Are Cheney And Friends
Using Drosnin's Bible Code?

From Godlike Productions list
Hello GPLers,
I would appreciate any links you can find relating to the story about Michael Drosnin, author of The Bible Code, who has apparently been holding back some of his predictions exclusively to counsel Dick Cheney and other high-ranking members of the national Security State elite as to the events of May 15-20.
Drosnin was consulted by the Pentagon prior to the Iraq invasion and more recently by Cheney who has allegedly paid him a consultant retainer. The controversial author was probed on his view of the David Booth's prophecy that America would be destroyed at some point during the month of May 2004, as elucidated in his work of plagiarism "Code Red: The Coming Destruction of America."
(Note - Mr. Booth mentioned the time frame of 'April 20 - May 20' as the time during which something would happen that would 'change the world forever'. You can hear him so state in our program Archives in his 'final interview' of April 12. He specifically did NOT tie these dates to his vision of a celestial body passing between the earth and moon. -ed)
Drosnin's advice has reportedly seen Cheney in a whirl of self-preservational activity recently, engaged in enhancing his underground facilities at the Naval Observatory and at Greenbriars in West Virginia.
The following confirmation of the Drosnin briefings appeared in the NY Times on March 8, 2003 in an article written by Bill Keller. -ed
Two weeks ago, a group of senior intelligence officials in the Defense Department sat for an hour listening to a briefing by a writer who claims " I am not making this up " that messages encoded in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament provide clues to the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden. One of the officials told me that they had agreed to meet the writer, Michael Drosnin, author of a Nostradamus-style best seller, without understanding that he was promoting Biblical prophecy. Still, rather than shoo him away, they listened politely as he consumed several man-hours of valuable intelligence-crunching time. Apparently he has given similar briefings to top officials of Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency.
And this story from RM News and
Is The Pentagon Using The Bible Code?
By Linn Ciesla Rumor Mill News Agents Forum 4-4-3
Have you ever noticed the way any sort of predictive art/science is consistently ridiculed by the mainstream, but meanwhile seem to be used on an invariably consistent level by those in power?
A long time ago, J.P. Morgan said, "Millionaires don't use Astrologers, billionaires do." And, we've all heard about Nancy Reagan's penchant for astrologers, you can read a People Magazine story title 'The President's Astrologers' from 1988 about that here:
Currently, the latest thing our leadership seems to be dabbling in is Bible Codes. To give credit where credit is due, I originally saw this story on Godlike Productions:
They had a link to the following:
On the eve of war, military brass listened intently as Michael Drosnin expounded the Bible code
The gathering, which took place Feb. 21, was convened by Paul Wolfowitz, the hawkish U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defence, and attended by 10 top military intelligence officials, including Vice Admiral Lowell "Jake" Jacoby, director of the massive Defense Intelligence Agency, and Wolfowitz's deputy, Linton Wells, who is in charge of the Pentagon's nerve centre, known as 3CI (Command, Control, Communications)...
The above page links to the following:
Which is a re-post of the original story at: 9A6AF5F- A64C-4031-AF96-C478FFBDD643
Here's an excerpt:
On the eve of war, the military brass listened intently for a full hour as Michael Drosnin expounded on his two brisk-selling volumes on the Bible code.
Drosnin argues the Hebrew Torah -- the first five books of the Old Testament -- were intentionally encrypted, by a higher power, with prophetic warnings that have accurately predicted the Great Depression, the Second World War, the Kennedy assassinations, the moon landing, Watergate, and 9/11 -- and foretell the fall of Saddam Hussein and the precise location of bin Laden.
The Americans "took it very seriously," Drosnin says. "They're practical people and I wanted to give them something of practical use."
As a result of the meeting, Drosnin says U.S. and Israeli intelligence forces are hot on bin Laden's trail in that very place the Bible mentions, "right as we speak." Of course, he would not divulge where that place is.
As for Saddam Hussein, the Bible's embedded code ponders, "Who is destroyed?" and then, in the same matrix, answers, "Hussein," with the following number crossing his name: 5763, the Jewish year that corresponds to 2003. "That foretells the outcome of this conflict," Drosnin says confidently. "It might be obvious now, but it wasn't when I told them."
If you're really interested in all this, you also might want to take a look at 'Isaac Newton, Bible Code Pioneer?':
To Newton,s mind it was clear that some prophecies would not be understood until the end of history. This is an excerpt from his book on Daniel and Revelation:
This prophecy is called the Revelation, with respect to the Scripture of Truth, which Daniel was commanded to shut up and seal, till the time of the end. Daniel sealed it until the time of the end, and until that time comes, the Lamb is opening the seals: and afterward the two Witnesses prophesy out of it a long time in sackcloth, before they ascend up to heaven in a cloud. All of which is as much as to say, that the prophecies of Daniel and John should not be understood till the time of the end: but that some should prophesy out of it in an afflicted and mournful state for a long time, and that but darkly, so as to convert but few. But in the very end, the Prophecy should be so far interpreted so as to convince many. Then saith Daniel, many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
For the Gospel must first be preached in all nations before the great tribulation, and end of the world. The palm-bearing multitude, which came out of this great tribulation, cannot be innumerable out of all nations unless they be made so by the preaching of the Gospel before it comes. There must be a stone cut of the mountain without hands, before it can fall on the toes of the Image, and become a great mountain and fill the earth. An Angel must fly through the midst of heaven with the everlasting Gospel to preach to all nations, before Babylon falls, and the Son of man reaps his harvest. The two prophets must ascend up to heaven in a cloud, before the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of Christ.
'Tis therefore a part of this Prophecy, that it should not be understood before the last age of the world; and therefore it makes for the credit of the Prophecy, that it is not yet understood. But if the last age, the age of opening these things, be now approaching, as by the great success of late Interpreters it seems to be, we have more encouragement than ever to look into these things.
If the general preaching of the Gospel be approaching, it is for us and our posterity that these words mainly belong: In the time of the end the wise shall understand, but none of the wicked shall understand. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this Prophecy, and keep those things that are written therein (Daniel 12:4,10)
I dunno -- guess astrology and bible codes are bullsh*t when us regular folks use them, but worth spending taxpayer dollars on if the big shots think they might give them an edge somehow?
For claims that the 'Bible Code' is BS -


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