Argentina - Bariloche Was Hitler
And Eva Braun's Final Refuge

From Scott Corrales
IHU Las Ultimas Noticias
(Santiago de Chile)

** German submarines rescued Nazi officials and brought them to the Americas. The same was done for Hitler.**
BUENOS AIRES (EFE news agency) -- Adolf Hitler lived in Patagonia after fleeing Germany in 1945, claims Argentinean journalist Abel Basti in a tour-guide style book which discloses the locations in the Andean foothills which served as a refuge for several former Nazi leaders.
Hitler and his lover Eva Braun did not commit suicide--rather, they fled to Argentinean shores aboard a submarine and lived for many years in the vicinity of San Carlos de Bariloche, a tourist site and ski haven some 1350 km southwest of Buenos Aires, according to the journalist.
In his book "Bariloche Nazi-Guía Turística", which shall go on sale next week, Basti reproduces documents, affidavits, photogrpahs and blueprints aimed at steering the reader (or visitor) to the sites that sheltered Hitler, Martin Bormann, Joseph Mengele and Adolf Eichman. He is displeased when asked if his book challenges the official story on the Hitler/Braun suicide, arguing that the corpses of Hitler and his lover were never found, as is the case with other Nazis who allegedly committed suicide. "The only official story is the report made General Zhukov (commander of the Soviet army that occupied Berlin) to the Kremlin, stating that Hitler and several Nazi leaders had escaped, presumably to Spain or Argentina, and this is what Stalin advised the U.S. government," he retorted.
Basti's book includes a photo of the Incalco Ranch, which means in the native dialect "near the water", located in Villa la Angostura on the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi, 80 km north of Bariloche. This was the refuge chosen by Argentinean Nazis to hide Hitler and Eva Braun. This residence, set amid a pine forest and which can only be reached by boat or hydroplane, belonged to Argentine businessman Jorge Antonio, one of the most trusted men of three-times president Juan Domingo Perón (1946-1955 and 1973-1974).
Basti makes mention of Rudolph Fraude, son of Ludwig Fraude, the German millionaire, as a key player -- in his capacity as Perón's secretary -- in placing former Nazis in Argentina, among them Eichmann, who was captured in 1960 outside Buenos Aires by Israeli commandos. He was executed 2 years later in Israel.
The book's author, having worked on several Nazi-related investigations for European television networks, claims that Hitler also lived at Hacienda San Ramon, 10 km east of Bariloche, which belonged at the time to Schaumberg-Lippe principality.
The epic distance that exists between the likelihood of Hitler and his lieutenants having escaped Berlin and taken refuge in Patagonia is shortened, accoridng to Basti, by the wave of German submarines that reached the shores of Southern Argentina after the 2nd World War. "There is numerous and reliable evidence that Nazis fled to Argentina, coinciding with the arrival of Nazi subs in Patagonia," he noted, recalling the "vital assistance" offered by Perón's government at the time to "shelter the Fuhrer's henchmen in the country."
Basti, who lives in Bariloche and initiated his research on the relocation of Nazis to this picturesque city, claims to have accounts of passengers aboard the Nazi subs that reached Patagonia -- accounts which shall consitute the basis of a second book in the works.
Translation (C) 2003. Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Liliana Núñez Orellana.


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