Hyper X Joke On America
By Ted Twietmeyer

Jeff -
Apparently, the American public is now believed by the government to be sufficiently dumbed down to believe most anything. The recent "Hyper-X" scale model B-52 flight drop test of the plane proves the point. I just can't keep quiet anymore about this.
America has been told how "we need to replace the space shuttle with newer technology." Then after considerably brain work by scientists, they announced the Hyper-X spaceplane a few years ago. And now, after considerable fan-fare, wind tunnel testing (no, not using the head) and public BS they show the test flights. NASA-Edwards AFB, CA has been doing these scale model flights, each scale model approximately 14 to 21 feet long. For many years doing B-52 flight drop tests. The model plane is piloted from a small command console-cockpit in one of the hangars there.
There are TV screens and data displays for the model's flight test, that receive data via an RF link from cameras and sensors on-board the test model, and a joystick to pilot it. This is located at Edwards AFB. An actual pilot does the flying from the ground in this way. Usually the model is fitted with skis (yes, skis) to land the model back at Edwards on a dirt runway. This time, they dumped the model in the Pacific ocean.
In this test NASA essentially attached a model of the X plane to a MISSILE. Then they have the nerve to claim its the fastest flying plane ever. Maybe because it is a MISSILE, is the reason they dumped it in the ocean.
And what is so special about this plane ? Simply a re-packaging of the shuttle. A different wrapper, but the same principle. Not much different than what we have now. Sure, its a different airframe and engine system. But ultimately its the same old, same old. Load it up, send it into orbit, and GLIDE back to earth. Sound familiar ? Ask yourself WHY. WHY after more than 30 years now, technology hasn't progressed past this point ? Actually, it has.
What ALL of us want to see, are the toys in the air force toy box. I've said it before here on, and I'll keep saying it. State of the art toys, like the LOCKHEED (oops, said the "L" word) TR3 craft. We'll settle for the older TR3B, not the new ones. NASA won't care. Heck, they still play with what is essentially old Nazi technology. The TR3 is quite amazing, but lacks theatrics. Silent, it can hover and doesn't use rockets at all. It uses a gravitational drive system. Its not fiction as many think, either.
Now this essay will surely bring on hate email. Don't believe NASA is using nazi technology ? Then go visit places like Kennedy, Wallops Island and others. There, the obsolete rockets are not cut up for scrap, but instead are put on display. Think the combustion chamber on a large rocket like a V2 is half the length of a rocket ?
No true. Many old rockets are outside on horizontal display. You can stand there and look right into the nozzle. What can you see ? The chamber might be 5 feet or more in diameter, but its only perhaps 3 feet deep. That's all. You see the fuel and oxidizer injection ring on the "rear wall" of the chamber. it looks like a series of rings, one inside another with evenly spaced holes. Not like schoolbooks that show a large chamber with two simple nozzles to inject the fuel and oxidizer. But that's OK, because you don't need to learn real details. And you don't need to know it completely originates from nazi technology.
Nazi technology has been used for decades by NASA. Like the space shuttle, whose time has LONG passed. When you've worked with NASA, you quickly realize that they LOVE to do things they way they always have. That includes repeating everything, including mistakes. Its a mentality the agency thrives on. The agency is still promoting the party-line of past director Daniel Goldin- "Smaller-Better-Faster-Cheaper." He would state that over and over to his employee masses at NASA, like a chant. Almost like the humming of certain religions. It was that same rhetoric that caused numerous Mars mission failures and most at NASA knew it. Goldin wanted to have space missions using consumer product mentality . But that can't be done, because space is a very, very hostile place. A design mistake or shortcut taken "out there" can result in a lost mission. So it was out with the older, experienced, knowledgeable and wise engineers and scientists that made the 100% successful Mars missions of the 70's possible.
But, they cost too much and had to go. And go they did. There are many floors at numerous NASA facilities that have dark, locked empty offices. I've seen them myself. And in with new people, straight out of college with no real background in the science of space missions. Its not their fault they were greener than green. But designing for space is as much an art as it is a science.
I've often wondered if the ruthless, sweltering heat of southeastern US summers cause the brain to soften and get stupid. Go to Kennedy Space Center in August. You won't be disappointed if you love humid heat.
I can't wait to see how NASA will cheapen the X plane design. Perhaps they will mold the entire plane out of plastic...and then paint it silver to make it look better.
Oops- in orbit where temperatures hit 400F+, it will melt. Most plastics soften at temperatures of about 350F. But that's OK, because it will be smaller-better- faster, and above all, CHEAPER. Maybe they can make it out of thermoset plastic instead ?
So here in 2004 we are still playing space games with the Never A Straight Answer agency. Just like what has gone on now, for more than 30 years. Over and over they do it, and few in the public even realize it.
The big sleep goes on, and on, and on. Now the snoring is deafening. I'll have to get better earplugs just to keep writing.
But whatever NASA says MUST be true. After all, "they" wouldn't put anything on a big news network that isn't true, right ?
"Bahhhhhh-bahhhhhh" sayeth the sheep...and then they all go back to sleep...
Update -
The CNN story early this Sunday morning on TV stated it was a missile that carried the Hyper X vehicle (scramjet) to a record speed.
However, a more detailed description on the CNN website states that the Pegasus missile carried it to nearly 100,000 feet. It reached a speed of Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound according to early data on the flight. The needle-nosed scramjet then reached a maximum speed of slightly over seven times the speed of sound, or about 5,000 mph (8,000 kilometers). This means that the scramjet added just Mach 2 to the vehicle's speed, with the missile attaining most of the speed. It has long been stated by NASA that escape velocity from earth is considerably higher than this. In the past almost 25,000+ MPH is the number often used, or 7 miles/second.
Here is an easy to read article about escape velocity at
and similar information here at
The point is that without the missile, the scramjet could not have began operating to increase the velocity. So is Hyper X actually a new vehicle, or just a missile with a different payload ?
And if we had the TR3 or an equivalent craft, we wouldn't need this vehicle at all.
From Eric Love - Home
The author of this piece is obviously (and ridiculously) misinformed. If nothing else, the author has an extremely limited grasp of rocketry and jet power technologies.
Points that could use some clarification:
1) The X-43A is a "ramjet-scramjet" based craft. What this means is, at extreme high speeds, the amount of air being forced through the intake nozzle of the aircraft reaches a critical point at which it can be injected with fuel, and "lit" directly by the engine. This eliminates the need to carry heavy loads of liquid oxygen, and oxidizers that would normally be required to achieve vehicle speeds of this magnitude. This is also a HIGHLY efficient form of thrust production, as very little fuel is needed to maintain this incredible speed.
At this point, the reaction becomes self sustaining - air being forced through the intake provides the compressed (due to air speed and intake shape) oxygen necessary for burning the exotic jet fuel, and the extreme speeds the aircraft is reaching due to this process keep the air flowing into the intake at the necessary velocity for compression/burning.
By the way, this is an example of a REVOLUTIONARY technological advance over the Space Shuttle and (what the author calls "Nazi") conventional rocket designs.
2) The Pegasus missile attached to the X-43A was only attached for a short time, and then separated from the aircraft when the scramjet engaged. It WAS NOT ATTACHED DURING THE TESTING OF THE SCRAMJET ENGINE. This is important.
The author of the article states that the missile "...reached a speed of Mach 5, or five times the speed of sound according to early data on the flight. The needle-nosed scramjet then reached a maximum speed of slightly over seven times the speed of sound, or about 5,000 mph (8,000 kilometers). This means that the scramjet added just Mach 2 to the vehicle's speed, with the missile attaining most of the speed."
This is quite untrue. The missile brought the combined vehicle's speed up to the point at which the air flowing into the scramjet was travelling at a velocity capable of sustaining the combustion reaction. A scramjet reaction needs air speeds in excess of mach 5 to initiate. At this point, the missile and X-43A separated, and the scramjet engine switched on. The missile now provides NO THRUST to the X-43A, as it is not even attached. So, the X-43A MAINTAINED that mach 5 speed, and ACCELERATED to over mach 7.
Suggesting that the missile provided "most of the speed" is like saying that an F-14 gets most of it's speed from the aircraft carrier launching it.
It is also worth noting that Mach 1, or "the speed of sound" is a different speed at different temperatures/air pressures, and as such, altitudes.
3) The 12ft scale MODEL of the X-43A is just that - a model. A 12ft model reached mach 7 on it's VERY FIRST FLIGHT. Imagine a full scale aircraft, after a decade of testing and improvements. Mach 10 is the short-term goal. Who knows what performance characteristics the end result will produce?
Regardless, the author seems to have a problem with the idea of this aircraft's top speed, and how it relates to achieving escape velocity. Well, I bet it will have exactly those problems AS IT IS NOT MEANT TO LEAVE THE ATMOSPHERE.
The X-43A is a scramjet. As such it REQUIRES OXGEN FROM THE ATMOSPHERE. If there is no atmosphere (as in space), there is no working scramjet.
4) I have a distinct problem with the author's need to label all rockets as "Nazi technology". Calling rockets "Nazi" technology is like calling the Space Shuttle "Republican" technology. I am sure there were large numbers of German scientists recruited by the early NASA to jumpstart the space program. However, I'll bet those same rocket scientists would still be rocket scientists regardless of the political powers in place during their research.
However, all of the German research (and ALL rocketry research) originated in the United States, with the father of modern rocketry - Robert Goddard. You might be familiar with a place called the "Goddard Space Flight Center" at Nasa. It's named that for a reason.
5) The author might also want to look at a more detailed drawing of a modern rocket engine, as "...schoolbooks that show a large chamber with two simple nozzles to inject the fuel and oxidizer..." are showing a very simplified, CONCEPTUALIZED drawing of the principal parts of a rocket - as needed to explain a complex subject to "school children". A quick look through a college level aerospace engineering text would show him something a bit more akin to what today's rocket engines look like.
6) Many details of this article are too goofy and weird to require much refutation. For one, the idea that it was ditched in the ocean to cover up the fact that "it was a missile" is pretty funny to me, considering video showing the whole event is available on the web - and it clearly shows the missile, separation, and the unassisted flight of the X-43A.
The author seems to think the X-43A is a missile booster with a small gliding craft attached to it's tip, that will be used to replace the Space Shuttle - making it very similar to the existing Shuttle. This is not even close to true. If anything, the X-43A is a proof-of-concept vehicle for the Air Force's proposed hypersonic bomber (the "attack any target on Earth inside 2 hours" craft). The final production aircraft will have rocket or jet engines built into it's fuselage to reach mach 5, at which point the jet or rocket engines will switch off, and the scramjet will take over to "supercruise" at mach 7-10.
A quick scan of the article gets to what the author really wants to talk about, but doesn't have the ability to adequately tie to his X-43A rant: the purported mach 50+ TR3B/A/etc.
Now, I think the idea of such a top secret aircraft is pretty cool, but it has little to do with the X-43A. The author's thesis seems to be:
"The Air Force/NASA have access to some incredibly wild and exotic aircraft, and I wanna see it now. Meanwhile, they are hiding their technology behind hoax projects like the X-43A to distract/mislead/appease the general public".
Even if UFO-derived aircraft are in the inventories of the US air forces, it's not likely they'd just jump from "30 year-old technology" to "futuristic science fiction technology" without at least making the public think they've made a gradual and progressive trip from point A to point B.
It does provide me with mild disappointment that this story would make it this far into the main arteries of paranormal research/news, as the article lack almost any substance that would further the goals of interests of those that follow the paranormal community.
- Eric Love
Concerned Paranormal Community Follower and Guy Who Digs Jet Engines


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