Chronic Wasting Disease -
Canada (Cases Almost Double)

From Patricia Doyle, PhD

Hello Jeff - They never learn!
Haven't they noticed that CWD is found "outside" the kill reduction area?
No matter how many animals killed, the disease still spreads.
As the hunters kill off every animal in the reduction area, blood, and remains from the infected deer, elk, moose etc spread into the environment and animals that wonder in after the kill become infected then return to their own habitat thus spreading the illness. Killing off each and every animal won't even stop the spread. I think the kills are actually responsible for spreading the illness. As hunters begin to shoot the deer, elk, moose, escaping animals who may be infected with CWD bring the disease with them to the non-reduction areas.
Fish and Wildlife does not know how to contain Chronic Wasting Disease and the herd reduction area kills is the only thing they can do. It doesn't work, they know it, but they are so frustrated that they do it anyway, even though it spread the illness.
A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail is a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases
Date: 18 Feb 2004
From: ProMED-mail<>
Source: The Star Phoenix [edited]
19 mule deer have tested positive for chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Saskatchewan since testing resumed in the fall of 2003 -- almost double the previous year's total -- signalling that the disease may be spreading.
Joe Warbeck, a Saskatchewan Environment business manager who works on the CWD file, said 18 of the infected deer were found near the herd reduction area at Saskatchewan Landing provincial park, 50 kilometres north of Swift Current. The other was found in a "high priority" area around Paradise Hill, near Lloydminster.
The problem, Warbeck said, is that about 1/3 of the deer were found outside the boundaries of the Saskatchewan Landing herd reduction area -- 1 of 3 zones in the province where CWD has been found in wild deer. Saskatchewan Environment issues special collection permits to hunters in these areas on the condition that deer heads are sent in for testing.
CWD-infected animals were found in an 80-km range along the South Saskatchewan River. "We're finding (deer with CWD) outside the herd reduction area around Sask. Landing for one of 2 reasons: One, we're looking for it more, and 2, it could very well be spreading," Warbeck said.
CWD is a brain-wasting disease found in deer and elk that is similar to mad cow disease [BSE, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy] and [variant] Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. It gradually eats away at an animal's brain, causing uncharacteristic behavior and eventually leading to death. It is not known exactly how the disease is transmitted. The only way to detect CWD is to test the animal's brain stem.
Since Saskatchewan began testing in 1997, 31 cases of CWD have been confirmed, 10 of which were detected in 2002. The department is waiting for more than 200 more test results from 2003.
Warbeck said any changes to the surveillance program would be finalized after all the results are in and the provincial government sets the budget. But Darrell Crabbe of the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation said the government needs to scrap its current strategy in favour of a systematic, total eradication. "Obviously the major way to control it is to eradicate the hot zones," he said.
Patricia A. Doyle, PhD
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