Makow - A Different View
Of The War On Terror
Are You Frightened Yet?

By Henry Makow, PhD

All wars are really secret attacks on humanity by the world financial elite.
The "War on Terror" is no exception.
The recent media warnings of terrorist attacks on trains and buses this summer can be seen in this context.
The financial elite is relatively small, cowardly and furtive. It needs us to fight its battles. It needs us to destroy ourselves and to get further into debt. (This is how it enslaves us.)
War has always been a fraud designed to help bring about a world police state. This is called the "new world order" a.k.a. "globalism."
War is used to transform society. Both World Wars resulted in increased power for government and cartels, which the bankers run by proxy. Both World Wars resulted in calls for their "world government."
We don't recognize this conspiracy because we are not used to thinking long term. The gradual transfer of wealth and power to international finance has been going on for at least 200 years.
It involves a complete transformation of humanity. This includes the destruction of race, religion, family and nation and the embrace of money, sex and violence. This is the hidden agenda behind almost everything that is happening in politics and culture today. (See: "The Protocols is the NWO Blueprint"
Don't count on professors, pundits and politicians to tell you this. They are sheep dogs, trained and well fed.
But, you say, we are still prosperous and relatively free. The elite's first priority now is to suppress and secularize the Muslim world ("democracy," "women's rights".) It needs us to do this dirty work. Our "peace keepers" are really the bankers' enforcers.
They are using "Al Qaeda terror" as an excuse to erect a police state at home. While they prattle about "human rights," the Constitution and Bill of Rights are dismantled. We are becoming accustomed to "terror alerts" and intrusions into our privacy.
This new security monolith is designed to quell future resistance to globalism. When they are finally ready to pull the plug, it will keep us in line. In the meantime, they distract us with easy credit, trivia, sex and sports.
If wars are used to transform society, terror is used to justify wars.
The bankers perpetrated the attack on the World Trade Center to justify the assault on the Moslem world, and the "War on Terror." ( Invaders always pretend they are acting in self-defence.
It's all unfolding according to an occult plan. On Sept. 11, 1990, George Bush Sr. made his "Toward a New World Order" speech at the UN. Eleven years later to the day, two planes smashed into the World Trade Center.
Terror is used to sway public opinion. Two weeks ago an Israeli missile blasted the Hamas founder, Sheikh Yassin, a 68-year-old half-blind Muslim Cleric out of his wheel chair. Ariel Sharon's purpose was to incite further acts of indiscriminate terror against Israeli citizens.
Ariel Sharon's policy is to eventually move the Palestinians beyond the giant wall. In order to do this, he must prepare the Israeli population for "transfer".
In 2000, less than eight per cent of Jewish Israelis favoured this. In 2002, that figure reached 44 per cent. Thanks to repeated suicide bombings, the figure is certainly fast rising above fifty per cent.
Hamas terror definitely serves Sharon's purpose and that is why Israel has covertly supported Hamas for years.
Another example is the recent bombings in Spain two days before the elections. The Spanish Prime Minister was holding up passage of the EU Constitution. As a result of the carnage, he was defeated and replaced by a more amenable stooge.
As Steve Bonta points out in the latest issue of "The New American," whenever terror takes place, ask, "Who benefits?" Did the Muslim world benefit from Sept. 11? Would it benefit from indiscriminate acts of terror on American soil? ( is an excellent source of information.)
People often ask this and I answer, " If we form movements, they will have us corralled and pick off the leaders. Think for yourself. Stop looking to others for answers. They fear individual initiative more than anything."
What we don't do is just as important.
The democratic system has been subverted and now is mostly a form of social control. The bankers control both parties and the means of mass persuasion. They frame the debate and the alternatives. So obviously, we should not waste much energy participating in the democratic process.
The second thing is to stop watching TV. People are natural conformists. TV defines reality. Its message is that politicians actually serve our interests, and despite problems, everything is OK. "TV or Not TV" by Norman Grigg which elaborates on this theme.
The bankers' conspiracy exploits peoples' idealism, whether they are Communists, socialists, Zionists, liberals, freemasons, feminists or neo conservatives. As long as we live in a nominal democracy, we can't do much until more people see the globalist agenda for what it really is.
Educating ourselves is very rewarding. I used to seek transcendence in meditation but to my surprise I feel much more liberated since I learned how the world really works.
In conclusion, the "War on Terror," like all wars is a fraud designed to advance world banker government by suppressing Islam and creating a police state at home.
Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the board game Scruples and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His past articles exposing feminism and the new world order can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving feedback at Indicate if you do not want your comments posted on his site.


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