- Readers of this site know that I never miss a chance
to pound on the head of mainstream journalism.
- I have also mentioned, in countless articles, that one
of the cardinal sins committed by major papers and TV networks is their
failure to dig into the guts of THE SAME BASIC STORY, day after day, when
such repeated attention is warranted.
- There is a corollary to this latter point: if you do
keep up the hammering, over and over, strange things begin to happen; new
material comes to light; you find a passion within yourself, as a reporter,
that you didn't know you had; you throw emotional caution to the wind;
you begin to see the grotesque and cartoonesque aspect of the defenders
of the realm; your bullshit detector extends its sensors and becomes more
refined; you watch facades of lunacy and lies collapse under the weight
of your sustained attacks; you realize how sold out the liars really are;
you develop closing skills and an instinct for the jugular; you find yourself
laughing in people's faces; you attain precognition vis-a-vis the lies
the liars haven't even told yet; you can predict strategies the PR operators
are going to employ; fools try not to talk to you.
- There is now a very unlikely candidate for a few of these
qualities shaping up at, of all places, CNN. I have been watching him.
I've seen the changes in his formerly porcine face. I've seen him smirk
and glare and twitch and start to grind his teeth as he interviews the
loyal foot soldiers in the battle to advance so-called free trade.
- The man is Lou Dobbs, and on his daily program he is
running an ongoing segment called OUTSOURCING AMERICA.
- Today, for a few moments, he almost lost it as he was
interviewing a real gem from the US Chamber of Commerce, who was defending
the exportation of jobs out of the US to places like India.
- Believe me, I'm not under the delusion that Lou is going
to develop into a populist hero. After all, he works for CNN. But when
a reporter seems ready to strangle a free-trade advocate, he can't be all
bad. When he almost gags at the distortion of data offered by such an advocate,
he can't be all bad.
- I hope he keeps it up and gets fired. He's on the way.
- I hope he reaches across the desk and wraps his meaty
hand around the skinny neck of one of these slimeballs and squeezes.
- I think the juice that comes out will be a chemical green
- I know what's happening to Lou. He's muscled into a real
fact or two and a real scandal, and something inside him doesn't want to
let go.
- Sure, CNN might see him as a potential ratings guy, a
sort of reverse Bill O'Reilly, but I can tell that Lou himself is working
up a real head of steam.
- I hope he isn't taking tranqs to dampen his own responses.
- I hope he keeps the OUTSOURCING segment going and finds
even deeper reservoirs of righteous anger within himself. He's really just
starting to see through the mountainous curtains of crap.
- He already knows that it isn't just the Republicans or
the Democrats who are shoving free trade down our throats.
- He might even be glimpsing that free trade is an OP designed
to bring America to its knees. I didn't say WASHINGTON to its knees. I
- Years and years ago a friend of mine, watching Lou on
CN, called him a pig in a suit. But now the Lou's looking a bit different.
He needs a haircut. The corn-syrup glaze in his eyes is fading. His stare
is a little harder. He's still grinning, but instead of the we're-all-on-the-same-ridiculous-team-and-we're-fleecing-the-suckers
smile, the smirk is about how he knows, up front, that his guest is going
to try to shovel cow dung up to the ceiling.
- He's feeling a little astounded at how many lies his
guests are willing to tell.
- The gates are opening for him.
- I'm not taking bets on how far he'll walk through them.
Tomorrow he could do a 180. But right now, he's tasting the kind of thing
that could restore his health.
- He's landed a few blows on the heavy bag, and he likes
- He's learning what it means to do the same basic story
every day.
- I bet a few of the CNN brass are watching with minor
trepidation. To them I offer a piece of unsolicited advice: you can't sink
any lower than you already are; let the man have his way; stand back and
see what happens; face it, FOX outscores you because they're willing to
skewer people in live interviews; let Lou do it, too; put free trade under
the spotlight; step on it; show the greenish ooze leaking out; forget worrying
that you'll lose some valued Washington sources; you're problem is you
have no balls; get some.
- And oh yes. If Ted Turner is still your boss (I can't
keep up with all the musical chairs), give him something he'll really have
to medicate. Last time I looked, he was a manic free trader. Drive him
through the roof. Put him back on his yacht where belongs, dreaming his
blathering dreams. Give him a reality show, a la Trump: ten candidates
will compete to see who'll head up a 501c3 that'll save the world by eradicating
all national boundaries.
- http://www.nomorefakenews.com