UK Foreign Affairs Enquiry
Into Mass SA Farm Murders
1,591 Deaths To Date

From Jan Lamprecht
This is a statement from Adrianna Stuijt who is heavily involved in the murder of white farmers in South Africa and who is a major driving force in getting this message out to the international community. Please feel help to spread her message around. The documentary, "A Bloody Harvest" is available on in the photo gallery for free download. -Jan
"Dear Ms Stuijt,
The UK foreign affairs committee is currently holding an inquiry into the situation in South Africa and invites comments, documents and submissions on any subject in this regard. (Email:
The following information on the farm attacks in South Africa, submitted by journalist Adriana Stuijt of, has been accepted by this committee on January 27 2004.
Farm attack information lodged with UK parliamentary committee:
January 27 2004 - email from From: Geoffrey Farrar, Second clerk of the Committee, Foreign Affairs Committee, House of Commons, London SW1A QAA"
Thank you for your email, letter and video ("A Bloody Harvest", 2003 documentary on SA farm attacks by Susan Puren) to the Committee concerning recent attacks on farmers in South Africa. (...) I will have this logged as an official memorandum to the Committee, and circulated to all Members of the Committee. Memoranda are then usually published with the final report. I am afraid we cannot, of course, publish the video, but the Committee will take note of it.
If you wish to discuss this matter any further, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely, Geoffrey Farrar, Second Clerk of the Committee
Foreign Affairs Committee House of Commons London SW1A 0AA
Tel 020 7219 3309 Fax 020 7219 5365 tee.cfm
submission from Adriana Stuijt Sent: 2004/01/22 12:43 -
To Rt. Hon. Donald Anderson, chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing on South Africa House of Commons, London SW 1A0AA UK
from Adriana Stuijt, retired SA journalist, editor of 82 Beyert Street, 9151KK Holwerd, Netherlands
Dear Mr Anderson: Re: Your report Oral Evidence Taken before the Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday 9 December 2003.: Examination of Expert witnesses PROFESSOR JAMES BARBER, University of Cambridge, and PROFESSOR DAVID SIMON, University of London
a) in regard to the testimony submitted by Prof. James Barber and Prof David Simon on 9 December 2003 in Public Questions 1-83, I am submitting new evidence herewith and sending a video by seperate post.
The video is a documentary named "A Bloody Harvest" by award-winning South African journalist Susan Puren - email - dealing with the unusually cruel nature of the afrm attacks against owners of farm land of all races.
I am submitting this video because from the testimony to your committee thus far, it is clear that the contents were clearly unknown to Proff. Simon and Barber.
This documentary by this award-winning journalist (CNN's African journalist of the Year 2002) shows clearly that these farm attacks are not only motivated by greed.
Frequently police forensic videos show that valuable articles such as jewellery and electronic items are left behind at the scenes of these crimes.
Your expert witnesses' submitted information that mostly "white" Afrikaner farms were being targetted also is inaccurate, as it is clear from the official record by the SA police that a great many black and Asian owners of SA farmland also are murdered, often with their entire families, usualy over land disputes.
Our website,, has collected a large body of evidence over the past three years from journalists inside South Africa who often are not allowed to publish this information - in relation to which it must also be noticed that a recent finding by the SA medical association's forensic experts had been that more than 50% of murders in the SA countryside also are not identified as murders by rural doctors.
The SA police has also published a new report on the SA farm murders on their website, by the "independent commission of inquiry into the farm attacks" appointed by Pres. Mbeki.
The SA police farm attack report may be read online at:
The information from this excellent report also seemed unavailable to your expert witnesses, as they did not mention it, even though it is freely available on the internet.
Moreover, a complete list of names of farm attack murder victims, provided by the SA Police, is regularly updated on the following website, also run by unpaid volunteers inside South Africa: and also:
Thus far since 1991 and up to and including December 2003, a total of 1,591 farm dwellers have been killed in such armed attacks.
The police report found that people of all racial groups are being targetted by organised parties of young African males (only one female has ever been charged in any of these farm attacks thus far) -- and that these young African male farm attackers, often armed with military weapons or AK-47s, often steal nothing at all.
In 94% of these attacks the attackers had also not been previously known to the victims. And many times, the attackers also travel long distances from towns to carry out attacks against one specific farm.
This rural violence causes not only a dramatic reduction in excess food production -- there were 85,000 commercial farmers in 1994 in SA, and now there are less than 50,000 in 2003; it is also being described by a leading world expert on genocide, Dr Gregory Stanton of the "Genocide Watch" NGO in the United States, as being in an advanced stage 5 out of the eight stages ending with final genocide.
Read his entire report on: http:/
I am submitting these website addresses in lieu of using paper printouts.
I trust that the members of your committee will be able to avail themselves of these reports -- and thus would you please consider these reports as officially submitted evidence to your hearing.
I am also sending you this submission by seperate mail together with the documentary "A Bloody HARVEST.'
See published transcript on website of the MWeb broadcaster in South Africa: See:
This investigation had also found that in certain cases, "the farm attacks are being carried out with considerably more violence than routine robberies elsewhere and that this is due to racial hatred."
The independent commission had interviewed the (relatively few) jailed farm attackers in 2003 and thus reached this conclusion.
Furthermore a matter of "great concern" to this investigaton also had been the fact that the Landless People's Movement and other land-rights NGOs were increasingly carrying out illegal land occupations or threatening to do so, and that this also lead to farm attacks and murders.
Sincerely, Adriana Stuijt retired South African medical journalist (formerly of Sunday Times of Johannesburg and SA Press Association) Adriana Stuijt
Holwerd Netherlands Europe, NETHERLANDS NETHERLANDS


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