This Month In UFO History
Some of the more interesting
sightings this month on the UFO Timeline
Compiled by James Neff for


May ? 1932 - The Sutton UFO Photograph - A Vintage UFO Encounter

Enlargement of Object
The unidentified flying object in the picture could not have been a street lamp, simply because there were no street lamps there at the time. There are no power poles or power lines visible anywhere in this picture. This picture of George Sutton of St. Paris, Ohio, taken near mid-day (as may be seen from the shadows on the ground) shows a vintage automobile with a 1932 license plate on the front bumper. The owner of the photo album says there were no electric street lights along this road in those days. This is very clearly a rural road. Additionally, the size of such a street lamp,. guessing reasonable distance from Sutton and his car, and its height, rivals even big city street lamps. Nobody has been able to account for the dark object seen over Sutton's left shoulder in this photograph to this day.

Sutton Photo
Many have claimed the photo a hoax, however 1932 is a little early for this particular type of "saucer" hoax snapshot. 1932 was certainly long before the "saucer" mentality which debunkers love to claim permeated US culture (and gave rise to both hoaxes and delusions and mass halucenations, they claim) thanks to various visual media, from sci-fi comics to movies; Certainly long before Kenneth Arnold's infamous description of the discs seen at Mt. Ranier in 1947. It was 1938 when Orson Welles broadcast his radio play adaptation of H.G. Wells' "The War Of The Worlds" where martian ships were decribed more like marching robots on tripodal limbs with flailing tentacles, death rays and black, poisonous gasses.
Some of the earliest "alien" craft art to grace the covers of the now famous Hugo Gernsback's Wonder Stories, Science Wonder Stories and Wonder Stories Quarterly in the 30s, as well as Amazing Stories in the mid-late 40s had saucer and disc shaped craft.

Issues fom (L-R) 1934, 1931 and 1929 - Art by © Frank R. Paul
But by and large, the images were more along the lines of the Buck Rogers "rocket" craft variety or flying boats (sometimes even flying cities), though a few disc or spheric ships were depicted occasionally. Far from a major influence on the minds of Americans toward the "flying saucer" as an icon or achetype, and not very likely enough to spawn the debunkers' imagined mass hysteria resulting in the UFO phenomena they like to relegate to the 50s and 60s alone, when pop-eyed mutants and flying pie-pans had become the norm in sci-fi cinema and comics.
May 1944 - The Mysterious Foo Fighters
This is just one of many photos of "foo fighters" taken by pilots during the war. This particular photo was taken over Germany. These inexplicable spheres and discs of light were reported to be seen flying in formation, sometimes in what appeared to be mock battle or simply tailing squadrons of fighters. At the time, many military experts believed them to be advanced German flying machines or some kind of new weaponry, yet the "foo fighters" never attacked allied aircraft.

May 11, 1950 - McMinnville, Oregon UFO Photos
Best Case Ever Candidate
The Condon's team of investigators had concluded that "This is one of the few UFO reports in which all factors investigated, geometric, psychological and physical appear to be consistent with the assertion that an extraordinary flying object flew within sight of two witnesses." (IBID pg 407, Condon Report on Aerial Phenomena)
When government appointed debunking agencies
say there's something to it... there's something to it!

A classic set of impressive UFO photos was taken by Mr. and Mrs. Trent in the early part of the evening, just before sunset, on May 11, 1950, near McMinnville, Oregon. According to the Trent's account the object, as it appeared over their farm was first seen by Ms. Trent while she was feeding the farm's rabbits. She then quickly called her husband who got the family's camera and Mr. Trent (seen at left) then took two shots from positions only just a few feet apart. The pictures first appeared in a local newspaper and afterwards in Life magazine. Seventeen years later the photos were subjected to a detailed analysis for the University of Colorado UFO Project. William K. Hartmann, an astronomer from the University of Arizona, performed a meticulous photometric and photogrammetric investigation of the original negatives, and set up a scaling system to determine the approximate distance of the UFO. Hartmann used objects in the near foreground, such as a house, tree, metal water tank, and telephone pole, whose images could be compared with that of the UFO. There were also hills, trees, and buildings in the far distance whose contrast and details had been obscured by atmospheric haze.

Close Up
Hartmann used these known distances of various objects in the photo to calculate an approximate atmospheric attenuation factor. He then measured the relative brightnesses of various objects in the photos, and demonstrated that their distances could generally be calculated with an accuracy of about +/- 30%. In the most extreme case, he would be in error by a factor of four. He then wrote:
"It is concluded that by careful consideration of the parameters involved in the case of recognizable objects in the photographs, distances can be measured within a factor-four error ... If such good measure could be made for the UFO, we could distinguish between a distant extraordinary object and a hypothetical small, close model."
Hartmann then noted that his photometric measurements indicated that the UFO was intrinsically brighter than the metallic tank and the white painted surface of the house, consistent with the Trent's description that it was a shiny object. Further, the shadowed surface of the UFO was much brighter than the shadowed region of the water tank, which was best explained by a distant object being illuminated by scattered light from the environment.
Photo 1
"it appears significant that the simplest most direct interpretation of the photographs confirms precisely what the witnesses said they saw"
Hartmann further wrote that "to the extent that the photometric analysis is reliable, (and the measurements appear to be consistent), the photographs indicate an object with a bright shiny surface at considerable distance and on the order of tens of meters in diameter. While it would be exaggerating to say that we have positively ruled out a fabrication, it appears significant that the simplest most direct interpretation of the photographs confirms precisely what the witnesses said they saw."
Photo 2

In his conclusion, Hartmann reiterated this, stressing that all the factors he had investigated, both photographic and testimonial, were consistent with the claim that "an extraordinary flying object, silvery, metallic, disc-shaped, tens of meters in diameter, and evidently artificial, flew within sight of [the] two witnesses."
Controversy - The Skeptics' Case
Not satisfied with Hartmann's findings and totally devoid of any evidence that the UFO was a hoax and hanging from the wires, UFO debunker Robert Sheaffer argued qualitatively that the haze in the photos (the haze veiled the UFO and led Hartmann to conclude the UFO was about 1.3 kilometers distant) could be due to a "dirty" camera lens, and thus the object could still be close to the camera. He further argued that shadows on the garage were strong evidence for a large time lag between the photos, and alleged that the shadow positions suggested the photos were taken at 7:30 in the morning rather than in the evening (the image on the left depicts the edge enhancement technique which, under typical conditions, can reveal the presence of a wire less than a quarter of a millimeter thick at a distance of up to 3 meters).
Dr. Bruce Maccabee, an optical physicist, analyzed the original negatives and found no support for Sheaffer's time lag claim. He also repeated Hartmann's calculations in much greater detail, including corrections for lens grease and obtained about the same results as Hartmann originally did. (One other important aspect of Sheaffer's dirty lens hypothesis is that it fails to explain why it didn't affect all objects in the photos, and not just the UFO. All the nearby objects in the photo were all sharp with high contrast, but the objects in the distance such as a barn, a house, trees, and hills (and the UFO), were of low contrast, exactly as would be expected from absorption and scattering of light.) Maccabee calculated the UFO to be over 1 kilometer away, and about 30 meters in diameter and 4 meters thick.
Regarding the alleged reported time the photos were taken which, according to Sheaffer, would be inconsistent with the position of the shadows on the photos, Maccabee discovered that the garage shadows could only have been caused by a diffuse light source, rebutting Sheaffer's argument. Maccabee suggested that a bright cloud illuminated by the evening sun could possibly have caused them. Moreover, neither Sheaffer nor Klass has provided a plausible cause as to why the Trents would have lied about this, especially since it is immaterial to analysis of the UFO's distance.
In his book "UFOs Explained," Klass argued that the Trents were "repeaters," citing a story published in the Portland Oregonian June 10 in which Mrs. Trent is quoted as saying to reporter Lou Gillette that "she had seen similar objects on the coast three different times but no one would believe me." Klass further quotes from a newspaper article written about 17 years later, in which she is quoted as saying "We've seen quite a few since then but we didn't get any pictures, they disappeared too fast."
Klass indictment of "repeater" is based solely on Mrs. Trent's claims as reported in the paper. Assuming the account is accurate, an important detail however, is that Mr. Trent apparently did notagree with his wife. For reasons we can only guess, Klass did not include in his book Mr. Trent's response to the following question (story in the June 11, 1950 L.A. Examiner):
"why [did you wait] so long before telling anyone about [the photos]. Trent admitted he was 'kinda scared of it.' He said: 'You know, you hear so much about those things... I didn't believe all that talk about flying saucers before, but now have an idea the Army knows what they are."
This suggests that Mr. Trent had not seen any UFOs before and was skeptical about flying saucers (hence his wife's claim that "no one would believe me") ... until he saw one himself. One gets into a logical muddle here. If, as Klass believes, there are no saucers and therefore the Trents couldn't have seen one, then Mrs. Trent must have been lying when she said she saw several previously. On the other hand, Mr. Trent was telling the truth about his skepticism, although he could well have supported his wife's claim by saying that he too had seen several even if he really didn't believe they existed. After all, if its a hoax, he could say anything to support the hoax story. One way to get out of this muddle is to assume that they both told the truth regarding previous sightings (Mrs. Trent had several, Mr. Trent had none and didn't believe in saucers). Of course, Mrs. Trent previous sightings certainly could have been honest misidentifications... and if this were so then she wasn't really "a repeater" unless you classify a person who repeatedly and honestly misidentifies objects as "a repeater" [Maccabee op. cit., private communication].

The McMinnville Saucer Returns - 1957
Rouen, France, 1957. Flying to intercept a mysterious radar reflection, an unknown French Air Force pilot photographed this craft in March 1957 over Rouen with his gun-sight camera. The UFO paced the plane for several minutes before speeding off past the maximum velocity of the French airplane. It was first published in the Royal Air Force Flying Review in July,1957 and also in Flying Saucer Review in July, 1957.
Full NICAP investigation
May 20, 1953 - Kingman, Arizona UFO Crash
The earliest reference of a crash near Kingman has been made to MUFON researcher Richard Hall in April 1964. He was told the story by a future Vietnam commander.
The case of the Kingman UFO retrieval was then brought to the public attention by Raymond Fowler, a respected UFO researcher, in June 1973. It involved an engineer who took preliminary measurements to assess the momentum of a crashing craft, measurements useful to any reverse engineering efforts. The engineer who brought this story to light was Arthur G. Stancil (previously known by the pseudonym "Fritz Werner"). Stancil graduated from Ohio University in 1949 and was first employed by Air Material Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio as a mechanical engineer on testing Air Force aircraft engines. Dr. Eric Wang who was suspected of leading a reverse engineering team on alien craft headed the Installations Division within the Office of Special Studies where Arthur worked.
Stancil signed a legal affidavit vouching to the honesty of his testimony, who has been was released by Ray Fowler in UFO Magazine, April 1976.
Stancil told that he was loaned out to the Atomic Energy Commission and was designated as a project engineer on some atomic bomb tests referred to as "Operation Upshot Knothole". The location of these tests was at Frenchman's Flats at the southern end of the Nevada Test Site. The test director was a Dr. Ed Doll.
On May 21, 1953 Stancil was called away by his boss told to report for a special assignment at the Indian Springs Air Force Base where he was joined by 15 other specialists. They were flown by military plane to Phoenix where they boarded a bus with blacked-out windows and rode for an estimated four hours. When they arrived at their destination somewhere southeast of Kingman in one of the washes of the Hulapai Mountains, they were met and briefed by an Air Force Colonel who told them they were to investigate the crash of a super-secret test vehicle. He and the others on the bus were told not to speak to each other under any circumstances. Stancil's job was to determine the forward and vertical velocities of the vehicle when it impacted in the sand.
Stancil was escorted to the site by military police. Two military arc-lights illuminated the saucer, which appeared to be two convex oval plates inverted over each other approximately 30 feet in diameter. The saucer was embedded in the sand about 20 inches. From this Stancil had determined that the saucer crashed at a velocity of 100 knots yet it had not dents, marks, or scratches on its burnished aluminum surface. It was constructed of dull silver metal like brushed aluminum. Another specialist had gotten a look inside the craft as a 1.5 x 3.5 foot hatch was open revealing an oval interior cabin with two swivel seats and many instruments. Stancil saw one body recovered from the crash. It was humanoid, about 4 feet tall, with brown skin and wearing a silver-metallic flight suit.
Whilst they were back on the bus and being taken back they were made to sign the 'Official Secrets' act and was told never to tell anyone about this incident. Stancil also claims to have seen the body of a small creature about 4ft tall inside a small medical tent. The creature was wearing a skull-cap and a silver one-piece suit.
Fowler made several check as to the integrity of Stancil and everyone who knew him said that he was a man of considerable integrity and scientific ability.
Another story supporting the crash near Kingman came to UFO researcher Len Stringfield in 1977. A man who was in the National Guard at Wright Patterson claimed that he was witness to a delivery from a 'crash site in Arizona' in 1953. He said that 3 bodies had been recovered and were packed in dry ice, 4ft tall, large heads and brownish skin.
Since then several other witnesses have come forward, but I do not have detailed information yet:
An almost identical story was reported to researcher Charles Wilhelm in 1966 by a man who said that his father had told him the story as a death-bed confession.
In 1995 a man who went by the code name of Jarod-2 contacted the Internet publication The Groom Lake Desert Rat (http://www.ufo- and told them he had worked for the USAF on a secret project that was an attempt to build a flying saucer simulator. The project had started at the end of the 1940s and had collected material from the crash sites at Roswell and Kingman.
(Source: )
May 24, 1962 - Astronaut Scott Carpenter Snaps UFO In Space
M. Scott Carpenter duplicated Glenn's feat with an additional orbital flight lasting 4 hours 56 minutes and 5 seconds. Mercury-Atlas 7 was designated Aurora 7. During the flight, Carpenter took this photograph of a UFO which he saw close to his capsule.

May 15, 1963 - Astronaut Gordon Cooper Sees UFO During Spaceflight
On May 15, 1963 he shot into space in a Mercury capsule for a 22 orbit journey around the world. During the final orbit, Major Cooper told the tracking station at Muchea Australia that he could see a glowing, greenish object ahead of him quickly approaching his capsule. The UFO was real and solid because it was picked up by Mucheas's tracking radar.
"For many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that everyday, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us."
- Gordon Cooper

May 20, 1967 - Canadian Man Burned By Flying Saucer In Close Encounter
During Victoria Day week-end, Canadian Stephen Michalak of Winnipeg, a mechanic by trade, decided to do some prospecting in the Whiteshell Provincial Park . Michalak was an amateur geologist and had been prospecting in the area many times. Others had found several quartz veins near Falcon Lake that were associated with silver deposits, and Michalak had himself found a few promising sites. So, on May 19, 1967, he traveled from Winnipeg to Falcon Lake, where he spent the night in a motel on the Trans-Canada Highway.
Michalak left his motel at 5:30 that morning and headed north into the wilds of the park. At about 9:00 a.m. he found a quartz vein near a small stream. At 11:00 a.m. he ate lunch, then continued to examine the quartz formation. At 12:15 p.m. Michalak's concentration was disturbed by the cackling of some geese. He looked up and was surprised to see two red, glowing cigar-shaped objects descending at a forty-five degree angle. As they came nearer, their appearance became more oval and then disc-shaped.
As he watched, one of the objects stopped and hovered, while the other one descended and landed on a large, flat rock about 160 feet away from him. After a few moments the object still in the air departed, changing from red to orange to grey as it flew into the west and disappeared behind the clouds. The object on the ground also turned from red to grey and finally to the color of "hot stainless steel" surrounded by a golden-hued glow. He had been wearing welding goggles while chipping at the quartz to protect his eyes from flying rock fragments, and now they served the additional purpose of protecting his eyes from a brilliant purple light that was shining through openings in the object's exterior. The object was making a hissing sound and a whirring noise, and it gave off a sulphurous smell.
For several minutes, Michalak stayed where he was and sketched the object. After about half an hour, a door opened in the side of the object, revealing a lighted interior. Michalak decided to move closer, and when he was approximately sixty feet away from the object, he began to hear two voices over the other sounds coming from the object.

Michalak's drawing of the UFO he saw
Believing that the object was a secret experimental American craft of some sort, Michalak called out in English. There was no response, so he tried Russian, German, Italian, French, Ukrainian, and then English again. There was still no response.
Summoning his nerve, Michalak approached the open door and stuck his head inside. There he saw a maze of lights on what appeared to be a panel, and beams of light in horizontal and diagonal patterns. There was also a cluster of lights flashing in a random sequence "like on a computer."
Not seeing anyone, he pulled back and waited. Suddenly, three panels slid together, closing the opening completely. Michalak then examined the outer surface of the object, noting that it was like highly polished colored glass with no breaks or seams in its surface. He touched it, and it melted his glove.
Without warning, the object moved, and something like an exhaust vent was now in front of him. It was about nine inches high by six inches wide, and contained a uniform pattern of round holes, each about 1/16 inch in diameter. A blast of hot gas shot from these holes onto his chest, setting his shirt and undershirt on fire and causing him severe pain. He tore off his burning garments and threw them to the ground. He looked up in time to see the craft depart like the first, and felt a rush of air as it ascended.
After the object was gone, Michalak noticed a strong odor of burning electrical insulation along with the sulphurous smell he had noticed earlier. Some moss on the ground had been set on fire by his burning shirts, and so he stamped it out.
The spot where the object had landed looked as if it had been swept clean, but piled up in a 15 foot circle was a collection of pine needles, dirt and leaves. As he looked around, he developed a severe headache, became nauseous, and broke out in a cold sweat. His nausea became worse, and he soon vomited. He decided to head back to the motel, and on the way back he had to stop several times because of vomiting.
Finally, after asking for help from a passing RCMP officer and being refused, he reached the motel. At 4:00 p.m., he entered the coffee shop and asked where he could find a doctor. He was told that the nearest doctor was in Kenora, Ontario, 45 miles east of Falcon Lake. Michalak decided to return to Winnipeg rather than go into Ontario.
The next bus to Winnipeg didn't come through until around 8:45 p.m., so he went to his room and called his wife. He told her not to worry, but that he had had an accident and to send their son to meet him at the bus terminal. He got to Winnipeg at around 10:15 p.m., and his son immediately took him to the Misericordia Hospital, where his headache and nausea were treated and the curious burn marks on his chest in the shape of a grid were noted. One of the RCMP investigators tried to make the case that Michalak had burned his chest on a barbecue grill. However, the burn pattern was opposite to what it would have been had that been the case. There was a manned firetower nearby, but the lookouts reportedly saw nothing that day. Michalak never made any money off his experience. In fact, he had to pay all of his own medical expenses, including a trip to the Mayo Clinic on Minnesota. A small, privately published booklet he wrote on the experience lost money.
Over the course of the next two years, Michalak was examined by more than one dozen physicians in the United States and Canada. Site investigations were made by members of the RCMP, RCAF, government officials and numerous civilians. Among those who traveled back to the site with Michalak were representatives of: the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) Training Command Headquarters, CFB (Canadian Forces Base) Winnipeg, RCMP CID (Criminal Investigations Division); the federal Department of Health and Welfare, and the Manitoba provincial Department of Health and Welfare. Also, the University of Colorado Condon Committee investigated the case, Life magazine reporters came to Manitoba and two civilian UFO groups, APRO (Aerial Phenomena Research Organization) and CAPRO (Canadian APRO), became involved. Finally, the federal Department of Mines and Natural Resources got involved to a degree, as did the Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment (WNRE), the Manitoba Cancer Institute, the Mayo Clinic, and a host of other medical establishments.
(Sources: )
May 24, 1969 - Yukon Family And Others Witness Flying Saucer
"It was about this shape, " explains Terry Bubiak. Terry was among many Porter Creek residents who saw a U.F.O. on Saturday night in front of Haekle Hill. The object appeared at about 10:45 and was visible for several minutes. "We all saw it," the family says. Left to Right are Jerry Bubiak, Mrs. P. English, Terry, Linda, Paul and Tony.
Front Page of the May 26, 1969 YUKON DAILY NEWS, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Porter Creek residents were startled Saturday night with the appearance of a U.F.O. flying in front of Haeckle Hill and appearing to descend into the valley below. Mrs. Patricia English first spotted the object at the home of Mr. Jerry Bubiak. She called to Mr. Bubiak and the four children to "look at that". The object was visible for three to four minutes before it disappeared. "It was oblong in shape and seemed to be glowing orange", said Mrs. English. Also visible was a bubble like affair on the top with visible partitions and three or four leg like protrusion (sic) on the bottom reports Mr. Bubiak and Tony English.
The object was also seen by Mrs. Mary MacDonald Director of the Ridgeview Home in Porter Creek. She and one of the youngsters living at the Home watched the object for several seconds. Mrs. MacDonald called the R.C.M.P. and reported that it looked like a "burning helicopter", however a check at the Airport Control Tower revealed that no aircraft were out after 10:02. The sighting was at 10:45. A weather balloon was sent up at approximately 9:15 but weather officials report that it was visible for only 10 minutes and that winds were from the north which would put the balloon somewhere in the vicinity of McCrae at the time of the sighting. A hoax? There are at least eight people in the Whitehorse area who are convinced they saw something. "No one can tell me that it was just burning gas," emphatically states Mr. Bubiak."
(Source: )
May 23, 1971 - Amazing Series Of Saucer In Flight
St. Lorenzen/Styria, Austria. While on vacation in Styria, musician Rudi Nagora and wife were exploring the St. Lorenzen area. After a drive, they stopped at the edge of a field. His attention was grabbed by a sound from above. He saw a shining, silvery disc, and took a series of photographs.

May 17, 1978 - Polish Farmer Has Close Encounter Of Third Kind
Emilcin, Poland -- Jan Wolski a 71-year old farmer, was passing through a forest in his horse drawn cart when he noticed two individuals ahead, walking in the same direction, but with "supple jumps" like divers on the sea bed. When one of them approached a muddy patch, his feet seemed to slide across the mud, as reported in a number of other cases. When Wolski caught up with the strangers, they walked alongside the horse and cart for a while then jumped onboard and sat down gently, one at each side, gesturing to Wolski to carry on. The added weight caused the mare to exert extra effort.
Wolski drove on while the strangers exchanged some words in an incomprehensible tongue. Shortly, as the cart approached a clearing in the forest, a strange, almost "transparent white" object could be seen, hanging in the air about 70 meters away, emitting a faint humming sound. Wolski described the object as like a short bus, but with a roof like a barn, it was about 5 meters in length, three meters in width, and about 2.5 meters in height. It shone, as if nickel-plated. No windows were seen. At its four corners, and half-way up it had on the outside, barrels with black vertical rods running through them and carrying what looked like spirals rather reminiscent of corkscrews. These black rods were rotating very fast. The "corkscrews" emitted a range of colors, and the barrels seemed to have been the source of the humming. When closer to the object, Wolski said the sound was like that of bumblebees in flight. The craft's surface was smooth, stainless, and seamless. At a height of some 50 cm from the ground was suspended a lift held by four thin cables attached above the entrance to the craft, which had descended as the trio approached. Stepping on to the platform one of the entities invited Wolski aboard, gesturing to him that he should grasp the cables. After rising rapidly the lift stopped in front of an opening and Wolski was motioned inside. Inside, Wolski stepped into a chamber with walls that were almost black and saw two more beings identical with the first two.
The chamber was rectangular. There was no internal lighting other than the daylight from the open door. The walls, floor, and ceiling were a grayish black the same color as the overalls of the occupants. The floor was shining, as though polished. The walls were smooth and hard to the touch, and made of a material resembling glass. Against the four walls there were seats, each fastened by two black cables. No apparatus was seen inside the contraption, with the exception of two black tubes that ran from one gable wall to the other and two holes, about 30 cm apart, into each of which one of the entities inserted alternately a smallish black rod. From floor to ceiling, the height was about 1.8 meters. On the floor of this cabin were about ten crows or rooks, which seemed to be paralyzed, though they could move their heads and eyes. The four identical beings, of indeterminate sex, were about 1.4 to 1.5 meters tall and had delicate, slim figures. They were dressed in tight-fitting, flexible one-piece suits of a grayish black rubber like material, covering the entire body except the faces and hands. No pockets, belt, or fasteners were seen. Their legs seemed thicker than those of normal men, and from the way these curved when the beings sat in the cart with their legs hanging down, they looked like prehensile limbs. A hump was visible on the shoulders, as though something was contained under the suits. The slim, greenish colored hands had five fingers, between which were fine membranes, except for the gap between thumb and forefinger.
Their heads were relatively large, with faces of an olive green or greenish brown hue, having high cheekbones that gave them an Asiatic appearance. The eyes, almond shaped, very long, were dark, and appeared to lack any whites. In the place of the nose, there was only a slight protuberance with two small vertical openings. The mouth was straight and thin. Their teeth were white. No hair was visible on the face.
When the beings smiled, the mouth twisted to one side with the effect of a grimace. Their speech was rapid and delicate. They had a polite, gentle demeanor and Wolski felt no fear in their presence. The beings indicated to Wolski that he should take off his clothes, and one of them helped him undo his shirt buttons. Facing him less than two meters away, one of the beings held in each hand a gray disc shaped object that seemed to be attached to the hand by something like a suction pad. The discs were vibrating and emitting a dull humming sound. Wolski was positioned with one side facing towards the entity holding the discs, then with his back towards him, and finally with the other side. Wolski's arms were raised alternately by the entities, whose fingers were very cold. During the process he smelled an odor similar to that of burning sulfur; a smell that lingered in his clothing for days afterwards. When ready he was shown the way out, bowed, and said goodbye. The beings bowed likewise, smiling. The same lift took him down almost to ground level, so that he was obliged to jump down a short way. Reaching his horse and cart, Wolski turned around to look at the contraption. Two or three of the beings were watching him from the entrance. He did not see them leave.
Thanks to Tomek Wierszalowicz for report and images
May 26, 1987 - Huge UFO Passes Over Major Highway, Stalls Cars
Randy Etting, a resident of Newtown, was taking a walk outside his home. A commercial airline pilot with over 30 years experience, he always looked at the sky... he saw a number of orange and red lights... approaching from the west... He... got his binoculars and called his neighbors to come outside. The object by this time was a great deal closer and seemed to be over I-84, just east of Etting's home... the lights were shimmering like distortion from engine heat, but he could hear no sound...

Object photographed by State Police Officer
"As the UFO passed over I-84, cars in both the east and west bound lanes began pulling over and stopping. The UFO displayed a semi-circular pattern of very bright multicolored lights. Five motorists reported that, as the object became visible, a number of cars lost power and had to pull off the highway. A State Police officer [who wishes to remain anonymous] sent to investigate photographed the object.
"... Dr. Bruce Maccabee... [analysed the photo]. His findings indicate the object was huge, perhaps over a thousand feet across, and that the lights showed a definite pattern. He also indicated the lights seemed to have been flashing very quickly in some sort of sequence, giving the impression that some were out of focus while others were sharp.



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