What Are Those Objects
In The Trails??

By Brenda Livingston
Living-Tracer Enterprises

There is no doubt that many things are happening in our skies-- testing of experimental aircraft, testing of contrails, military radar jamming, new communications, VTRPE, HAARP a plethora of UAVs (surveillance and experimental platforms), weather control which may indeed utilize long-lasting contrails as part of their mission.
There are persistent contrails... some that may contain various chemicals and materials (ie., barium, aluminum) that are referred to as 'chemtrails'. And there are contrails are caused by commercial airliners leaving lasting contrails in a rapidly changing atmosphere (or having their normal contrails transformed into persistent contrails by passing through unusual contrail remnants or clouds).
I prefer to use the term persistent contrails (PCs) to refer to all long-lasting and spreading contrails and then distinquish between these based on content and mission. All PCs are contributing in some way to the haze and the pseudo-cirrus 'clouds' covering up our blue skies and contributing to the grand pollution problem and thus global warming. Persistent contrails caused by jet exhaust has been measured as contributing approximately 7-10% to the overall pollution of the atmosphere. Then add the potential pollutants contained with 'chemtrails' and PCs possibly containing polymers and objects (and there waste products) and we can only guess at the overall effect in our atmosphere over time.
The big question for the 'Chemtrail' Community is: Are some of the persistent contrails covering our skies a clandestine government or military project -- and if so, is what they are doing harmful or potentially harmful to human beings or the environment (not to mention the ramifications of these 'projects' on democratic rights).
Many theories have been proposed in an attempt to explain the increase in long-lasting spreading contrails: chemical or biowarfare agents to cull the population, simulants of chemical or BW agents to develop counter measures, an increase in global warming with atmospheric effects, an attempt to counter the effects of increased air traffic emissions or ozone holes or UV name a few... All of these may be occurring in our atmosphere...likely to be.
These most mysterious long-lasting spreading contrails filling our skies with criss-crossing, u-turning and vertical patterns that often result in the most unusual looking "clouds" continue to baffle all those attempting to study the phenomena. Although any or all of the above are scenarios worthy of continued research and investigation...another important element to the study of persistent contrails (PCs) must now be included in any legitimate search for answers to this atmospheric conundrum.
Gathering reliable evidence in this arena has been a difficult process...and finding definitive links between PCs at 7-40,000 feet in the atmosphere and air or ground samples has proven to be an extraordinary challenge. Obtaining reliable and uncontaminated air and ground samples of what is thought to be PC-related evidence is a difficult feat in and of itself. Studies which include gathering data as to contrail 'clusters' by region are needed to ascertain if there is a pattern and what this pattern might tell us about their purpose.
And what is the evidence presented telling us? A very strange story is being revealed by chemtrail researchers: strange and unusual forms and content within blood cells...synthetic material...protein... some mixed with fuel components. These and the mysterious concoctions of fungi, bacteria and unidentifiable matter presented -- if factual and reliable evidence -- seem almost beyond the realm of any logical black government project. These results even try the most imaginitive minds to come up with who would rain this material down on the citizenry or why.
It is true....some contrails are not like the others...
Sightings of spherical and oval shaped objects of varying sizes hovering near, moving about within PCs and moving in and out of persistent contrails are increasingly being reported, photographed and videotaped worldwide. These objects are not few and far between....hundreds can exist in each contrail they occupy. With new technology and techniques becoming available, photographic and videographic evidence may hold the key to understanding the source, formation and behavior of PCs, related "clouds", aircraft and anomalous objects associated with PCs.
While many craft (aircraft, UAVs) in the atmosphere can provide adequate explanation for some contrails and objects spotted overhead, a closer look at the contents of some PCs must become the highest priority for researchers into this atmospheric mystery...if the truth be known. In all the efforts -- to show evidence that PCs are unusual and contain unusual and perhaps unhealthy material -- the critical area of associated anomalous objects has not been examined with the thoroughness it deserves.
While there are no doubt normal aircraft creating both 'normal' contrails and persistent contrails at times, larger number of unusual PCs have been occurring in the atmosphere all over the planet in the last decade. What makes these unusual PCs different is their observed altitude temperature which is inconsistent with ice formation of exhaust aerosols; the unusual spread of these contrails into haze and distinctive 'wispy' clouds; the color, irridescence and consistency; and the most unusual patterns and apparent flight activity of the trailmakers.
I personally do not believe that any study of the PC phenomena can be fully legitimate or reach the truth without a full scale study of these objects which clearly appear to be a part of the form and function of persistent contrails ("chemtrails").
Based upon 5 years of research and the hundreds of sighting reports, photographs, and many good videos -- it is now evident that at least some persistent contrails occurring at various altitudes contain hundreds if not thousands of 'unknown' yet to be fully identified 'objects'. And these objects do move out of these specific contrails and into the environs of the atmosphere. Several different types of 'objects' have been identified as to form, color, behavior/activity both within the PCs and outside them. Because the 'objects' are not understood at present or can be fully explained as conventional in form or behavior, the following will be descriptive in nature. Later I will attempt to 'connect the dots' and suggest possible purposes or 'missions' of the objects...and the potential impact upon our atmosphere and ecology.
Sightings from credible witnesses and those experienced in identification of aircraft, photographs and video from various countries around the world (all over the U.S., the UK, Australia, Mexico, Russia, Germany, France, Turkey, the Netherlands, Japan to name a few) and satellite images all over the planet...over both land and ocean ... reveal the same evidence:
~ White and Dark persistent trails crossing the skies in various patterns ranging in altitudes of 40,000 feet to 1000 feet... criss-crossing Xs, patchwork, encircling, spoke and wheel, sharp U-turns, parallel contrails.
~ Long-lasting contrails that eventually become strange clouds or haze that occur at various altitudes, temperatures and relative humidity aloft (many PCs well below the altitudes/temps needed to create ice crystals which compose 'normal' contrails)
~ Dark 'lines' preceding white PCs that run parallel to the lines
~ Sudden shifting of dispersion pattern from wide-angle V shaped contrails to single narrow 'lines'
~ Unidentified 'objects' in front of PCs -- appearing to be creating the trails
~ Illuminated PCs crossing the skies at night at various altitudes
~ Hundreds to thousands of dark and white (in addition to reddish, blue and yellow) spheroidal shaped objects within some persistent contrails
~ These objects within the PCs moving out of and back into the PCs
~ Similar appearing objects are seen in photographs taken as far back as the 1940s with no contrails present
COMPOSITION OF CTs/PCs (Observations & Images)
The particular persistent contrails to which I am referring appear to have two distinct components....(1) the white substance or material from the white contrails (which contain the white objects) and dark substance or material from the dark trails which often precede the white contrails and contain dark objects....and (2) the various PC related objects
The appearance of the substance within the white billowy persistent contrails containing various objects is fairly consistent from photographs to video captures to what can be gleaned from eyewitness observation. There appear to be at least two different substances and patterns of 'spread' of these particular contrails.
One kind of PC appears billowy then breaks up over time into "clumps" with a separate hazy substance spreading into a white to greyish-white haze over the sky.In both closeup photos or enhanced images and video zoom captures, the billowy clumps are filled with dark, white and dark/white combo objects.... These cloud-like groupings of objects remain fairly stationary even with winds aloft while the accompanying substance that surrounds the objects in the in tact contrail disperse evenly across the sky creating a thin haze.
A second pattern of 'spread' occurs as a result of the composition of the substance or material which seems denser and holds together and is spread more slowly often forming nearby pseudo clouds, long 'stretched out' wispy upturned and other flowing designs. The substance surrounding the objects is dragged out of the center of the contrail to form long jagged bidirectional flows.
The closest analogy to the movement of this substance would be flowing smoke from a pipe or allowing liquid soap to fall through water. Occasionally the flow of the surrounding substance separates from a resulting PC cloud formation and falls downward which is an indication that this substance is both denser and at times heavier that the atmosphere.
One can observe PCs criss-crossing the skies and spreading to form wide swaths of clouds. Many reports comment on the remarkable irridescent colors seen at sunset and around the edges and interwoven within the resulting PC clouds. Generally these colors are reddish/orange/yellow/blue-green suggesting an unusual chemistry. Interestingly, these are the colors released by the dark PC objects whilst interacting with the white objects
One early morning as the sun was rising in a mostly clear blue sky in February 2004 (a few wispies in the distance), I watched as one long white persistent contrail after another were being formed from horizon to horizon. This began with one almost overhead which began to slide to the east with the winds aloft. As this PC (would approximate at 20K altitude) reached a distance away, the maker still in sight -- a second PC was being formed just parallel to this one. Soon after -- a third PC was moving just parallel and slightly above the others (all drifting slowly to the east) -- all originating from the north moving south.
As they looked to be at least 20 miles away, the sun shown up toward these contrails. As I watched through binoculars, the tops of each of the PCs -- along the outer edges -- became a solid red -- the center remained white and the lower edges shown a bright irridescent blue.
Irridescence in certain PCs and PC related 'clouds' has been reported widely... along with color combinations along the edges of both. Irridescent color 'sundogs' are prevalent when the sun is behind these types of clouds. Many describe an 'oily' looking appearance in some PC related 'clouds'.
Another characteristic of PC 'clouds' which relates to their consistency and contents is the inconsistency of their apparent density. For example, at dusk one evening after a long day of criss-crossing white PCs, much cloudy, hazy remnants were left in the sky overhead. As the sun went down, these 'clouds' appeared to be very thick in consistency... the light of the setting sun lighting up their undersides with a beautiful orange glow. I spotted Venus in the western sky and was watching to see any other stars popping out. Venus was soon covered by the orange 'clouds'... but after the sun set... I noticed Venus showing through a hazy misty looking area that had just been a very dense looking cloud. Once the sun was no longer reflecting off this 'cloud' and there was less light in the sky, this 'cloud' suddenly became near transparent
As commented on before, aircraft making normal contrails or none at all may move through the substance or PC clouds and begin leaving a persistent contrail. An important question to ask is: What is in these particular contrails that could be conducive to exhaust from an aircraft combining with it to form a persistent contrail?
I have not personally noted aircraft with no contrail flying through normal clouds suddenly leaving a contrail and when through them revert back to no trail. Yet this has been witnessed many times happening within the 'clouds' that result from these particular persistent contrails....
There have been many reports of "white haze" after a heavy day of persistent contrails descending to ground level and presenting as a white, white-grey or tannish grey haze or fog which covers large areas or regions. This is unlike normal fog in that it does not dissipate in the sun or move with light winds and may stay in place for several days or until a front moves through the area.
In at least half of the reports that Tracers has received, the observer of unusual persistent contrails cannot identify the maker of the contrail.... because of the distance of the maker or haze in the sky. Some reporters will see a shape of an aircraft which is dark or white or glints on occasion. Another 48 percent can identify a type of aircraft. These aircraft range from small jets to passenger jets to KC-135s.
Two percent of the reports indicate that the witness could see nothing at all in front of the PC, saw a small dark or white object in front of the PC or witnessed what appeared to be a combination of white objects in front of the PC. Many of these sightings were accompanied by photographs and video which appear to show the same.
The majority of the reports indicate two or four locations for the 'start' of PCs. Sometimes single persistent contrails are reported in conjunction with larger PCs. Other witnesses using binoculars or zoom video report seeing at time 6 or 7 origins of tightly packed parallel PCs.
Usually the contrails are white billowy straight lines across the sky... unchanging in how they are laid. Occasionally one may witness an 'on and off' pattern looking like dashes. This may be caused by the trailmaker or a change in the atmosphere as the trail is being formed. It is important to note that once the PCs spread and form either haze or thicker appearing 'wispy' cirrus-like 'clouds' -- aircraft/trailmakers with or without contrails -- often begin to create persistent contrails when they move through the area of the PC cloud.
One important sighting accompanied by photographs of low altitude parallel persistent contrails was by myself and a friend on our way to the store one day in May 1999:
"In May 1999 on my way into town with a friend, I noticed what I thought were small jets (looking like fighteraircraft but may have been private jets-- difficult to see clearly without binoculars at the speedthey were traveling) coming toward us from the NW almost overhead toward the west a bit. When I first spotted them, both aircraft were making close and very broad parallel PCs lookingwhich were billowing and spreading out quickly -- covering the sky to the NW. This was a clear day with no other PCs to be seen. I had watched a commercial airliner pass byto the south just before this moving SE toward the airport. These flights are usually at approx.3-5,000 feet at this point.
The 'jets' or trailmakers passing overhead appeared to me to be at about this altitude. Just as they were almost overhead -- both jets contrails suddenly and simultaneously switched from what looked like four very broad releases two behind each jet) to two narrow single (ordouble very close together) releases -- forming one long concentrated PC behind each jet which continued on across the sky toward the SE. This action certainly appeared to be very timed and deliberate. The two single parallel PCs -- which began when the craft apparently switched from 'spray' to engine only or engine modes/direction of exhaust -- remained fairly consistent and together across the remainder of the sky -- not spreading out at all.
The accompanying photograph does not show the 'creators' of the PCs (persistent contrails) --only the after-effects of what appeared to be two fighter jets or private jets that I and another person witnessed passing overhead at approximately 3-5,000 feet (only an estimate based upon experience) on a clear day with no other normal or persistent contrails in sight. I have estimated the altitude of PCs through comparison to other aircraft following known flight paths and getting a general reading on cloud ceilings and altitude of clouds in the area. Unfortunately I did not check to get the stats on the winds aloft and relative humidity and temp at the estimated altitude for an analysis of the contrails themselves.
I have seen PCs move well below clouds and through them on many occasions and on some occasions found out the the cloud ceiling was less than 10,000 feet..(where it is less likely for normal ice crystal trails to be produced). And on a few occasions, the small cumulus clouds passing overhead were at 5,000 feet and the PC making craft were well below these clouds. The outward splaying and V shape of the parallel PCs may indicate that nozzles or other devices were being used to spray some substance into the atmosphere. But there may be other operational explanations for the apparent switching of types of contrails shown or "other" explanations. "
Upon closer examination of the photographs taken that day, at least four different types of objects occupy the V shaped spreading PCs. Dark spheroidal objects, larger white spherical objects, dark reddish objects of various shapes and dark oblong objects.
Sightings of spherical and oval shaped objects of varying sizes hovering near, moving about within PCs and moving in and out of persistent contrails are increasingly being reported, photographed and videotaped worldwide. These objects are not few and far between....hundreds can exist in each contrail they occupy. With new technology and techniques becoming available, photographic and videographic evidence may hold the key to understanding the source, formation and behavior of PCs, related "clouds", aircraft and anomalous objects associated with PCs.
While many craft (aircraft, UAVs) in the atmosphere can provide adequate explanation for some contrails and objects spotted overhead, a closer look at the contents of some PCs must become the highest priority for researchers into this atmospheric mystery...if the truth be known. In all the efforts -- to show evidence that PCs are unusual and contain unusual and perhaps unhealthy material -- the critical area of associated anomalous objects has not been examined with the thoroughness it deserves.
Based upon 5 years of research and the hundreds of sighting reports, photographs, and many good videos -- it is now evident that at least some persistent contrails occurring at various altitudes contain hundreds if not thousands of 'unknown' yet to be fully identified 'objects'. And these objects do move out of these specific contrails and into the environs of the atmosphere. There is ample evidence to suggest that these objects have been in the earth's atmosphere for a very long time -- within contrails in abundance only recently -- within the last 10 years or so.
Several different types of 'objects' have been identified as to form, color, behavior/activity both within the PCs and outside them. Because the 'objects' are not understood at present or can be fully explained as conventional in form or behavior, the following will be descriptive in nature. Later I will attempt to 'connect the dots' and suggest possible purposes or 'missions' of the objects...and the potential impact upon our atmosphere and ecology.
Sightings from credible witnesses and those experienced in identification of aircraft, photographs and video from various countries around the world (all over the U.S., the UK, Australia, Mexico, Russia, Germany, France, Turkey, the Netherlands, Japan to name a few) and satellite images all over the planet...over both land and ocean ... reveal the same evidence:
COMPOSITION OF PCs (Observations & Images)
The particular persistent contrails to which I am referring appear to have two distinct components....(1) the white substance or material from the white contrails (which contain the white objects) and dark substance or material from the dark trails which often precede the white contrails and contain dark objects....and (2) the various PC related objects. I will discuss the second in this paper. (see for more information)
PC RELATED OBJECTS (For Background Article - see
The dark objects that appear in persistent contrails have been photographed and videotaped in various locations, altitudes and conditions....from the mountains of the Pacific Northwest to the seacoasts of California and Florida, crossing the rooftops of England, flying past cathedrals in Europe and seen and photographed rather routinely in the skies of Mexico... over Russia and the Far East. And each contrail that contains these objects usually contains hundreds or more of them.... no small enterprise.
Shortly after the dispersal of the contrail, the PC begins to spread and the darker objects move out of the contrail as do larger white objects with the darker ones attached. This "attachment" or "nudging against" is usually on opposing sides of the white object two or four dark objects affixed opposing one another along the exterior. With very large white objects, there may be more darker objects attached around the perimeter.
Those darker objects independent of the white objects "swarm" beneath the PC and in and out of the nearby clouds -- some hovering and slowly moving within and on the edges of these clouds. This swarming activity takes place at extreme speeds --the objects often reversing directions in a split second at times as the objects moved very close to one another. While the white/dark object "combination" objects do move at extreme speeds and join one another in various combinations themselves -- so far these have not been observed in the swarming behavior exhibited by the darker objects.
Rick Moors of Santa Monica, California has provided Tracers with many extraordinary photographs of PCs and what appears to be the release of hundreds of objects -- illustrating for the first time a particular kind of dispersal pattern. Upon enlargement and detailed study of many of Moors' photographs, it became apparent that the darker objects line the outer edges of some persistent contrails--with larger white spherical objects occupying the interior. These are shown 'mixing' within the interior of the PC and moving out of the contrail and below it the dark objects attached to the white.
Also apparent in Moor's photos is the strange white substance contained within the PC -- surrounding the objects. Witness observation, photos and videos all document that as objects move from a persistent contrail, often they 'drag' a white flowing substance with them. These same remnants from the PC often form the strange white smooth flowing and wisping "clouds" we have witnessed in our skies over the last few years. This movement of objects out of PCs could also account for the "bi-directional" flows of the contrail substance from the originally laid contrails seen so often by witnesses.
Many videos and photographs show near the 'trailmaker' a dark substance which forms the outer edge of PCs -- either on one or both sides. This substance then appears to become dark spheriodal shaped 'objects' which line either side of the contrail. Between the dark substance streaming out of the back of the trailmaker is a white substance or material which appears to coalesce in the turbulent wakes (usually in two streams...occasionally four or more). The coalesced 'forms' are larger than the dark objects lining the trail, are also spheroidal but appear to be cloudy 'fluffy' amorphous forms.
Within moments, the dark objects move from their positions on either edge of the contrail into the white substance of the trail nearer to the larger white cloudy objects. Interspersed throughout the PC are these objects (the dark to white approximately 1:3 ratio -- the dark more plentiful) are the smaller dark spheroidal objects, the white objects, various objects which appear to be at least three separate colors (reddish, blue, yellow) and the white flowing substance around these objects.
As the PC is laid across the atmosphere... as the propulsion movement and turbulence has slowed... the dark objects begin to close in on the larger white objects in a coordinated manner... surrounding them in two's, four's or more depending on the size of the white object. At times in some photographs these dark objects appear to 'pinch' -- surround, 'attach' and move or pull the white object out of the white substance of the contrail. After the dark objects surround and 'attach' to the larger white cloudy objects, these combination objects (dark/white combos) move out of the PC and into the sky. At times they may return to the PC briefly and then move out into the sky once again.
The dark objects may also move out of the PC without 'attaching' to white objects.... moving about in the sky independently or swarming in groups below the contrail or moving in and out of nearby clouds. This swarming activity takes place at extreme speeds --the objects often reversing directions in a split second at times as the objects moved very close to one another. As these dark objects move into nearby clouds they slow and appear to hover -- and can be seen in videos stting on the edge of the clouds. They are joined by the dark/white 'combos' in these adjacent clouds -- all hovering or moving slowly amidst and between the clouds. (These objects have also been witnessed moving about within or hovering within clouds away from persistent contrails).
The dark objects can fly individually and independently, swarm about one another in groups, or travel about the processions or 'trains' -- trailing behind one another across the skies. Usually this 'train' activity is in groups of two or three. These objects can join the larger white objects and then leave them in independent flight.
One can only estimate the size of the dark or white objects. From studying hundreds of photographs and captures with references of aircraft appearing in contrails at approximately the same altitude and reference points such as trees, houses, etc. -- the approximate size of the dark objects appears to be between 2 and 4 feet in diameter and the white objects 6-10 feet in diameter. It does appear that because of their activity and other factors, these objects may vary in size.
© 2004 Brenda Livingston and Living-Tracers Enterprises (All Rights Reserved)
Upon closer examination of photographs and videos and application of information provided by eyewitnesses, the dark spheroidal objects within some persistent contrails and flying about in the skies appear as black to dark brown to tan and rather amorphous the closer they appear to the lens of the camera whether on zoom or if they fly to lower altitudes. There appears to be a darker core surrounded by a lighter more transparent substance or 'field'.
Some photos/videos show these to be more amorphous at the edges at times some of the matter appearing outward in hairlike projections (usually in conjunction with activity in relationship to other dark or the white objects. Spheroidal or ovoid in shape for the majority of the time, these dark objects are able to change shape or morph and both types of objects can leave behind trails of material or 'release' small parts of material or particulate.
While the majority of the witness reports describe and photos and videos often show the dark objects as ovoid in shape -- they seem to morph into various shapes as they interact with one another or with the larger white spheroidal objects. On zoomed video and enlargements of captures and photographs, the interaction of the dark to the white seems to show a release or emission of reddish, blue or yellow color. These colors appear to stream from the location where the dark object joins the white... and continues to stream outward from this area after a dark object leaves its position or flies off into the sky. This color 'stream' seems to flow at times across the white object and into the atmosphere (usually seen with individual dark/white combos).
It appears that these color 'streams' may be emanating from the different color (at least showing as separate from the dark or black objects) objects that appear to attach to the larger white objects. These red, blue and yellow objects are generally the same size and shape as the dark objects on photographs of clusters -- but may vary in size according to other close to ground level shots. The colors can combine -- red and blue to become purple and yellow and blue to become green, etc., as the 'flows' move out around the cluster or combo object.
Often the dark objects are producing a red 'flow' thus it is not completely clear as to whether the dark objects can change their color or these color objects are separate objects from the dark ones. It is interesting to note that the objects 'attached' to glowing spherical objects at night appear as reddish similarly shaped objects.
Some reports and accompanying photographs show a single object moving from or through a persistent contrail that exhibits a changing appearance... appearing as a bright object looking like a 'star' to a white cloudy object to one with flares or colors. At times several objects will be present and exhibit one of these attributes or even a bright red color.
There appear to be two distinct "dispersal patterns" of objects and the surrounding substance. For the majority of photo and videographed persistent contrails containing the objects, the dark objects line the edges of the contrail -- with the white objects in the interior. The other type of "dispersal" of objects and material has been described as the 'Black Line Mystery'. Many observers in a variety of locations have described and videotaped a sudden appearance of a dark line streaking across the sky seemingly with no craft in front....seeming to be 'tearing' open a dark streak leaving a persistent dark line in the sky.
Ardeth Merklinger, host of "Mysteries of the Mind" program, reported to Tracers that she witnessed a dark line move across the sky before a white PC was laid parallel to it. She explains: "...I am writing specifically at this time to add my sighting of the mysterious black line phenomenon. Twice I have seen sprayers which are PRECEDED by the black line, confirming speculation that it seems to be a "track" followed by the plane and, therefore, the chemtrail."
This dark 'line' is then followed by a persistent contrail which moves precisely parallel in close proximity to the dark 'line'. Upon closer examination of the dark 'line' in photos/videos -- it is apparent that these dark streaks are yet another type of persistent contrail -- a contrail containing the same dark objects as those lining the white PCs. [These are not to be confused with the shadow effect often see near white PCs in a hazy refractive atmosphere which parallel the contrails or appear to shoot out in front of an aircraft at times.] Soon after both the dark and white contrails are in place beside one another, the dark objects fly out of the dark trail and begin uniting with the larger white objects in the larger white PC.
The dark/white combos (the dark objects attached to the larger white objects) have been identified within PCs at approximately 30-40,000 feet descending to approximately 100 feet (just above housetops). They can move about in the atmosphere with ease -- increasing their speed from a complete full-stop hover to extreme speeds...covering thousands of feet per second. Often they move gently with smooth deliberate motion. Other times they may swoop down from high in the sky to rooftop at high speeds.
Not only do the dark objects attach to or 'combine' with the larger white objects, but the dark/white combos do combine with one another to form clusters of objects. These can take the form of double, triple, quadruple clusters of dark/white combos and at times more are positioned together or are interacting in specific ways within tight clusterings. It appears from enlargements of photographs and video captures put through mulitple filters that the dark objects morph to cover the a side of the white object and join together to form a bond between two or more dark/white combos.... although other images suggest that the white objects can also coalesce or join also.
These clusters can be oblong 'trains' of combos -- the white objects joining together with the dark along the edges -- sometimes two dark objects to one white and other times more dark objects joining together to form a 'rim' or 'jacket'. Some clusters are several objects in various positions -- some in 'trains' or diagonal to one another and seeming fairly stationary. At other times, these combo objects appear to be moving around one another, morphing, releasing substance and performing some quite amazing feats.
As these clusters move past the observer/videographer, both dark and smaller white objects move in and out of the clusters. Various objects formerly a part of a trail move quickly in various directions all around the cluster individually ... the dark objects often trailing one another.An odd-shaped and morphing object was spotted over Los Angeles at about 3 p.m. on December 2, 2000. Note the description not only contains information about this object(s), but also about spherical objects around it:
"The object was silver in color and now straightened out, then bunched up, then formed a V and continued turning over. The whole process resembled an earth worm contorting around in the sky. About this time I noticed a small white sphere under the larger object. In the air around the sphere there seemed to be some sort of disturbance. Giving the appearance of an "exhaust," if you will. The sphere slowly moved away and to the left and this process continued until I counted seven sphere's in the sky along with the big object. We watched as the object kept moving south east until it was out of our sight." (Thanks NUFORC)
This sighting mentions the various elements of clusters that are consistent with both eyewitness accounts, photographs and videotapes. Silvery or white amorphous mass forming lines (or trains of objects), V shapes, etc., white spherical objects and a "disturbance" or exhaust (similar to descriptions of a cloudy substance, gas or ionization surrounding the dark and white spherical 'combos'.
Several images show a cluster which formed a horizontal 'train' of 6 or 7 dark and white combos. These were the classic combos having one dark object on either side of the larger white object and interacted without a large number of dark objects obscuring the white objects or forming a notable 'rim' as seen in one of Woods' videoclips. Wood also videotaped 'train' clusters some of which were vertical rather than horizontal.
Many images show a cluster breaking up with the separate dark and white combos floating in juxtaposition to and away from one another into various positions nearby. Each combo component of the train cluster looked identical to those in images of single dark/white combos and some appeared to be exuding a reddish or yellowish color where the dark object meets the white object (as seen on many single object images).
Some cluster images reveal much about the objects as well as the substance composing them. In one set of images, a grouping of dark and white combos move together and as the white 'cloudy' objects are adjacent to one another -- the substance that surrounds them appears to mix or mesh. At times the substance itself forms an amorphous shape with the white spherical shapes remaining within it. In one particular cluster image, this amorphous shape of the cluster changes from a 3 dimensional 'amoeba' to a inverted V shape with the combos distinquishable but deeply embedded in the white substance surrounding them.
While in the mixed cluster shape, a variety of dark and colored objects all approximately the same size and shape appear on the edges and embedded in the cluster -- perhaps remaining attached to each of the white spheres within. These objects appear as black, red, and blue with the whole cluster surrounded on one side with a reddish substance (or glow) and the other with a greenish substance (or glow).
Each white object appears to have a core to which the dark objects are attaching themselves -- this core and some of the dark objects surrounded by the cloudy white substance in the clusters. Whether or not the substance of the white objects is contributing to the white to pink irridescence surrounding the whole cluster, most clusters appear to be surrounded by a glow. This may be a corona or ionization of the air surrounding the object cluster. In the daytime this 'field' about whole groups or cluster of objects often looks white and rather hazy (at other times pastels in pink, blue, yellow and their combinations).
Several witnesses have reported seeing through binoculars or telescope (two are amateur as astronomers) at night clusters surrounded by an amorphous substance moving by as they were star gazing. These clusters usually consisted of 15+ spherical objects that either exhibited a dim glow or were star like in appearance. The 'substance' around them looks almost transparent and often has a hazy off-white or tannish glow. One witness described the shape of the substance to be similar to that of an amoeba...morphing and changing shape as the whole cluster moves by in a straight path.
While dark and similar (or the same) objects of different colors move out of persistent contrails and fill the skies -- swarming, hovering in nearby clouds or other unknown activities -- most sightings of multiple spherical objects are of the larger dark/white combinations or combos.
Several witnesses including myself and others in the UK and Mexico in particular have been witness to sightings of multiple dark/white combos (20+ objects) gently floating about a thousand feet above them... and moving about both vertically and horizontally in relation to one another.... some passing by one another in close proximity. These groups of dark/white 'combos' appear to move from area to area staying in one area for a time then moving to another area In 1999, I personally watched as a large grouping of these objects moved from overhead to a distance of approximately 5 miles away remaining generally at the same altitude all continuously floating and moving gracefully in the sky about a larger white object...then moving on to yet another location about the same distance away in another direction and remaining there for about the same amount of time. These reflected the low sun in a strange way -- looking rather silvery and watery in appearance -- rising and lowering in the sky forming various geometrical patterns above the observer.
Photographs from this event revealed several groupings of white objects moving near larger white objects (perhaps a 'platform' or 'mothership'). In addition to showing these smaller white objects as having dark objects 'attached', enhancements also show these objects 'glowing' orange and dark objects dispersed in the atmosphere around them.
Another almost identical report surfaced only 15 days after my sighting.... August 15, 1999 at 7:15 over Glendale California...a sighting lasting approximately 15 minutes: "High flying large object followed by 20 small ones. Joined by other large object. Objects were seen at 90 degrees moving in a NNW direction. Large object was followed by about 20 small objects following in a straight line..."
During my sighting, I kept close scrutiny on first the silvery watery appearing spherical objects which seemed to be appearing and disappearing in complex patterns directly overhead... though it was likely that instead of disappearing these objects were moving upward and out of range of sight. Then I focused upon the larger object which appeared to be teardrop in shape as it hovered silently above me and then began moving in a straight line toward the NE. As I following the larger object, I did see a few smaller ones on occasion but it was not until the larger object stopped again did I see the smaller objects gather around it.
Although from the photos I took as I was watching these objects through binoculars there appeared to be many more sets across the sky, I have no way of knowing if the original grouping of smaller objects remained the exact same objects throughout my sighting. Some may have joined another larger object grouping as I focused on the one larger object.
A multitude of witnesses have reported seeing groupings of rather large spherical objects appearing to fly together as in a flock or individually swarming around one another or closely interacting within 'clusters'.
Most interesting are the sightings of videos taken of these objects in the skies of Mexico. While some stunning footage of large groups of the dark/white combos were taken in the 1980's over Mexico, two incidents are remarkable -- one occurred whilst a government run monitoring camera was capturing images of the volcano at Mt. Popocatepetl and the other event having multiple witnesses and a news crew videotaping it and an airline pilot acknowledging the objects. OBJECTS AT POPOCATEPETL VOLCANO (Mt. Popo) --Daily Sequential Pattern
The following is what I observed for several days at approximately the same time each day on the CENEPRED volcano camera -- a stationary camera set up to monitor the activities of the Popocatepetl Volcano in Mexico (see
I tuned into Cenepred Volcano Cam starting January 1st 2002 and began to witness with others the most extraordinary display on the screen. I had never seen anything quite like this before -- thought I had seen an occasional dark or white rounded object moving across the screen on this videocam -- but this was very different.First I noticed a white rounded area with what appeared to be a dark area right above and below it -- at the top right part of the screen. It remained more or less in this position for several days appearing fairly close to the camera.Soon thereafter closing in on 1pm CST, a couple of white 'streaks' appeared in the distance to the right of Mt. Popo -- both seeming to move toward the volcano keeping the same distance between them.
The camera that has been set up to monitor the volcano is a joint project between Institutos de Geofísica e Ingeniería de la UNAM and the US Geological Survey and sends a still picture to the screen every minute or two. The white streaks in the background certainly were changing in position relative to the mountain volcano and appeared to move right over it and curved toward the camera. A white oblong "object" with what appears to be dark areas on the top and bottom of it also -- then appeared from the top of the screen to the left of the apparently stationary object. Over a few minutes this object 'from above' moved beneath the stationary object at a diagonal angle and then moved off screen.
I decided to tune in to CENEPRED Volcano Cam the following days and captured and saved the action at random not knowing what would be showing up later. As if the action of the first day was not enough to baffle the mind -- the march across the skies over Mt. Popo continued over several days. And it was the SAME march! Recently I brought out these old captures and decided to do a little study -- and lo and behold -- I had some pictures taken at relatively the same time to compare. On three separate days, at about 1 pm CST until 1:30 pm -- (1) the white 'streaks' moved over Mt. Popo and (2) the white oblong object moved under the stationary white spherical object.
Not only that -- but they were **synchronized**. In the shots taken by the camera at 13:03 pm, 13:15 pm, and 13:23 pm (all within a minute or so of one another), my captures of the objects show them to be in the same almost *exact positions* on January 3, 6 and 8 at those times.After these days of the objects following this sequence, the stationary object no longer was present yet the presence of multiple white and dark objects continued to show themselves and move across the screen in sequential shots on the same day and different days.We certainly may have aerial robots (of the human or 'other' variety) here synchronized on a GPS or other Grid system perhaps monitoring the volcano. This does appear to be organized activity...but the question remains..."who's"? See for the sequence of videocam
On closer examination of the camera shots... the object in the upper right corner of the screen remained in place over several days varying in position only slightly. The object is spherical, white, 'cloudy' in appearance....and dark objects are on either side. Over time a reddish material or substance seems to flow from where the dark and white objects come in contact with one another. This substance appears to move across the exterior of the white object and out into the atmosphere...following a similar pattern of other dark/white 'combos'.
The white oblong 'streaks' which appear to be moving forward toward the left of screen and the object moving into view from the top of the screen and passing just under the stationary white object (combo) are composed of multiple objects. These objects appear to be the same dark/white combos linked together in a 'train' formation. The cloudy material or substance that envelopes the objects moving forward in the distance appears to be streaming with their movement and trailing a short distance behind the grouping. Dark objects similar to those in a myriad of photos and videos are grouped along the exterior of the oblong white clusters. Because of their movement, the timing of the appearance each day and the following the same sequence of flight and hover patterns... these objects appear to be intelligent or intelligently controlled.
HOT AND COLD OBJECTS- Superconductors & Anti-Gravity ?
On examination of dark and white combos and combo clusters -- using various filters including those that reveal heat and cold temperatures of distance objects -- one thing remains consistent. The core of the larger white objects is cold while the dark objects range from ambient temperatures to very hot -- seeming to be in flames at certain points while attached to the white objects. Comparison of the sizes of the cold cores of the white objects and the dark objects show these to be similar in size.
In some images which reveal the heat of the dark objects and cold of the white object's core -- reveal what looks like a flame surrounding the dark objects...the white objects adjacent to them maintaining their cold core and the substance surrounding them remaining at background temperatures. This suggests that both objects can withstand heat and not be consumed by the heat and flames generated by the dark objects.
These combos and clusters have been seen, videotaped and photographed at altitudes of 20-40K to a hundred feet off the ground. Questions remain as to whether these cold and heat processes are active at all altitudes, temperatures and atmospheric conditions. It is clear that the cold cores of the white objects and the heat of the dark are active at lower altitudes. And one sequence of images suggests the possibity that at least the heat and flammability of the dark objects can be very active at approximate 20-30K.
It appears that after the dark objects 'attach' to the white objects at some point they release a flowing colored substance which may be the catalyst for the white objects to emit light perhaps heating the white substance that is surrounding the white objects. This is seen in photographs and videos of white objects with two, four or more dark objects attached. The larger the white object, the more dark objects can attach.
In a multitude of photographs and video captures, one can easily notice a luminosity and at times a prism effect running across the PC. With a closer look, at the beginning of a trail after a space, a dark line forming along the outer edges of the trail. Soon this dark line separates into multiple ovoid shapes that spread out from one another along the edge of the contrail. Within the two (usually two) dark lines is a white substance which further down the PC forms vortices. As the vortices form, the PC substance or material appears to coalesce into rounded or spheroidal objects.
These may be the formation of these two distinct objects that seem to fill some PCs. How can this be? Nanotechnology and autonomous intelligent (smart) polymers and other materials may be at work in this 'creation'... all fully programmed to become the dark objects (autonomous aerial robot) made of 'smart' flexible and morphing materials that can generate heat and light and white objects composed of fibres/polymers with an icy core. Together these can produce superconductivity and antigravity flight.
Inexpensive, self-creating materials...creating self-replicating self-regulating robotry. All beginning with an aircraft filled with nanomaterials.... with some of the newly created robotry equipped with the capability of creating more PCs with more nanotech based robots. Missions? To monitor the atmosphere, the weather, geological activity, pollution, biological/chemical threats, various experimental tests and chemicals within 'chemtrails'...and people....people who are seen as threats ...and all citizens (see my article for information on how UAVs and robotry can be used to conduct domestic spying).
Interestingly enough, this could also explain polymer falls and ice falls... when the white objects have been expended by the dark objects... what goes up must come down. Material such as 'smart' dust and 'smart' nanotech and polymers would simply disintegrate, subliminate or separate into microscopic particles and fall to the earth.
What I have presented is not a conclusion. Much research and investigation needs to be conducted before we can say definitively what is happening. Yet with good observation and reports and more quality photographic and videographic evidence and collection and testing of the materials within PCs--much information can be gleaned and used as a step for further investigation.
We have three possible explanations as to whom is behind these objects... human black projects, indigenous undiscovered lifeforms of the atmosphere and extraterrestrials. The technology or 'know-how' behind these amazing objects is astounding in its breadth and complexity.
If humans have developed this technology, the implications are far-reaching... if it is of some other creation... we must reach farther than we ever have to understand and assimilate this new understanding into our life experience.
Part II will include more information about these objects which may be the key in solving other mysteries in the skies.... and the research conducted regarding polymers, nanotech, superconductors as antigravity source. See for further information and updates.
Please contact me at if you have any reports or information concerning the objects discussed or related areas. Many thanks to all who have been dedicated and have contributed to this search.
© 2004 Brenda Livingston and Living-Tracers Enterprises (All Rights Reserved)


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