- It never fails to amaze me, that the things we're taught
as fact can be later proven untrue, but some of us remain locked within
established thought. Most of us accept what we're taught as truth, because
everybody else believes it. If you go against the mainstream, you could
be more often than not, labelled with various words. For example; if you
go against the established religious order, then your classed as a heathen
or an apostate; the scientific order, a heratic; dud the political order,
then your probably labelled as a radical right-wing neo-nazi fascist. Our
society has a label for everybody who is a non-conformistl Science tells
us there are points, north and south, which mark exactly where the lines
of longitude cross. -Yet no expedition has ever succeeded to arrive at
such a point. Studying core samples from deep drilling, we know the Earth
is solid - to a certain depth. We also know that temperatures within the
Earth increase the deeper we drill -- at least up to the point we have
explored; and so therefore assume Earth must be solid right through to
the core. This is due to inaccurate measurements and assumption.
- Current understanding of planet formation shapes itself
along the 'solid Earth' lines of thought. According to Cate Malone, author
of the article 'Hollow Earth', astronomers and physicists believe gases
gradually condense in a spiralling whorl,until the force of gravity, (another
unexplained phenomenon) pulls them into solid form. There are, however
other possibilities. A simple study of centrifugal force could design a
whole new Earth for us. Science accepts the fact that the Earth spins on
it's axis. Malone states in her article the following; "Centrifugal
force makes the Earth bulge slightly at the equator and flatten at the
poles. To visualise what the firmation of a planet could look like, think
of a washing machine on spin cycle. The clothing (gases, liquids and particles)
is thrown outwards against the sides of the machine (gravity). The centre
portion remains clear. The hollow centre is firmed. Just as the Earth has
never stopped spinning, so this washing machine never gets out of spin
cycle. If the machine continues to spin, will the water and clothes start
clumping together in the middle or will they endlessly spin around the
hollow centre ?
- " Legends of beings from inside the Earth are still
in the folklore of many nations such as the vast paradisical lands to the
north found throughout Scandiliavian lore, Russian folk tales and Eskimo
legends conceadng elves, gnomes, trolls and giants; which makes the idea
of a hollow Earth not new. ln 1909, Admiral Peary's Eskimo guides believed
he was on an expedition to find the 'great people' to the north, from which
they were descended. Anomalies are scattered throughout the recordings
of early Arctic and Antarctic explorers. Nineteenth century Arctic explorers
referred to great a fresh water sea and warming temperatures the further
north they explored. Also reported were dust clouds, vast areas of snow
stained with pollen, birds and animals migrating north for winter, vegetation
and mammals, such as the supposedly extinct mammoth found frozen in icebergs.
Even icebergs are anomalies made of fresh water, they come from a land
where less than two inches (5 cm) of rainfall and very little snow occurs
each year.
- The discoveries of Dr. Frederick Cook and Rear Admiral
Peary in 1908 and 1909, respectively, were equally inconclusive. It could
not even be proven that either man reached the north pole. As Dr. Raymond
Bemard points out in his book 'The Hollow Earth', such a discovery is truly
impossible. It is "well know that the north and south magnetic poles
do not coincide with the geographical poles as they should...if the Earth
were a solid sphere with two poles at the end of it's axis, being a magnet,
it's magnetic poles would coincide with it's geographic poles. The fact
that they do not is inexplicable on the basis of the theory that it is
a solid sphere. The explanation becomes clear when we assume the existence
of polar openings, with magnetic poles along the circular rim of these
openings, rather than at a fixed point. " (Ref. diagram 1.) According
to Bemard the reason why no one has found either north or south poles is
simple. " The magnetic and geographical poles don't coincide....because,
while a magnetic pole lies along the rim of the polar opening, the geographical
poles lie in its centre, in mid-air and not on solid land ".
- The best modern chronicled explorations and penetrations
of lands beyond the magnetic poles were made by Real Admiral Richard E.
Byrd of the US Navy in 1947 and 1956. As with all previous explorations
Admiral Byrd's were equally shrouded in mystery. In radio contacts during
his 1947 flight past magnetic north and over the north pole - the long
sort after mythical point of land at the top of the world. During the 1956
exploration of Antarctica on Jauuary 13th, various radio announcements
stated, "on January 13th members of the United States expedition accomplished
a flight of 2700 miles (4320 km's) from the base of Mcmurdo Sound, which
is 400 miles (640 km's) west of the south pole, and penetrated a land extant
of 2300 miles (3680 km's ) beyond the pole. " On March 13th 1956 Byrd
is quoted as saying "the present expedition opened up a vast new land."
Many people still remember the exciting press announcements following Byrd's
expeditions. Heralded as the world's greatest explorer, Byrd's mention
of new lands created great interest. Then as quickly as they hit the air,
such announcements vanished. Radio commentators no longer talked of his
discovery news reels no longer displayed footage of Byrd's expeditions,
and the matter soon vanished from the public eye. why has this happened?
Did Byrd truly discover a new land - a land that could infact match a logical,
if different, physical understanding of our planet's creation? This rendition
of Admiral Byrd's flight log and diary was transcribed from an audio tape.
This copy of the log was obtained from the 'Hollow Earth Society' in Australia.
It is believed to be authentic. Without the original log in hand, the reader
will have to decide for himself the authenticity of the material.
- "I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity.
It concerns my Arctic fight on the 19th day of February in the year of
1947. There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance
and one must accept the unavailability of the truth. I am not at liberty
to disclose the following documentation at this writing. Perhaps it shall
never see the light of public scrutiny but I must do my duty here for all
to read one day. Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind
can no longer suppress that which is truth.
- " Flight Log - Camp Arctic February 19th 1947. "Vast
ice and snow below. Note colouration of a yellowish nature. It is dispersed
in a linear patten. Altering course for a better examination of this colour
pattern below. A reddish-purple colour also. Circle this area two ful turns
and return to a sine compass heading. Position check made again with base
camp. Relay information concerning colouration in ice and snow below. Both
magnetic and gyro compasses beginning to gyrate and wobble. We are unable
to hold our heading by instrumentation. Take bearing with sun compass but
all seems well. The controls are seemingly slow to respond, have a sluggish
quality. Yet there no indication of icing.
- In the distance is what appears to be mountains. Twenty
nine minutes of elapsed flight time and first sighting of mountains it
is no illusion. They are mountains consisting of a small range i have never
seen before. Altitude change to 2950 feet. Encountering strong turbulence
again. We are crossing over the small mountain range still proceeding northward
as best as can be ascertained. Beyond the mountain range is what appears
to be a small river. A valley with a small river running through the central
portion. There should be no green valley below. Something is definitely
wrong and abnormal here. We should be over ice and snow. From the port
side there are great forests growing on the mountain side. The instruments
are still spinning. The gyroscope is oscillating back and forth. "I
alter the altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn to better
examine the valley below. It is green with either moss or a type tight
knit grass. The light here seems different. I cannot see the sun anymore.
We make another left turn and spot what seems to be a large animal of some
kind below. Appears to be an elephant, no it looks more like a mammoth-like
animal. This is incredible, yet there it is. Decrease altitude to 1000
feet and take binoculars to better examine the animal. It is confirmed
- definitely a mammoth-like animal. Report this to base camp." "Encountering
more rolling green hills. The external temperature indicator reads 74 degress
Fahrenheit. Continuing on our heading now. Navigation instruments seem
normal now. I am puzzled over their actions. Attempt to contact base camp.
Radio is not functioning.
- The county side is more level than normal, if I may say
that word. Ahead we spot what Seems to be a city, this is impossible !"
"Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond.
My God, off our port and starboard wing are strange type of aircraft, they
are closing rapidly alongside! They are disk shaped and have a radiant
quality about them. They are close enough now I ran see the markings on
them." "It is a type of swastika. This is fantastic! Where are
we? What has happened? I tugged at the controls again. They will not respond.
We are caught in an invisible vice grip of some type. Our radio crackles
and what comes through is a voice in English with a type of slight Nordic
or Germanic accent. The message is: "Welcome Admiral to our domain.
We shall land you in exactly seven minutes. Relax Admiral, you are in good
hands." "I note the engines of our craft have stopped running.
The aircraft is under some strange control and is now turning. We begin
the landing process now, and the plane shudders slightly as though caught
in some unseen elevator. The downward motion is negligible and we touch
down with only a slight jolt. I am making a hasty last entry in the flight
log. Several men are approaching our aircraft. They are tall with blond
hair. In the distance is a huge shimmering city pulsathtg with rainbow
hues of colour. I do not know what is going to happen now, but I do not
see any sign of weapons on those approaching us. I can hear a voice ordering
me by name (with a German accent) to open the cargo door. I comply."
End of log.
- From this point, Admiral Byrd continued by memory as
he never logged the rest of his experience -and when one reads his complete
version, it becomes very clear why. The overall gist of his notes explained
the following points:-
- 1. Byrd and his radioman were taken from the aircraft
towards the glowing city which appeared to be made of crystal.
- 2. Upon arrival, the two are separated and Byrd is taken
to have an audience with the 'Master' who informed him that he had entered
the 'Underworld' and to have no fear - for later we will return to the
- 3. The 'Master' who talked with Byrd stated: "Our
interest rightly begins here just after you first exploded the first atomic
bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. It was at that alarming time
that we sent our flugelrads, (German for flying machines) to the surface
to investigate what your race had done.... " He continued on about
1945 and afterward, they had tried to contact the Americans, but had been
met with hostilities. Each time they tried the Americans would shoot and
attack their flugelrads.
- 4. The 'Master' explained that "we are doomed should
we continue with our atomic insanity....and that there are no answers in
our arms, there will be no safety in our science and that when th big war
breaks out, it may rage on until every flower of our culture is trampled
and all human things levelled until a vast chaos existed. "
- 5. After this cataclysmic discussion Byrd was bidden
a courteous farewell (Aufwiedersehen) by the 'Master' and returned to his
aircraft along with his radioman and they were allowed to leave the 'Underworld'
with this warning for the surface dwellers - us!
- MARCH11,1947 Upon Byrd's return he attended the usual
debriefing and passed on the following as logged in his diaries:- "I
have just attended a staff meeting at the Pentagon. I have stated fully
my discovery and my message from the Master. All is duly recorded. The
President has been advised. I am now detained for several hours. Six hours
39 minutes to be exact. I am interviewed intensely by hostile forces and
a medical team. It was an ordeal. I am placed under strict control of the
international security provisions of the United States of America. I am
ordered to remain silent in regard to all that I have learned on the behalf
of humanity. Incredible! I am reminded that I am a military man and that
I must obey orders. " DECEMBER 24, 1956 -FINAL ENTRY "These last
few years since 1947 have not been so kind. I now make my final entry in
this singular diary. In closing I must state that I have faithfully kept
this matter secret as directed all these years. It has been completely
against my values and moral rights, Now I seem to sense a long night coming
on, and this secret will not die with me, but as truth shall, it shall
triumph, and so it shall. It is the only hope for all mankind. I have seen
and it has quickened my spirit and has set me free. I have done my duty
towards a monstrous military industrial complex. Now the long night of
the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of truth shall come again, and
those who are of darkness shall fail in flight. For I have seen that land
beyond the poles, the centre of the great unknown. " Admiral Richard
E. Byrd. United States Navy.
- Author Brinsley Le Poer Trench, of the astounding and
awe inspiring book 'Secret of the Ages - UFOs from inside the Earth' puts
forth the idea that Man who according to the Biblical book of 'Genesis'
came from within the ground and not just dust as is taught by mainstream
religions. In earlier books Le Poer Trench postulated that a number of
the 'Elchim' (gods) had indulged in a breeding experiment. This went wrong
and they were expelled, along with the race of Adam. These were the 'fallen
angels', 'giants', 'Anunnaki' - the Nephilim of the Bible.
- William F. Warren, in a scholarly work 'Paradise Found,
or The Cradle of the Human Race al the North Pole', quotes from a translation
by A-M- Sayce taken from a book called 'Records of the Past':- "We
are told of a dwelling which 'the gods created for' the first human beings
- a dwelling in which 'they became great', and 'increased in numbers',
and the location of which is described in words exactly corresponding to
those of Iranian, Indian, Chinese, Eddaic and Aztecan literature; namely,
'in the centre of the Earth".
- Some of the names of the Underworld are 'Shamballah',
'Agartha' and 'Eden' and the Scandinavian called the area beyond the pole
'Ultima Thule', often confused with Greenland. According to legend and
Atlantian teachings, 'Ultima Thule' - the land beyond the pole was the
region where the 'Brotherhood of the Serpent', the 'Illuminati' and 'Thule'
teachings originate! '
- The Brotherhood of the Serpent', later divided into two:-'Brotherhood
of the Yellow Dragon' & 'Brotherhood of the Red Dragon', (combined
are known as the 'Brotherhood of the Snake'). William F. Warren, places
the entrance to this 'Paradise' firmly and squarely in the North Polar
area. There are many biblical references to this area, a pertinent one
is from the book of Job 26: 7-10: "He stretcheth out the north over
the empty place, and hangeth the Earth upon nothing. He bindeth up the
waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them. He holdeth
back the face of his throne, and spreadeth his cloud upon it. He hath encompassed
the waters with bounds until the day and night come to an end."
- An American who has done considerable research into the
Hollow Earth theory is Raymond A. Palmer, an author, who commented upon
these verses from Job: "viewed from space, the Earth would be spherical,
and the hale would not in any way change the regularity of the sphere.
We can easily understand this when Job makes his reiterated mentions of
the clouds that cover the hole (polar explorers curse the eternal fog).
Particularly in 'he holdeth back the face of his throne, and spreadeth
his cloud upon it'." The Bible, as well as many ancient texts and
manuscripts, make reference to the 'Underworld' below as a real and genuine
dwelling place. I am of the opinion, that religions have failed regarding
their teaching of a 'Hell' below - because a deep scrutiny of the texts
tells more of a 'paradise' rather than a burning abyss.
- An essential part of the case for a Hollow Earth is that
there is no North Pole. No single point, but instead a big area which is
a warm sea dipping gradually into the interior of the Earth. This may sound
pretty outrageous but lets look at some of the evidence which leans toward
this concept. The first point I'd like to make clear is, compasses go completely
haywire in the Arctic Circle.
- The very humble and renown Norwegian explorer, Dr. Fridtjof
Nansen, on his expedition to try and reach the North Pole in 1895, lost
his bearings and freely admitted that he had not the slightest idea where
he was for a very long time. FEBRUARY, 1895 After landing from the vessel
Fram, Nansen set off northward with a sledge loaded with supplies toward
the pole and later return via Spitzbergen by the way of Franz Joseph Land.
From the 29th of March, 1895, until the spring of 1896, Nansen was completely
lost! He noted that after he journeyed through the colder regions that
the weather tumed to a much warmer climate. In fact, whenever the wind
blew down from the north the temperature begun to rise. At one time the
sun became unbearably hot! Nansen took soundings and found that the water
in the polar regions is far deeper than was thought, discovering that the
water was warmer the deeper the sounding. Where does this warm water emanate
- He came across animals that according to accepted science,
should not even be up there. On 26 April, 1895, Nansen wrote: "I was
not a little surprised yesterday morning when I suddenly saw a track of
an animal in the snow. It was that of a fox, about W.S.W true, and went
in an easterly direction. The trail was quite fresh. What in the world
was the fox doing up here? There were also unequivocal signs that it had
not been without food. Were we in the vicinity of land? I looked around
for it, but the weather was thick all day yesterday, and we might have
been near it without seeing it. In any case a warm-blooded mammal in the
eighty-fifth parallel. We had not gone far before we came across another
fox track, it went in about the same direction as the other, and followed
the trend of the lane which had stopped us and by which we had been obliged
to camp. It is incomprehensible what these animals live on up here, but
presumably they are able to snap up some crustaceans in the open waterways.
But why do they leave the coast? That is what puzzles me most. Can they
have gone astray? There seems little probability of that." SKRAELING
- Another source of information is Marshall B. Gardner,
who wrote the work 'A Journey To The Earth's Interior'. Within these pages
he quotes Dr. Nansen concerning the Eskimo and experiences. Nansen states:-
"That the Eskimo came from the interior of the Earth, that is to say,
from a location which they could not easily explain to the Norwegians who
might have asked them where they originated from, is shown by the fact
that the early Norwegians regarded them as supernatural people, a species
of fairy." Gardner went on to quote from the second volume of Nansen's
work 'In Northern Mists';- "I have already stated that the Norse name
'Skraeling' for Eskimo must have originally been used as a designation
of fairies or mythical creatures. Furthermore, there is much that would
imply that when the Icelanders first met with the Eskimo in Greenland they
looked upon them as fairies; they, therefore called them 'trolls', an ancient
common name for various sorts of supernatural beings..."
- One of my favorite examples for the case of a Hollow
Earth, are the Geodetic Surveys which were carried out earlier this century
by the French and American governments. Both governments decided to keep
these test results classified 'Top Secret'. The reason being as you'll
read on is the following; if they be accurate, we can throw out the window
all of our understandings of gravity, moon landings, UFOS and aliens coming
from outer space and the bending of space time theory which abounds within
the UFO circles.
- I'm of the understanding after nearly a decade of UFO
research and interviewing hundreds of eye-witnesses and my contacts within
various positions of the establishment is that; we can have only one truth!
This truth may be made up of various parts of other 'accepted truths';
but still in the end one truth prevails. The following could be the crux
of the truth and prove that not only is mainstream thought about gravity
wrong, but even on the other side of the coin; the LEO believers who only
promote an extraterrestrial origin, will have to rethink their position.
- I think that there is at least a third option, the possibility
of UFOS from within our Earth. If you have ever watched a builder at work,
you've seen him use a plumb bob to determine the perpendicular, so that
his wall will be erect and straight. A plumb bob is simply a weight suspended
on the end of a cord. It acts on the principle of the attraction of gravity
or mass, and the weight always points toward the center of gravity, which
in the case of the spherical Earth; is its exact center. However, the plumb
bob is not only used to erect buildings, but the principle is used to measure
the distance of the sun or any planet.
- Sometime prior to 1901, the French government, wished
to determine more accurately the actual size of the Earth, so that they
could revise and refine their calculations regarding the distance apart
at the top of two lines perpendicular to the surface of the Earth and the
bottom of those same two lines. They wanted a pair of lines long enough
to give them an appreciable measurement. Obviously they could not erect
two parallel poles a mile high, but they could suspend two plumb bobs down
a mine shaft a mile deep; and then measure the distance between at the
top and bottom. They did just that. Thinking that the distance at the bottom
would be much less, as we believe that the center of gravity is at the
center of the Earth; ah...but how much less would it be?
- The Geodetic Surveys were carried out at the Tamarack
mines, near Calumet, Michigan. The mine shafts were selected, and the plumb
lines exactly 4250 feet long were suspended in each mine. At the end of
each of these lines were suspended a sixty pound bob. It was reasoned that
the lines were to be made out of No 24 piano wire, so as magnetic forces
could not effect them. For twenty four hours the lines were allowed to
hang, so that there would be no possibility of movement from putting them
in place still remaining in the lines. The measurements begun. It was then
discovered that the French Geodetic engineers had NOT made a mistake. Careful
re-checking proved that the lines, contrary to expectations, were further
apart at the bottom than at the top! Ref: diagram 2,
- There can be only one implication from such a strange
result - the center of gravity is not, as previously believed, at the center
of the Earth, but in fact must be above the surface of the Earth. Further
tests were carried out where the mine shafts were sealed to prevent air
currents coming in and disturbing the bobs, as well as tests done in two
mines shafts with a tunnel link between them. All the results from the
French and the Americans remained conclusive. At one mile deep, there remained
an 8.22 inch difference between the bobs at the bottom. The bobs at the
bottom were wider apart, not closer together! It did not take the Tamarack
engineers long to discover that this figure exactly represents the divergence
that would be necessary to complete a 360ΓΈ spherical circumference.
- There was only one difficulty - as expressed by the plumb
lines, it would be the circumference of the inside of a sphere, and not
the outside! Further, the center of gravity, as expressed by the angles
formed by the plumb lines, would be approximately 4,000 miles (6400 km's)
(Van Allen Radiation Belts? http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=407053)
out in space. Obviously this could not be quite correct, because, if the
Chinese were to make calculations based on a similar pair of mine shafts,
in their country on the opposite side of the globe, the center of gravity
would be found to be 4,000 miles in the other direction. The center of
gravity, according to the plumb lines, was a sphere's surface, some 16,000
miles (25,600 km's) in diameter. Any place, 4,000 miles up, was the center
of gravity.
- Can we blame the Tamarack engineer for going down in
his mine and maintaining a grim silence from that moment on? The Earth
is a sphere (with certain very minor irregularities). We live on the outside
of it. The Moon circles the Earth and the Earth circles the Sun. Some force
holds them all in orbit and in their relationships to each other. It is
said the Moon's orbit is maintained because the attraction of mass of both
bodies is exactly counterbalanced by centrifugal force. The Earth system
is maintained in its orbit about the Sun by the same delicate balance.
Could it be that there is no such thing as 'attraction of mass'? Could
it be that our Earth is really some other form than is accepted, even hollow
- 'The Hollow Earth' by Dr. Raymond Bernard, A.B.,M.A.,Ph.D.
- University Books Inc. ISBN 0-8216-2507-1
- 'Secret oj the Ages - UFOS jrom inside the Earth' by
Brinsley Le
- Poer Trench, 1974 Chaucer Press, Suffolk. ISBN 586 04307
- 'A Flight to the Land Beyond the North Pole:-The Missing
Diary oj
- Admiral Richard E. Byrd', By Richard E. Byrd, 1990 Innerlight
- Publications, New Brunswick, NJ . ISBN 0-938294-91-1
- 'A Journey To The Earth's Interior' By Marshall B. Gardner.
- Northern Mists' By Dr. Fridtjof Nansen,1898 'This Hollow
Earth' By
- Warren Smith, 1972 Sphere Books Ltd. ISBN 0-7221-7937-5
- Earth' (article) By Cate Malone, source unknown.