More Turning To The
Net For News
Traditional Media Declining

By Caroline Wilbert
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The audience for mainstream news is shrinking and newsrooms are cutting staff, according to a study by the Project for Excellence in Journalism.
At the same time, online news outfits and niche publications - including those that cater to ethnic groups - are growing.
Tom Rosenstiel, director of the nonprofit organization, said traditional news organizations, including newspapers and television, are locked in a vicious cycle. "As audiences fragment, newsrooms are cut back, which further erodes public trust," he said.
Among the findings of the study, to be released today:
* Daily newspaper circulation has fallen 11 percent since 1990.
* Network evening news ratings have declined 34 percent since 1993.
* Viewership of cable TV news is flat since 2001.
* Many U.S. newsrooms are seeing significant cutbacks. There are one-third fewer network TV correspondents than in 1985. There has been a 3 percent decline in news and editorial employees at newspapers since 1990 and a drop of 44 percent in full-time radio newsroom employees between 1994 and 2001.
But three categories of news ó online, alternative and ethnic ó are growing. Traffic to the 26 most popular news Web sites grew 70 percent from May 2002 to October 2003, according to Nielsen/NetRatings.
As online media steal audience share from more traditional news outlets, the question becomes: Will online be as profitable as print and television?
Rosenstiel thinks advertising dollars eventually will catch up with consumers migrating to the Internet.
"My guess is that advertisers will say, 'This is the best place to reach people,' and the economics will figure themselves out," he said.
Meanwhile, circulation of Spanish-language newspapers has nearly quadrupled, to 1.7 million, since 1990. And the alternative press ó mostly tabloid weeklies ó also has grown.
Rosenstiel said people are looking for more specialization. Someone who once read a daily newspaper every day might now read it a couple of days a week, check online news at work, look at an alternative publication for nightlife listings and read a Spanish-language newspaper for information relevant to his Hispanic heritage.
"I don't see a country doctor for all that ails me anymore, and I don't go to a one-stop media provider the way I used to," Rosenstiel said.
Because people have only so much time to spend consuming information, the traditional outlets have to share the pie with the emerging niche players. "That is an economic challenge, " Rosenstiel said.
From Jerry L. Gardner
Hi Jeff,
I read the following article and noted all the lame excuses for the departure from the main stream prestitutes, however, I didn't see the "real story," the "rest of the story" as Paul Harvey would say. The actual reasons for this departure, and that is, in my opinion, people are fed up with the main stream, government controlled propagandist liars and are seriously searching for the truth, (at least those who aren't totally brainwashed into moronism) which obviously we aren't getting today. In a way we should thank God for Iraq, sad as that country is and the poor robbed and manipulated people there taken into consideration, our fiasco in Iraq has exposed to the world just what a bunch of bold faced liars are at the helm of American government now. Caught time and time again in their lies, they still have no shame. Of course the truth will stand on it's own value, a lie must be shored up with multiple lies and fraudulent exercises, lies never end until the ultimate sacrifice has been made.
Worse yet, we still have a mass of ignorant beer drinking couch potatoes and blinded "Christians" who believe them and support their "god ordained" war and slaughter. Please note that I did use a lower case g in god, because I know who their god is, and it certainly isn't the God I know. Personally, I hope the national news media go totally broke and out of business, the first casualty being that not so funny, wasted bit of valuable air space, Andy Rooney and his Ilk. Does the media not have a mandatory retirement age? I would think that Andy Rooney should have retired when he reached ninety-five at least. I'm certainly not going to spend $290.00 of my $300.00 power bill to "just get a laugh" at him.
More Turning To The Net For News Traditional Media Declining
By Caroline Wilbert
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Want to see the real news, that we won't get on the "mainline?" Here is where we are. Oh, but we don't want to hears this, this IS truth. The following is what a sin ridden nation wants to hear from their media:
Isaiah 30:10 Which say to the seers (or the bearers of news, my add), See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits (lie to us, my add):
Jerry L. Gardner
Since 1948, Has America Been Blessed or Cursed? You Decide
By <>Texe Marrs
March 18 2004
Our politicians and our evangelical leaders assure us that America is the most blessed nation on earth. Many claim we are blessed by God because we, as a nation, have blessed Israel. But is this true?
Review the shocking list below of plagues and evils that have furiously raked this country since we helped found and began actively supporting wicked, earthly Israel ("Sodom and Egypt"-see Rev. 11:8) in 1948. Decide for yourself. Has America been blessed-or cursed-by God for its support of Israel for over 50 years?
Plagues and Evils Ravaging America Since 1948:
Drug Scourge drug dealers rob, steal, and murder; nation plagued with LSD, ecstasy, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, oxycontin, zoloft, xanax, alcohol)
Witchcraft & Satanism (churches of wicca and satan are now flourishing and have tax exempt status; Santeria, Native American nature and spirit worship; New Age movement; scores of movies and books promoting witchcraft and satanism)
Pedophilia (child molestation rampant throughout society, even in churches)
Pornography (multibillion industry; child porn rampant; porno is #1 seller on internet and at video stores; snuff "death" films make millions)
Homosexual Depravity (same-sex marriages; transvestites, drag queens; gay culture; homosexuality taught in schools; sodomy legalized)
Music Vulgarity (sexual barbarity; hip-hop culture; heavy metal adoration of devils)
Rape of Children (satanic cartoons; blood and violence; video and internet games; witchcraft and sexual comic books; pedophilia on rise; library and textbooks filled with violence and anti-Christianity; witchcraft and sex themes)
The Professions (greedy medical doctors and lawyers who cheat, steal, lie, and kill; school teachers and psychiatrists having sex with students and patients)
Law Enforcement (police regularly beat and molest victims and violate citizens' rights; judges and courts are corrupt)
Tax Systems (agents of the IRS and other tax authorities are law breakers and thugs; taxes have gone up ten times since 1948)
Antichrist Lobby Groups (ACLU, ADL and other God-haters work hand-in-hand with corrupt law enforcement officials and wicked judges to harass and brutalize Christians and work to remove all vestiges of the Christian faith from public life)
Murder (kids are killing parents and teachers; parents are killing kids, serial killers and violent teens are murdering at a brisk pace; culture spawns violence)
Defunct Schools (atrocities abound: guns; knives; drugs; test cheaters and plagiarists; homosexual teachers; lax discipline; gangs; rapes; SAT and achievement test scores drop like a rock; many parents forced to home school or put kids in private schools. Nevertheless, school taxes explode upward)
Body Mutilation (piercings of navels, tongues, ears, and every other body part are common; tattoos depict serpents, skulls, death, horror; young girls into cutting of flesh)
Language (profanity and filth are heard on TV, radio, everywhere)
Idols (worst example of humans are often made into celebrities and idols-the raunchy and dishonest are promoted as exemplars and role models)
Political Trash (a President of the U.S.A. rapes women and even has sex with and defiles a young intern at the White House using a cigar. The majority howl their approval; his wife is a lesbian whose campaign theme is "As bad as she wants to be." Democrats and Republicans alike are wicked and demented; movie star Arnold Schwarzeneger gropes women and poses nude in gay men's magazines, then gets elected Governor of California)
Churches Perverse (clergy applaud homosexuality; many clergy are homosexuals and pedophiles who openly criticize God's Word; churchmen laugh at concepts like "sin" and "hell" and promote the ecumenical theology of all religions being valid; false prophets and false teachers hoodwink deluded masses; few people today know the difference between right and wrong)
Abortion (slaughter of innocents reaches grim total of 45 million since Roe v. Wade; even partial birth abortion is legalized)
Prayer Banned (group prayer is now unlawful in school, at athletic events, and elsewhere)
Mention of Jesus (unlawful in schools and elsewhere, except as curseword)
Ten Commandments (removed from our schools, courtrooms; no public display allowed)
Christmas Travesty (Jesus removed; commercialism reigns; public manger scenes now banned by courts)
Fiendish Movies ("Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and other movies about sexual violence, necrophilia, rape, cannibalism, and worse are wildly popular)
Death Culture (schools now take kids to cemeteries for "death education;" movies show sex with dead corpses; euthanasia of the elderly endorsed by many)
No-Win Wars (massacre and genocide in Palestine, Iraq and elsewhere; no-win wars and conflicts fought in Haiti, Panama, Korea, Vietnam, Columbia, etc.)
Violence and Bloodshed (TV and movies saturated with Mafia hits, body dismemberment; rising crime wave by illegal aliens is unchecked by authorities)
Terrorism (snipers; airplane hijackers; anthrax scares; U.S.A. hated because we help Israel exploit and kill Arabs; U.S. Government secretly becomes biggest purveyor of terrorist networks; $200 billion spent by government for CIA and counter-terrorism operations)
Big Brother (citizens lose privacy; cameras and wiretaps everywhere; law enforcement spies number in millions; liberties under siege)
Racial Injustice (many blacks hate whites; whites are discriminated against by law; minorities run roughshod over rights of the majority; illegal immigrants are favored over citizens; 20 million illegals abuse America's welfare and health systems)
Environmentalism (Mother earth globalists conspire with government to close down national forests and restrict access of citizens to parks and monuments; private property rights are savaged)
Sports Crimes (Super Bowl half-time is crude satanic/sex extravaganza; celebrity athletes often are marauders; football star O.J. Simpson murders two people and is acquitted; NBA basketball star Kobe Bryant sexually assaults young girl; a baseball star spits in face of referee; two other baseball stars, praised for breaking Roger Maris' homerun record, are discovered to be cheaters. One used a corked bat; the other pumped up his body with steroids)
Foreign Relations (U.S. gives billions in foreign aid to Russia, Israel, Egypt and others, but still is the most hated nation on earth; people everywhere despise us but want our money)
Crime Wave (many people hide behind locked doors and barricades, afraid to go out at night; carjackings and burglaries surge; sales of alarm and security systems at all time high; criminals commit scores of crimes before they're stopped, then lax judges let many go scot-free)
Women vs. Men (women taught to hate men; men taught to sexualize and abuse women; hip-hop rap music videos and CDs call women "whores" and "bitches" and promote rape and sexual violence; young women taught it's trendy to show off breasts and "go wild")
Veterans Dishonored (many V.A. hospitals have been closed; healthcare denied veterans; hundreds of thousands are maimed and dead from Agent Orange sickness and Persian Gulf illness; draft dodgers are elected President of the U.S.A.)
Food Tainted (food supplies poisoned, tainted; mad cow disease; fish polluted; insecticides; genetic spoilation etc.)
Morals Bankrupted (more young people shack up than marry; sub-teen kids are now having sex and babies out of wedlock; abortion is America's #1 killer. Heinously, partial birth abortion is legalized by courts. Thievery and bribes everywhere; corporate crime at peak; TV and movies and other cultural indicators give evidence of moral disaster. Lotteries, illegal betting and gambling are gigantic industries; venereal and other sexually transmitted diseases affect tens of millions)
And the list goes on...
Since 1948, America has been the world's biggest supporter of Israel, the nation the Bible identifies as latter days "Sodom and Egypt" (Revelation 11:8). Ask yourself: Has America been blessed-or cursed? God warned He would turn the nations that forget God into hell (Psalm 9:17). Has God done this? Has He turned a disobedient and rebellious America into hell?



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