- I've lived in this same home since 1982. This is approximately
350 miles north-west of NYC. Whenever I've randomly checked it before,
the north pole has always read in the same location on a compass. Today
I checked it and It appears to have shifted sometime in the past year or
- It has moved about 5 degrees eastward. I'm located out
in the country as shown in the attached satellite photo. There aren't any
towers, buildings, steel or anything new in the home to cause this change.
Although the annotated picture doesn't have a calibrated scale, the measured
shift is 5 degrees east. This shift appears to be outside the normal magnetic
deviation one might expect over a geologically short period of time, such
as 6 months.
- A friend of mine with a combination GPS and compass receiver
did a measurement from his home near Columbia, SC today. He too, observed
a shift of 5 degrees east. He is a former airforce officer and pilot, and
tells me this is an unusual deviation over a short time period. He said
his last check on this was about 6 months ago. Columbia is approximately
600 miles almost exactly due south of here.
- Rense.com readers can participate and help confirm observations
with their own compass. It doesn't matter where they live. In fact, the
more spread out the better. There are existing annotated aviation maps
showing that magnetic deviation is not consistent around the US. And its
probably not consistent anywhere else in the world, too.
- If a polar shift is indeed underway, then the clock is
running for a massive, possibly permanent weather shift... the same one
discussed in the Pentagon doom and gloom weather report posted on Rense.com.
- Even a partial pole shift could have serious weather
implications. Radiation levels are actually higher at the poles. Pole rotation
will almost certainly cause changes in the ozone layer and weather patterns
around the earth. And also the length of winter which this year in NY state,
doesn't seem to want to end.
- Since the northern lights are mostly in the north polar
regions because of the location of the magnetic pole which serves as a
high energy particle trap, we will begin to see the northern lights more
visible father south as well. When the pole rotates 90 degrees, people
could be seeing the "northern lights" down in Cuba. That is...if
the weather hasn't become so hostile there that people are not all- consumed
trying to survive, and have no time to look into the heavens...
- Another interesting implication is that of planetary
time jumps. )This is covered on my website at http://www.quantum.myblackvault.com
) We know that in earth's history, the poles have reversed a number of
times. What isn't precisely known is the impact on earth's weather when
this happens. If the time jumps are happening, then a sudden shift in pole
position could also be an indicator of it.
- Let's set up a volunteer, completely non-profit group
around the country to take readings to monitor these changes. It would
be foolish to count on the science community or "Uncle Sam" to
give us the truth. If we begin ASAP we can start a baseline reference to
track this. We can establish that it is either continuing eastward, or
that it will return west-ward again. Or, it moves in a progressive-remissive
fashion with more movement in one direction than the other. If enough data
is gathered we can establish what is happening and perhaps produce a timeline.
- I'll also provide periodic reports to you for posting
on this phenomena. If someone is interested in participating, please email
me and I'll provide an outline of the plan to gather science on this.
- Ted
- Comment
- From Jedi Stephen
- 4-12-4
- The North Magnetic Pole is slowly drifting across the
Canadian Arctic. The Geological Survey of Canada keeps track of this motion
by periodically carrying out magnetic surveys to redetermine the Pole's
location. The most recent survey, completed in May, 2001, determined an
updated position for the Pole and established that it is moving approximately
northwest at 40 km per year. The observed position for 2001and estimated
positions for 2002 to 2005 are given in the table.
- http://www.geolab.nrcan.gc.ca/geomag/northpole_e.shtml
From Brad
- I read your article on pole shifting on Rense.com and
will help in any way I can. I did a quick check with my compass and it
does appear magnetic north is a few degrees east of where I am use to seeing
it, will have to do more research in the daylite hours. Let me know if
I can be of any help.
- Thanks - Brad
- You have a great idea!!! I'd like to participate by furnishing
you compass readings from my home near Portland, OR. I need a little help,
understanding the best type of compass to use and how to record the data.
With simple instructions I'll get started. - RD
- Dear Ted: I read you note on Rense and am very interested
in earth changes we are now experiencing 80 degree temperatures on the
Vancover island when it should be wet and windy. This is huge stuff and
many don't realize the cycle of things they are lead to believe this is
"Global warming". You are right, my studies have told me this
shift was to the west unless I was backwards when I did this. my measures
were the "m" pole was somewhere around north and to the east
of Inuvik and new reading have it showing up off the coast of Arctic Siberia.
Help me out if you see what I have done wrong and please send the set up
on your measurung as I am sure it cannot be too much different. My studies
tell me the pole has moved hundereds of miles over the past decade and
may now be moving back(?). Look forward to hearing from you soon. I live
on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada
- From Scott T Davis
- davis3685@sbcglobal.net
- 4-12-4
- Dear Jeff -
- On the NASA web site, at article goes into detail about
the magnetic pole shift and states that it IS shifting at about 40km a
year right now!
- Here is the article:
- http://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/lookingatearth/29dec_magneticfield.html
- Scott T Davis
- Comment
From Lorie Kramer
- Dear Jeff,
- The topic of the moving magnetic north in your feature
blocks piqued my interest.
- It reminded me of when we looked into the pole shifting
thing back in the Fall of 1996 in a CompuServe forum called the "Mysteries"
forum. One of your long time guests, Cheryl Magill and I were staff members
in that forum at the time. She probably remembers the discussion. As you
know, by her heroic work against electronic attack on our oceans, she's
very interested in the effects of energy on all life forms.
- What we learned back then was that movement of magnetic
north is a natural occurance to a degree. The Earth is a living organism,
after all. The good question raised is: at what degree does it become un-natural?
- Back in "the old days" we were also discussing
channeled information on pole shifts. Edgar Cayce's pole shift information
was discussed and would be of interest to others, I'm sure.
- We were actually brought into the subject by some information
given by Kryon/Lee Carroll which was current at the time. The reason I
am writing to you is because the point of the re-numbering of airport runways
to reflect any changes seemed to be something worth checking out as well.
I am sure someone would be able to check the current situation in that
area out fairly easily. I don't have the available time at the moment to
track that down.
- I happen to have saved one of the posts from back then
because it was very interesting, and got more interesting the more we looked
into it. We also learned a bit about basic earth magnetics.
- At the time of the writing, the Fall of 1996, magnetic
north was in Etah, Greenland. (The latitude and longitude of the city in
Greenland, Etah, north of the town of Thule, is 78n19, 72w38.) According
to this webpage, http://www.phatnav.com/wiki/wiki.phtml?title=Geomagnetic_North_Pole
the current magnetic north is "7830' North, 69 West, near Thule, Greenland."
- And now for the 1996 CompuServe post.
- Kryon and North Changes - The Mysteries Forum
- The Mysteries Cheryl asked in Enigma U about compasses
and north. It reminded me of this information I recently read which got
me to thinking. It appears that magnetic north has changed position. Allbeit
not greatly, but enough to have the FAA comply to the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Agency by instructing several airport runways to be renamed.
Runways in aviation are compass headings. Many runways in the Northern
Hemisphere have had to be renamed due to the moving of North. Casper Wyoming
and Billings Montana to name two.
- According to an article by Lee Carroll who channels Kryon,
in the Sept. issue of Sedona mag, "Compass headings on runways are
rounded to the nearest 10 degrees, and are denoted by both compass headings
at each end. So runway 7/25 represents 70 degrees from one direction, and
250 degrees from the other (a 180 degree difference on the compass - they
drop the last zero in thier designation). Therefore a runway that used
to run at 70 degrees that has been repainted to 80 (as in 8/26) is a change
of up to 10 degrees on the compass! Magnetic north is moving, just like
Kryon said it would, and the aviation industry is responding by changing
navigational aids!
- I did a little research and this is what I found.
- When I use a compass... there's an adjustment to be made
which represents the difference between true North and Magnetic North.
Is there a way in nature that one can determine what that adjustment should
- To use a magnetic compass acurately, one must know the
amount of variation at his or her location and what variation correction
must be made in reading the compass. I couldn't find anything mentioning
how to do this 'in nature', but this information appears on all mariner's
charts and many maps. Pilots might know how to do that.
- What is Magnetic North... and what is really being defined
when we line a compass up with it? The earth acts like a huge bar magnet
whose poles lie close to the north and south geographic poles. The straight
line between the poles of this imaginary magnet is called the 'geomagnetic
axis'. The 'magnetic equator' lies on a plane that is at right angles to
the geomagnetic axis.
- The angle between the direction of magnetic north and
the true North Pole at any location is called ariation or deviation. The
variation of a compass is different at different places on the earth. The
variation also changes slightly at different times of the year and in different
- The 'instantaneous north pole' lies at the point where
the earth's axis meets the surface. The earth wobbles slowly as it turns
causing the instantaneous pole to move. This pole takes about 14 months
to move clockwise around an irregular path that is called the 'Chandler
Circle'. The diameter of this path ranges from less than 1 foot (30 centimeters)
to about 70 feet (21 meters).
- The 'north magnetic pole' is the farthest point on the
earth in the direction of magnetic north. This pole can move many miles
in a few years. Today, the north magnetic pole is located near Ellef Ringnes
Island in northern Canada.
- The 'geomagnetic north pole' lies near Etah, Greenland,
north of the town of Thule. In the upper atmosphere, the earth's magnetic
field points down toward this point.
- Whoa! Could this be a subtle axis shift in progress?
Or is it just the natural cycles of the movements in the north magnetic
pole? Makes me wonder. Makes me wonder.
- Lorie Kramer