, Dave and I each represented one snowflake. Then we grew into
two large snowballs. We rolled down a hill, all the while gaining momentum
and mass. Some avalanche! Dave will enjoy today's column.
- Four months ago (Sunday, December 21, 2003), I filed
a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Food and Drug Administration
- One day earlier, I had received a copy of a letter alerting
dairy farmers that Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone
(rbST) would be in short supply. Monsanto wrote:
- "Supplies of Posilac bovine somatotropin (rbST)
are temporarily limited while necessary corrections and improvements in
manufacturing are made by Monsanto's supplier."
- I smelled something rotten in Monsanto-land.
- That next day, I called many people at FDA, attempting
to get the facts. Nobody was talking. In 1999, I had filed a citizen's
petition with FDA to take Posilac off the market. I submitted evidence
of how Monsanto defrauded FDA. It took FDA five years to act. They closed
Monsanto's Posilac factory a few months ago. Monsanto lied to dairy farmers,
calling it a "temporary production problem."
- Monsanto had created a potential catastrophe for humankind.
I give FDA credit for finally acting.
- I discovered that Monsanto had made a gene transcription
error during the development of their new genetic technology. Proteins
are made up of amino acids. Each time that Monsanto attempted to re-create
their new hormone, one amino acid, lysine, was incorrectly transcribed
as a "freak" amino acid, epsilon-N-acetyllysine.
- For nearly five years, FDA ignored my request.
- Then, things became interesting. Monsanto mailed a letter
to Posilac-using dairy farmers on December 19, 2003. Monsanto shocked farmers
by alerting them that Posilac would be in limited supply until:
- "Conditions and improvements in manufacturing are
- Monsanto accepted no new customers, and anticipated their
"shortfall" to last for "several months."
- Monsanto attempted to fix the errors. They have not been
successful. FDA now knows of those mistakes because my whistleblowing broke
- What became the snowflake to make the snowball to begin
the avalanche?
- On Wednesday, February 4, 2004, I received the damning
evidence that confirmed Monsanto's crime against humankind. Thirty hours
of non-stop research and confirmation later supported the magnitude of
Monsanto's crime.
- In a column written before last Christmas, I predicted:
- "Mark down this date, 12/19/03. This may very well
be the defining moment that ends the use of genetically engineered foods
in America's food."
- On January 30, 2004, I received a warning that represented
a threat to my well being. I wrote a column the next day, responding to
that threat:
- "I have been threatened, and my enemies can go to
hell. They will read this, and know that there will be many witnesses to
any future coincidences. You, my readers, are an insurance policy that
may or may not have matured to its full term...I will not turn my back
on the children. So, I continue my course. Full speed ahead."
- Four days after writing and posting that column, I received
an envelope from FDA confirming my worst fears. My FOIA request. Truth,
at last. The entire request cost me $18.30. This revelation shall cost
Monsanto and its stockholders considerably more.
- The most damning evidence was found in observation number
1, filed by an FDA investigator after inspecting Monsanto's rebombinant
bovine somatotropin (rbST or Posilac) production facility at Biochemisetrasse
10, Kundl, Austria.
- "There is a failure to thoroughly review the failure
of a batch or any of its components to meet any of its specifications whether
or not the batch has been thoroughly distributed."
- "Specifically, the corrective actions implemented
after the investigation of nine sterility failures reported since 2001
(3 for 2001, 3 for 2002, and 3 for 2003) for Posilac injection or for the
lyophilized active ingredient (Sometribove zinc) have not been effective
in preventing reoccurrence. In five instances (2 for 2001, 1 for 2002,
and 2 for 2003) the organism was identified as Propionibacterium acnes;
Staphylococcus species have been identified in three instances and in one
instance (in 2002) Bacillus pumilus was found. Propionibacterium was found
in environmental samples of the manufacturing areas. Batches manufactured
around the same period of time and under the same conditions of the affected
lots have been released to the market."
- "Equipment for adequate control over micro-organisms
is not provided when appropriate for the manufacture, processing, packing
or holding of a drug product."
- As Jeff Goldbloom said to Geena Davis in the classic
horror film, The Fly (1986): "Be scared, be very scared." The
first attempt to produce a new food by pretending to understand God's genetic
code resulted in a new kind of milk, supersaturated with powerful growth
hormones. FDA lied to America, claiming that milk had not changed. That
was the beginning.
- With this last FOIA request, we learned the answer to
the query, "What hath God wrought?" Humankind will now be asking,
"What hath man wrought?"
- It has been well reported that a new emerging species
of bacteria has developed, immune to antibiotic treatment. Staphylococcus
aureus plagues many American hospitals in this new outbreak. Could the
etiology of the mother of all deadly staph infections be traced to a new
genetically engineered version of staph, a superbug inadvertently produced
by Monsanto and then introduced into the food supply? In 1989, such staphyloccus
infections were unknown to hospitals. By 2002, nearly two-thirds of all
hospital infections could be attributed to antibiotic-resistant staphlococcus
- A second bacterium on FDA's (once) secret report reveals
that Posilac samples were found to contain bacillus pumilus. This bacterium
degrades cellulose. What would be the result of genetically engineering
something that breaks down the heartiest of plant cells with a cow hormone?
As my dear departed Grandma Ruth used to say, "God only knows."
- A third bacterium found was identified as propionibacterium
acnes (P-acnes). What the heck is P-acnes? An Internet search revealed:
- "P. acnes is the causative agent of acne vulgaris
(pimples)... Other infections for which P. acnes has been implicated include
corneal ulcers, heart valves and prosthetic devices, and central nervous
system shunts. A rare heart disease known as Propionibacterium acnes endocarditis
has been discovered in a prosthetic valve infected with P. acnes. The valve
was also complicated by multiple mycotic aneurysms."
- The world works in funny ways, but there is always balance.
Monsanto's hormone will soon be off the market. FDA will allow Monsanto
to withdraw their drug with corporate dignity. Posilac will soon take its
own life and cease to exist.
- Farmers will produce less milk. The price of milk and
dairy commodities will soar, as they have been doing since the first Posilac
shortage began. Cows will be less stressed as their udders shrink because
they are no longer injected with high octane hormone fuel. The pus cell
rates will mysteriously decrease. Farmers will be given credit for producing
safer and cleaner milk.
- And I? I'll be pointing my finger (guess which one) at
the dairy industry, shouting: "It's hormones, stupid!"
- All milk naturally contains powerful growth hormones.
Even the healthiest organic milk from the healthiest cow. Thank you, Monsanto,
for teaching me the basics.
- Ellen White warned about the evils of Monsanto, long
before the company existed:
- "So long as we are in the world, we shall meet with
adverse influences. Day by day and year by year we shall conquer self,
and grow into a noble heroism. (Ministry of Healing, p. 487)
- Robert Cohen http://www.notmilk.com Forward this
message to your milk-drinking friends: MILK from A to Z: http://www.notmilk.com/milkatoz.html
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