Human And Animal Prions
In Both Class A And
Class B Municipal
Sewage Sludge 'Biosolids'

From Dr. Patricia Doyle, PhD
How are the US EPA and USDA dealing with the risks to livestock and wildlife from human and animal prions in Class A and Class B municipal sewage sludge "biosolids" which are top dressed on grazing land, hayfields and dairy pastures ?
"Curt McCormick, Pretreatment Coordinator for the US EPA Region 8 (CO, UT, MT, WY, ND & SD) has issued an order prohibiting the discharge of untreated, potentially prion contaminated wastes to POTWs. Calling the issue "critical", the order states:
"We are currently prohibiting the discharge of untreated, potentially prion-contaminated wastes to POTWs. Typical treatment and disinfection processes used by non-domestic users and those at Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) do not deactivate prions.
" Prions will pass through the POTW as a pollutant to be received into receiving waters and concentrated in biosolids. Biosolids are the solids produced by POTWs and typically land applied to food and non-food (grazing) crops."
For full report:
Patricia A. Doyle, PhD
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