Lists As 'Hate Site' !

Update 11-10-00: As of two days ago, we began receiving reports that the lengthy 'hate site' list at has been taken down. The link to that page (below) now comes back '404 Not Found.' If the weisenthal people have, indeed, deleted the page, we applaud them. If the day ever comes when presenting multiple sides of an issue is perceived by the general public as 'hate'...the end of free speech will have arrived.
Note - Thanks to those several of you who have brought this to our attention. We are proud to be so 'honored' and appreciate the publicity such slander provides for our news forum as many more will now visit to see the 'hate' news stories (over 11,000) from thousands of outstanding journalists, scientists, and researchers from around the world.
Rather than submit articles and reports to be considered for posting (like everyone else does), some 'arbiters of the truth' simply resort to public defamation in an effort to subvert free speech, open journalism, and to impose their will and dogma on others.
Contrary to the 'monopoly press,' this site endeavors to present all sides of controversial issues, including the Israeli-Palestinian tragedy. Apparently, that qualifies as 'hate.'
Furthermore, routinely posting the articles of such extraordinary Jewish writers such as Israel's Barry Chamish, Chicago's Sherman Skolnick, and scores of other writers of Jewish background, evidently also represents unacceptable levels of 'hate' to some.
We firmly believe that the majority of people who visit this site will condemn such a clear and obvious effort to restrict freedom of speech and intellectual freedom. Such an effort is tantamount to a call for electronic book-burning and mind control, and we reject it.
From Dave
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000
Subject: Simon Wiesenthal Center Lists
Rense/Sightings as "Hate Site"
Jeff - Greetings. Apparently the Simon Wiesenthal Center has classified your site as a 'hate site'...Absurd, isn't it?
Here's a link if you want to see for yourself.
- Regards, Dave H
This letter was sent to the Weisenthal center
Dear friends --
I have a question which I hope you might be able to spare a moment to answer -- Apparently the web site "Sightings" has been listed as a "hate site" by the Simon Wiensenthal Center -- --
I am Jewish and not all that politically conservative either --
In fact many people would stereotype me as a "Left Winger" (as it happens I'm not) -- Born and raised in NYC, I'm proud to be a product of the civil rights movement, the '60s counter culture (gravely imperfect as it was) and the anti-Viet Nam war resistance -- I am also, I thought, usually pretty alert to signs of crypto-hatemongering, much less the more blatant expressions of bigotry and discrimination -- That's why I am perplexed to learn that Sightings has been identified as a web site that fosters hate -- I have visited that site on a daily basis for the past 3 years and also receive the Jeff Rense Weekly Enews -- In all the days and months of reading their reprints and postings, I have not encountered any indication that Jeff Rense or his staff endorse or condone hate -- Sightings specializes, indeed they revel in gathering and bringing to public attention, a variety of non-mainstream, unconventional and even unpopular information, ideas and opinions --
Except on the most rarest of occasions, materials culled for posting, no matter how off beat or aroused by outrage, are always those written in a sober, well composed, thoughtful manner -- It is precisely this provocatively maverick daring brand of news collecting that makes Sightings for me intriguing and valuable! -- -- So no surprise then, if some of the reprints they post don't always conform to my nice little view of the world -- For instance :
Once in a while some of the reprints posted are opposed to same gender sex, (as it happens I am not )--
Once in a while some of the reprints are antiabortion, (as it happens I am not) --
Once in a while some of the reprints they post, strike me as espousing opinions more extreme than what I personally believe --
Once in a while some of their postings impress me as spineless and sappy --
Once in a while some of their postings express ideas wildly divergent from my conception of things --
Once in a while something they put up sounds to me as though its author lives in an alternate reality from the one I know --
Once in a while I imagine to myself that I can guess whether or not a given reprint is by or about someone who might be a bigot --
Once in a while I suppose, I might have even been correct -- Still, no matter how vehemently I've ever disagreed with the content of a particular reprint, never have I detected anything that suggests to me that "Sightings" approves of much less promulgates hatefullness -- If anything, when suitable for their special journalistic style, they will on occasion courageously bring certain egregious sources of hate to the attention of their readers, usually with a disclaimer --
Generally though, they focus mostly on less flamboyant material that questions or discredits conventionally held assumptions and mores -- All of which requires genuine bravery as it is guaranteed that just like other unwanted people, places and things, the Sightiings staff are bound to accumulate a wide assortment of enemies, some of whom are no doubt capable of being quite vindictive if not violent -- As you know only too well, vehemently disapproving of something is not the same as hating it -- I flatly believe UFOs exist --
Others passionately believe they do not and often seek to squash and belittle the ideas of people who think otherwise -- So if some mean spirited someone passionately thinks that we UFO types are dangerous morons and then travels far and wide sneering at and denigrating our varied heartfelt beliefs; such behavior of course, rotten as it may be for myself and like-minded folks, does not by itself constitute hate -- Yes, it can be deeply troubling, excruciatingly painful and infuriating, and even at times terribly frightening to have people drag down and trample upon the ideas and beliefs one holds most dear -- It's not nice, it's no fun, it totally stinks - but that's just life in a pluralistic society and not ipso facto hate --
I truly regard HATRED as the most deadly and destructive pollutant humans discharge into the environment -- Misidentifying something as HATRED is perhaps the second most dangerous -- I would be relieved and appreciative if someone at your center could spare a few minutes to help me understand where I am missing the hate being committed by "Sightings" -- My sincerest thanks for your assistance -

Yours truly,
William Nathan Dasheff
From James Carmody
Subject Hate Crimes
Tell me, was the murder of the sailors on the USS Liberty (by Israel) a hate crime?
What if I put up a web page with links to all the USS Liberty net items (including Admiral Moorer's excellent article)? Would that constitute a hate crime?
What if I added a web page showing how much the US gives per capita to Israelis and how that money is used? Would that be a hate crime?
What if I gave wide publicity to your efforts to purge the net of anything remotely critical of Jews or Israel? Would that be a hate crime?
I think you have thrown a boomerang. Be sure to duck.
From Paul Reischmann
Subject: Hate site?
Hello Jeff!
I read your note on being labeled as a 'hate' site by
After I stopped laughing, I thought maybe they mean that your site is one that THEY hate, since your postings are the most balanced I have seen anywhere, and illustrate the 'media cartel' monopolistic jealousy.
For what it is worth, when I first started reading your postings years ago, I have found that I no longer need the 'major media'. I was a TV addict, but I have been television free for more than five years now! For those who are still addicted, the withdrawal symptoms (and there are withdrawal symptoms!) only lasts about a week or so, but the addictive TV 'habit' can be conquered.
It is long overdue that I extend my gratitude and thanks to you for your web site. Your web site scoops CNN, NBC, ABC, etc. more times than I can count.
I won't even bother to visit since I don't want them to include me as one of their web page hits.
Thanks again!
Best Regards-
Paul Reischman
From Bill McNamara
Subject: Truth
Date: 11-1-00
If truth is hateful, may we all be as hateful as Jeff Rense. Your page is balanced, fair and a breath of fresh air compared to mainstream biased media.
Keep up the good work.
Bill McNamara
From Skye Turell
Subject: Rense Hate Site
Perhaps you should start a list of "Anti-Democracy" sites and list
theirs! :-)
"I see in the near future a crisis...corporations have been enthroned
and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." -- Abraham Lincoln, Nov., 1864
From George L. Moneo
Subject: "Hate" sites on the Internet
Hi Jeff, not only are you on the ridiculous "anti-government" list, but William Thomas of chemtrails fame is there too! What are these idiots thinking? Are we at the historical point in this country when expressing disgust with the state is equivalent to "hate"?
God help us.
Keep up the good work.
George L. Moneo
From John Ludi
Subject: Hate Site??!!!
I would just like to say that I frequent your site on a regular basis and have found it extremely useful and informative. While I feel that some of the articles here and there appear to have been written by individuals who may be a few fries short of a Happy Meal, I cannot fathom how anyone would consider your site a hate site. To see on that list next to all of the militia sites was a bit surreal to say the least.
From Beth
Subject: Sightings a Hate Site???
Maybe we should be thanking those people for putting your site up there. I was able to find a bunch of really good anti-gun control sites! Here's to being a hate site! ~Beth
PS. All those sites and no NRA? Further, how was being ready for the Y2K collapse that didn't happen being hateful??
From: Lori Goltl
I love your site. The news and stories on it are excellent. As for being included in 'hate sites'...please. Your site is the furthest thing from it. Keep up the good work. I have told many about your site, and I will continue to tell others about it.
From Steffan B
Hi, Jeff,
I'm sorry that you're being harrassed by Weisenthal, but, as they say, the only thing worse than bad publicity is no publicity. Mark Twain, upon learning that the New York critics had panned "Huck Finn" responded by thanking the critics for selling 25,000 extra copies of the book.
I'm glad you had the courage to take on the "hate group" set. I remember reading a few rather pointed essays by Dr. Chiappalone on Zionism that showed the difference between ontological zionists and Jews. You might take a look at them for subsequent postings.
I recall that you have posted some of my articles in the past, and while it was irrelevant to you at the time they were posted, it becomes more relevant now, given the attack. I have Jewish blood.
Keep on exposing the lies,
Steffan Bertsch
Thanks for bringing us your great site. I've just seen the link about It is sad that an organisation with the aim of enlightenment seems to be doing precisely the opposite by listing I can't for the life of me see why is listed - it is very evenly-biased, and carries stories from both sides of the centre of political correctness. Thank you for - it is a bastion of free speech and even-handedness.
Thank you,
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