Elite Russian Scientists
Mysteriously Being Murdered

Translated by Anna Ossipova
Professor of the Moscow State University has been killed in his own apartment.
Professor of advanced mathematics of the Moscow State University V. Fedorov has been found dead in his apartment on Stoletnikov Street in Moscow. Criminal investigation concluded that the 58-year-old scientist died of multiple stabbing chest wounds, reported press-services of the central administrative board of criminal investigation of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Apparently, the professor has been renting the apartment for the past several years. The man's body was discovered by his relatives in the evening of April 20th. Presumably, he was stabbed in the afternoon. Judging by the results of preliminary investigation, nothing was stolen from the flat. Police found a murder weapon. It turned out to be a simple>
kitchen knife. This is an ongoing investigation.
Interestingly, this is not the first murder of members of Moscow's scientific elite.
Several similar murder cases have been reported in the near past.
* Professor Bondarevsky died on August 9, 2003 after suffering severe head injury. The 83-year-old scientist used to conduct research studies on India, Afghanistan and Islamic movements.
* Academician Alexander Krasovsky died in June 2003 in an attempt to prevent a robbery.
* In January 2003, Vice-Chancellor Victor Frantsuzov of the University of Precise Chemical Technologies was shot to death.
* Professor of the Russian State Medical University, Boris Svyatskly, was shot to death in November 2002.
* On February 8th 2002, Professor Valery Korshunov, head of the Department of Microbiology of the same University, died as a result of severe head injury.
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