- Member of the Congress of the United States of America:
- That has a strong and patriotic ring to it doesn't it?
Sounds very influential, very compellingly powerful, and definitely like
someone not to be trifled with. But that's just the shell, the image the
world is meant to see. What is the reality, beneath the pompous pretense
and the formal swagger? What drives these 535 creatures and how do they
affect our lives?
- When the system for representation was first drawn up,
representatives and senators were to have come from the population on a
rotating basis, like a larger form of jury duty. Their numbers were to
be drawn from the citizenry, their term of duty limited these were
prominent people mostly, with a vested interest in the new country, and
with real lives outside of government as well. When our representatives
became professionals; paid political representatives that did mostly only
that, all of the original idea died.
- When they were part of the people they were representing,
they governed minimally. When governing became a job they listened to the
highest bidders, and lined their pockets with the proceeds. "The people"
thus became only the excuse for what they did, and were no longer the point
behind their positions.
- The Constitution and the way it was to have represented
the people, was designed to work for a maximum of two million, in a much
smaller nation. Now, at 325 million, in 50 states, at roughly 175 times
as many people, it's easy to see why this cannot work. Yet the system and
both political parties have refused all efforts to alter this arrangement,
which has effectively crushed any 'representation' that ordinary people
might have had.
- In the meanwhile taxes have been added, along with fines
and fees that have crippled the least-well-off among us. Taxes are collected
and sent to the massive bureaucracy, but people have no voice in how that
money is spent. Other nations have universal health care, as they recognize
that healthy people do better work, and the benefits of that policy create
better working conditions for all. The US privatized medical insurance,
thereby complicating the workplace costs, for both employees and businesses.
The government for its part took the money we've paid in and bought the
overpriced weapons of war with it using all our money, and then going
into debt to expand that ever-growing budget item of national defense.
- So what do we get? Comparatively speaking - nothing is
what we get. We've all paid for infrastructure, for health and environmental
upkeep, and for defense. What we do not have is health care, a protected
environment, a defense that works, a public education system that functions,
or much of anything else. Most of these failures can be laid directly at
the doors of the hallowed halls of congress. Those doors are open only
to the armies of lobbyists and to the insiders of greed and opportunism,
just as surely as they are forever closed to ordinary citizens. So we have
the most expensive federal government the world has ever seen and we are
dying in the streets, for lack of food, for lack of shelter, and now for
the lack of our decent jobs that have been outsourced to foreign countries:
this includes many federal government jobs as well - jobs like social services
are now answered by non-citizens in India.
- What is left for us to look forward to? See Empyre, Chapter
- http://www.thebushiad.com/The%20Idyossey%20Chapter%203%20-%20Empyre.htm
- We've had about four decades of this now, and the nation
is bankrupt. There are no real jobs, our future will be lived out in tyranny,
and under the microscope of government spooks in the workplaces that remain;
in our bedrooms; and in everything we think or see or chose to do. Does
this sound like the America of all the flags and banners all that
freedom and democracy that we want to shove down the throats of those we've
bombed and raped and murdered around the planet? There seems to be a basic
disconnect in this equation.
- Congress passes mandates, without the funds to implement
those programs. It is also the responsibility of congress to fund the things
that they have already mandated. Down through the years congress has required
public education, public health and welfare, the national defense, the
maintenance of the public infrastructure, and civil law and order, not
to mention first-responder services. We've paid the money, many times over
for all these things, but what do we have to show for it? Public schools
are closing, so are public hospitals and health care centers, firemen and
cops are being laid off - because of the privatization of public services.
The libraries, the public utilities, the prison systems, public transportation,
all these and more are all falling victim to privatization, enabled by
congressional design and insider deals that leave the public with no where
to go. Privateers only put up 7 to 10 % of the total worth of the public
service, enterprise, or institutions (that were created with public money)
and then they take it over for 100 % of the profit hell of a deal,
for the privatization moguls a complete rip-off for the public.
- To be in Congress today, is to possess a license to steal,
and virtual immunity from ever being charged with a crime, primarily because
all their fellow congressional colleges are in on the same schemes as well.
Since congressional people are not there to represent any ordinary people,
and since they are the ones who would be the first to investigate any of
their own scams - they can do whatever makes the most money for them, and
to hell with the long-term affects on the nation or the world.
- The congress was created to represent the voice of the
public in all matters that are before this nation. However, none of us
are encouraged to contact these over-paid and callous creatures. Instead
they do virtually everything they can to insulate themselves from having
to listen to the problems of the vast majority they're far too busy
with the weighty concerns of the fortunate fifth of the country that has
stolen our way of life.
- Congress is also the body that was supposed to keep both
the Supreme Court and or the White House from taking over the country.
That is all part of the much vaunted constitutional checks and balances
provisions. They of course failed miserably in both cases. With the Court,
congress just kept quiet while the Supremes gave the 2000 election to Bush
and Cheney. And with Bush they signed away their own responsibilities,
(a completely illegal act) and failed to act as a check on the power of
the executive or to control his war-making powers. Effectively congress
eliminated the presidency (the executive branch of government) and in its
place gave Bush the leadership of a military dictatorship, with Bush as
the Commander-in-Chief. This supposedly was necessary because of 9-11.
But if congress had demanded instead, to know what happened, before they
gave away our rights they might have found collusion and involvement
by this government in those attacks. Still, nothing can justify voting
legislation into law without even reading it. The Bill in question was
the USA PATRIOT act, passed in the middle of the night to please an unbalanced
and insecure imposter in the White House. Congress traded away our constitutional
guarantees for a false promise of "security" to be paid for with
deficit spending by our great great grandchildren if ever!
- If members of the 535 club worked in the private sector
they would have been instantly terminated. But they're congressional club
members so let's let them, give themselves a raise, which of course
they did! Aren't you glad that such a brave and responsible group of parasites
are acting in your name, and in your defense? The wars of this Bushwhacker
are the creations of rich men. The poor, for the benefit of the privileged,
have fought these wars: And throughout history wars have been the major
cancer that has killed civilizations, far more often than they have ever
saved one.
- Political ambition becomes a crime, when those who represent
us sell us out for personal gain. The government has forgotten that we
are the reason for their existence in the first place. And they have overlooked
the fact that they are supposed to work for us and not themselves. Because
of their cowardice in the face of potential treason, it is we who will
suffer for what they did, and we who will ultimately pay for all their
failures, as well as for all that we will never receive.
- Way back when Nixon was about to be charged under Articles
of Impeachment, Nixon was given a pass, and allowed to resign. Part of
the reason this happened was that congress knew he'd take many of them
with him if he had been charged. After the obscenity of the pardon
by Gerald R. Ford, that brought Cheney and Rummy into the government, we
got Ronnie and Bush One. More crooks, drug-dealing by the government, gun
running in their spare time, another cozy little extra-curricular pass
time, brought to us by insiders who were never charged with the crimes
that were committed, except for Poindexter and a few other minor officials.
- The point is that all this complicity and double-dealing
in illegal profits and black-ops has become the norm in government today.
This has become business-as-usual for far too many who play fast and loose
with our money, and our way of life. There would have been consequences
if the Bushwhacker hadn't acted immediately upon taking the presidency
to seal up the doings of his daddy, as vice-president under Reagan. Now
there is a need for consequences concerning what happened on 9-11, or the
party will be over, because there won't be a country left to steal from
- If the members of the 535 Club want to stay out of jail,
then they need to actually force the commission to do the complete investigation
of 9-11. All of us who have been victimized by these congressional failures
- and all the rest of it - must make our voices heard, before it is too
- kirwan