- A lot of al-Qaeda Activity Inside the United States
Summer of 2001
- The evidence is sufficient and clear. During the summer
of 2001 there was clear cut evidence of al-Qaeda operatives within the
United States. This knowledge further included the anticipated use of airplanes
as missiles. The President and Dr. Rice knew that focus was on the terrorists
hijacking airplanes but Rice claims that using them as missiles was far
afield from her mind and ipso facto the mindset of the President of the
United States. In fact she and her agents have advised that she stood ignorant
of intelligence community knowledge of using airplanes as missiles into
buildings by terrorists until after her historic faux pax in May 2002.
Sender, Berl & Sons asks how can someone stand so ignorant and ask
you to believe that she was the National Security Advisor. We have forcibly
argued that she was not (www.senderberl.com/bushrice.htm) and is not the
National Security Advisor. Quite frankly and succinctly Sender, Berl &
Sons Inc. was cognizant of multiple reports in the intelligence community
about the use of airplanes for the purposes of 9-11, so how can anyone
believe that the National Security Advisor can sit there and deny such
knowledge and to boot declare that it took her eight months after 9-11
to find out what we knew when we heard her make this stupid remark in May
- RICE: Despite the fact that the vast majority of the
threat information we received was focused overseas, I was also concerned
about possible threats inside the United States. On July 5, Chief of Staff
Andy Card and I met with Dick Clarke, and I asked Dick to make sure that
domestic agencies were aware of the heightened threat period and were taking
appropriate steps to respond, even though we did not have specific threats
to the homeland. Later that same day, Clarke convened a special meeting
of his CSG, as well as representatives from the FAA, the INS, Customs,
and the Coast Guard. At that meeting, these agencies were asked to take
additional measures to increase security and surveillance.
- SenderBerl: She in large part said that she left domestic
issues to Clarke and the CSG but here in her opening statement she says
she was concerned about threat inside the US. So it is clear unless she
was at the beach that she knew there was a serious threat or else there
was no reason for the USA to be on the highest state of alert for domestic
terrorism in US history.
- RICE: There were no specifics, and, in fact, the country
had already taken steps through the FAA to warn of potential hijackings.
The country had already taken steps through the FBI to task their 56 field
offices to increase their activity. The country had taken the steps that
it could given that there was no threat reporting about what might happen
inside the United States.
- SenderBerl: Four hijackings and so what was the FAA supposed
to do and did they do it? Condy Rice's position is that absent knowing
the exact date, the place, location, perhaps even the telephone numbers
involved in terrorism, what does the country expect from her and this administration
from a problem she simply says is systemic. The American people will not
take well to this malarkey. Commissioner Lehman gave her a line of questions
trying to help her out, that she was without knowledge, but in reviewing
the transcript, it is apparent that she stood proudly ignorant of facts
that the general public itself was knowledgeable about. Her arrogance in
declaring what did you expect from an administration only in office for
233 days said it all.
- GORTON: Would the program recommended on September 4th
have prevented 9-11 had it been adopted in, say, February or March of 2001?
- RICE: Commissioner, it would not have prevented September
11th if it had been approved the day after we came to office.
- SenderBerl: We are talking apples and pears. SenderBerl
has said there are trillion dollar military defense systems in place for
decades to guard against nuclear attack against major cities. When four
planes went off transponder we are not talking about Richard Clarke agendas
and strategies, we are talking about the basic framework of taxpayer dollars
to protect this country from nuclear attack. Would the point be any clearer
had there been a nuclear device on board one of the planes?
- KERREY: Let me ask you another question. Here's the problem
that I have as I -- again, it's hindsight. I appreciate that. But here's
the problem that a lot of people are having with this July 5th meeting.
- You and Andy Card meet with Dick Clarke in the morning.
You say you have a meeting, he meets in the afternoon. It's July 5th.
- Kristen Breitweiser, who's a part of the families group,
testified at the Joint Committee. She brings very painful testimony, I
must say.
- But here's what Agent Kenneth Williams said five days
later. He said that the FBI should investigate whether al Qaeda operatives
are training at U.S. flight schools. He posited that Osama bin Laden followers
might be trying to infiltrate the civil aviation system as pilots, security
guards and other personnel. He recommended a national program to track
suspicious flight schools.
- Now, one of the first things that I learned when I came
into this town was the FBI and the CIA don't talk. I mean, I don't need
a catastrophic event to know that the CIA and the FBI don't do a very good
job of communicating.
- And the problem we've got with this and the Moussaoui
facts, which were revealed on the 15th of August, all it had to do was
to be put on Intelink. All it had to do is go out on Intelink, and the
game's over. It ends. This conspiracy would have been rolled up.
- KERREY: And so I...
- RICE: Commissioner, with all due respect, I don't agree
that we know that we had somehow a silver bullet here that was going to
- What we do know is that we did have a systemic problem,
a structural problem between the FBI and the CIA. It was a long time in
coming into being. It was there because there were legal impediments, as
well as bureaucratic impediments. Those needed to be overcome.
- Obviously, the structure of the FBI that did not get
information from the field offices up to FBI Central, in a way that FBI
Central could react to the whole range of information reports, was a problem..
- KERREY: But, Dr. Rice, everybody...
- RICE: But the structure of the FBI, the restructuring
of the FBI, was not going to be done in the 233 days in which we were in
- KERREY: Dr. Rice, everybody who does national security
in this town knows the FBI and the CIA don't talk. So if you have a meeting
on the 5th of July, where you're trying to make certain that your domestic
agencies are preparing a defense against a possible attack, you knew al
Qaeda cells were in the United States, you've got to follow up.
- And the question is, what was your follow-up? What's
the paper trail that shows that you and Andy Card followed up from this
meeting, and...
- RICE: I followed...
- SenderBerl: This shows that Condy Rice is inept or part
of the complicity of 9-11. Once flight school was an issue on the table
it was incumbent on Rice to be totally on top of all intelligence on the
use of airplanes in acts of terrorism.
- ***
- KERREY: Actually it won't be a question.
- In the spirit of further declassification, this is what
the August 6th memo said to the president: that the FBI indicates patterns
of suspicious activity in the United States consistent with preparations
for hijacking.
- That's the language of the memo that was briefed to the
president on the 6th of August.
- RICE: And that was checked out and steps were taken through
FAA circulars to warn of hijackings.
- But when you cannot tell people where a hijacking might
occur, under what circumstances -- I can tell you that I think the best
antidote to what happened in that regard would have been many years before
to think about what you could do for instance to harden cockpits.
- SenderBerl: You can see that Kerrey achieves something
with Rice who is out there with her message that there was a problem and
it existed for quite some time so please don't blame me, President Bush
or this administration. However, it was HER JOB TO CONNECT THE DOTS. It
was her responsibility to link hijackings to flight school to something
big is going to happen and her position that without knowing where and
when the government can't be expected to stop the hijackings. This is pure
poppycock and is evidence of the complicity should the panel have gone
into the questions SenderBerl and the victims' families had wanted presented
to Condy Rice.
- Rice:
- But I think it is really quite unfair to suggest that
something that was a threat spike in June or July gave you the kind of
opportunity to make the changes in air security that could have been --
that needed to be made.
- SenderBerl: She keeps driving the center of focus on
the self serving argument that systemic changes need have been made and
don't look to little ole me to have done anything when these things were
around forever. However, the issues SenderBerl is concerned with is going
from high level alert to no alert to the failure of the FAA and military
to deal with four planes off transponder when THIS COUNTRY JUST HAD BEEN
- LEHMAN: As a last question, tell us what you really recommend
we should address our attentions to to fix this as the highest priority.
Not just moving boxes around, but what can you tell us in public here that
we could do, since we are outside the legislature and outside the executive
branch and can bring the focus of attention for change? Tell us what you
recommend we do.
- RICE: My greatest concern is that, as September 11th
recedes from memory, that we will begin to unlearn the lessons of what
we've learned.
- SenderBerl: This reflects the truth that this administration's
highest hope is that 9-11 be once and for all buried to the domain of history
books. 9-11 is this country's final opportunity to get rid of the enemies
within. Allow them to get away with 9-11 and a future of darkness is a
given. We have a special public service page www.senderberl.com/ps/ps2
that details all that you have allowed this NWO government to get away
with also highlighting TWA Flight 800 which proved to the NWO strategists
just how stupid the American public was willing to hold themselves.
- Doesn't that beg that there should have been more accountability?
That there should have been a resignation or two? That there should have
been you or the president saying to the rest of the administration, somehow,
somewhere, that this was not done well enough?
- RICE: Mr. Roemer, by definition, we didn't have enough
information, we didn't have enough protection, because the attack happened
-- by definition. And I think we've all asked ourselves, what more could
have been done?
- I will tell you if we had known that an attack was coming
against the United States, that an attack was coming against New York and
Washington, we would have moved heaven and earth to stop it.
- SenderBerl: They did and they did not come close to moving
heaven or earth.
- But you heard the character of the threat report we were
getting: something very, very big is going to happen. How do you act on
"something very, very big is going to happen" beyond trying to
put people on alert? Most of the threat reporting was abroad.
- SenderBerl: But no one pursued the qualitative difference
between the six weeks of high alert and the alert condition if any on 9-11.
Richard Ben-Veniste said after the proceeding that he would pursue this
- Conclusion: When Condy Rice left the proceedings, her
attitude and demeanor told us she thought she did very well. She did. Stonewalling.
However, the American people are tuned into 9-11 and they carry a growing
recognition that this administration may prove itself to be an enemy far
greater than Saddam Hussein would have ever been to the interests of this
country. This President using Saddam Hussein as the bogeyman has put this
country domestically and internationally at risk. He is a President with
an inner cabal that should be feared for his damage to date has been of
historical significance and magnitude.
- www.senderberl.com
- Affiliated Analysis:
- Preparing for CondyRice...Part II. SenderBerl utilizes
Condy Rice's appearance on 60 Minutes to explain why she will prove to
be a poor witness and why her appearance may prove to be a watershed event
for the Bush administration.
- http://www.rense.com/general51/conf.htm