- Americans are sick with an intentionally spread disease
far more deadly than anthrax. Our Plague has symptoms: constant wars and
the dilution of our wealth are the two most deadly. Unlike the bubonic
plague of the Middle Ages, our disease is being carefully crafted and cultured
by man, some few of whom benefit from it beyond our wildest imagination.
- Villages and towns all over Europe were wiped out in
the Middle Ages, and families lived in dread. The mystery of how the plague
was spread engendered terror. Some tried to run from infected towns; people
were murdered for being suspected of causing it; no one wanted to handle
the bodies of the dead; some who secluded themselves from others died.
"Plague" became a uniquely feared word in our language.
- The Plague was carried by fleas that lived on immune
rats. When humans got too close to the rats they were bitten by infected
fleas and soon died a terrible death, and the rats had more to eat; they
were unseen, hiding everywhere.
- Our plague has two faces and its own special rats
- Someone is methodically stripping our money of its value.
While some elites have more than they can spend, many of us are trapped
by rising prices and taxes. We are, it seems, helpless to stop it. Pharisee
Watch calls this financial plague "dilution," because someone
is causing our hard-saved dollars to be watered down.
- Those who cause dilution prefer to call it "inflation."
Our paychecks, our investments, our savings, and our pensions buy less
every year--no, every month--and our debts continue to mount. WHTT's easy
to read publication, Gold, the Rediscover Investment, lays the groundwork
for a good understanding of what's happening..
- War goes hand in hand with dilution. The planners of
Serial Wars are like child molesters; they never stop; they're always plotting.
When the heat is on, they go into hiding, but only temporarily. Plague-makers
repeat their war crimes as long as the public does not revolt over the
killings. When no enemy remains standing, they engage in "bully"
wars against shamefully weak countries. War is a business they cannot allow
to stop. Serial wars are perpetual paydays for them.
- Wars destroy morals
- Serial Wars also steal the minds of our children, numbing
them to killing, a generation at a time. Wars are teaching them that life
is cheap.
- A recently pirated film clip taken in the cockpit of
an Apache helicopter made the rounds of the Internet. Military camera footage
caught on open ground in the dark the appalling sights and sounds of two
young Americans who had received permission to execute three Iraqi men.
In the film you see terrified humans executed one at a time from a great
distance with a Gatling cannon designed to destroy tanks. The bodies appear
to disintegrate when they are hit.
- The callous dialog of the two young Americans, with their
sights locking onto the infrared images of humans, should chill your blood.
Their words are: "Get him, he's wounded"... "here's the
other one... under that truck"... "got him!"... "where
did the other one go?" In 15 or 20 seconds it was over.
- I felt a distinct and terrible thumping in my chest.
My pulse had increased by half. One who saw it described it as a "pornographic
experience." What do the young executioners feel?
- Some have described the "head rush" of killing
a wounded Iraqi. They will never forget it. They will someday recall their
faces or remember that those three men against whom no fault was proved
were only in the wrong time in the wrong place, that their wives are sleeping
alone, and that their children are fatherless and may be going without
- As the selected enemies of the Plague-makers become successively
weaker and the serial wars lose their public popularity, impersonal, Nintendo-style
mass killing replaces the bloody shoot-outs from foxholes and pillboxes
of Korea and the jungle patrols in Vietnam, like the Israelis, who surround
and execute from a distance, rarely exposing themselves to risk, and then
pat the children's heads for the camera.
- War infects our families.
- It feeds the drug importers and porn industry, collapses
sexual morality, fuels the abortion mills and crack houses; job problems
and anger are anti-family symptoms of the Plague. Does anyone question
the immoral impact of the ten-year long war in Vietnam on two generations
of Americans? For those that do not know or remember our books and tapes
- To pay for their wars, the Plague-makers print money
and pay it to their allies. This is why your dollars are diluted. To hide
rising prices (caused by diluted money) they sign treaties that lower labor
costs, forcing emigration of stable jobs. Business goes where labor is
cheap and civil responsibility is nil. The war promoters also deliberately
discourage industry at home with regulations that don't apply abroad.
- We consumers are forced to buy cheap-labor imports, while
our neighbors look for work. And when our own job disappears, we replace
it with two and with mini-paychecks from our new "service jobs"
at Wal-Mart and Denny's.
- The lower priced, cheap-labor stuff we buy provides the
illusion that we are not sick. But the jobs that produced raw materials
and created the products are gone. Gone is the blue-collar laborer who
worked 30 years for just one company and, amazingly, was able to educate
four kids on one income.
- The service economy is vulnerable, unstable. Rare is
the middle class family where mom stays home and the family can afford
an annual vacation together.
- The illusion that the Plague does not exist is the cruelest
part of the hoax. In order to further hide the cause of the disease, the
Plague-makers have purchased control of virtually the entire mediaĆ³newspapers,
TV and talk radio, most of Hollywood and both political parties. All of
these openly campaign to justify more serial war.
- Skull and Bones for President
- Our next presidential election will likely be a rigged
competition between two members of the Yale University Skull and Bones
occult club. Both will claim to be "Christians," because some
85% of all American also make this claim. "Skull and Bones" is
a perfect choice of name for Plague-makers. There is no political choice
for the voter!
- The symptoms of disease surround our lives; we're preoccupied
with a concoction of unhealthy entertainment that tells us this sick society
is the norm.
- Worst of all, the plague-makers have found a way to influence
mega-churches and religious celebrities, helping them establish various
degrees of control over some 40-70 million salt-of-the-earth Americans.
It is from this base of practicing Christian Americans that the political
swing vote is maintained. But these many missions are the Achilles heel
of the Plague-makers.
- How the Plague makers control America:
- Our disease-carrying fleas are well known to many people:
The fleas are the Republicans and Democrats, the media, Hollywood and mega-corporations,
the CFR, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve, Zionists wherever they are,
and many more. Everyone has their own favorite list of blood feeding fleas,
and most are indeed part of the problem; but knowing or being partly right
cannot overcome a plague planned by experts.
- Many have suspected for a long time that someone is feeding
on our blood. The 35-year Cold War proved to be a farce when the Soviet
Union collapsed, revealing a shell behind a high fence. A new, shooting-war
was needed, it seemed, but who was left to fight? Only two possible choices,
China and the Mideast remained. The Arab Mideast was elected in 1990.
- The Plague makers chose to make China an ally, and Islam
was elected as the war target. How does this author know this?
- In 1992, the Plague-makers published and obscure map,
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Peacekeeping Map, and on it
was the locations of future wars, even Bosnia. Your writer bought the map;
it called for war on Islamic states.
- The Enablers, the root of the problem
- The key to controlling bubonic plague was to reduce the
number of rats by gradually cleaning them out. Medical science calls the
rats "vectors." We prefer to call them "enablers."
Enablers do not have the Plague themselves, but facilitate the work of
those that do, knowingly or not. "Enablers" are often well-meaning
facilitators of something evil. In warmaking, most are easily influenced,
made accomplices by their own trust of others. Some few are rats.
- Copyright (c) 2004, Strait Gate Ministries, All Rights
- http://www.whtt.org/whtt.shtml?articles/EPlagu[1]2.htm