with their victory in Los Angeles County in eliminating the tiny Christian
Spanish cross on the county's seal, the Jewish ACLU said today that they
will now seek to change the Christian names of every California city and
town. Shlomo Weinstein, ACLU attorney, said today that the Christian names
of many California cities and towns violate the separation of church and
state. He said the ACLU will attempt to convince the California State Senate
and Assembly to legislate name changes voluntarily or face a massive suit
in federal court.
- Many cities and towns in California were given Christian
names by the Catholic Spaniards before the state became Mexican territory.
Spanish friars established a series of missions along "El Camino Real"
from northern to southern Alta California and into Baja California. Each
mission was given names such as "La Mision de San Francisco",
"La Mision de Santa Barbara", and "La Mision de San Diego"
. San Francisco, Santa Barbara, and San Diego were all Catholic Saints.
The names stayed and adopted first by the Mexican government and later
by the state government after the Mexican-American War that ended in 1848.
Now the Jews want to undue the history of the region. It is not known if
the Jews will also seek to change the name of the state's capital. Sacramento,
in Spanish, means "sacrament".
- Related La Voz de Aztlan article:
- http://www.aztlan.net/cross_la_seal.htm
- La Voz de Aztlan http://www.aztlan.net