- April 1561 - A War In Heaven?
- One of the most astounding of documented sightings of
aerial phenomena took place in 1561 over Nuremberg, Germany. What was described
could only be called a war in the heavens, with a wide variety of craft
ranging from spheres to spear-like cylinders to crosses. The sky was apparently
filled with the machines, clashing in battle. Comets and such were well
identified and charted in this period, so it is highly unlikely that what
the people witnessed was merely a celestial phenomenon like a 'meteor shower',
as some debunkers suggest. Rather, what is described are physical objects
of unique detail and shapes, in 'battle' for over an hour. The battle was
such that a winner was perceived as well. Spheroid UFOs were seen emerging
from cylindrical 'motherships'. At the conclusion of the battle, it seems
a magnificent, black, spear-like super-ship of some kind came upon the
- It began at dawn, as dozens, if not hundreds, of crosses,
globes and tubes fought each other above the city. It ended an hour later,
when "the globes in the small and large rods flew into the sun,"
and several of the other objects crashed to earth and vanished in a thick
cloud of smoke.
- According to the Nuremberg Gazette, the "dreadful
apparition" filled the morning sky with "cylindrical shapes from
which emerged black, red, orange and blue-white spheres that darted about."
Between the spheres, there were "crosses with the color of blood."
This "frightful spectacle" was witnessed by "numerous men
and women." Afterwards, a "black, spear-like object" appeared.
The author of the Gazette warned that "the God-fearing will by no
means discard these signs, but will take it to heart as a warning of their
merciful Annunciation with St. Emidius Father in heaven, will mend their
lives and faithfully beg God, that he avert His wrath, including the well-deserved
punishment, on us, so that we may, temporarily here and perpetually there,
live as His children."
- (Source: http://www.newsoftheodd.com/article1019.html
- April 17, 1897 - The Aurora Texas UFO Crash &
Alien Pilot
Head for Aurora, Texas,
"the town that almost was" as their tiny town history book states,
to take a look at the burial site of an alien pilot that crashed its UFO
there in 1897. The town is just off US 287 west of Rhome heading toward
Bridgeport on 114. Look for the sign saying CEMETERY pointing south. There
is a historical marker that includes the word "spaceship" at
the site. Newspapers from April 1897 reported that the alien craft hit
a windmill and was torn to pieces, along with its occupant. A 1986 movie,
"Aurora Encounter," tells the tale. The official historical marker
was installed by the state, although nobody knows exactly where the grave
is. Here is the text of the marker :
- Aurora Cemetery
- The oldest known graves, here, dating from as early
as the 1860s, are those of the Randall and Rowlett families. Finis Dudley
Beauchamp (1825-1893), a Confederate veteran from Mississippi, donated
the 3-acre site to the newly- formed Aurora Lodge No. 479, A.F. & A.M.,
in 1877. For many years, this community burial ground was known as Masonic
Cemetery. Beauchamp, his wife Caroline (1829-1915), and others in their
family. An epidemic which struck the village in 1891 added hundreds of
graves to the plot. Called "Spotted Fever" by the settlers, the
disease is now thought to be a form of meningitis. Located in Aurora Cemetery
is the gravestone of the infant Nellie Burris (1891-1893) with its often-quoted
epitaph: "As I was so soon done, I don't know why I was begun."
This site is also well-known because
of the legend that a spaceship crashed nearby in 1897 and the pilot, killed
in the crash, was buried here. Struck by epidemic
and crop failure and bypassed by the railroad, the original town of Aurora
almost disappeared, but the cemetery remains in use with over 800 graves.
Veterans of the Civil War, World Wars I and II, and the Korean and Vietnam
conflicts are interred here.
- Aurora is located West of Rhome and 1/4 mile South of
SH 114.
- Aurora brings up images of high-speed space travel. In
fact, our new space plane is named 'Aurora' for a UFO incident that took
place in 1897.
- Last year was the 100th anniversary of the crash of an
unknown airship in Aurora, TX. The TV show "Sightings" had a
special called '100 years of UFO Cover ups,' that featured the recovery
of an alien body in Aurora, Texas.
- This incident has been covered up by the Government and
was then widely reported to be a hoax (a weather balloon?). Sounds a lot
like Roswell in 1947? The US government has a long history of cover-ups
in regards to things like this. I hope this investigation will clear up
the Aurora event for good.
- Here is the story as written in 1897 in the April 19
edition of the Dallas Morning News is as follows:
- About 6 o'clock this morning the early risers of Aurora
were astonished at the sudden appearance of the airship which has been
sailing around the country. It was traveling due north and much nearer
the earth than before. Evidently some of the machinery was out of order,
for it was making a speed of only ten or twelve miles an hour, and gradually
settling toward the earth. It sailed over the public square and when it
reached the north part of town it collided with the tower of Judge Proctor's
windmill and went into pieces with a terrific explosion, scattering debris
over several acres of ground, wrecking the windmill and water tank and
destroying the judge's flower garden. The pilot of the ship is supposed
to have been the only one aboard and, while his remains were badly disfigured,
enough of the original has been picked up to show that he was not an inhabitant
of this world.
- Mr. T.J. Weems, the U.S. Army Signal Service officer
at this place and an authority on astronomy gives it as his opinion that
the pilot was a native of the planet Mars. Papers found on his person --
evidently the records of his travels -- are written in some unknown hieroglyphics
and cannot be deciphered. This ship was too badly wrecked to form any conclusion
as to its construction or motive power. It was built of an unknown metal,
resembling somewhat a mixture of aluminum and silver, and it must have
weighed several tons. The town is today full of people who are viewing
the wreckage and gathering specimens of strange metal from the debris.
The pilot's funeral will take place tomorrow.
- The article was written by E. E. Haydon who was a part-time
reporter for the Morning News. As startling as the news was, no other newspapers
in the world ran the story in their paper. News of the incident remained
dormant for almost a century (May 24, 1973) when newspapers around the
country published the following United Press International account:
- "Aurora, Tex. -- (UPI) -- A grave in a small north
Texas cemetery contains the body of an 1897 astronaut who "was not
an inhabitant of this world," according to the International UFO Bureau.
The group, which investigates unidentified flying objects, has already
initiated legal proceedings to exhume the body and will go to court if
necessary to open the grave, director Hayden Hewes said Wednesday.
- "After checking the grave with metal detectors and
gathering facts for three months, we are certain as we can be at this point
[that] he was the pilot of a UFO which reportedly exploded atop a well
on Judge J.S. Proctor's place, April 19, 1897," Hewes said. He was
not an inhabitant of this world."
- A few days later, another UPI account datelined Aurora
quoted a ninety-one-year-old who had been a girl of fifteen in Aurora at
the time of the reported incident. She said she "had all but forgotten
the incident until it appeared in the newspapers recently." She said
her parents had gone to the sight of the crash, but had refused to take
her along. She recalled that the remains of the pilot, "a small man,"
had been buried in the Aurora cemetery.
Not to be outdone, the Associated
Press, in a story datelined Denton, Texas, reported that "a North
Texas State University professor had found some metal fragments near the
Oates gas station (former Proctor farm). One fragment was said to be 'most
intriguing' because it consisted of primarily of iron which did not seem
to exhibit magnetic properties." The professor also said he was puzzled
because the fragment was "shiny and malleable instead of dull and
brittle like iron."
- The Aurora Cemetery Association was successful in blocking
the attempts to dig up the grounds in search of the "Martian pilot."
The incident will probably go underground again (pun intended) until its
centennial in 1997 will bring another round of widespread press coverage.
- Last year we made a field investigation in the small
town of Aurora, Texas, just north of Fort Worth. The results of our research
are weird to say the least... One of the first things you might notice
when arriving in Aurora is that there are military traces everywhere in
town. It even boasts a small military type airport, circa 1940's. Even
the streets of town are laid out in typical "base" fashion. To
anyone who ever served in the military, the signs of military habitations
are clear.
- Why would the military want to have a base in Aurora?
I asked myself... back in the '40's? hmm... let's see. If my memory is
correct, I believe that the Roswell crash debris was flown directly to
Ft. Worth, TX, (which is less than 10 miles as the crow flies from Aurora.)
Coincidence? I don't think so. Could the military have had an "alien"
recovery base set up and running from clear back 100 years ago? I am beginning
to wonder as we continued on our tour of Aurora, the city.
- As we continued through town, we found the famous old
Judge Proctor's place and we visited the town square. Of course almost
the entire town from those days is gone, replaced by modern buildings.
Nearby is the town cemetery, where it is alleged by some that a small visitor
from space was buried over 100 years ago. A quick visit to the cemetery
showed a very neat, well kept place, with no sign of the tombstone. It
was stolen some years ago and never recovered. There are picture records
of its existence, and above is a photo of it.
- There is a movement in town to exhume the body of the
alien, replace the headstone and do a complete search for remains of the
crash. Also, there have been several interesting pieces of metal found
in the area that have been confiscated for analysis by the military and
never returned.
- Aurora, another unsolved mystery
- © Copyright 2000 by The Hickman Report. All rights
reserved worldwide.
(Source: http://www.rense.com/general3/aurora.htm )
- April 1897 - "Airship" Mania Breaks Out
Across Nation
- The state of Illinois was inundated with airship reports
during April 1897. The first known sighting was in Nashville, Illinois,
as a balloon-like airship with a large red light was spotted at 8 p.m.
by many residents. On April 8th, a Rock Island police officer claimed that
while on his east end beat, he was startled by the illuminated vessel a
half mile overhead. He described it as having "a glittering steel
hull, with dim wing-like fans on either side, and it swayed gently in its
flight." On April 9th hundreds of people observed it over Chicago,
Evanston, Niles Center and Schermerville. On the night of April 10th, scores
of Jacksonville residents watched the airship pass over the city. "It
was seen by all the police officers on duty, the firemen and hundreds of
citizens." By the evening of the 11th, the sightings reached Springfield
as Richard Schriver, foreman of the county jail, watched it for 30 minutes
with another man. It was described as "a radiating light not unlike
a locomotive headlight." At 8 p.m. in Lincoln on April 12th, "More
than fifty people stood on Pulaski street and whenever the lightening flashed
and the clouds separated" they thought they could discern the airship's
light in the distance.
- On April 13th, more than 200 people saw its white and
green lights as it passed near Lincoln at 8 p.m., while 30 minutes later
it was seen over Moline by several farmers including Benjamin Carr who
said it was "a cigar-shaped body or hull, apparently about 15 feet
long, with large wing-like projections on each side."
- These are just a handful of hundreds of Illinois sightings
that occurred during April. Not only are there striking parallels between
the airship wave and present-day UFO reports - but there were also reports
of close encounters. I will briefly mention three Illinois close encounter
cases. Keep in mind that they are just three of many from Illinois and
across the nation during 1897.
- According to the Decatur Daily Republican of April 16,
1897, p. 1, the airship landed near Springfield the previous night. Farmhand
John Halley and local vineyard owner Adolf Wenke said that it landed three
miles west of the city along the Jefferson street road. They said a long-bearded
man emerged and inquired where he was. "Inside the car was seated
another man and also the scientists [sic] wife." He said they usually
rested during the daytime in remote parts of the country in order to conceal
the vessel's huge wings. When they asked the scientist his name, "he
smiled and pointed to the letter M., which was painted on the side car."
After bidding the farmers farewell, he pressed a button and the ship flew
- The Springfield News also reported on an airship touching
down near Carlinville on April 12th. It was reportedly spotted between
the town of Nilwood and Girard about 6:15. William Street, Frank Metcalf
and Ed Temples and the telegraph operator all saw it at Girard. "These
men saw it alight, and a man get out and fix some part of the machinery.
They started for the place where it had alighted, but within a quarter
of a mile it rose and disappeared from view" to the north.
- Elburn, Kane County, on April 10th. According to a report
on the front page of the Rockford Daily Republic of April 12th, "Trainmen
running through there say that the operator says that some stockmen say
that some farmers say that the ship had a breakdown near there and came
down for repairs."
- Near the height of the wave, the following is a modest
sample of Illinois sightings that appeared in the Chicago Tribune:
- Mount Vernon, Illinois, April 15. -- (Special.) -- What
is thought to have been the mysterious airship was seen here by more than
100 persons last night. ...
- Carlyle, Ill., April 15. -- (Special.) -- The airship
was seen this evening travelling rapidly in a northwesterly course. ...
- Quincy, Ill., April 15. -- (Special.) -- The Wabash passenger
train which arrived here at 10 o'clock tonight raced for 15 minutes with
the alleged airship. They first sighted the thing near Perry Springs, 52
miles east of Quincy... All of the passengers saw it, but all they could
see was two lights, one white, the other red.
- Hillsboro, Ill., April 15. -- (Special.) -- ...the airship
was seen in the western heavens by a number of reputable citizens last
(Note: the author of the material above further debunks the airship sightings
as being nothing more than mass hysteria and wild imagination. He erroneously
states that it is evident that people in the 1800s expected to see airships
of this description, not flying saucers, suggesting that modern UFO observations
are equally the result of some sort of wishful thinking, mistaken identity
or hysteria fitting with the times and understood technology, minds being
influenced by media, etc. And yet, Alexander the Great and a legion of
his soldiers encountered "flying silver shields" which interrupted
a battle, which thoroughly disproves such a contention that saucers did
not pre-exist the atomic era. The "saucer" shaped UFO has been
reported as far back as ancient China, documented in the heiroglyphs of
Egypt, reported by Roman senators and citizens alike. It also sidetracks
the issue to one mere UFO shape -- creating a ridiculous strawman argument.
- 'While the abbot and monks
were in the refectorium, a flat round, shining, silvery object (discus)
flew over the abbey and caused the utmost terror.' 1290: Byland, North
Yorkshire: from William of Newburghs Chronicle
- This is a typical debunking argument that falls flat
when the overall picture of reported sightings in history are taken into
consideration. Though some airship sightings of the 1800s were not real,
or urged on by hoaxers, the evidence appears substantial that someone had
a means of flight well before conventional aviation was known to the general
populace in both the US and Europe; this is no different than our own government
having advanced aircraft which is not disclosed to the general public sometimes
for decades, if not longer. Unless you're foolish enough to believe we've
yet to advance beyond the speed of the blackbird SR-71 from 1957!! Highly
unlikely. Anything we see rolled out as "new tech" is old tech
to the defense department.)
- (Source: http://www.reall.org/newsletter/v06/n03/Illinois-ufo-mania-of-1897.html )
- April 1929 - Early UFO Photograph - Ward, Colorado
This photo was taken by
my father Edward Pline at the sawmill in Ward where we lived at the time,
I think it was 1929. I was about six years old then. My father was there
to photograph the sawmill for some reason or another, and as he was taking
the photo, he described a "terrible thunderous bellow," and a
large round thing as big as a very large boulder that moved through the
air above them.
- You can see it in the picture. None of the sawmill workers
saw the thing in the photo, but they all heard the sound and felt the ground
shudder. Later in my life I tried researching the incident at the County
Historical Society, but I did not find any references to it. My father
passed on a few years after the incident, and I have not found any surviving
sawmill workers from that time. Perhaps you have more information about
this incident.
- -- Best wishes, Hetty Pline
This illustrative enhancement was produced by enlarging the image
and overpainting the various values present, while flattening
the high grain distortion in the image and eliminating
scratches on the film. - Neff
(Source: http://www.ufoevidence.org/Photographs/Photo121.htm )
- April 6, 1952
- Temple, Texas. 2:59 p. 50-75 grey-white discs changed
position within formation continually, tilted in unison every 12-15 seconds
during 3.8 minute sighting.
- (Source: http://www.rense.com/general/amufo.htm )
- April 1953 - UFOs Tracked & Attacked By US Forces
At Sea
- A marine incident, worthy of deep investigation by researchers,
focuses on the island of Tinian, where the bombers were stationed that
dropped the atomic bombs on Japan in 1945. "In the last weeks (late
April, 1953), our ships and aircraft have sighted numerous flying objects
of unknown origin. Their flight courses were plotted and permit conclusions
about their take-off and landing bases. Near the island of Tinian, one
of these projectiles was rammed by a specially equipped airplane and sunk
into the sea."(Report of the Chief of the U.S. Defense HQ., D., Tokyo,
May 9, 1953.) [Wilkins, H.T., "Flying Saucers Uncensored", 1955,
- (Source: http://home.gzinc.com/mmz/Hank2.htm )
- April 1962 - Astronaut Films UFOs While On Space Flight
- NASA pilot Joseph Walker said that one of his tasks was
to detect UFOs during his X-15 flights. He had filmed five or six UFOs
during his record breaking fifty-mile-high flight in April, 1962. It was
the second time he had filmed UFOs in flight. During a lecture at the Second
National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space Research in Seattle,
Washington he said:
- "I don't feel like speculating about them. All I
know is what appeared on the film which was developed after the flight."
- Joseph Walker
- To date none of those films has been released to the
public for viewing.
- April 1964 - Gemini I Flight Tailed By Four UFOs
- During the first orbit of this unmanned spacecraft it
was joined by four apparently controlled objects. The tracking station
observed two objects take up station above Gemini I, with one behind and
one below. These relative positions were maintained for one orbit after
which they sped off into space.
- (Source:http://www.20kweb.com/weird_stuff/ufo_sightings_by_astronauts.html )
- April 17, 1966 - Ohio Police Give Chase On UFO
Lives Shattered By Experience
- On the morning of April 17th, 1966, police officers encountered
a structured, low-level UFO, and gave chase. Officers of the Portage County,
Ohio, Sheriff's Department first saw the object rise up from near ground
level, bathing them in light, near Ravenna, Ohio, about 5:00 A.M. Ordered
by the sergeant to pursue the object, they chased it for eighty-five miles
across the border into Pennsylvania, as it seemed to play a cat-and-mouse
game with them. Along the route, police officers from other jurisdictions
saw the object and joined in the chase.
- Deputy Sheriff Dale Spaur and Mounted Deputy Wilbur "Barney"
Neff had left their car to investigate an apparently abandoned automobile
on Route 224. Spaur stated:
- "I always look behind me so no one can come up behind
me. And when I looked in this wooded area behind us, I saw this thing.
At this time it was coming up...to about tree top level. I'd say about
one hundred feet. it started moving toward us.... As it came over the trees,
I looked at Barney and he was still watching the car...and he didn't say
nothing and the thing kept getting brighter and the area started to get
light...I told him to look over his shoulder, and he did.
- He just stood there with his mouth open for a minute,
as bright as it was, and he looked down. And I started looking down and
I looked at my hands and my clothes weren't burning or anything, when it
stopped right over on top of us. The only thing, the only sound in the
whole area was a hum...like a transformer being loaded or an overloaded
transformer when it changes....
- I was petrified, and, uh, so I moved my right foot, and
everything seemed to work all right. And evidently he made the same decision
I did, to get something between me and it, or us and it, or whatever you
would say. So we both went for the car, we got in the car and we sat there...."
- As they watched, the UFO moved toward the east, and then
stopped again. Spaur reported the movement to the dispatcher. The UFO was
now about 250 feet away, and was brilliantly lighting up the area ("It
was very bright; it'd make your eyes water," Spaur said.) Sergeant
Schoenfelt, off duty at the station, told them to follow it and keep it
under observation while they tried to get a photo unit to the scene.
- Spear and Neff turned south on Route 183, then back east
on Route 224, which placed the object to their right. "At this time,"
said Spaur. "it came straight south, just one motion, buddy, just
a smooth glide..." and began moving east with them pacing it, just
to their right at an estimated altitude of 300-500 feet, illuminating the
ground beneath it. Once more the UFO darted to the north, now left of the
car, when they had to speed up to over 100 mph to keep pace with it.
- As the sky became brighter with predawn light, Spaur
and Neff saw the UFO in silhouette, with a vertical projection at its rear.
The object began to take on a metallic appearance as the chase continued.
Spaur kept up a running conversation with other police cars that were trying
to catch up with them. Once when they made a wrong turn at an intersection,
the object stopped, then turned and came back to their position.
- Police Officer Wayne Huston of East Palestine, Ohio,
situated near the Pennsylvania border, had been monitoring the radio broadcasts
and was parked at an intersection he knew the Portage County officers would
be passing soon. Shortly afterward he saw the UFO pass by with the sheriff's
cruiser in hot pursuit. He swung out and joined the chase. At Conway, Pennsylvania,
Spaur spotted another parked police car and stopped to enlist his aid,
since their Cruiser was almost out of gas. The Pennsylvania officer called
his dispatcher.
- According to Spaur, as the four officers stood and watched
the UFO, which had stopped and was hovering, there was traffic on the radio
about jets being scrambled to chase the UFO, and "...we could see
these planes coming in...When they started talking about fighter planes,
it was just as if that thing heard every word that was said; it went PSSSSSHHEW,
straight up; and I mean when it went up, friend, it didn't play no games;
it went straight up."
- The Air Force "identified" the UFO as a satellite,
seen part of the time, and confused with the planet Venus. Under pressure
from Ohio officials, Major Hector Quintanilla, chief of Project Blue Book,
had an intense confrontations with witnesses and refused to change the
identification, although it was pointed out to him that they had seen the
UFO in addition to Venus and the moon at the conclusion of the observation.
Major Quintanilla also denied that any jets had been scrambled.
- William B. Weitzel conducted an exhaustive investigation
on behalf of the NAtional Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena
(NICAP), obtaining taped interviews, signed statements, sketches, and all
pertinent data which was assembled into a massive report that was made
available to congressional investigators. When the University Of Colorado
Ufo Project was initiated in 1966, a copy of Weitzels report was hand-delivered
to the director, Dr. Edward U. Condon, for his consideration. The Condon
Report, published two years later, does not mention the case.
- This case was actually what inspired the UFO chase scene
in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".
- The Cleveland Plain Dealer,
- Sunday, October 9, 1966
- Pg. 8- A:
- by John De Groot
- RAVENNA (AP)--In his world of loneliness and twisted
nightmares, Dale Spaur wonders if the nightmare will ever end.
- It began six months ago with "Seven Steps to Hell"
and ended with a flying saucer named Floyd.
- In the predawn hours of a gentle April morning, Portage
County Sheriff's Deputy Spaur chased a flying saucer 86 miles.
- NOW THE STRANGE craft is chasing him. And he is hiding
from it, a bearded stranger peering past the limp curtains of a tiny motel
room in Solon.
- He no longer is a deputy sheriff.
- His marriage is shattered.
- He has lost 40 pounds.
- He lives on one bowl of cereal and a sandwich each day.
- He walks three miles to an $80-a-week painters job. His
motel room costs $60 a week. The court has ordered him to pay his wife
$20 a week for the support of his two children.
- That leaves Dale Spaur exactly nothing.
- THE FLYING saucer did it.
- "If I could change all that I have done in my life,"
he said, "I would change just one thing. And that would be the night
- chased that damn thing. That saucer."
- He spit the word out, "Saucer." An obscenity.
- Others might understand.
- Four other officers took part in the April 17 [1966]
- Police Chief Gerald Buchert of Mantua saw the craft and
photographed it. The pictures turned out badly, an odd fuzzy white thing
suspended in blackness. Today, Chief Buchert laughs nervously when he speaks
of that night.
- "I'D RATHER NOT talk about it," he says. "It's
something that should be forgotten...left alone. I saw something, but I
don't know what it was."
- Special Deputy W.L. Neff rode with Spaur during the chase.
- He won't talk about it.
- His wife Jackelyne explains, "I hope I never see
him like he was after the chase. He was real white, almost in a state of
shock. It was awful."
- "And people made fun of him afterwards. He never
talks about it anymore. Once he told me, 'If that thing landed in my back
yard, I wouldn't tell a soul.' He's been through a wringer."
- PATROLMAN Frank Panzenella saw the chase end in Conway,
Pa., where he works. He saw the craft.
- Now he is silent. Friends say he had his telephone removed
because of calls about that April morning.
- H. Wayne Huston was a police officer in East Palestine,
O. He had worked there seven years. Several months after the saucer passed
above him in the night, he resigned...going to Seattle Wash., to drive
a bus.
- Huston now goes by Harold W. Huston. He tells you,"
Sure I quit because of that thing. People laughed at me. And there was
pressure... You couldn't put your finger on it, but the pressure was there.
- The city officials didn't like police officers chasing
flying saucers."
- SPAUR AND HUSTON have turned in their badges.
- Now Spaur hides in Solon, a fugitive from a flying saucer
named Floyd. He cannot escape the strange craft.
- Spaur and Neff were checking on a car parked alongside
U.S. 224 between Randolph and Atwater. The car was filled with radio equipment
and had a strange emblem painted on its side, a triangle with a bolt of
lightning inside it. Above the emblem was written, "Seven Steps to
- Behind them they heard a strange humming noise and turning,
said they saw a huge saucer shaped craft rise out of a woods and hover
above them, bathing them in a warm white light.
- Then it moved off.
- LEAVING THE mystery car behind, never to be seen again,
the two deputies hopped into their cruiser and chased the object, sometimes
at speeds of more than 100 miles an hour. The chase finally ended when
the cruiser ran out of gas near Pittsburgh. They said the craft they chased
was about 50 feet across and 15 to 20 feet high with a large dome on its
top and an antenna jutted out from the rear of the dome.
- After the chase, Spaur's daily routine was washed away
in a sea of reporters, television cameramen, Air Force investigators, government
officials, strange letters from places like Little Rock, Ark. and Australia
that told him what to do if "the little green men" tried to contact
- "MY ENTIRE LIFE came crashing down around my shoulders,"
he said.
- "Everything changed. I still don't really know what
happened. But suddenly, it was as though everybody owned me. And I no longer
had anything for myself. My wife, my home, my children. They all seemed
to fade away."
- Spaur's wife Daneise now is alone with her two children.
- She has filed for divorce and is working as a waitress
in a bar at Ravenna.
- "Something happened to Dale, but I don't know what
it was," she says. He came home that day and I never saw him more
frightened before. He acted strange, listless. He just sat around. He was
very pale."
- "THEN LATER, he got real nervous. And he started
to run away. He'd just disappear for days and days. I wouldn't see him."
- "Our marriage fell apart. All sorts of people came
to the house. Investigators. Reporters. They kept him up all night. They
kept after him, hounding him. They hounded him right into the ground."
- "And he changed."
- Then one night, Dale came home very late. He isn't sure
what happened. He walked into the living room. There were some other people
there. Things were very tense. Very confused.
- HE GRABBED his wife and shook her. Hard. He kept shaking
her. It left big ugly bruises on her arms. He doesn't know how or why...
- That was the end of July. Daneise filed assault and battery
charges. Dale was jailed and turned in his badge.
- A newspaper printed a story about the deputy who chased
the flying saucer being jailed for beating his wife.
- When he got out of jail, Dale ran...left town, turned
his back on everything.
- BUT THE SAUCER followed him, locked in his dreams.
- In Ravenna, Daneise can only say, "Dale is a lost
- And everything is finished for us."
- In Solon, Dale said, "I have become a freak. I'm
so damn lonely. Look at me...34 years old and what do I have? Nothing."
- "Who knows me? To everyone I'm Dale Spaur, the nut
who chased a flying saucer. My father called me several weeks ago.
- A long time ago we had a fight. I hadn't heard from him
for years. Then he calls me."
- "DO YOU THINK he called to ask how I was...To say
'I love you, son... To see if I wanted to go fishing, or something?
- Hell, no. He wanted to know if I'd seen any more flying
- "I tried to go to church for help. I went to church
and the minister introduced me to the congregation. 'We have the man who
chased a flying saucer with us today,' he said."
- Dale Spaur wept as he told what the flying saucer named
Floyd had done to him.
- He calls it Floyd because he saw it once more while he
was still working for the sheriff's department.
- THE RADIO operators knew civilians were monitoring their
broadcasts. So they agreed to use a code name if the flying saucer was
seen again. They called it Floyd...Dale Spaur's middle name.
- Dale was driving east on Interstate 80-S one night in
June [1966]. He looked up. There it was.
- "Floyd's here with me," he whispered into the
- Then he parked the car and sat there, alone. This time
Barney Neff was not with him. Dale did not look out the window. He lit
a cigarette and stared at the floor of the cruiser. He sat there for nearly
15 minutes...not looking outside, not wanting
- to see Floyd.
- WHEN HE LOOKED up, Floyd had disappeared.
- Yet it still follows him. And it has ruined his life.
This he believes.
- (Sources: http://www.rense.com/general43/cio.htm
- April 24, 1964 - The Lonnie Zamora UFO Incident
At roughly 5:45, Lonnie Zamora,
then 31 and a policeman in the city of Socorro, New Mexico found himself
in a high speed chase with another vehicle on the outskirts of town. During
the pursuit Zamora was suddenly deviated from the chase by the bizarre
sight of a cone of blue flame in the distance, rising more than 2,000 feet.
Thinking perhaps an explosion had just taken place, the officer ended the
pursuit of the speeding vehicle and moved toward the direction of the flames.
Hampered by rough, desert road, Zamora moved slowly toward what appeared
to be an overturned car with two people near by. He radioed the station
to report the accident, but just then, after cresting a small hill, realized
he was not seeing an overturned car at all.
There, just off the side of the
road some 600 feet from when Zamora stood, was a strange, white, egg-shaped
object apparently made of brightly polished metal, standing on 4 legs.
Beside the craft stood two men in white cover-alls, appearing to be inspecting
the vehicle. One noticed Zamora, and seemed to react with shock. Only moments
later, the officer heard the slamming of thick metallic doors and the onset
of a low frequency roar which slowly rose in pitch and becoming painfully
loud. A bright blue and orange flame appeared below the craft as it began
to rise slowly into the air. Fearing that at any moment the whole thing
might explode, Zamora took cover behind his squad car. The craft rose higher
into the air on its roaring jet flame and then rapidly moved across the
desert out of sight. As it climbed, Zamora got his best view of the craft.
He described it as being bright aluminum-white metal with a peculiar red
insignia, which he later rendered in a drawing. No windows or portholes,
though he did hear what sounded like slamming doors just before it took
- Zamora's account was validated by inspection, both by
Project Blue Book (which classified the event as a true "unknown"),
including the esteemed J. Allen Hynek (who left project Blue Book after
this incident as Hynek's true views were being gagged by Air Force officials)
and the USAF. One physicist on site noted that the impressions left by
the landing gear would have required a vehicle weighing at least 8 tons.
The blast mark and scorched earth was also analyzed, but as typical with
Blue Book and Air Force analysis, no conclusions were made.
- "There is no doubt
that Lonnie Zamora saw an object which left quite an impression on him.
There is also no question about Zamora"s reliability. He is a serious
police officer, a pillar of his church, and a man well versed in recognizing
airborne vehicles in his area. He is puzzled by what he saw, and frankly,
so are we. This is the best-documented case on record, and still we have
been unable, in spite of thorough investigation, to find the vehicle or
other stimulus that scared Zamora to the point of panic." - Project Blue Book Official Statement (FOIA)
- The case has remained one of the most mysterious and
evidential in the chronicles of contemporary UFO sightings and close encounters.
- Recently, a woman watching The Sci-Fi Channel's program
"Sightings" saw the Lonnie Zamora story and remembered having
been there as a child, along with her father while vacationing. She went
through her attic looking for a roll of 8mm movie film and found color
footage taken by her father of the landing site, documenting the scorched
brush and landing pod depressions. The footage was aired on the program
and represents another solid piece of evidence supporting the Zamora UFO
(Source: rense.com, cufon and others )
- April 1979 - Soviet Cosmonaut - Close-Up UFO Encounter
In Space
- "It followed us during half of our orbit. We observed
it on the light side, and when we entered the shadow side, it disappeared
completely. It was an engineered structure, made from some type of metal,
approximately 40 meters long with inner hulls. The object was narrow here
and wider here, and inside there were openings. Some places had projections
like small wings. The object stayed very close to us. We photographed it,
and our photos showed it to be 25 to 29 meters away." - Cosmonaut
Victor Afanasyev commenting on a UFO sighting that occurred while en route
to the Solyut 6 space station in April of 1979.

- Cosmonaut Adanasyev made a drawing of the space
ship he
witnessed from aboard the Soviet orbital vessel.
- Victor states, "I think we are not alone, something
of extraterrestrial origin has visited Earth." The alien craft turned
toward ours, followed us and flew formation 25 to 29 meters away. We photographed
the metallic engineering structure that was around 40 meters long. The
film was later confiscated
- (Source: Rense.com & Filer's
Files )
- April 26, 1986 - Chernobyl Reactor Accident UFO
- Roughly 180 tons of enriched
uranium were in the reactor.
If a large blast had happened, half of Europe would not
currently be depicted on any maps.
Eyewitnesses say that they saw an UFO
hovering above the exploded reactor.
- Sixteen years have passed since the disaster at the Chernobyl
nuclear plant on April 26, 1986. The explosion happened at 1:23 a.m. Tons
of radioactive products were emitted into the atmosphere. The machine shop
of the plant was gripped with fire, and the fire was about to move on to
the third power-generating unit of the plant. Firemen managed to extinguish
the fire several hours later. Many of them died later of radiation exposure.
- Much has been written about the Chernobyl disaster, both
in Russia and abroad. It seems that the physical nature of the tragedy
has determined, as well as the people who were responsible for it. The
fourth power-generating unit was supposed to be repaired. Yet, before shutting
it down, the administration of the plant decided to perform several experiments.
Steam delivery was cut to one of the turbogenerators in order to discover
the period of time that electric power would still be generated due to
the rotation of the rotor. The experiment was not well-organized. There
was another test conducted simultaneously: the study of turbine vibration.
- They started decreasing the capacity of the generating
unit at 1 a.m. on April 25. The emergency cooling system of the reactor
was shut down at 2 p.m. This was supposed to stop the reactor.
- However, the Kievenergo energy company did not know anything
about these tests. An energy control officer did not allow the fourth generating
unit of the plant to be stopped. These were the prerequisites of the tragedy.
Many people are still suffering.
- The explosion was very large, but, luckily, it was a
thermal blast. The fourth power generating unit was basically destroyed
by overheated steam. There was no nuclear explosion. Roughly 180 tons of
enriched uranium were in the reactor. If a large blast had happened, half
of Europe would not currently be depicted on any maps.
There are many theories to explain
such luck. One of the theories is that there was help from an Unidentified
Flying Object. When troublesome events started to occur, some people saw
a spaceship hovering above the fourth generating unit of the Chernobyl
plant. Eyewitnesses say that an UFO was there for six hours and that hundreds
of people saw it. People started writing about it only two years after
the catastrophe. Of course, such information appeared in magazines on ufology.
As it is generally believed, serious people don't read such magazines and
- Here is what Mikhail Varitsky had to say: "I and
other people from my team went to the site of the blast at night. We saw
a ball of fire, and it was slowly flying in the sky. I think the ball was
six or eight meters in diameter. Then, we saw two rays of crimson light
stretching towards the fourth unit. The object was some 300 meters from
the reactor. The event lasted for about three minutes. The lights of the
object went out and it flew away in the northwestern direction."
- The UFO brought the radiation level down. The level was
decreased almost four times. This probably prevented a nuclear blast.
- Three years later (on September 16, 1989), the fourth
power-generating unit emitted radiation into the atmosphere. Several hours
later, a doctor saw an object in the sky above the Chernobyl plant. Doctor
Gospina described it as "amber-like." She said she could see
the top and the bottom of it as well.
- In October of 1990, a reporter from the newspaper the
Echo of Chernobyl , V. Navran, was photographing the machine shop of the
Chernobyl plant. "I photographed the top of it, includomg a part of
the hole above. I remember everything very well; I did not see any UFO.
However, when I developed the film, I clearly saw an object that was hovering
above the hole in the roof." The object looked like the one doctor
Gospina saw.
- It seems that aliens are not worried with the fate of
humanity. They are basically worried about the planets environment.
- Anomalia.Ru
- Pravda.ru
- Translated by Dmitry Sudakov
- http://english.pravda.ru/main/2002/09/16/36691.html
(Source: http://rense.com/general29/ufopr.htm
- April 16, 1990 - UFO Topples Family Home
- Chile -- Investigator Raul
Hayardo says that he interrogated the witnesses and took pictures of the
site. "A red semicircular object with white flashing lights flew directly
above one of the buildings at a very low height of about ten meters."
The Balboas were quietly sleeping in their house. The UFO flew above the
left side of the building and lifted it a little. Then, the house fell
on its side, and the front door was blocked. The Balboas family had to
break off some planks to get out of their house. The saw the strange object
go up and hit some transmission objects. A bright flash followed. Finally,
the UFO vertically soared up and disappeared into the sky after several
- Mister Balboa said, "The thing resembled a flaming
ball. While I was staring at it, our home collapsed." When the site
was examined later, people saw that some plants were slightly or completely
- Anomalia.ru
- http://English.pravda.ru/main/2002/11/16/39581.html
(Source: http://www.rense.com/general31/UFOFlying.htm
- April 25, 2001 - Just Seeing Stars or Tale Of The
- Police Officers Encounter UFO -
Transcript of Conversation
- On Tuesday, April 25, 2001, a very strange object is
reported by civilians and law enforcement officers in the evening skies
near Waynesville, Ohio in Warren County.
- From their residence near the 4600 Block of Wilkerson
Road, a husband and wife are the first to report a circular lighted object
hovering silently in the sky to the south of their location. The big light
of the UFO, pulsating or changing in both color and brightness, was said
to be encased within a structure that resembled gridwork or cabling. The
couple advised the Lebanon City Police Department of the object around
10:15 p.m. and the Warren County Communications Center dispatched a Waynesville
police officer to the location.
- Upon arrival at the scene, the Waynesville officer confirmed
the unidentifiable nature of the object and also reported that a second
UFO was also in the area.
- Unit #2W30: I have NO IDEA,
and you wouldn't believe it if you came out and saw it! There's two of
them, just sitting stationary and blinking, I mean about five different
colors, right here on Wilkerson, just off of South Main Street...
- FEMALE OFFICER: This is 480-16
- Unit #2W30: I'm not kidding!
Go ahead.
- FEMALE OFFICER: Okay, we're
on the backside of that, here in the lot because I couldn't stand it no
more. Where is it at, is it in the air?
- Unit #2W30: In the air! Okay?
He's got the owner of the house has some binoculars and we're looking at
these things and uh, it's just I don't know what they are! They're high
up, they look like uh, they're up there but with our binoculars though,
the ones he's got here, you can see them pretty clearly. There's probably
five different colors, there's two of them and they've stayed in the exact
same spot the whole time. They're not stars, I can tell you that.
- As other officers respond to the location and continue
to view the abnormalities, dispatchers at the Warren County Communications
Center telephone a base operator at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in
Dayton/Fairborne, Ohio and also places a call to Airborne Express at the
Wilmington Airport in Clinton County, Ohio. Both flight control facilities
deny any knowledge of or responsibility for air traffic in the Waynesville,
Ohio vicinity during the incident.
- While the Waynesville police officers view the object
from Wilkerson Road looking south, a police dispatcher also observes the
same object from her position at the Warren County Communications Center
in Lebanon, Ohio, looking north toward Waynesville. From review of the
police tapes, it can be estimated that the primary object may have been
in a general location between Waynesville and Lebanon near the intersections
of Pekin Road and Route 42.
- An officer with the Caesar's Creek State Police also
notes the UFO from his location to the east of Waynesville. A third UFO
is sighted in the area during the event, and the police witnesses repeatedly
affirm a cogent distinction between the suspected UFOs and routine stars
and airplanes. The objects move off by receding further into the distance
as other officers from the Ohio State Patrol arrive on the scene.
- Dispatchers at the Ohio State Patrol and the Warren County
Communications Center express frustration at having to handle this situation
and their inability to address the reports and eyewitness confirmation
from their officers.
- The next evening, Wednesday, April 25, UFOs are again
reported in the same area at 9:48 p.m., viewed from Wilkerson Road and
also by officers observing from a location near the Waynesville Airport.
Disturbingly, another unusual object is seen in the area seven hours later
and reportedly pursues a motorist near Genntown, Ohio (about 5-miles from
Waynesville). A female complainant advises the Ohio State Patrol of her
'extreme concern' regarding a triangular object with "super bright
lights" that pursued her automobile while traveling on Route 122 at
5:00 a.m., April 26.
- These and other details were acquired from eyewitness
interviews, analysis of various police reports and evaluation of police
tapes acquired through the Warren County Director of Emergency Services.
Additional data was gathered through field investigation conducted on April
27th and April 28th.
- Consideration has been given to the possibility that
this situation was engendered by a misperception of routine stars and planets
by both civilians and police officers on both evenings. This theory was
first advanced by Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center,
who was advised of the incident by the Ohio State Patrol while the sighting
was in progress. The star 'Sirius' was identified by Davenport as a likely
candidate for misperception, but after sober review of the police tapes
acquired from the Warren County Department of Emergency Services, this
attempt at explanation is not looked upon favorably.
- Click Here to read the full transcript
From Kenny Young
- ufo@fuse.net
(Source: http://www.rense.com/general10/inc.htm )