Hunters Allowed To Kill
350,000 Young Seals This Year


From Steve Frye
Mr. Jeff Rense,
I recently saw an article you posted on your website regarding the killing of innocent and trusting seals in Canada. I must confess to you, that I was unable to read the article.The photo of the real animal about to club the innocent and trusting seal was too much for me. I became nauseated and wept openly.
I have always been a scrapper. I would fist fight at the drop of a hat or a dirty look. In my youth, I fought 4 road curbing crew workers at the same time. Many people claimed I was nuts in the head. I'm not nuts, I just speak my mind, especially when wronged or when witnessing someone being wronged.
My point being, that I'm not a wimpy person nor have I ever been. When I looked at the photo of that inhuman waste of flesh about to club a defenseless seal while the seal looks up at him as a child looks at it's mother, I almost vomited.
To think this is going on a thousand times a day, every day is heartbreaking. I don't care if these inhuman pieces of shit cannot feed their family or not. There is absolutely no excuse to commit this kind of atrocity. I tell you, if I were ever to witness something like that, there would be no hope for that sorry Bastard. None!
Anyone who would beat the brains out of a helpless and trusting wild animal like that deserves at least to have the same thing done to them as well. Hopefully, in sight of the seals where the animals could watch the real "animal" get his brains beat out. Retarded Cowards. Too stupid to relocate to an area where they CAN work and feed their families without murdering defenseless creatures who have as much right to live and survive as we do. I'd like to see these murdering bastards survive the cruelty of nature as well as our wildlife does. The evil and cruelty of humanity is beyond me. This business of killing these seals must be stopped.
In a world where human babies are ripped and torn to pieces, having their skulls crushed before being removed from the mother during the abominable abortion procedure, which is condoned by millions, it shouldn't be a surprise to see the kind of activity such as the seal horror, but it is. These "people" have the same mentality as those who tie puppies and helpless dogs to a tree and let pitbulls rip them apart without the ability to defend themselves. They aren't people, they are demons.
Judgement rain down upon those who participate in these horrific deeds. There is no justice in this world when these activities can happen without the actor being struck down in the act. However judgement will certainly be metered out to these "people" who have no soul. They have no soul. Their fate is sealed. Literally.
Your site is one of my main stops when I buzz the net daily and I have read many disturbing stories, but nothing hit me harder than the picture of that Bastard about to strike a helpless, innocent and trusting animal like that. It struck me to the core. Who are the real animals? If these people count themselves as human, then I don't number myself among them.
Thank you for your attention and your web site,
Steve Frye
Pottstown Pa.
From Mary Sparrowdancer
This is outrageous.
As someone who has taken care of more than 20,000 sick, injured and orphaned wild animals and birds, I can tell you that the seal looking at the man has absolutely no idea that the man is about to deliver to it a death blow. Animals have inherent innocence, and they only come to understand the violence of human beings after human beings exhibit their violence.
Of all the orphaned wild birds and animals that I have cared for and raised, I can say that the majority of those that have been released back into the wild have sought me out after they became adults.
Not only did they remember me, they also brought their own young to me. Perhaps they were teaching something to their young - I do not know - all I know is that when they brought their young to me, I was permitted to feed and touch their young.
Even though I was not always able to recognize the adults birds and animals who returned to me with their young, they never forgot who I was. The animals never forgot the compassion that had been extended to them.
mary sparrowdancer
From Steve Frye
Mr. Rense,
Here is another picture of a seal murder I found at
One thing that hit me hard was that when we read and look at these horrors, we do not hear the screams.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Steve Frye
From Jim Harrington
Dear Jeff,
To those who have had their eyes and hearts opened by the seal hunt, as a volunteer for my local Humane Society, I just want to assure them that many, many people have worked on this issue over many years. There is a growing push in the media towards fur fashion again, and an expert on the fur issue reassures me that it is the gasping of a dying industry. However, for those who are truly sickened by this treatment of animals, there are many, many unseen atrocities being committed that are blacked out by the media. Most notably in the meat industry.
Factory farming is one of the most horrifying practices that humanity has come up with in recent decades. This last week we in British Columbia have witnessed the slaughter of 19 million farm birds because a few have exhibited signs of the flu. Several humans came down with sore eyes and runny noses, and so 19 million birds were slaughtered. The birds must be replaced quickly, to meet consumer needs. Big opposition is occuring as no one wants the corpses disposed in 'their back yard'. As with the heaping charred bodies of cattle in Britain during the mad cow crisis (brought on by feeding cattle parts to cattle) I wondered, WHERE IS THE OPPOSITION to the 'cull'. The careless mass 'disposal' of another species made sick by our own farming practices. In Asia recently, these ill and healthy birds alike were violently grabbed and crammed mercilessly into bags to be buried alive en masse. Shown repeatedly on mainstream news.
There are many websites available to educate ourselves on the inhuman treatment of animals. Factory farming is no less horrible than the seal hunt. If we are truly affected by the mindset of a person clubbing a seal to death with a pick, let us make each other aware that this issue is but a speck on the radar. That our barbeques and frying pans contain the results of no less brutal acts. It is a testy issue for some. Many do not understand, nor do they want to know where they can truly make a difference, rather than just feeling angry. We may not all be able or willing to turn vegetarian over night, nor is it healthy for all of us to do so. But there are options like free range eggs (be aware that free-run is not the same), and organic meat products that at least send a message to businessmen posing as Ole Macdonald, that animals are not palettes of raw steel and rubber for manufacturing purposes.
The Peta Website ( is a good place to start, and provides links to many independant circles of people working for many animal issues. Being incensed is meaningless, if we support similar horrorific treatment in our own lives. There are equally disgusting images of hogs being clubbed with sledge hammers at Safeway farms in California, cattle being merely stunned before they are skinned and processed, for anyone who needs evidence. Your local humane society probably has a library of video evidence the news won't touch in 'sensitivity' to their advertisers.
Call your local humane society if you really care about this issue and want to learn where you can actually help. You can. They need drivers to take their promos around. Artists to make posters and layout newsletters. People to phone, fundraise, and thank donors. People to just get educated and tell their family and friends. Hands to stuff envelopes for their mailers. Data entry people. Detectives to gather evidence from a secretive industry. The seal hunt issue was brought to you by people like this. NOT by men picking up guns and heading off to the seal hunt, though I applaud the opening of your tough guy writer's heart and his letter. In the end, the only thing that will stop inhumanity, is when enough people stop buying its products. They won't if they don't know the truth. Humane Societies are the reason you will think twice of the beauty of seal pelt fashion. If they are well organized, they will receive your help graciously, regardless of your beliefs, and without pressure to conform to a set of values. You don't have to be a vegetarian or even an 'activist' to make a difference.
Jim Harrington.

From Steve Frye
Mr. Jeff Rense,
I would like to say something please. In this world where the wholesale slaughter of unborn babies is accepted by the masses, (at least that's what we're told) how could anyone expect to see a collective outrage for something as trivial as a baby seal hunt? (the vast perception)
Over the last 50 years, humanity has been psychologically and chemically conditioned and
manipulated (as Jeff I know you're aware) into dossile and indifferent zombies, unwilling to
take or make a stand for anything. This isn't conspiracy theory, it's conspiracy FACT. Americans have also been dumbed down from K through 12 and beyond. In the U.S. today, up is down, left is right, bad is good and so on as long as it "feels good".
The collective outrage you'd expect to occur for anything from seal butchery to the theft of America
by a sinister and satanic ruling class will never happen. These evil people are scientists. They are masters at manipulating the mind. They have convinced the masses to lay down and stay down. They now have the weapons and the power to see that we do just that and if they decide to use them, you'll never see or hear them. This is what our indifference to the activities of our government has given them time to do.
There are many of us who have broken our conditioning (with the help of Mr. Rense and others) and
soon those who are awake will unite to one voice. A voice that will not be silenced. We see the
truth and are outraged. We also know what we risk.
The horrendous acts committed by people against animals who hurt no one, as terrible as they are, directly compares to the human slaughter against the people of Iraq, (it's a turkey shoot) guilty of nothing more than living in a country that's one of the squares on the Grand Chessboard. For that horrible sin, the Iraqi's have had their women, children and babies machine gunned (BY AMERICAN SOLDIERS!) What in the world does this have to do with the seal slaughter? Nothing, Everything.
There are 2 kinds of people in the world today. It's as simple as that, period! All that is happening on
the Earth today is directly related to that simple truth. You are GOOD or you are EVIL. That's it.
Will you sell yourself for profit or power? Or will you draw a line for good and not cross it, no matter what? Are you willing to die for either of these 2 choices? The time is soon coming when we will have to decide. Do you know the ramifications for each choice? I can see it now. Multitudes standing, mouth open looking like a deer caught in the headlights, thinking they were good, then being slapped with the truth.
The silence of humanity in regards to the killing of the innocents highlights the choice they will make.
The seal apathy is a symptom of the manmade disease which has gripped humanity. "Give me my TV, give me the Super Bowl and give me my comfortable existence and I don't give a darn about any baby seals and while you're at it, let's see those Iraqi families being sniped by our poor American boys live on TV.......Yea!" This is the behavior of the lost and the mind controlled.
That's Amerika now. How do you like it? Well, good luck changing it. Good luck with the choice you make.
Anger and outrage over the baby seals is a vent. When people willingly and indiscriminately kill the defenseless, no matter what form, animal or human, there is no safety or security for anyone anywhere.They are EVIL. Prepare yourself, it gets worse from here on!
People have wimped out for decades in silence for fear of being shouted down, ridiculed, critiqued, jailed or worse. This is the shame of us all. That when we should have stood up and shouted back, we laid down and stayed down. It's too late to shout back now. This is the reward for our cowardice. When we knew something was wrong we should have proclaimed it from the rooftops. The evil has set up an Operation Phoenix type system here in Amerika and around the world to silence any who dare step outside their box.
Suddenly it's safer to shout down the few remaining backboned individuals crying out for justice and
morality as being "uncompassionate" or "extremists" than it is to admit that they're right. Then we'd have to admit our sins, and face the boogeyman. Something people just won't do. This fits well with the plans of the evil elite as well as the immoral who've made the wrong choice. The satanic designed it, the useful idiot immoral carry it out. To speak out now without the safety of numbers is risky in the extreme. Not to speak out would carry an even greater risk. Welcome to the New World Order.
We all will be judged no matter what kind of delusional clemency rag we've wrapped ourselves in and punished according to our deeds. This is a corrupted world run by satanic governments. Don't look for justice there. This is planned. You have one way out. No excuses.
So please do not presume to tell us that the solution to the problem of the seal slaughter will or can be solved by joining the local "fund raising club" of our choice which have had little to no effect by your own descriptions. The problem is far greater than you can imagine!
As for me, I will continue to speak my mind. Truth is truth, no matter who it offends!
Thank you Mr. Rense.
Steve Frye
Pottstown Pa.



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