Possible Life in Space
George A. Filer
Director, Mutual UFO Network
MUFON Skywatch Investigations
Filer's Files #8 2004

Possible Life in Space
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. Abduction Investigation in Mullica Hill, UFO Approaches the Space Station, Maine - An Explosion Of Light Under 3 Stars, New Hampshire - Light Explodes Into a Green Light, Massachusetts ·" Fighters Chase Cigar, Connecticut ·" Five Scattered Ball Lights, New York - Scary Situation Over The Hudson and Flying Triangle, New Jersey - Suspicious Low Moving Lights , Pennsylvania - Disk Seen for Ninety Minutes, Virginia ·" Bright Object in the Sky, South Carolina -Three Big Orange Lights, Georgia - Filmed Disk UFOs, Objects, Florida ·" Pilot Sighting, Tennessee - Dark Oval Object Photographed In Daytime, Ohio - Silver Metallic Wingless UFO, Iowa - Fast Moving Bright Lights In The Sky, Missouri - We Saw A Slow Moving Orange Sphere, Nebraska ·" Changing Multi-Colored Lights, Arizona ·" Five Disk Shaped Ships, California ·" A Bright Round Yellow Object and Low Flying Craft, Canada - Bright Light Video, Alaska - Explosive Light Over Skies, Ireland - Flying Triangle With Three Red Lights, UK - UFOs Sighted, South Africa - I Saw A UFO, and Australia - Three Big White Disks Shoot Into Sky.
International UFO Congress
I just returned from speaking at the International UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada. It was a fantastic conference with 27 top international speakers. There were reports on hundreds of sightings worldwide from the US, Turkey, the UK, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Israel, and Australia and dozens of impressive videos and films were shown. Besides a great conference, I met dozens of interesting people. I also took a couple days to visit the Grand Canyon, that is one the seven natural wonders of the world. The Flamingo Resort is a great place for a conference and I suggest you plan on going next year. The only problem was that I was unable to get last weeks Filer's Files from Laughlin, NV or Bullhead, Arizona. I had to drive to Flagstaff, AZ to finally get them out. I want to thank Teri and Bob Brown for a wonderful conference.
One of the most interesting speakers was Dr. Norman Bergrun's a former NASA scientist who showed Evidence of ET Intelligence with a possible ET ship in the rings of Saturn.
A strange Light is at #1 with a possible cylindrical ship at the end of Saturn ring. Point #2 allegedly shows electromatic lines. Thanks to Dr. Norman Bergrun and Voyager Copyright photos.
UFO Approaches The Space Station
"The Russian-United States crew aboard the International Space Station (ISS) has reported an unidentified object outside their orbiting craft, said space officials on Tuesday," February 10, 2004. "U.S. astronaut Michael Foale and his Russian colleague Alexander Kaleri last week observed a 20- centimeter (8-inch) long strange object of soft material, which was floating in space, said a NASA representative in Russia, Sergei Puzanov." "For the moment, it's not clear what it is. U.S. and Russian experts are studying photos sent by the (ISS) crew to Earth to try and determine its origin, he said, adding that it posed no danger to the station or its crew." "It could be a piece of the station's insulation or a strap used to attach some technical equipment to the outside of the station, according to Russian experts quoted by the Interfax news agency." "It is possible we will never manage to find out what it was, said a spokesman for Russian mission control in Moscow, Valery Lyndin. According to Lyndin, "there was a similar incident on the now-scrapped Russian space station Mir." "The cosmonauts saw a shining object which they filmed. (See the Interfax report for February 10, 2004, "Something's out there." Thanks to Jim Hickman
Mars - Living Anomalies Discovered?:
Norm Bryden writes, "These are sections of images released from Opportunity of Sol 013 and I think that these formations may be life forms. There are spherical and medallion shaped objects that look like some kind of growth. They are on the surface and are not covered with dust. They also appear to be growing out of the bare rock faces. Some look like the spheres that appear from spore colonies here on earth. There are also many coin or medallion shaped objects all around that are similar in size. These various objects look like a type of living growth. JPL photo sent by Norman Bryden
Abductions Investigation in New Jersey
MULLICA HILL ·" Investigator Evelyn Galson writes, ·On February 5, 2004,
George Filer and I went to talk to Ann Francis, and investigate more about her experiences. She was open and friendly and seemed very sincere. She revealed to us many things that her family had been experiencing.
Ann Francis- 35 years old James Francis- 40 years old Steven Francis - 4 1/2 years old- son Michele Francis 1 1/2 years old- daughter
Ann Francis has had some college, she was also a member of Mensa for very high IQs. The society welcomes people from different walks of life whose IQ is in the top 2 % of the population. She left college and ended her studies because she wanted to get married, but is now planning to return and take classes in physics.
When she was a young child she lived in Pennsville, N.J. on a dead end road surrounded by woods and a swamp. She was told never to go into the woods by her Mom. When she was three years old, she was taken out through the window of her bedroom by two beings. These beings looked like Pebbles and Bamm Bamm from the cartoon called The Flintstones. She was taken high above the trees, down below she saw a round ship on the ground with an opened hatch. Standing in the open hatch she saw a tall Gray with long arms and legs. She had, also, seen another ship just above the ship that was on the ground, but high in the sky. As she watched she saw trucks with canvas tops coming down the road she lived on. The beings that had her changed their appearance, they were now small Grays. They kept her just below tree level moving her in and out as if to hide her, they didn't want her to be seen.She doesn't know what happened in between this time period, it is a little unclear. The next thing she remembers is being dropped from above and falling onto her bed. (As an adult she realized the trucks were military vehicles.)
When she was a young girl she had a game she played with her sister. She had the ability to locate people if she concentrated on them. Her sister would go in her room and Ann could tell her exactly were she was in the room at different times. This really made her sister nervous, because she couldn't understand how she was doing it. Ann didn't know how she did it either, just that she was able to do it.
Ann·s grandparents lived in Glassboro, N.J. and she remembers playing in the backyard with neighborhood children and seeing small triangular shaped flying objects with lights and buttons on them and two handles on the front. She remembers that the children could fly and ride on them. They were young, so they didn't question their ability to fly or where they came from.
NEW YORK - When Ann was older she was still having experiences while living in New York, she was taken up into a ship and was told by gray aliens to remember what she was seeing. Looking out the window of their ship, she could see into the windows of a huge craft that was right next to them and she could see people and Grays. On another day, as she was walking in the city and passed a store window with a photo of Whitley Strieber, the author of ·Communion,·? she became very upset because she knew him, and remembers seeing him on one of the ships when she was taken. She wrote to him and told him about it.
She said that she has seen humans on ships and they were working with the aliens. She remembers being taken to a desert like place in a valley, with Pueblo Indian type buildings. On the inside there were four sets of four cubic areas, the walls could close, but there was no ceiling on top of these cubic areas. There was a bed and a sink and a place to put things. She was shown a dining hall and bathrooms for men and another for women. The complex appeared to be a training base where people were being taught by the aliens. She remembers sitting at a curved panel, it had lights and small knobs on it. There was an oval object in the panel which she would place her hand on and move it around apparently learning to fly their craft. She knew this place was a Training Camp, and she was being trained as were the others but she didn't know exactly what she was being trained for. She remembers hearing in her mind a comment by a Gray, that "They are training well." The Investigation Continues. Thanks to Evelyn Galson
Maine - An Explosion of Light Under Three Stars
OGUNQUIT ·" The witness went out on January 27, 2004, at 10 PM, to look at the stars on a clear night and saw what seemed to be an explosion of light under the three stars in Orion's Belt. One particularly bright star with a pulsing circle moved in a strange way. The witness states, ·I turned away to clear my eyes to make sure it wasn·t an illusion and when I looked back the star was defiantly moving in a zigzag way.·? I watched for a moment and went in the houses to get my daughter so she could tell me I wasn't seeing things, but the star was gone. Tonight about 1:30 am my husband came in from smoking a cigarette and said he saw something, too. Towards the west was a zig zag moving star. I can't honestly say I saw a UFO, but I am making sure my doors and windows are locked and I am afraid to go out and look up. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
New Hampshire -Bright Light Explodes Into a Green Light
COLEBROOK ·" A bright white light was observed on the western horizon just south of Mount Monadnock, on February 1, 2004, that at first was thought to be Venus about 7 PM. An hour later, the observer noticed the light appeared to be moving slowly towards his location as he drove south bound on US Route 3. He thought maybe it was a border patrol helicopter because of its movements and location. By 7:30 PM, it was very obvious the object was moving towards my location. The witness states, ·I continued to look occasionally at the bright light when suddenly it exploded into a green light that illuminated the Connecticut River Valley on both the NH and VT sides. It had small tendrils coming down to ground as it exploded. My passenger with me was very scared and insisted that we go home. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Massachusetts ·" Fighters Chase Cigar
WOBURN -- At 11:30 PM, on January 29, 2004, 8: PM, several fighter jets were heard in the area, apparently they were chasing an object that was originally seen in Westport, Ct area about 60 minutes earlier. The object was silent and had long probe like extension and several bright lights all in a white/blue color. Fighter jets were heard in the area for about an hour then all became silent. No stories appeared in the morning papers and no accounts where broadcasted on any of the news stations. Weather conditions were clear and cold with great visibility from soft crescent shaped moonlight. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Connecticut ·" Five Scattered Ball Lights
MIDDLEBURY ·" On February 1, 2004, two friends were driving in two cars following each other at 9 PM, when the girlfriend called on the cell phone to her boyfriend·s car ahead. He said, ·Look at all those strange lights on left that look like cell phone towers?·? If you use the lights as a guide to the top of the tower they were all uneven and very bright. They were not blinking and they were hovering way lower than planes. I insisted they were towers, but he told me they weren't. Fifteen minutes later, he went back by the spot and the lights were gone. I decided to return a couple days later and I can confirm there were no towers in the area so there was nothing there that can produce those lights. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
New York - Flying Triangle and Scary Situation
NEW YORK CITY ·" A medical student reports seeing a large triangle shaped UFO on January 25, 2004, at 4 AM, that hung over the Hudson River for about two minutes. It seemed to be searching for something, because there was a light-blue beam coming from the middle of it. When I went to pull out my camera, it slowly lowered itself into the water. Many people saw this object besides me. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
BROOKLYN ·" The observer was walking and looking west and saw a green light in the sky moving very fast and then disappearing on January 28, 2004,at 8:55 PM. The observer states, ·The object flew west over my head with a light on it, but it was hard to tell in the dark.·? This is a brownstone neighborhood; the light looked much lower than planes or helicopters, which sometimes-fly overhead. I thought I was nuts until I heard a teenager nearby telling his friend about seeing it, too. We compared notes and he saw pretty much exactly what I saw.. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
New Jersey ·" Suspicious Moving Lights and Disk Spotted
PENNSAUKEN ·" Witnesses saw six lights on January 29, 2004, at 9:30 PM, two separate UFOs very close to each other holding steady in the air with no movement as if they were watching something. Suddenly one of them turned off its lights for three seconds and then turned then back on three seconds later. Both started moving very slow getting lost. The witness writes, ·I told my friend Junior to stop his truck and we jumped to the ground and saw these craft and sat down and discussed what we really saw and concluded that those things couldn· t be planes or helicopters because of their very close proximity to the ground. Also there was no sound at all. I knew from the beginning when I saw the lights that they were not normal. Thanks to Peter Davenport
CLIFTON ·" A disk tears through the skies silently and at lightning speed and is observed by two witnesses on February 2, 2004 at 12:30 PM. The witness reports, ·I was in the car with my cousin (non-believer) and he pointed out the object to me. He said jokingly, "Is that a UFO?" and laughed at me (believer) I rolled down all of the windows in the car to listen and there was no sound. Any aircraft that was so close to our car would have made some noise. It flew past us and it was out of our vision in under ten seconds, but I got a good look at it for five seconds. Due to the winter's sun glare I couldn·t see anything very good other than a very bright shiny disk. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Pennsylvania - Disk Seen for Ninety Minutes
READING ·" The observer spotted a disk with blue and red lights, stationary in the southeast for 90 minutes. It disappeared when aircraft approached on January 29, 2004, at 6 PM. The disk was very bright with blue and red lights, that sat stationary in the southeastern sky for around 90 minutes. Disappeared when aircraft finally approached. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Virginia ·" Bright Object in the Sky
RICHMOND ·" The witness was walking his dogs, when a bright object was seen in the northeast sky on January 28, 2004, at 6:35 PM. He states, ·I·m guessing it was at about 10,000 feet in the clear night sky and pulsed a metallic and steel blue light, as I write this at 7:30 it is still in the sky and has not moved an inch...I called the local CBS affiliate here in Richmond and simply told them what I saw in the sky, I, also, had my wife and stepson take turns outside looking at it through my binoculars and they had no idea what it was either. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
South Carolina -Three Big Orange Lights Sat In The Sky
MYRTLE BEACH ·" The observer was driving down Highway 31 towards 501 on January 29, 2004, 1:46 PM, when he spotted the first two big orange lights, and then another. One was higher up than the other, about as high up as the smaller planes fly in the area, but they couldn·t have been planes because they disappeared. These big orange lights sat in the sky motionless for a moment before vanishing. I have never seen anything like this. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Georgia - Filmed Disk Unidentified Flying Objects
COHUTTA ·" The photographer bought a new Cannon ES8600, 8mm camcorder and within 24 hours recorded about 30 minutes of "unidentified flying objects", on February 2, 2004, between around 12 noon. Shooting at the sky and blocking the sun out with the eve of my house and only seeing the rays of the sun, I filmed about 30 minutes of "unidentified flying objects". I started off by having the roof of my house in the lower portion of the filming, for reference points and for focus. While getting my house in the lower portion of the video, and looking up from the view finder, I noticed a light shadow coming up from behind my house. I luckily caught a dark disk shaped UFO going straight overhead. It was about the size of a pea at arm's length. There are at least three or four disks in the film that seem to blend in with the rays of the sun, but if you shoot away from the sun, you can catch them on film. You see the saucer shapes as they move at the correct angle and the sun reflects off them, they look like a white spot going across the sky. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Florida ·" Pilot Sighting Report
My first sighting happened in 1961, on a trip from Tampa, Fla. to Atlanta, Ga. It was a night flight and we had leveled off at our assigned altitude and were approximately 40 miles north of Tampa. We suddenly observed a flight of four star-like objects heading south, high above us and to the east, going very fast. They were in tandem and were surrounded by a bluish-white haze or glow. We called on Miami Center frequency and asked if anyone else was seeing these objects. Immediately, an Areo Commander aircraft crew said, "Yes, we are over Vero Beach and we have them in sight." Miami Center switched us over to Jacksonville Center at this time.
After our initial call into Jacksonville Center, we asked if the controller had been getting any reports of UFOs. He replied that he had numerous reports and that the Air Force had scrambled jet fighters to attempt to catch them, but had failed to get close to them. He also mentioned that there had been many sightings all along the east coast of the U.S. from as far north as Richmond,Va. My estimate of their speed was something over 2000 mph and their altitude above 35,000 ft. We observed them about 30-45 seconds. After completing the trip and driving home, I turned on the radio to hear the latest news. The announcer said that according to a U.S. Air Force report, the mysterious objects seen in the eastern and southern states tonight, were meteors. I say, "Meteors, they were NOT". I knew I had seen my first UFOs and what a thrill it was. Thanks to Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Website:
Tennessee - Daytime Dark Oval Object Photographed
BRISTOL ·" The witness was driving home from getting a preliminary site photo for another investigation on January 30, 2004, 3 PM, when I spotted a dark oval object near my home in the sky. I snapped one photo and hurried home to get the object on video, but it was no longer visible. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Ohio - Silver Metallic Wingless UFO
LYNDHURST ·" The witness was driving north on Brainard Road east of Cleveland and noticed a long silver object to left center in the sunlight at 8:22 AM on February 11, 2004. It was about 50 degrees above the horizon. The object had no wings or tail assembly. It was 1/2 inch in length at arm·s length with high reflectivity. There was one dark spot midway on the body. The object kept a constant side on view, rapidly receded away to the north in less than five seconds and disappeared. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Editor·s Notes: The object looks similar to a UFO videotaped by George Ritter 125 miles away in Findlay, Ohio several years ago.
Iowa - Fast Moving Bright Lights In The Sky
VINTON ·" The witness reports, ·I was driving down a gravel road near our home on January 27, 2004, 11:20 PM, and out of nowhere I saw two bright white lights in the sky ahead of me.·? One was to my right and one to my left. The lights were similar to a large aircraft you would see flying very low, but the speed and agility could only be described as similar to a helicopter. They both moved at the exact speed coming towards each other meeting directly in front of me, but still at a distance from me and then immediately with the exact speed started descending down. At that point I stopped my truck and said to myself, what are they going to do? Land on the highway? I was a little nervous to see what "they" were, but again they started moving forward and I soon realized that they had vanished. They were gone just as fast as they appeared. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Missouri - We Saw A Slow Moving Orange Sphere
WILLARD -- The witnesses were a 23-year-old pastor, his 23-year-old wife, and a 22-year-old friend who were driving home on state highway AB on January 31, 2004, at 9:30 PM, when they saw an orange glowing sphere moving through the sky very slowly. They pulled over at a closed gas station to watch it and see if it had any navigational beacons. The witness states, ·My uncle is a pilot, and has taught me about aircraft recognition and there were no navigational beacons or flashing lights.·? It was a constantly glowing orange sphere moving backwards and forwards across the sky very slowly. ·It passed overhead and then disappeared completely,·? he stated. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Nebraska ·" Changing Multicolored Lights
KENT COUNTY -- A bright object, with multicolored lights was seen in the southern sky, just above the trees, then it rose up and traveled north on January 30, 2004, at 8 PM. It began to rise after a while, then it proceeded to travel in a northern direction. No apparent shape could be determined. There were very bright colored lights for twenty minutes. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Arizona ·" Five Disk Shaped Ships
TUCSON ·" The witness reports, ·On February 14, 2004, I lay there enjoying my spa·s pulsating water on my back at 7:45 PM, and saw something that I have never seen before.·? As I looked up into the southern sky and noticed about eight randomly spaced, light flashes that would flash on and off? They looked like miniature fireworks as they had bright centers and little flashes or beams that emanated from the center. The Tucson Gem and Mineral Show did have fireworks that weekend to celebrate 50 years}, but unlike fireworks that usually have embers drifting down, these light flashes had no embers etc. At first I figured them to be planes, then helicopters as Davis Montham Air Force base is in that direction. There was no sound that I could hear. They flashed on, then off for about 20 seconds, then one by one blinked off and did not reappear for the time I was in my spa. Interesting I thought to myself.·? Email report.
California ·" A Bright Round Yellow Object and Low Flying Craft
SAN FRANCISCO ·" A small unidentifiable aircraft was observed on January 26, 2004, at 11:03 PM, flying at a very low speed without making any sound without FAA registration identification. From my vantage point in my apartment at 1960 Fulton St., it flew northeast at an altitude of 600 feet (in reference to Transamerica Building comparison). I lost visual aircraft contact at the level with Gillson Hall on the USF campus. This is an unusually low trajectory over a crowded metropolitan area. It morphed from single engine aircraft to irregular lighting pattern with two to three different colored lights (red/white). The witness reports, ·At first this aircraft was identifiable to me as a small single engine Cessna-type aircraft, however, it flew in a rather low trajectory with an alternating red and white flashing light.
ANTIOCH ·" The witness reports seeing a bright glowing round yellow/orange pulsing object that moved slowly and silently almost overhead on January 30, 2004, at 4:20 AM. It was moving northeast pulsing and dipping a little over the river and started to descend towards the Delta Islands for ten minutes. I drove down to the river attempting to locate it again but couldn·t do so. The object had a bright pulsing intensity from all angles. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Oregon - Brightly Lit Cylindrical Object Rises Slowly
TILLAMOOK -- The witness spotted a bright cylinder shaped light approximately 500 feet above the south end of Tillamook Bay at 7:30 PM, on February 2, 2004. He observed the bright light through binoculars and saw a fully illuminated cylinder that was rising slowly in a northwesterly direction. The cylinder entered a broken cloud cover and illuminated the clouds as it continued to rise and then disappeared after five minutes. Several minutes after the cylinder disappeared, jet fighter aircraft were heard above the Bay City area. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Canada - Bright Light Video
HOUSTON, BC·On February 4, 2004, Brian Vike investigated a sighting that took place west of town high above the Bulkley Valley. At 7:06 AM, the wife gave a call for her husband to come and have a look at a moon sized object. It's circular color was very bright, and the top of the object was domed shaped. It was still dark outside and the object was seen moving in between a row of trees. It just dropped down slowly and "stopped"! She grabbed her video camera and started to shoot some film of the bright, shining object. She went outside to shoot but the object disappeared. Returning inside the object was again visible. Brian states, ·Why the witness could not see it when she went outdoors is a mystery to me, there was nothing to block out this large orange glowing object. I could see clearly through the first set of trees to the second row. So why the light disappeared has me baffled. I was, also, given a copy of the tape to have it looked at. Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research
Alaska - Explosive Light Over Skies
KETCHIKAN -- Many people have seen unexplained flashing red and blue, bright lights numerous times that move like a UFO, but tonight on January 30, 2004, 8: PM, topped them all. The witness states, ·While standing on the patio, I saw an extremely bright object flying in a downward motion with lights that looked like explosions that were so bright, they shone through the clouds.·? I've seen falling stars and meteors; and this was definitely a UFO. I remember I saw a documentary once that showed pictures from the atmosphere of spaceships flying around Earth and then what looked like gunfire from Earth towards them, like we were shooting at them. This is exactly what it looked like for about four seconds and they were gone. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
Ireland - Flying Triangle With Three Red Lights
PORTLAOISE ·" The student was out walking his dog, Roxy on January 27, 2004, at 10 PM, when he noticed strange lights in the sky that hovered over them for at least a minute. He states, ·There were three bright red lights that were definitely not an airplane and I have never seen any other aircraft that looked like this.·? There was no sound and then it shot off at an incredible speed. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
UK - UFOs Sighted
BRISTOL -- On Sunday, February 8, 2004, just after midnight, Tim Lock was outdoors in the woods at Wraxall and Failand when "approaching from the northwest came a white light with a red tinge piloting above the trees, moving sharply about but hovering over the same area, as if it had lost something. It moved up, down, forward, backward, up, down, forward and so on. Tim says, ·We, also, saw three smaller shooting-star objects shoot about under it from the left at about 15 minute intervals." Tim and his companions kept the strange object in view until 2 AM, until he fell asleep . "I filmed it on my camcorder, and my mother and girl friend, also, observed it. It was real white with a halo around it that was fuzzy.
LEEDS --On Tuesday, February 10, 2004, Raymond Mulhall, 17, spotted a UFO over Meanwood in the UK. "This sighting was witnessed by 8 people, two of whom were policemen. The object was about 50 feet (15 meters) across and 20 feet (6 meters) high. It moved across the sky without a single noise. It appeared to land in an area nicknamed the Witches Quarry." "An hour later," Ray reported, "I arrived at the Witches Quarry and found damaged trees and three triangular depressions in the ground. These were 25 feet (7.7 meters) apart and depressed into the ground to a depth of 8 inches (20 centimeters). There was a strange heat emanating from the ground that I found rather creepy, so I left and returned home." Thanks to Editor: Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup Vol. 9, # 7 Feb.18, 2004 E-mail: Website:
South Africa - I Saw a UFO and an Orange Ball
TRICHARDT -- I looked outside my window and saw the UFO on January 27, 2004, at 10:30 PM, coming closer as if to land. It had bright colorful lights and it got brighter as it came closer. I ran outside and it was gone. Thanks to Peter Davenport
CAPE TOWN ·" On February 2, 2004, an orange "ball" was seen hovering and moving short distances at high speed by three witnesses. It appeared to be dancing, flickering, and had one red navigation light, which appeared intermittently. The witness reports, ·The moon was almost full and the object was clearly visible, but it was hard to know at what distance it was relative to my position.·? My friend thought it could be a helicopter, but there was no sound and it was too high up. I just felt it was unnatural when I observed it. I can only say that it was not an aircraft, satellite, or anything that I have seen before. Perhaps there is a scientific explanation, but for me this is an "UFO". Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter
MELBOURNE ­ The witness was walking home from the shopping center on February 2, 2004, at about 6:30PM, when he saw three white disks floating about three feet above an empty field. Each disk was about 30 meters in diameter and floating next to each other. At first, the witness thought they were some sort of water tank device. He states, "I approached and after I took the first couple of steps all three of them shot up into the air about 500 meters as fast as a sling shot and then in a neck snapping move, they jolted off at a 90 degree angle and were out of sight within a few seconds." I study physics at UNI and I know that they must have broken the sound barrier or gotten close within four seconds from take off. The way they sped up from take off at about 200 mph and continued to speed up as they made a 90 degree turn from vertical to horizontal at an even higher speed, then sped up so fast that they were out of sight within a few seconds on a clear blue sky day was amazing. I have not slept since then. It was completely silent. I have never told anybody except my girlfriend and never will. Thanks to Peter Davenport UFOcenter


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