- Americans are serving alien interests and values in Iraq.
- They are advancing the Rothschilds' program of world
dictatorship as outlined in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These
Lucifer-loving bankers and their confederates would like you to believe
that Protocols is a forgery. It is not. http://www.savethemales.ca/000298.html
- It is the blueprint of the new world order unfolding
before our eyes. http://www.savethemales.ca/000205.html
- The major wars of the Twentieth Century were all fought
to advance this plan for elite tyranny.
For example, U.S participation in World War One, which
cost 300,000 US dead and wounded, was a quid pro quo between World Zionism
and the British government.
- In 1916, the British were facing defeat and desperately
needed US help. The Zionists promised to deliver American muscle in exchange
for the 1917 Balfour Declaration that promised a Zionist state in Palestine.
- Leon de Poncins, in State Secrets (1975), cites a well-known
English Zionist who was privy to the negotiations.
- Samuel Landman was editor of The Zionist and Secretary
of the Zionist Council of the United Kingdom. His book, Great Britain,
The Jews and Palestine (1936), published under the auspices of the Zionist
Association, was intended to remind Britain of her obligations.
- Landman writes that the only way to induce Woodrow Wilson
to enter the war in 1917 was "to enlist and mobilize the hitherto
unsuspectedly powerful forces of Zionist Jews in America and elsewhere
in favour of the Allies on a quid pro quo contract basis.... The Balfour
Declaration of 1917 was but the public confirmation of necessarily secret
'gentleman's' agreement of 1916 ... and not merely a voluntary, altruistic
and romantic gesture on the part of Great Britain..." (Leon de Poncins,
p.13, emphasis mine)
- De Poncins also cites Prof. H.M.V. Temperley: "The
Balfour Declaration was a definite contract between the British government
and [organized] Jewry." (History of the Peace Conference in Paris,
vol. 6, p. 173)
- If Germany had not lost World War One, there would have
been no Hitler, no Second World War, no holocaust and no Israel.
- How did the Zionists have this power? US President Woodrow
Wilson was the puppet of Rothschild agent Edward House. The Balfour Declaration
took the form of a letter addressed to none other than Lord Lionel Rothschild.
- From the start, Israel was the Rothschilds' personal
project. It was never needed as a "homeland" for the Jews. Along
with Communism, it was a pincer in the Rothschilds' megalomaniac vision
of a world state ruled by them and dedicated to Lucifer. They use their
control over US government credit to finance Israel, which is the future
world capital. Americans are dying in Iraq to advance this agenda.
- In 1962, Look Magazine asked leading personalities to
envisage the world 25 years hence in 1987. Former Israeli Prime Minister
David Ben Gurion had the advantage of knowing the blueprint. He worked
for Rothschild.
- He predicted that by 1987 "the Cold War will be
a thing of the past" and there will be a "gradual democratization
of the Soviet Union." Western and Eastern Europe will become a "federation
of autonomous states." All "other continents will be united
in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police
force. All armies will be abolished and there will be no more wars."
- He continues: "In Jerusalem, the United Nations
will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all
continents; this will be the scene of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to
settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied
by Isaiah." (See note 9 http://users.cyberone.com.au/myers/tmf.html)
- The new Israeli Supreme Court looks like it was intended
to be the Supreme Court of Mankind. It was designed, built and paid for
by the Rothschilds. It is full of Masonic references and symbols. Many
authorities believe Freemasonry is Judaism for gentiles.
- In his article "Roots of Evil in Jerusalem,"
Jerry Golden describes the Masonic pyramid on the roof of the building.
- "As we turn to the left and begin to walk towards
the Pyramid we notice a metal strip in the marble floor. The Ley-Lines
cross directly under the pyramid; they run from this place to different
places in the city. It is where the Judges and others can stand to receive
knowledge and power. [They will be] standing directly over a piece of crystal
with the All Seeing Eye of Lucifer the light bearer above them.
- For those who are not aware of the term Ley-Lines, it
is lines in geographical places that Witches, Warlock, and Wizards walk
claiming for the Devil. If you will notice in every large city all palm
readers and such are usually on the same street that is a ley-line."
- In another article, Golden says most Israeli politicians
and Supreme Court judges are freemasons belonging to the Mizraim Lodge,
"the ones who wrote the Protocols of Zion, the enemies of the Jewish
people." He says they are the "heart and soul of the Synagogue
of Satan" i.e. the Illuminati. He concludes "those who planned
the destruction of Israel are now in control, in Israel."
- http://www.thegoldenreport.com/asp/jerrysnewsmanager/anmviewer.asp?a=329&z=1
- The Rothschild-led banking monopoly has deflected and
marginalized opposition by characterizing it as anti Semitic. "Anti
Semitism" is really opposition to the Illuminist program of world
domination. Many Jews have been duped by "anti Semitism" and
promises of social justice (Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Feminism)
and a national homeland (Zionism.) The secret aim of these Jewish-dominated
movements is to destabilize society and advance Illuminist world government.
Neo Conservatism is another.
- Jews have been sacrificed and may be sacrificed again.
It's time we "lesser brethren" disassociated from organized Jewry,
which is run by this evil cabal. It's time we started new organizations
that reflect our real interests.
- The 200,000 plus American soldiers in the Middle East
and Afghanistan are part of the "international police force"
mentioned by Ben Gurion. They are new world order enforcers sent to eliminate
Sadaam Hussein because he gave the Muslims backbone. Recently they removed
President Jean Bertrand Aristide because he also defied the bankers. http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=18002
- George W and his cronies are paid off with a share of
the Iraq boondoggle. His father is a major investor in the Carlyle Group,
defence contractors.
- Americans must ask how long they will continue to be
Rothschild proxies. More than 500 young men and women have died and 10,000
have been wounded in Iraq. How long will Americans pay for their own self-destruction?
- The world's major intelligence services serve this banking
elite. I suspect the Mossad and CIA are responsible for the unprecedented
attack on the US Sept 11. The Mossad may be behind the terrorist attack
in Spain last Thursday, exactly 911 days after Sept. 11. http://berlinbabe0.tripod.com/SPECTRE/Madrid.htm#22
- Al Queda is probably controlled by the Mossad-CIA. People
now call it "Al CIA-duh" http://www.savethemales.ca/251102.html
- It is unacceptable that no one has been held responsible
for allowing Sept. 11 to occur. George Bush should have resigned for this
failure, if not treason.
- The cabal has a modus operandi from which it never deviates.
It sponsors both sides of every issue or war in order to grind the population
down and control the outcome.
- The purpose of the "war on terror" is to crush
the population between the so-called "terrorists" and the forces
of "homeland security". The result will be world dictatorship,
which we will welcome as respite from the "terror."
- Democracy is a sham. It is unacceptable that men who
hold public officer should belong to any secret society. Both Bush and
Kerry belong to the Illuminati "Skull and Bones." They belong
to the elite cabal that owns and controls our decadent government, media
and culture.
- The United States has served as a proxy for the Illuminist
bankers long enough. We don't want world dictatorship. It's time Americans
stopped being patsies.
- See also Sweet Liberty http://www.sweetliberty.org/
(not a blanket endorsement)
- "Is the Conspiracy Jewish?" http://www.savethemales.ca/210802.html
- "The Crime Called World War One" http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig2/denson3.html
- Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the board game scruples
and the author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His past articles
exposing feminism and the new world order are stored at his web site www.savethemales.ca
He enjoys receiving comments at henryatsavethemales.ca
- _____
- Note - Rense.com has long presented both sides of the
argument for and against the validity of the Protocols. Many argue it
doesn't matter whether they are hoaxed or not because the current worldwide
geopolitic reflects them perfectly on many key issues. For the side of
the argument that the Protocols are a literary hoax, please see the following:
- The Protocols Of Zion - A Literary Forgery
Protocols - A Forgery