This Month In UFO History
Some of the more interesting
sightings this month on the UFO Timeline
Compiled by James Neff for


January 7, 1948 - Pilot Thomas Mantell UFO Encounter & Crash
A P-51 Army fighter plane exploded in mid-air and crashed on the farm of Joe Phillips about 5 miles south of Franklin yesterday (i.e. January 7, 1948--J.T.) afternoon about 3:30 p.m., killing the pilot wearing identification tag of Thomas F. Mantell (Jr.), 3533 River Park Drive, Louisville. The wrecked plane bore the (tail) No. Ky. NG 869. Mrs. Joe Phillips said she was sitting by her fire when she heard the plane, with the engine apparently in trouble, flying near her house. Almost immediately there was a large explosion. Startled, she glanced out the window and saw the disintegrating plane hit the ground in a woodslot about 200 yards away from the house. Pieces of wreckage were seen a quarter of a mile from the point of the crash. Several people in Franklin reported they heard the explosion.
A vapor trail still floated in the sky an hour after the crash. Another eyewitness, Barbara Mayes, a student in the Franklin Grade School said she saw the plane explode while high in mid-air. She was waiting at the Lake Springs School for her bus to take her home when she witnessed the explosion. The plane crash marked the second in the past few months. The point of the explosion was perhaps three miles as the crow flies from the spot of the crash which took the lives of Ed Snow and Richard M. Thomason on April 29, 1947. Mrs. Joe Phillips said she called the telephone operator and asked that an ambulance and aid be called to the scene. The remains of the dead flyer were removed from the scene by ambulance and carried to the Booker Funeral Home to await instructions from the next of kin, who were to be notified of the tragedy by Fort Knox officials. A veteran of World War II, Captain Mantell participated in the (June 6, 1944) Normandy invasion, winning the Distinguished Flying Cross among other decorations. He was discharged from the Army a year ago (1946). His wife and two children survive. He left Louisville yesterday morning for Atlanta and was enroute to Louisville on the return portion of the training flight when the accident occurred. Authorities at Fort Knox reported he left Atlanta at 2 p.m. yesterday. Reed Shoulders, assistantchief of police, said Bill Horn, local constable, was standing guard last night over the wreckage, pending arrival of proper authorities to assume custody of the wrecked plane. The plane was operated by the Kentucky National Guards. (Many thanks to local researcher Lee Trail and Lou Farish of UFO Newsclipping Service for making this article available to UFO ROUNDUP.)
DAYTON, Ohio - The only airman who ever got near a flying saucer crashed and died before he could describe it, the Dayton Journal-Herald said today.
The newspaper printed a lengthy dispatch on the mysterious flying discs, based it said, on hitherto unpublished reports assembled at the Wright-Patterson Air Force base. The Air Force investigation has proved that the flying saucers "are not a joke." Neither are they a cause for alarm to the population" the newspaper said.
The closest any airman to the mystery discs was on Jan. 7th, 1948, when one was sighted over Fort Knox, Kentucky the dispatch said. Four fighterplanes were sent aloft to intercept it, but only Capt. Thomas F. Mantell was able to get close.
"I'm closing in to take a good look," the newspaper quoted him as reporting by radio. "It looks metallic and of tremendous size. It's going up now as fast as I am. That's 350 miles an hour. I'm going up after it. At 20,000 ft., if I'm no closer I'll abandon chase."
Mantell's plane crashed a few minutes later and he was killed.
The paper said a report on now file at Wright-Patterson Airforce Base lists 240 domestic and 30 foreign accounts of flying discs as having been investigated. Of these 30 per cent seem to have been weather balloons and the like and 30 per cent more are perhaps explainable conventionally-leaving 40 per cent unexplained.
The Air Force recently said there was no evidence that the discs were guided missiles fired from some other country, but that on the other hand it was not impossible that they were. Later the Air Force announced it was not making any further comments on the discs.
(Sources: )
January 1949 - Blue Book "Unexplained" Cases
Jan. 4, 1949; Hickam Field, Hawaii. 2 p.m. Witness: USAF pilot Capt. Paul Storey, on ground. one flat white, elliptical object with a matte top circled while oscillating to the right and left, and then sped away.
Jan. 27, 1949; Cortez-Bradenton, Florida. 10:20 p.m. Witnesses: Capt. Sames, acting chief of the Aircraft Branch, Eglin AFB, and Mrs. Sames. They watched for 25 minutes while a cigar-shaped object as long as two Pullman cars and having seven lighted square windows and throwing sparks, descended and then climbed with a bouncing motion at an estimated 400 m.p.h.
January 22, 1952 - Radar Detected UFOs Scramble AF
Jets For Cat n' Mouse Game

Report by: Captain Edward J. Ruppelt
Just twenty minutes after midnight on January 22, 1952, nineteen and a half hours after the Navy lieutenant commander had chased the UFO near Mitchell AFB, another incident involving an airplane and something unknown was developing in Alaska........... 
At 0020, twenty minutes after midnight, an airman, watching one of the outpost's radarscopes saw a target appear. It looked like an airplane because it showed up as a bright, distinct spot. But it was unusual because it was northeast of the radar site, and very few airplanes ever flew over this area. Off to the northeast of the station there was nothing but ice, snow, and maybe a few Eskimos until you got to Russia. Occasionally a B-5O weather reconnaissance plane ventured into the area, but a quick check of the records showed that none was there on this night. 
By the time the radar crew had gotten three good plots of the target, they all knew that it was something unusual - it was at 23,000 feet and traveling 1,500 miles an hour. The duty controller, an Air Force captain, was quickly called; he made a fast check of the targets that had now been put on the plotting board and called to a jet fighter-interceptor base for a scramble. 
The fighter base, located about 100 miles south of the radar site, acknowledged the captain's call and in a matter of minutes an F-94 jet was climbing out toward the north. 
While the F-94 was heading north, the radar crew at the outpost watched the unidentified target. The bright dots that marked its path had moved straight across the radarscope, passing within about 50 miles of the site. It was still traveling about 1,500 miles an hour. The radar had also picked up the F-94 and was directing it toward its target when suddenly the unidentified target slowed down, stopped, and reversed its course. Now it was heading directly toward the radar station. When it was within about 30 miles of the station, the radar operator switched his set to a shorter range and lost both the F-94 and the unidentified target. 
While the radar operator was trying to pick up the target again, the F-94 arrived in the area. The ground controller told the pilot that they had lost the target and asked him to cruise around the area to see if he and his radar operator could pick up anything on the F-94's radar. The pilot said he would but that he was having a littie difficulty, was low on fuel, and would have to get back to his base soon. The ground controller acknowledged the pilot's message, and called back to the air base telling them to scramble a second F-94. 
The first F-94 continued to search the area while the ground radar tried to pick up the target but neither could find it. 
About this time the second F-94 was coming in, so the ground radar switched back to long range. In a minute they had both of the F-94's and the unidentified target on their scope. The ground controller called the second F-94 and began to vector him into the target. 
The first F-94 returned to its base. 
As both the second F-94 and the target approached the radar site, the operator again switched to short range and again he lost the jet and the target. He switched back to long range, but by now they were too close to the radar site and he couldn't pick up either one. 
The pilot continued on toward where the unidentified target should have been. Suddenly the F-94 radar operator reported a weak target off to the right at 28,000 feet They climbed into it but it faded before they could make contact. 
The pilot swung the F-94 around for another pass, and this time the radar operator reported a strong return. As they closed in, the F-94's radar showed that the target was now almost stationary, just barely moving. The F-94 continued on, but the target seemed to make a sudden dive and they lost it. The pilot of the jet interceptor continued to search the area but couldn't find anything. As the F-94 moved away from the radar station, it was again picked up on the ground radar, but the unidentified target was gone. 
A third F-94 had been scrambled, and in the meantirne its crew took over the search. They flew around for about ten minutes without detecting any targets on their radar. They were making one last pass almost directly over the radar station when the radar operator in the back seat of the F-94 yelled over the interphone that he had a target on his scope. The pilot called ground radar, but by this time both the F-94 and the unidentified target were again too close to the radar station and they couldn't be picked up. The F-94 closed in until it was within 200 yards of the target; then the pilot pulled up, afraid he might collide with whatever was out in the night sky ahead of him. He made another pass, and another, but each time the bright spot on the radar operator's scope just stayed in one spot as if something were defianfly sitting out in front of the F-94 daring the pilot to close in. The pilot didn't take the dare. On each pass he broke off at 200 yards. 
The F-94 crew made a fourth pass and got a weak return, but it was soon lost as the target seemed to speed away. Ground radar also got a brief return, but in a matter of seconds they too lost the target as it streaked out of range on a westerly heading. 
As usual, the first thing I did when I read this report was to check the weather. But there was no weather report for this area that was detailed enough to tell whether a weather inversion could have caused the radar target. 
But I took the report over to Captain Roy James, anyway, in hopes that he might be able to find a clue that would identify the UFO. 
Captain James was the chief of the radar section at ATIC. He and his people analyzed all our reports where radar picked up UFO's. Roy had been familiar with radar for many years, having set up one of the first stations in Florida during World War II, and later he took the first aircraft control and warning squadron to Saipan. Besides worrying about keeping his radar operating, he had to worry about the Japs' shooting holes in his antennae. 
Captain James decided that this Alaskan sighting I'd just shown him was caused by some kind of freak weather. He based his analysis on the fact that the unknown target had disappeared each time the ground radar had been switched to short range. This, he pointed out, is an indication that the radar was picking up some kind of a target that was caused by weather. The same weather that caused the ground radar to act up must have caused false targets on the F-94's radar too, he continued. After all, they had closed to within 200 yards of what they were supposedly picking up; it was a clear moonlight night, yet the crews of the F-94's hadn't seen a thing. 
Taking a clue from the law profession, he quoted a precedent. About a year before over Oak Ridge, Tennessee, an F-82 interceptor had nearly flown into the ground three times as the pilot attempted to follow a target that his radar operator was picking up. There was a strong inversion that night, and although the target appeared as if it were flying in the air, it was actually a ground target. 
Since Captain James was the chief of the radar section and he had said "Weather," weather was the official conclusion on the report. But reports of UFO's' being picked up on radar are controversial, and some of the people didn't agree with James's conclusion. 
A month or two after we'd received the report, I was out in Colorado Springs at Air Defense Command Headquarters. I was eating lunch in the officers' club when I saw an officer from the radar operations section at ADC. He asked me to stop by his office when I had a spare minute, and I said that I would. He said that it was important. 
It was the middle of the afternoon before I saw him and found out what he wanted. He had been in Alaska on TDY when the UFO had been picked up at the outpost radar site. In fact, he had made a trip to both the radar site and the interceptor base just two days after the sighting, and he had talked about the sighting with the people who had seen the UFO on the radar. He wanted to know what we thought about it. 
When I told him that the sighting had been written off as weather, I remember that he got a funny look on his face and said, "Weather! what are you guys trying to pull, anyway?" 
It was obvious that he didn't agree with our conclusion. I was interested in learning what this man thought because I knew that he was one of ADC's ace radar trouble shooters and that he traveled all over the world, on loan from ADC, to work out problems with radars. 
"From the description of what the targets looked like on the radarscopes, good, strong, bright images, I can't believe that they were caused by weather," he told me. 
Then he went on to back up his argument by pointing out that when the ground radar was switched to short range both the F-94 and the unknown target disappeared. If just the unknown target had disappeared, then it could have been weather. But since both disappeared, very probably the radar set wasn't working on short ranges for some reason. Next he pointed out that if there was a temperature invenion, which is highly unlikely in northern Alaska, the same inversion that would affect the ground radar wouldn't be present at 25,000 feet or above. 
I told him about the report from Oak Ridge that Captain James had used as an example, but he didn't buy this comparison. At Oak Ridge, he pointed out, that F-82 was at only 4,000 feet. He didn't know how the F-94's could get to within 200 yards of an object without seeing it, unless the object was painted a dull black, 
"No," he said, "I can't believe that those radar targets were caused by weather. I'd be much more inclined to believe that they were something real, something that we just don't know about." 
Captain Edward J. Ruppelt
Former Head of Project Blue Book
(Source: )
January 16, 1958 - Trindade Island UFO Event
48 Witnesses & Six Sequential Photos Of Astounding
UFO In Flight - Best Evidence Ever?
Trindade Island is located at 20° 30' S. and 29° 20' W. in the Atlantic Ocean, about 1200 Km. off the coast of Brazil, the country to which it belongs. It is a small, rocky place, used during World War II as an antisubmarine base by the United States, but largely abandoned since. In October, 1958, during the International Geophysical Year, the Brazilian Navy established a meteorological and oceanographic station there. During January, 1958, the sailing vessel Almirante Saldanha of the Hydrographic and Navigation Division of the Brazilian Navy had anchored there, and on the morning of Jan. 16 was making ready to return to Rio.
Besides the normal crew of the Almirante Saldanha, under the command of Jose Saldanha da Gama, there were on board submarine divers to take underwater photographs around the island. This civilian group was headed by Amilcar Vieira Filho, a lawyer and bank executive, and, among others, included a retired captain of the Brazilian Air Force, Jose Teobaldo Viegas, as well as Almiro Barauna, a professional photographer. All in all, 48 ocular witnesses were on deck during the incident. Also on board, but not on deck, was Captain Carlos Alberto Bacellar, who had been responsible for the revamping of the installations on the island and was commander of the oceanographic station.
A few words concerning Barauna are mandatory, as the circumstances made him the leading character of the play. At the time, Barauna was 42 years old and had had a previous involvement with the subject of UFOs. It was he, in 1953, who had refuted the authenticity of the photographs taken by Ed Keffel at a place known as Barra da Tijuca(1). In so doing he had prepared photographs which demonstrated how such hoaxes could be perpetrated. It is unfortunate that the late Dr. Menzel, a somewhat unsuccessful debunker, as well as others(2), used Barauna's article to cast dispersions on Barauna, presenting him as a professional hoaxer.
On Jan. 6, 1958, amid preparations to cast anchor, Barauna was on deck with his f/2.8 lens Rolleiflex Model E camera. As he was prepared to take photos of the final trip of the small boat used between ship and shore, he had set the camera at f/8 and 1/125 second. The sea was not calm, and this had upset Barauna who had forgotten to take his seasickness pills. At 12:20 p.m. excitement broke out on deck at the fast approach of a bright object moving toward the island. Filho, Viegas and Lt. Ribeiro shouted to Barauna, gesticulating and pointing to the object in the overcast sky. It took Barauna about 30 seconds to get going; he then proceeded to take six photographs (at intervals of 14 seconds, as determined by later tests). The first two photographs were taken as the object approached the island. It then disappeared behind the central mountain (Desejado Peak) for a few seconds; as it reappeared a few seconds later, now moving in the opposite direction, it appeared closer and bigger. It then moved at high speed toward the sea, but Barauna missed the object in his next two frames, owing to the speed of the object and the confusion prevailing on deck at the time. He did obtain a final photo when the object was already far out to sea and when it, apparently, had stopped momentarily in mid-air. After about ten seconds it moved away and disappeared in the distance.
Commander Bacellar, as well as the other officers, insisted that the film be developed at once, in spite of the poor facilities on board for that purpose and lack of photographic paper to make prints. A bathroom was quickly transformed into a darkroom and the film was developed. The negatives were then inspected by Bacellar and others. Frames 4 and 5 showed only the sea and rocky coast
The photos were taken on a bright, overcast day, and the settings on the camera led to slightly overexposed negatives. It was, however, a wise decision of Barauna's not to attempt to modify the settings; if he had done so he might have lost his opportunity.
According to Capt. Viegas, the object was like a flattened sphere encircled at the equator by a large ring or platform. In Barauna's words, " made no noise, although with the shouting of the people on the deck and the noise of the sea, I cannot be certain. It had a metallic look, of an ash color, and has like a condensation of a green vapor around the perimeter, particularly in the advancing edge. Its motion was undulating, like the flight of a bat."
As determined by the photographs, the object was tilted slightly, the upper part directed toward the motion. It appears quite sharp in photos 2 and 3, corresponding to the closest approach and minimum speed, while the contours appear slightly blurred in photos 1 and 4, corresponding to the maximum distance. In view of the distance from camera to object, a shutter speed of 1/125 second is sufficient to freeze an object moving at speeds of several hundred miles per hour. (The Brazilian Navy estimated the speed of the object to be 600 to 700 mph.) The object shown in the four photos resembles the planet Saturn, and it is not luminous. The photos were proclaimed authentic by John T. Hopf, APRO photographic analyst, as well as by the Cruzeiro do Sul Aerophotogrammetric Service, to which they were referred by the Brazilian navy.
(Full report and photos: )

(For a few quality photos - )

January 1, 1978 - Veteran Pilot Sees Domed Saucer
With Windows At Close Range
A dome-shaped UFO with portholes was seen in broad daylight by veteran pilot Floyd P. Hallstrom of Oxnard, California. Hallstrom had been flying for 37 years, 1712 as a Navy combat air crewman and personal crew chief to admirals, including the Commander-in-Chief of the Atlantic Fleet.
Hallstrom had left Oxnard at about 12:35 p.m. in a Cessna 170A bound to San Diego via Los Angeles, following a friend, Jim Victor, who was delivering another plane to a customer at Brown Field, San Diego. The plan was for him to transport Victor back to Oxnard after the delivery. The two kept in touch by radio.
As Hallstrom approached Santa Monica at 7,500 feet altitude, the sky was clear except for a smog layer in the vicinity of Los Angeles International Airport. "At this time I was looking for Jim straight ahead," Hallstrom reported, "when I spotted [the UFO] just on the edge of the haze area above LAX [Los Angeles International Airport] slightly to the east side....I thought it was Jim so I watched it for about a minute because he had just given me his position report, but it seemed to get larger and coming toward me so I naturally realized that it wasn't Jim....
"I started looking to see what it was but I could see no wings on this aircraft although at this time I could see windows which appeared to be passenger windows in the aircraft. As it drew nearer though, I was able to determine that there were no wings or horizontal empennage assembly to the aircraft as a conventional aircraft...."
Hallstrom began wondering if it was some kind of helicopter, but it was approaching at high speed. As the UFO passed about 6,000 feet to his left, he was looking down on it an angle of about 30-45 degrees. Then the true form suddenly became clear to him. There were no rotors, no tail assembly.
"All of a sudden I was able to make out the complete form of a saucer shape or round object...I could see the dome, also very vividly clear, including all the windows.... [I] observed it to be of a very bright was more of a nickel or highly polished chrome or stainless steel type of metal than aluminum because it had more of a mellow glow than [if] it was of the type finish on a high finish aluminum."
About 16 to 20 evenly spaced windows were visible around the circumference of the dome, located just above the base. The dome appeared to be a perfect hemisphere about 20 feet in diameter resting on the base which was about 30 feet in diameter. The UFO continued on a course of about 310 degrees (opposite to Hallstrom's course) with no sign of rotation, oscillation, pitch, roll, or yaw. Neither was there any sign of a propulsion system. The sun reflected off the dome as a bright spot as the UFO passed. After about a minute the object disappeared from view behind the Cessna. Hallstrom estimated its speed at about 650 m.p.h. He quickly took notes and made a sketch of the UFO.
Reaching for his radio microphone, he first called Jim Victor to report what he had seen. Then he notified various FAA authorities.
Hallstrom, who was shaken by the sighting, later had troubling dreams, mostly about UFOs and aliens. He had not taken the subject seriously up to this time, but the implications of what he had seen struck home to him. He later reported that the experience had altered his entire life.
(MUFON UFO Journal, January 1978, pp. 3-5. Investigators:
Robert K. Bowker and Idabel Epperson.)
(Source: )

January 2, 1976 - UFO Photographed Over Malaysia
Photograph taken by an RAAF Serviceman on 2nd January at 6.15pm at Butterworth/Penang, Malaysia. The object was described as glowing in bright orange colour and had several portholes lining the edge.
January 8, 1981 - The Trans-en-Province Saucer
Yesterday, January 8. 1981, I was busy around the house as I am practically every day. I was behind the house, which is built over a restanque (raised level). I was building a concrete shelter for a water pump. Behind my house on the same level is an expanse of flat ground. It is reached through a path along the base of the house.
It was about 5PM. The weather was turning colder. My attention was attracted by a slight noise, a sort of faint whistling. I turned around and saw a device in the air at the height of a big pine tree at the edge of the property. This device, which was not spinning, was coming lower toward the ground. I was only hearing a slight whistling sound. I was not seeing any flames, either below or around this device.
While it was continuing to come down, I went closer by walking towards the stone cabin above my house.When I placed myself against the wall of the cabin, I could see very well over the roof, since this cabin too is built over a raised level. I was on the higher level, about 1.2 m from the roof. From that position, I clearly saw the device resting on the ground. Right away it lifted off, still emitting a slight whistling sound. Reaching a point above the trees, it left at high speed toward the forest of Trans, that is, towards the northeast.
When the device lifted off, I saw four openings below, through which neither flame nor smoke were escaping. The device kicked off a little dust when it left the ground. At that instant, I was about 30 m away from the landing site. Later I went to the spot and I noticed a circle about 2 m in in diameter. At certain places along the circumference of the circle were traces like abrasions...
The device had the shape of two saucers, one inverted on top of the other. It must have measured about 1.5 m in height. It was the color of lead. This device had a ridge all the way around its circumference. Under the machine I saw two kinds of pieces as it was lifting off. They could be reactors or feet. There were also two other circles which looked like trapdoors. The two reactors, or feet, extended about 20 cm below the body of the machine.
I have not felt any disturbance of the sense of vision or hearing.
Parts of the account obtained by a civilian investigator are also relevant:
There [the witness] discovers a sort of ovoid vehicle, with the general shape of two half spheres of unequal volume, clearly separated by a flat ledge, extending at least 15 cm and forming a ring around the metallic mass which has a... height of between 2 and 2.5 m/... The machine lifts off, making a slight amount of dust and with a soft whistling. Then itseems to tilt, exposing its underside, and it takes off at lightning speed, passing exactly between the two tall trees, at the exact spot from which it had seemed to fall.
For more info - Source: )


January 21, 1988 - Family Car Lifted By UFO
Adelaide, Australia UFO Sighting (Reported by CBS Radio)
Last night, an Australian family reported that their moving automobile was lifted from a road by a brightly glowing egg-shaped UFO. They said that the craft shook their vehicle violently and put it back on the road. Investigating authorities said the damaged vehicle was found to be covered by a gray ash-like substance which is being analyzed. Occupants of other vehicles in the area and a fishing boat crew also reported the UFO, and the authorities were said to be taking the reports seriously since there were so many witnesses.


Mrs Knowles and her there sons were driving form Perth to wards Mundrabilla when they saw lights ahead of them on the road. As they approached they realized that they were hovering above the ground just off the main road and indeed hovering over another vehicle.
They turned of the main road and chased back towards where the sighting had occurred; unfortunately, the light changed its course and came back to meet them. They met when something making an audible noise landed on the roof of their car.
The car was apparently dragged upwards and there was some consternation and agitation amongst the witness. Suddenly the vehicle was dropped back to the ground where it burst one of its tyres; where the object had been attached there was damage on the roof. Once the car was back on the ground their family leapt out and hid in the bushes until the UFO had gone. From their observation they described the object as a white light about the size as their car, making a sound like electrical humming.
Thoughout the incident the radio of the car had been malfunctioning though subsequent investigations by Paul Norman of VUFORS indicated that it was undamaged. Examination of the tyre indicated that it was ripped in the most extraordinary way all around its edge.
Subsequent investigations revealed a great many more UFO reports on the Nallarbour Plain on that night.
(Story from The UFO Encyclopedia/By John Spencer)
After these events, a bump (strangely, a dent) remained behind on the roof of the car and analysis of the dust found there showed the presence of oxygen, carbon, calcium, silicon, potassium, and perhaps also of astate, a radioactive element of synthetic origin. The witnesses, who did not maintain their anonymity, were broadly ridiculed by the Australian media.
(Sources: )
January 20, 1994
A huge, dark, disc-shaped object, reddish-brown in color, vanished suddenly in the skies over Coulommiers, France at 1:14 p.m. European time. The UFO was sighted by the crew of an Air France A320 airliner, and reported to air traffic control. Ground military radar tracked the UFO for 50 seconds at a speed of 100 knots. About one hour later, at 8:20 a.m. local time in Lancaster, New Hampshire, a diamond-shaped UFO with blunt points paused in the sky, then vanished. (Source: Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalogue of UFO Reports, 1988-1994).
January 20, 1996 - Varginha, Brazil: UFO Crash, Aliens Run Amuck,
Gov't Coverup, Dozens of Witnesses. Hoax or Brazilian Roswell?
Early reports were of a box-shaped black UFO emitting smoke, seemingly having trouble and eventually crashing. Later that day in various parts of the township mutant creatures of unknown origin and ghastly odor and appearance began to pop up. Initial reports stated that townspeople cornered on of the small creatures in a ravine and stoned it to death, shouting "Diablo!" as it appeared to have horn like protrusions on its head. The number of completely unverifiable details of the Varginha case leave one wondering if this was more an event of typical South American 'schlock' pseudo-news or the real deal. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. The raw info is as follows, as best as can be determined...

An unidentified flying object was picked up on US radar over Brazil (there were no Brazilian satellites), contact was however made with the Brazilians and the information was relayed. The Brazilian Air Force was scrambled while many people on the ground saw a cigar shaped craft expelling large amounts of smoke heading for the ground. In other parts of the town there were many anomalous lights reported.
The Brazilian Army and the local fire service went to the crash site in a coordinated joint operation. They go to the crash site as indicated by local eyewitness reports. On searching the area, a craft was not located, however an EBE was. It was wrapped in a camouflage net then put into a 1meter (3ft) square box before being loaded into a Brazilian Army Truck by soldiers.
On the same day, three girls (Liliane Fatima Silva, her sister Valquiria and Katia Andrade Xavier) saw a creature of the following description: Brown, soft skin ('like a heart'), large, red, bulging eyes and visible veins. They ran home and told their mom, who, being more bothered about something scaring her girls than being shot with an extraterrestrial AK-47 went after the creature. All she found was a footprint with a round palm and two long straight, forward facing toes.
Meanwhile, the Brazilian Army move the creature to the local hospital. It was a hot day and there were numerous townsfolk out on the streets who witnessed the military operation. By now, the press was on the trail, they were however, refused any coverage by the army, the reporters who failed to comply were scared off by soldiers. There was no identification of the creature from the hospital or the military.
Some members of the Brazilian army who actually held the creature after packing it into the net gave their report on the event to UFO researchers despite being told not to talk, at risk of losing their jobs. All reports however were in agreement as far as who was involved, the equipment used, etc.
The creature seen by the girls was not wearing any clothes and did not seem intelligent; maybe it was an extraterrestrial animal.
After the event, a woman attending a party at a local soon saw an identical creature as the girls had seen. Dr. Leila Cabral, a member of the zoo staff report anomalous problems and five unexpected deaths of animals with inconclusive port mortems.

(Source: )

(See also: )
January 1996 (day unknown) - Saucer Photographed

This photo appeared in a recent issue of UFOCUS, but it was not in color. It was taken in Denver, Colorado, January 1996 by Joe Clower, who was photographing some workmen painting the gold balls on a city monument. He was waiting for the workmen to get ready for the photograph when he saw this strange bell-shaped flying object in the sky.
Since the camera was already in hand, he took one picture while the object was at the left of the tall building. Then the object went behind the building and came out on the right side, and Joe took this second picture of it. There are three people in the photo, one on the ladder, one at the bottom of the ladder, and one man walking past. None of them seem to be aware of the UFO.

(note: it's a coin toss as to the authenticity of this image as attempts to get higher
resolution versions were not possible. But as it stands, there is no indication of wires or hoaxing)
Bob Thrift Institute For UFO Research Editor, UFOCUS Magazine
(no longer in existence).
(Source: )
January 4-5, 2000 - Giant Black Triangle Witnessed By Police & Citizens

"I looked up and there it was, just like a big house floating in the air, with
windows in it and a bright light on the inside, like there
might've been a big room in there."

On the night of Jan. 4, 2000, and early the morning of the 5th, in several townships outlying Chicago, Illinois, an enormous Black Triangle craft with intense lights and operating entirely outside the parameters of known aerial technology was witnessed by police officers as well as citizens from several different cities and districts along a path of more than a hundred miles. The collective descriptions of the craft conform to complete one of the most controversial and perhaps substantial and empirical cases of UFO phenomenon in history.
One would be hard pressed when reviewing all the evidence in this case to refute the existance of craft dynamically different from our contemporary level of propulsion and aerodynamics from origins unknown. For a complete analysis of the event, visit ...
January 11, 2001 - 600 UFO Reports In One Night In Northern Illinois
The WREX Channel 13 Television in Rockford, USA, and other news media reported that they had received some 600 reports of UFOs over this city in Northern Illinois around 9:00 PM on January 11, 2001. As many as twelve lights or UFOs were reported conducting maneuvers over the city. Some reports of computer and electrical shutdowns coincided with the reports. Later that night on all three of the news stations in Rockford reported the sightings. Some people reported seeing six lights while others reported seeing a dozen yellow orange lights hovering in the sky. The light sightings were made from 8:50 to 9:00 PM. Sightings have been fairly regular in recent months over the city.

January 26, 2003 - UFOs Captured By SOHO?

This picture was taken in space by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), a spacecraft, about a million miles from earth. Mike Murray, one of the founders of EUROSETI, said: "Some of the pictures are real crackers. They are the archetypal flying saucers - disc shaped objects with some kind of glow around them. Many have a pulsing light and leave a trail behind them. They come from all angles and directions." According to Murray, the craft were said to be moving in a way that suggested intelligent control.

"There's one especially which is really fabulous. It is a glowing disk with a pink disc-shaped object within the glow, and a turret on the top, Murray told BBC. "The first thing we did when we got the images was to speak to NASA, who said it was a camera fault. But by enhancing the images we proved this wasn't the case."

He said NASA then suggested the objects could be asteroids or comets - but this did not explain the way they appeared to move independently and make turns.

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