The Quick And The Dead
By Bridget Gibson

"Our system can stand a whole string of bad presidents. It has in the past and will in the future." - Harry Truman
It is interesting that many news organizations have begun reporting a significantly smaller number of U.S. military fatalities in Iraq lately.
Last week, while reporting the death of two soldiers, the article went on to state that 393 soldiers had lost their lives since the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003. The number of U.S. military who have died in Iraq as of March 26, 2004, is 590.
The intentional erasure of almost 200 of our sons and daughters left me gasping for breath. In order to honor and support our military, how can we now discount their lives and deaths entirely? The blatant lies have now gone beyond ridiculous to stunningly demonic.
With each day's report of one or two or ten new deaths, my heart breaks for the families that will never absorb the loss ñ the void that nothing can fill, no medals or plaques or pieces of paper ñ magnified by the children not born to carry on the bravest of our country's families' tradition of service.
I have looked around in my community and I see the individuals that have courageously contributed to the security of our country: The WWII veterans, the Korean veterans, the Vietnam veterans, the Gulf War I veterans and those that have selflessly supported the call to duty through the intervening years.
There are tables that currently have empty chairs, with families hoping beyond hope that their loved ones return whole and able ñ or just return alive ñ to make plans for their families once again.
More than 10,000 have returned in the past year that have physical and emotional scars that will forever change the structure of their lives.
Their families will attempt to cope and adapt to the loss and the sacrifices made for the "freedom" of Iraq. The original call to disarm Iraq from weapons of mass destruction have been proved empty and void of truth ñ the call to arms to defend America from its enemies was false ñ but our brave soldiers must accept that their mission was not in vain.
David Kay, the specialist in charge of finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, reported that none existed and that the intelligence that had speculated the existence of such was wrong.
There are new daily reports that the push for the invasion of Iraq had begun with the inception of the Bush administration.
Recently, the Bush/Cheney04 group decided that all the news from Iraq had to have a surreal "happy" flavor so now we know that someone's loved one had to be erased from the count ñ it has to look "successful" and a high death counts sounds a lot like failure.
I want every family to know that no matter why they marched and fought and died, I honor the sacrifice that they willingly made in my name. My father fought in WWII, my uncle in Korea, my friends in Vietnam. I have depended upon these soldiers for their friendship, support and love my entire life.
I can only wish and hope that the wall honoring the fallen in Iraq will be small and never compare to the losses that America took the last time our government lied to become involved in a war - Vietnam.
The National Guard is now facing falling enlistments and the Selective Service has been put on notice to be able to begin a military draft in 2005. I have watched and feared the lottery before in my life. I have felt the pain of the void of loved one's leaving and not returning. I have seen the consequences of a generation losing so many of its best and brightest.
I know that our news reports have never been allowed to count or watch for the return of the bodies and burials.
I hear the solemn prayers of those who wait for the judgment of God for both the quick and the dead.
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