Defamation Case Finally Settled -
ADL Pays Out $12.1 million

By Karen Abbott
Rocky Mountain News

The Quigleys have collected.
The Anti-Defamation League's payment of more than $12 million for defaming them has been transferred to their bank, according to a Thursday press release from their lawyer, Jay Horowitz of Denver.
Bruce DeBoskey, director of the ADL's Mountain States region, did not return a telephone call seeking comment.
The money went to the former Evergreen couple more than nine years after ADL officials in Colorado denounced the Quigleys as anti-Semites, based on illegally recorded secret interceptions of the Quigleys' telephone conversations.
William and Dorothy "Dee" Quigley had feuded with their Jewish neighbors, Mitchell and Candice Aronson. The Aronsons contacted the ADL in 1994 after listening to the Quigleys' phone conversations on a Radio Shack police scanner.
They said they heard the Quigleys discuss a campaign to drive them away with Nazi scare tactics.
The ADL advised the Aronsons to start recording the conversations. Hundreds of hours of recordings were turned over to Jefferson County prosecutors, who charged the Quigleys with hate crimes - only to drop the charges, and pay the Quigleys $75,000, after listening to the recordings and concluding the remarks were made in jest.
The Quigleys won a $10 million verdict against the ADL in federal court in 2000. An appeals court upheld that verdict, and the U.S. Supreme Court refused last week to review the case.
With interest, the $10 million verdict grew to $12,169,557.61.,1299,DRMN_15_2723185,00.html


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